Isn't She Lovely?

By shealynnette

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I am not saying that Harry's past is a bad thing, but it isn't good. I can relate though... to the whole bad... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Twenty Nine

561 14 4
By shealynnette

Yay, finally another chapter! I am so sorry that you guys had to wait so long for this I have just been beyond busy lately. Thanks for sticking with me. <3 Ilysm. 

I stared down at my growing belly unable to see my own two feet anymore. It almost reminded me of a watermelon. My little body has had such a hard time holding Penelope but it’s worth it, all of this is worth it.

“Babe, I need your help!” I called out from my bedroom in hope that he had heard me. I can’t even tie my own shoelaces anymore and its getting a bit ridiculous. I was ready to hold my child in my arms but I still had a month to go… one more entirely too long month.

“What’s up?” I looked up into his bright eyes and smiled. Just his face made me feel better.

“Can you tie my shoes?” I plastered a smile onto my face as I brought my feet up to his chest and laid back onto my bed. I heard him chuckle but then felt a tug at my foot. “What would I do without you?”

“Go barefoot I guess.” I laughed at him as I nudged his chest with the foot he held in his hands. “Hey now, no need to get all feisty.” I brought myself up to my elbows and glared at him. But soon enough my lips grew into a smile.

“Can’t you tie any faster; we have some where to be.” I smiled as the words left my lips. I’ve been waiting for this day for a while now. I’m not sure if I am more excited, or more nervous… I guess you could say I am a little bit of both. It’s not even a big deal, but for me I see it as one.

“Let’s go then.” I grabbed onto his hand as he extended it towards me to help me up. I slowly rose to my feet as he wrapped his arms around me. “You’re so stunning, you know that?” To this day he still makes me blush so much. He leaned down and pressed his plump lips to my glossed ones.

“Now it looks like you’re wearing lipstick Harry.” I giggled as I wiped my thumb over his lips in an attempt to remove the shiny gloss that coated them. His dimples became visible as he grinned down at me. Has he always been this gorgeous?

“C’mon, we don’t want to be late.” He pulled away from me and headed towards our front door.

“Hold on, I have to go to the bathroom real fast.”

“Am I gonna have to help you up again?” I shot a cold glare towards him but all he did was laugh as I shut the bathroom door behind me. I pulled up my yellow summer dress and sat down. I don’t think I have ever used the rest room so much in my whole life as much as I have in this past month.

I raised myself up and headed towards the sink. I washed my hands as I looked at myself in the mirror. You know how people talk about that pregnancy glow? Well I feel like that’s true… I have felt so pretty these past couple months. I don’t know what it is, but I like it.

“I’m going to leave you.” I hurriedly dried my hands and rushed out the door after Harry.

“I can’t believe you’d leave me behind.” He chuckled as he revved the engine of his mustang and pulled out of our drive way.

Having your own place has its perks you know. It’s just Harry and I all of the time and it’s pretty perfect. After graduation we decided to move in together and I think that that was one of the best decisions we have ever made. It has helped our relationship so much. I have been nothing but happy since May. Everything is just wonderful… besides one thing.

“We’re here.” I looked out the window to see my old home greeting me. I smiled at the fond memories it held, and tried to block out the bad ones.

My door opened as Harry helped me out of the car. I looked over to see Aidan's car sitting in the drive way. He had already arrived which didn’t surprise me at all. My eyes made their way to the front door as my mother walked out wearing an apron over her green dress.

“Rebecca hunny, you look so pretty.” She reached out for a hug at the same time that I did.

“Hi mom,” She squeezed me hard before letting me go. She placed her hand on my belly and stooped lower as she began to speak.

“How is my little granddaughter in there? Are you doing good sunshine?”

“Mother, stop it.” My face grew red with embarrassment as she rose back up to her normal stature.

“I’m sorry, c’mon you two, I have a great lunch set out for everyone.” I smiled as Harry placed his arm around me and began following my mother inside. My stomach was in knots now… I just don’t know if I am ready to meet her yet. After everything… he found someone else. I guess I shouldn’t care, right?

“Rebecca, wow you look great.” My eyes looked up to see a handsome Aidan standing before me. He extended his arms to embrace me in a hug. I welcomed his warm arms as he wrapped them around my frail body.

“You don’t look so bad yourself.” I looked down at the floor as I spoke the words to the man standing before me. I never in a million years thought that it would be remotely awkward with him but for some reason, I feel that way.

“I would like for you to meet someone Becca.” He smiled at me as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen. I didn’t want to meet her… I didn’t want her to be better than me, but I knew that she would be. He deserves that though. He deserves that happiness I never gave to him.

I looked up to find a girl standing before me. She was in a band tee and jeans with a pair of converse. She looked to be about nineteen or twenty. Her hair was a natural red and it draped past her shoulders. Freckles showered her face in random spots and her eyes were a dazzling blue, just like Aidans.

“Hey I’m Andrea, I’ve heard so much about you.” She smiled at me revealing a white smile. Although some teeth were crooked, it was actually kind of cute.

“And I am Rebecca; it’s so nice to finally meet you.” I was lying. I felt Harry’s arm wrap around me making his presence known. “This is my boyfriend Harry.” He extended his hand toward the tall lanky girl before us as she did the same.

“It is great to meet you both.” We all smiled and then there it was… Aidan laced his fingers with hers making her look towards the floor and blush. I don’t know what it was but everything inside of me wanted to tear them apart.

“Maybe we should all head outside for lunch, yeah?” I rushed past them and quickly found a seat at the large table placed on the back porch. I don’t know why I was looking forward to this anymore. I wish it was only Aidan… no Andrea. I don’t want her having him. It’s crazy how selfish I sound right now but I just can’t stand it.

“Are you okay love?” I felt Harry’s hand being placed on my thigh as he took the seat next to me.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I smiled but it was forced and he knew that.

“I’m gonna go make you a plate. You just stay here, alright?” I smiled at him and watched him walk back inside. Andrea and Aidan were sitting at the bar. They were so close and she was giggling making Aidan show that smile I only thought was for me. But I was wrong; all he needed was another girl who loved his smile just as much.

I wish I’d forget and move on like he has, but it’s hard. I know I have Harry and everything is just so perfect, but a part of me will always love Aidan. I won’t ever stop loving him.

Aidan’s glance turned towards me. I was already fighting back tears and I knew that he would be able to tell, but I smiled anyways. I smiled as the tears rolled down my cheeks. This is right; this is what is supposed to happen. I am supposed to be with Harry, and Aidan is meant to be with someone else.  

Aidan quickly excused himself from the bar and was sitting next to me in a matter of seconds. He didn’t say anything at first because he already knew what was wrong. He knows exactly what I am feeling because he had to go through the same thing watching Harry and I together. Now I know how that feels… watching someone you love, love someone else.

“Was this too soon?” I quickly shook my head no. They’ve been together a month now; I had to meet her sooner or later. I might have just preferred later…

“She really is lovely Aidan.” I smiled even though the tears falling from my eyes spoke a different emotion.

“Yeah, I think so.” He smiled at me as his eyes lit up while he watched her speak with my father in the kitchen.

“I’m happy for you.” I don’t know if I am lying or not, but I felt like that should be said. I should be happy for him; for them. He has learned to still love me but let me be happy with someone else and that is exactly what I need to do.

“That means a lot coming from you.” He reached his hand across the table and set it on top of mine. “I will always love you no matter what, you know that right?” I closed my eyes as the tears continued to escape. I shook my head yes as he pulled his hand away from mine and removed himself from the table. I quickly opened my eyes to see him walk back inside and take his spot by Andrea.

I grabbed a napkin that was sat on the table and quickly dried my eyes. I didn’t want to be this emotional, it just happens. I blame it on Penelope. These pregnancy hormones are going to be the death of me.

“Here, all your favorites.” I smiled at his voice as he placed a plate in front of me. He leaned down and pressed his soft lips to mine and took his seat next to me. Just as he sat down everyone came outside with their plate and joined us at the table.

We all looked happy as intimate conversations were shared throughout the table. The only one that wasn’t talking was Danny. He was just enjoying his mashed potatoes and steak.

“So darling, how many months are you now? Eight?” I smiled at her questions before I gladly answered it.

“I’m 36 weeks, so only 4 more to go and we should get to see her finally.” Everyone smiled at me except for Aidan. His face was hard and showed no emotion. I looked over at Harry to see him grinning from ear to ear. He placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed, reassuring me that everything was okay.

I looked back over at Aidan to see him still with no smile, but this time a sense of worry was washed over him. I couldn’t help it anymore… but every time we bring up Penelope and when she’ll be here he acts just like this. I honestly don’t think he wants it to be his anymore. 

“Are you excited to be a father Harry?” I looked up at him to still see him smiling.

“I don’t know if I have ever been more excited for anything in my whole life.” I could feel the tears already start to swell up in my eyes. He was just so perfect in every way.

“Hey Becca, can I talk to you inside for a second?” I looked over at Aidan with a confused look on my face. I had no idea what he wanted to talk about and nor did I care right now. I shook my head yes and excused myself from the table.


“I wanna tell them. I can’t stand people thinking that she is Harrys anymore.” The words he spoke utterly confused me. So this is why he acted all weird about it?

“Can’t we just wait till she is born? Then we’ll get the DNA test and know for sure before we tell anyone anything. I like it this way Aidan. It’s been so simple and so easy lately.”

“So you’re saying that it’s been simple and easy without me? Is that it? I am really the only thing that has changed besides y’all moving in together to make your life easier Rebecca.” This wasn’t fair. He was the one that stopped coming over for dinner and stopped being there like he always had.

“Whose fault is that though? I didn’t tell you to just disappear like you did? And the first time I see you, you’re in love with someone else. Do you know how hard that is for me? To just see that you don’t love me anymore when I still love you so much.” I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. Seeing him for the first time in over a month is just killing me. I missed him so much and I just don’t think he realizes that.

“You honestly think that I don’t love you anymore? Are you absolutely crazy? I will never stop loving you.” He was close to me now and I can’t even tell you how great that feels.

“But you have her now… you’re done with me and it’s hard to just be slapped in the face with that.” He brought his lips to my forehead and let them linger for a second while his hand was softly pressed against my cheek.

“I will never be done with you. I will never stop loving you. And I swear to you, I will never leave you.”

“But you are, and you have… and what do you think you did for those times you just stopped talking to me for a month? And then you just pop back up like you didn’t leave in the first place.” I was fighting the urge to slap his beautiful face. I knew that I didn’t want to hurt him, but he has already hurt me so much. None of this was fair… none of it at all.

“When I am around you it’s hard not to be this close to you, or be able to kiss you whenever I want. Or to grab your hand and just hold you so you know you’re safe. It’s hard to just be your friend and nothing more all of the time.”  

“Is that why you found someone else? To replace me?” It was a question I did want to know the answer to. It wasn’t fair to her if that’s what he wanted because he isn’t going to find another me. I am only one person and no two are alike… if he wants me it’ll have to really be me.

“No. I don’t want to replace you. I just want to have someone who makes me happy, and in return; I want to make them happy.” I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. It was one of the hardest things not to just lean in and press my lips to his.

“I don’t want to lose you again.” I was so close to him to where I was sure he felt my breath touch his face. He pressed his forehead to mine and took a deep breath.

“You never lost me in the first place.” I smiled at his words. I knew he meant them but he didn’t see what I saw for those times he left me. “I love you sweetheart.” I just wanted him to kiss me so I know he meant what he just said. I want him to mean that.

“You don’t even know how hard it is to not kiss you right now.” I heard him laugh which made me smile.

“I wish I could kiss you, but I know where that line is drawn.” I shook my head yes against his so he knew I heard him. “Maybe we should get back outside.” He pulled away from me and began to walk away.

“Aidan?” He turned towards me and raised his eyebrows. “So you’re not going to tell them right?”

“I won’t… only because you want to wait.” I smiled and took a sigh of relief. I really didn’t want that bomb dropped quite yet.

I followed Aidan outside and placed myself back into the seat next to Harry. I looked around the table to see everyone smiling and that made me happy.

“You feel better love?” I smiled at him and shook my head yes.

“I do feel better… it was nice talking to him again.” Harry smiled at me and then kissed my lips ever so slightly. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to mine. I smiled at how much he shows he loves me. I quickly pulled away when I saw a bright flash coming from the other side of the table.

“I’m sorry you two. You guys were just too cute to not take a picture.” I blushed at my mother and then turned towards Harry so see his smile grow larger. His dimples were on full display and he looked so adorable.

“You’re adorable.” I smiled up at him as the words rolled off of my lips. He chuckled and then continued eating the food left on his plate as everyone did the same.

I have to say I was a little surprised that today turned out the way it did, but I think that this was necessary.  I needed to see Aidan and I needed to see him happy. I shouldn’t care that it is someone else making him smile, but as long as he is happy, I should be happy, right?

“Babe?” I jerked my head towards his voice as he grabbed my empty plate in front of me. “You were spacing out again.”

“I’m sorry.” I rubbed the sides of my head and rose to my feet. “Is it time to go?” He shook his head yes as he brought all of the dishes inside. I followed him but instead resided in the living room with everyone else.

“Someone must have been tired.” I laughed and nodded.

“It was great seeing everyone, and it was nice meeting you Andrea.” She smiled at me as I turned to walk towards the front door.

“Harry babe, c’mon… I’m not feeling all that good.” I leaned my body up against the door and slid to the floor. My vision was hazy and my stomach was killing me. “Seriously Harry, something isn’t right.” I felt a hand press against my forehead.

“You’re burning up.” It was Aidan’s voice and that’s the last thing I heard before the pain in my stomach overtook my whole being. I let out a scream and I could feel more people begin to surround me.

What is happening to me? 

So what did you think? I hope everyone is happy that Aidan found someone else... or is he just trying to make Becca happy?

Team Hecca, or Team Raidan?!

Don't forget to comment! I love reading them oh so much. <3

Oh, and @Honey467, I'm sure everything will work out. (: It's crazy how you relate to this story so much. I'm glad you are enjoying it. <3

Don't forget to vote!<33

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