Love Hurts, Real Love Heals

By Azsan6

33.2K 2.8K 127

Falling in love for the first time, being in love for the first time, feel happy as a lover for once then the... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45

Part 44

714 51 0
By Azsan6

-not edited-

After a few knocks Farm opens the door, he looks unwell because his face is paler than usual. Farm sighs and wants to close the door back when he sees Tan. He doesn't want to see Tan at all, that's why he is hiding at home.

Tan stops the door from closing and opens it wider, Farm has no energy to keep blocking the door anymore. Tan enters the house, ignoring how Farm is struggling with the door.

"Get out of my house!"

"Please, let me explain. Listen to me first" Tan continues begging while holding the door, Farm is trying hard to close the door on his face.

While they are playing push and pull, the door finally closed but unfortunately Tan's finger were trapped. Tan is in pain and yell a little making Farm  surprised and opens the door back. Tan already sitting on the floor because of the pain.

"I've told you to let go!" The finger is red and look painful but Farm still wants to scold Tan for being stupid.

"Please, let's talk" Tan still begging for Farm to give him a chance to make things right.

"We need to treat this first, you should think about your finger, not me!" Farm helps Tan to stand up and he keeps nagging Tan for putting his finger there.

Tan smiles a little, Farm still worry about him a lot making him feels he has the chance to repair their relationship.

Tan let Farm treats his finger, it was really hurt before but it's bearable now, he just hope it didn't break like his brother's.

"We should go to clinic and check this" said Farm, even though he already bandage it he can't feel calm yet.

"It's not hurt so bad now, I'm okay"

"We can't see the bone, what if it's break"

"I don't think so, I still can move my finger. This will get better in a few days" it doesn't hurt much right now so he thinks it's okay.

"If you're okay you can go now"

"Farm, don't say that. Let's talk" Tan is trying to give his best puppy eyes he has and Farm always fall dor that before.

"What else to say?"

"I've tell everything to my parent, about me and Lily and also about me and you"


"I've told them everything. How much I love you as my lover and they want to see you. They already know you as my friend but this time they want to meet you as my lover. Mae already excited to have another son in law" Tan holds Farm's hand dearly.

Farm is happy, excited and scared at the same time. He knows how kind Tan's parent are but he doesn't know if he is ready to meet them as Tan's lover. He is just a normal people.

"But, I'm no one"

"Love, you know I don't like it when you talk like that. It's hurt me when you look so lowly on yourself" Tan caress Farm's cheek softly. He knows Farm is insecure about his job and everything else, he is an orphaned since small.

"It's hard to not think about that"

"If you're not ready, we can wait to meet my parents. No need to rush, right now, do you forgive me?" Ask Tan hopeful.

Farm smiles and hold Tan's face in his palm. He puts their foreheads together and kiss Tan's nose

"Yes and I'm sorry to,for hurting you and running away"

"No need to apologise. It did hurt me with your words before, when you said we just slept together. It was a drunk night for the first time but it's not just lust" Tan still regrets when he approached Farm because he was drunk but he knows he won't let it happen just like that if doesn't care about Farm at all.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. I was angry at that time, I meant nothing bad at all"

"It's okay, I understand. But,,," Tan smirks and move towards Farm like a predator, Farm moves away backward till the end of the sofa, he is stuck now.

"I miss you, can I get some love now, my love?" Tan bites his lips suductively. Farm has nowhere to run but it's embarrassing to do it in the living room.

"Here?" Ask Farm, they are in the living room, what if Kit come home and see them doing something unthinkable here.

"Let's go to your room then" Tan gets up and pull Farm into hir arm, he lifts Farm easily in his hand. He hiss in pain when he puts pressure on his finger but he can bear it.

"Your finger! Be careful" scold Farm because he is worried when Tan hiss in pain.

"No worries"

Tan brings Farm to the bedroom, he enters and clsoe the door fast, he even lock it before throwing Farm on the bed and crawls on top of Farm. They have done it a few times but never fail to make both of them flush red.

"I miss you" Tan starts kissing Farm's face and then move to the necks, he is leaving the lips to tease Farm.

"Kiss me, kiss me" begs Farm in rush, heal wants to taste Tan's lips now, he miss his boyfriend so much.

"I love you"

"Me too. I love you"

They are in love and miss eachother so much. They conveys their feelings through their body.

They both fall asleep after few hours, when they wake up it's totally dark and it's night time already. Farm wakes up first, he let Tan sleep and get off from the bed still naked.

He blushes so hard when he see himself, he takes his towel and have a long shower before he comes out. He opens the table lamp and get out from the room, he is hungry.

"I see Tan's car at the parking. Where is he?" Ask Kit directly, he is sitting on the sofa while watching tv. He has been home for an hour and he can't see Farm and Tan anywhere in here.

"Uh, Tan, I, Tan..." Farm doesn't know what to say, Kit still has no idea about his relationship yet.

"Is that hickeys on your neck?" Kit comes to Farm and look at the red marks, he has been suspicious about Tan and Farm but he respects them and wait for them to be honest with him.

Farm is sweating buckets, he just took shower but now he is hot again, what should he do?

"Love, where are you?" There the answer comes out himself, Tan already wear a short but topless and still in daze coming out from Farm's bedroom

"Love?!" Kit's voice startles both of them making Tan fully awake now. He looks at Kit with wide eyes before he looks at Farm speechless.

"Go take shower, I will explain to Kit" Farm goes to Tan and push Tan to get into the room back.

"I will order something to eat" said Farm

"We can talk together, just let me shower first"

"It's okay. Go now"

"Okay." Tan smiles and he kiss Farm's for a brief moment.

Farm orders food for three of them and he told Kit what happened between them till today, Kit is not very surprised because he has his suspicion but he is a little angry Tan and Farm choose to keep it from him. They are best friends.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. Tee also know about it today too." Tan already done with his shower and join then at the dining table.

"It's fine. I'm happy for you both" Kit is really happy for them.

"Then, when are you telling us about you and Phi Kim?" Ask Tan out of nowhere. Kit is shocked and Farm is blur. What?!

"You, how?"

"Well, Phi Kim ask about you a lot and I've seen him sending you home before. He may look goofy but he is a nice man" Kim did ask about Kit a lot and he realise Kim has feelings for Kit but Tan wants Kim to approach Kit himself, he also wants to make sure Kim is serious about his best friends.

"We are still getting to know eachother."

"Finally, you open up to someone now. I hope for the best Kit. I'm sure Phi Kim is a nice man" Farm is really happy if Kit finally has someone in his life too .

"Thank you" Kit smiles shyly, it's still early for him because they just know eachother for a month. It's still a long way to a relationship.

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