Iggy & Rex: The Adventure Con...

By Iggymuncher

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Taking place 2 months after the events of volume I, Iggy and Rex are back, and they're stronger than ever. Wi... More

Episode 12: A Tangled Web

Episode 13: New Redemptions

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By Iggymuncher


There she stared, looking deep into the warrior's eyes. Muffet observed Eddie as he stood firmly in place, not moving a single muscle. He stared back directly into Muffet's spider eyes, showing his true wolfamorphic rage through his cloudy grey eyes. The grey within him brewed furiously around like an oncoming tornado. Muffet's snarl slowly turned into a devilish grin. Eddie could sense conflict within Muffet, as if she was trying to fight against something. His eyes and rage slowly decreased, as he sensed Muffet's pain. Still gripping his scythe tightly, he waited for Muffet to speak.

Muffet: Well, you're certainly one of the more brave creatures that I've seen

Eddie: It's over, Muffet. Let them go!

Muffet: *laughs* And why should I do that?

Eddie: Let me pit it this way; do you still want to keep all eight of your legs? 

Muffet: I wouldn't be making threats if I were you, human

Eddie: *scoffs* Human? I don't think you know who I am! Go on, take a good look

Muffet looked Eddie up and down, trying to figure out what exactly he was, as if the ears and tail didn't give it away. As she slowly realised that he was indeed a wolfamorph, she began to remember her experiences with them during the one thousand year war.

Muffet: I'm surprised that your kind wants anything to do with this dimension. I thought you had to stay in Sodor?

Eddie: Times have changed. I must say I'm quite shocked with your behaviour. From my understanding your species was a peaceful race. Believe it or not, we came to arrange peace with you! Look at yourself, is this what a humble spider queen would do to a bunch of innocent travellers?

Muffet: *angry* Well maybe if you didn't kill my kind, I would consider sparing your friends! 

Eddie: We never killed any of your spiders!

Muffet: You and all your friends destroyed our only home! All of us had to flee in terror after your plot to destroy The Core

Eddie: We were not in control over what happened in The Farlands, that was the work of Lord Farquad and Professor Pester 

Muffet: The only reason we were there in the first place was because we lost our home dimension!

Iggy: *confused* Lost your home dimension? How do you lose a dimension?

Muffet: *points to Iggy* You tell me, you were the one behind it all!

Iggy: *eyes widen* Me?! I did no such thing!

Muffet: My home world, the entirety of the underground was taken by the dreaded silver men, and their twisted leader! Our home collapsed in on itself, leaving us as the last survivours. You and your army took everything from us! Our home, our friends, our family... 

Iggy: I would never do something like that!

Muffet: *hisses* Your lies won't save you from your inevitable fate!

Rex: What silver men, what are you talking about?

Muffet: Quiet, peasant! 

Eddie: You're not going to get away with murdering my friends!

Muffet: *hisses back* And what right do YOU have to tell ME what to do?! 

Eddie: I think you're forgetting something, Muffet. I'm not just a wolfamorph, I'm a death god. So if you don't want a massacre on your hands, I suggest you let them go now!

Muffet: You don't scare me, wolfamorph! Once your friends have been sacrificed, my spiders will take back what is rightfully ours! Herotown will become a Utopia for all of spider-kind!

Eddie: *frowns* I warned you... I'm sorry 

Muffet: Spiders, restrain the wolfamorph!

Just then, Nigel crawled down the web that led to the throne room in a hurry, guarding him from the other blue eyed menaces. 

Muffet: Nigel? What are you doing?!

Nigel: I won't let you hurt him! This wolfamorph must be spared, along with the other prisoners!

Muffet: Explain this traitory at once!

Nigel: These humans are not evil, your highness! They came to organise peace, they want to help us!

Muffet: The damage has already been done! Besides, we already have our alliance with the other humans

Eddie: Alliance?

Muffet: Yes! They contacted us, they told me everything about you and your little Destiny Division 

Iggy: Who are they?

Muffet: *shouts* Silence, human! Now, lower them into the pit!

Nigel: Miss Muffet, you must listen!

Muffet: It's too late now! It is time for the humans to pay for their crimes!

Just then, Muffet's pet began to slowly crawl out of the pit, jabbing at Iggy and the other prisoners. The big, grey furry beast stared at them with its many different eyes. 

Muffet: Now my pet, kill them!

Marie: Iggy! You still got that hunting knife?!

Iggy: Yeah!

Marie: Quick, pass it over!

Baldi: You better know what you're doing Marie, because we're gonna be spider food if you don't hurry up!

Marie: Of course I know what I'm doing! 

Muffet: *roars* Stop her!

Marie sliced the spider web with one swift cut, freeing herself from the webbed prison. She quickly grabbed onto the web and dangled from it, close to falling down into the pit below. Using her strength, she began to swing herself so she could get to Iggy's web. At the same time, she was swiftly dodging the gigantic spider's many attacks, swinging like Tarzan so she wouldn't get hit.

Marie: *starts cutting* So what's your plan?

Iggy: All the exits are blocked by spiders 

Marie: So?

Iggy: We can't hurt any spiders, remember?

Marie: Who cares, she doesn't want peace now 

Iggy: I'm still holding out. Let's just get back to Herotown and call for reinforcements 

Marie: How do you plan on doing that when there's no way out?

Iggy looked down into the deep dark pit, he could feel the darkness stare back into his eyes and soul, warning him not to jump down.

Iggy: There's only one way out 

Marie: *smirks* You never would 

Iggy: Watch me

Iggy summoned his two swords and leaped down into the dark pit below. Muffet stood up from her throne, enraged yet astonished that her prisoner had such determination. 

Muffet: *angry* After them, NOW! Don't let them get away!

Eddie: Come on Nige, we gotta get out of here

Nigel: I can't leave my home!

Eddie: Don't worry, we will come back. We need to go back to our home town, it'll be safe there 

Nigel: *cautious and anxious* Okay Eddie 

Marie: *cutting down the last web* You better get ready to jump

Baldi: *petrified* OH HELL NO! Spiders are one thing, but HEIGHTS?! Not happening!

Marie: *accidently cuts bottom of web* Whoops!

Baldi: *falling* Danm youuuuuuu!-

Marie: *to Eddie* You ready to run, Ed?

Eddie: We're ready 

Marie: *jumps down* Later spider lady!

Muffet: After them!

Eddie and Nigel jumped down into the pit, landing on a small patch of web. In front of them was a large tunnel which led back outside. Iggy and the others were already far ahead, running as fast as they could. Eddie and Nigel quickly caught up with them, dodging spiky rocks and oncoming webs. Soon enough, the blue eyed spiders caught up to them, trying to recapture the prisoners. 

Tom: *screams* Run!

Iggy and the gang sprinted through the spider filled cavern, trying to escape the oncoming army of ferocious spiders. The cave violently shook, as rocks crumbled and fell around them. Iggy was trying very hard not to lose his footing, and destroy rocks with his swords at the same time. Suddenly, everything stopped, as if time had frozen.

Eddie: *freeze frames and looks directly at reader* Well, here we are! Now you know how I, the handsome death god wolfamorph, ended up in this situation. Now I bet  you're wondering, how the hell do I get out of this one? Well, let's find out together 

Iggy: *freeze frame stops* Tom, is she here?!

Tom: *shouts* Just called her in, she should be here any second!

Baldi: Who's she?!

Tom: *smiles* You'll see!

Rex: Whatever it is you've called, it better be here soon!

At last, the gang made it out of the terrifying ravine. Eddie summoned his scythe and tried to buy Tom some time by scaring off the spiders. In the misty morning sky, a strange flying object was heading towards them. Iggy smiled at the sight of the object, whilst Rex and Marie looked on in confusion, 

Tom: Here she is!

Marie: What is it?

Tom: That's my helicopter!

Iggy: She hasn't aged a day!

Eddie: *struggling* That's all well and good, but could I have a little help here?!

Rex summoned his electricity powers with swift force. Bolts of lightning strike down from the sky, making the spiders back away in terror.

Rex: That oughta shock em'!

Iggy: No time for puns Rex, we need to get the hell out of this place  

Nigel: How am I supposed to fit on that thing?

Tom: You can get on top, its a strong helicopter that can hold almost anything 

Nigel: If you say so 

Baldi: *impressed* That is a nice looking helicopter! Sadly it's not as good as my old school bus 

Eddie: *facepalms* You really couldn't be more biassed, could you?

Tom: Right, I've got her all up and running. Everyone get on! 

The gang made their daring escape from the high mountain cliffside, with the rest of the spiders looking on with rage. Muffet, now wearing a black gothic dress, marched to the cliffside whilst holding a metal cane. She scowled at the sight of her prisoners' freedom, clenching her fists angrily. Her eyes sparked plasma blue, with each spark bouncing around her eyes like sharp needles.

Muffet: *coldly* Everyone return to the hive. I'll deal with this myself. Get in contact with the allies... 

Back at the Destiny Division base, Garnet was writing up a document about the most recent mission Iggy and Rex had been on. All of a sudden the automatic doors zoomed open, with Iggy and Rex running into the base in a panic.

Iggy: *shouts* Garnet, they're coming! 

Rex: *packing bags* We need to prepare, arm ourselves!

Garnet: *puts papers down quickly* Hold on, hold on, boys boys boys, what's going on?

Iggy: *gulps* We were captured by Muffet, the Queen of the spiders. We luckily escaped on Tom's helicopter, but there's no doubt that she's going to send the spiders here! We need to get in contact with Lord Shaggy 

Garnet: He's not been here for a few days now. He went to an interstella conference in space with that Creator Galaxy person who helped us during the cyber invasion 

Eddie: *raises eyebrow* What for? I haven't been made aware of this 

 Garnet: I'll have to explain later, this isvery serious 

Iggy: We bought a local spider back with us, strangely enough this one does not have the blue or yellow eye infection that's been on most other spiders 

Nigel: *waves nervously* Hi 

Garnet: Who is their leader?

Rex: Muffet the spider queen, she has a vendetta against us for supposedly destroying her home dimension. We've come to believe that it's her sending these spiders to Herotown, as a form of vengeance 

Garnet: Okay, surely there's a way we van negotiate with Muffet 

Iggy: Not a chance, we learnt that the hard way 

Marie: She's crazy, and that's saying something coming from me 

Iggy: We hitched a ride on Tom's helicopter. We would've been spider food if we didn't make that escape 

Jerry: Is TO okay?

Tom: *jogs in* I'm okay, don't worry. I've got her on emergency fuel right now, so if there's any sudden attack we can make an escape 

Jerry: Okay that's somewhat reassuring 

Eddie: *rubs chin* What was it that Muffet said about an alliance?

Rex: Yeah, she said she'd report back to the allies, whatever that means 

Eddie: Come to think of it, I could sense conflict within her during our brief confrontation, it sounded like her soul was weeping, begging to be heard

Iggy: What else could you sense?

Eddie: Her eyes flickered blue... Plasma blue... 

Iggy: *thinks* If this means what I think it means, we may have another potential great threat on our hands 

Baldi: Again? We only just got out of one!

Tom: Iggy's right. For all we know, Lord Fatquad or even Chucky could be this so called ally 

Garnet: We'll we're going to need more information if we want to make a plan 

Eddie: *grips scythe* Let me go back to the ravine. I can sense other life forms' souls after all. I can gather more info 

Iggy: *turns to Garnet and nods* He's right

Garnet: You think you can manage by yourself?

Eddie: My scythe is feared by millions and millions of different civilizations. Trust me, I think I can manage a few spiders. Beside my scythe, I have a secret weapon that will accompany me 

Nigel: Please I beg of you, don't kill Muffet

Eddie: *puts his hand on Nigel's right front leg* You have my word. I can sense that something is wrong within her, I want to fix that 

Iggy: And what of us, Garnet? 

Garnet: I have some other concerns that we must attend to. Eddie's spider friend could help us 

Nigel: *curious* Me?

Garnet: Yes, if anyone has any knowledge of spiders, it would be you of course 

Nigel: Well I can certainly try and help 

Rex: How's Eddie gonna get there?

Eddie: I can teleport, don't worry 

Marie: *hands Eddie a walkie talkie* Use this to communicate. We'll be on our way in an instant if anything goes wrong 

Eddie: Thanks. Wish me luck 

Iggy: *goes to Eddie and hugs* Thanks for getting us out of there, Eddie. Stay safe and good luck

Eddie: *blushes slightly* I'll do my best 

Iggy: Don't almost die on us again, okay?

Eddie: *spins scythe* You can count on me 

As Eddie teleported away in a blue flash, Baldi slowly stood up from his seat and looked out of the holographic windows.

Baldi: Those things are coming any minute now, and we have no leader to help us. Shaggy is gone and Shrek is still out there... Who on Earth can save us now?

Yoda: *walks in* So negative, why are you, hm?

Iggy: *turns around in surprise* Master Yoda! Boy, are we glad to see you! Where have you been?

Yoda: Busy running the council, I am. What is this about hopelessness, hm? Giving up, are we?

Baldi: There's an army of spiders coming to destroy Herotown, and there's no way we can save everyone from them

Yoda: In quite the situation you are, hm? Train, we will. Prepare, we must 

Baldi: Well we can certainly try, but-

Yoda: No! Do or do not, there is no try

Iggy: If there's one thing Yoda's taught us, it's that we can't give up, and if you're gonna do something, do it right 

Garnet: *crouches down* Master Yoda, there's something in the facility basement that you need to see. We've been having spider problems, and some have been suffering with a strange blue and yellow eyed infection of some sort. Could you help us out?

Yoda: Mmmm, help you, I will!

Garnet: That's great *turns to Nigel* Nigel, please prepare, this is some heavy stuff... 

Eddie entered his cave in a hurry, immediately grabbing a spanner and pulling the blanket off of his workbench. He swiftly began to prepare for his mission, finishing up a project he was close to finishing before the spider situation started.

Eddie: All I need to do is finish this last attachment and you'll be up and running again, old friend 

The large hooded tank in the corner of the room sat dormant in the same position it was left in. Eddie had been working on a top secret project for the past two months, bringing his pet project all the way from Sodor. Since the situation was dire, he needed help now more than ever. At last his final attachment was complete. It was a sharp claw attached to a thin, grey metal pole. Eddie looked down at the claw, proud of his newest creation.

Eddie: *places attachment into tank* At last. Activate!

The sheet covering the unknown object flew away in an instant, revealing a metallic blue tanks, with a claw attached to its right side, and a caged blaster attached to its left side.  The machine was covered in a skirt of spheres, and two bulbs on its done, with an eyestalk attachment. It awoke from its slumber, as its gun twitched and turned slightly.  As the metal being awoke from its long slumber, it became more and more obvious that this thing was more than just a machine.

Eddie: At last... Rogue, we have work to do 

Moving forward into the light, the metallic blue tank was fully revealed to be a Dalek, heavily scratched and battle damaged. The dalek seemed almost unresponsive, only being able to move its eyestalk and other attachments.  Eddie picked up a similar looking weapon to his dalek, and fully loaded it. Without a word being said, the two left the mossy cave and made their journey back to the deadly ravine. 

Garnet slowly opened the heavy titanium doors that led down to the deep dark depths of The Destiny Division HQ's secret archive. She was hesitant at first, but fully worked up the strength to go down into the unknown. Rex followed first, curious as to what could be awaiting them down below. Iggy entered secondly, holding the doors open for everyone else. He too was very curious yet concerned about what could be down in the deep dark chamber.

Rex: Garnet, what is this place?

Garnet: Ever since I took control as Destiny Division's leader, Tom has been donating me some interesting relics for inspection. Since you boys have been doing a lot of work for us, we've been analysing your discoveries and archiving them. This is the Destiny Division's Black Archive, where we keep all kinds of different anomalies 

Iggy: Anomalies? Like what?

Garnet: *opens final chamber doors* Observe

The thick steel chamber doors swung open, revealing an entire treasure trove of mysterious artifacts. Iggy looked up and down with his jaw open slightly, both puzzled and amazed with what he was seeing. Rex however was completely shocked, as a good heap of the objects he was seeing were thought to be destroyed years ago.

Rex: *marches towards a glass cabinet* What is this?

Garnet: That is a Plasma blaster 4000. We  discovered it in a mislabelled shipment over at the harbour

Rex: *points to the cabinet next to him* And this?

Garnet: Cybernetic armour from the first Cyberman attack on Herotown

Rex: *starts to get confused looking at all of the various artifacts* Yes but... But what about?...  There's no...

Iggy: *steps forward* So you've collected everything we've found? All catalogued in one big... Museum? 

Garnet: It is an archive. We keep them here for inspection 

Baldi: *amazed* Well this is really, really amazing! Like, really REALLY amazing!

Garnet: With this archive, we're able to scan its contents and use it to our advantage 

Nigel: Tell me, what is it exactly that you want me for?

Garnet: *takes a deep breath* Right this way

Garnet took the group into another room, this one being more shocking than the last. As the doors swung open, Rex's jaw dropped as he stumbled back at what he saw. The chamber was long and narrow, and at each side were small rooms with steel bars, guarded by Destiny Division soldiers. Inside each cell was one of the giant spiders that the gang had been facing off against.

Rex: *horrified* What is this?

Garnet: Every spider we've come across we've contained and scanned

Rex: *disgusted* You've imprisoned them...

Garnet: Just wait until you see what we've discovered 

Garnet marched towards one of the cells and opened the steel cage door. Inside the cell was a mammoth sized spider. Strangely enough, it appeared to be jittering and fizzing, as if it had been electrocuted.

Nigel: What is it doing?

Garnet: *begins to speak* It is-

Iggy: *interrupts* This is a robot 

Everyone looked directly at Iggy as he slowly walked towards the malfunctioning robot. He placed his hand on the spider's forehead, immediately causing a loud fizz and BOOM!

Nigel: Is it really a robot?

Iggy: *turns and nods* Yeah, its a robot alright

Nigel: But that's impossible! Us spiders are pure flesh and blood, we'd be able to tell which one of us is a metal imposter!

Iggy: *takes out chip from inside the robot's motherboard* Not if it had this

Baldi: What is that?

Iggy: Its a plasma inhibitor chip

Marie: A plasma huh?

Iggy: I've seen them before. Most of these chips are placed into the motherboard of most products created by Team Plasma, an organisation Rex and I have had run ins with before... They were behind the cyberman project and attempted invasion of Earth just a few months ago... 

Marie: So this must be one of their leftover machines, right?

Iggy: No... This is new... 

Muffet sat at her throne impatiently, awaiting a response from her allies. The other spiders awaited patiently for the transition. At last, a blue hologram of a hooded figure appeared before Muffet. She stared for a moment, as he metallic blue eyes twinkled at the sight of the crystal blue hologram.

???: Report

Muffet: The prisoners have escaped... 

???: I see... Is there news of... Him?

Muffet: The wolfamorph has manipulated one of my soldiers. He may be plotting to destroy us

???: The plan must not fail. We will continue to gain information and drain Destiny Division's data base 

Muffet: And once it is over, may we have our home restored as promised?

???: Complete your mission, then we will talk

Muffet: *is forced to comply* I... Obey 

???: Do exactly as you are told. If you do not obey, you will suffer harsh consequences

Muffet: I... Understand 

???: Good. Now get back to work 

Muffet slowly nodded as the hologram faded away in an instant. Muffet closed her eyes as a tear fell from her left eye. Her mind was trying to fight back against her conditioning, but she simply could not overpower her mind conditioning. Meanwhile, in the middle of the woods, Eddie and Rogue were homing in on the entrance to the ravine,  which had been covered more in spider web as a from of protection. 

Eddie: Rogue, scan the area

The dalek scanned the surrounding area. A gentle hum came from its claw attachment, which spun, opened and closed as it preformed the scan. 


Eddie: Mechanical? That can't be right. Scan it again

Rogue scanned the area once again, this time the scan was at a much more high setting


Eddie: Interesting... Tell me, what type of machine is it?


Eddie: *surprised* Mondas!? That can only mean two things... Quick, scan the entire ravine, where is the source of these machines?


Rouge scanned the entire Marine Ravine, causing his claw to fizz and spark. For a moment Eddie worried that Rogue would deactivate, but the dalek successfully completed its scan of the surrounding area without any damage done.


Eddie: The spiders are robots? But why would Muffet have robot spiders? I'm gonna need a closer look at one of these things... 

All of a sudden, a blue eyed spider ambushed Eddie and Rogue. Its long, spear-like fangs covered in what appeared to be the blood of an unknown victim. Without a moments hesitation, Rogue blasted the oncoming creature, as it fell to the ground with one loud clunk.

Eddie: Well, that was easy

Upon closer inspection, Eddie discovered that Rogue's scans were indeed correct. The spider was in fact a mechanical clone. Eddie took out a small number of tools from inside his wolfamorphic robes and began to break the creature apart piece by piece. Eddie was astonished by what he was seeing. He hasn't seen anything like it, this was far beyond anything he had ever encountered, far more complex than any cyberman or android he'd ever seen. At last he made it to the centre of the spider's wired body and found its motherboard, which had been marked with a logo that was all too familiar to him. A silver shield with the letter "P" superimposed onto it.

Eddie: I knew it

Just then, Eddie saw flashlights in the distance, along with the sound of a helicopter's blades whirring in the air. For a moment he thought it could have been Tom and the others. It wasn't. His grey eyes focussed on the oncoming bright light, until he could see clear as day that it was a Team Plasma helicopter, along with four foot soldiers, armed with plasma rays. Eddie and Rogue hid behind a nearby boulder, waiting to see what would happen next.

Plasma Grunt 01: *frustrated* Another one? 

Plasma Grunt 09: Big deal. Put its parts in the chopper and head back to base

Plasma Grunt 14: I'll let HQ know of our findings

As the plasma grunt scanned the destroyed spider, they noticed quickly that their machine had been destroyed by an unknown type of weapon.

Plasma Commander: *marches over* What happened to this one?

Plasma Grunt 14: We don't know yet, sir. I'll have it checked out when we return to base

Eddie: *whispers to Rogue* Rogue, lock onto their destination 

As the team made their way back to their base, Eddie and Rogue followed slowly, eventually disappearing in a bright blue flash. The group of grunts returned to a large warehouse just outside of Marine Valley. The place seemed untouched from the outside, overgrown with moss, vines and other plant life. Inside was a very primitive looking central computer, clearly made out of spare parts. There were broken pieces of cybernetic armour scattered all over the place, along with torn up blueprints. The commander entered first, placing their gun onto one of the decaying metal desks. The other grunts followed through, also placing their weapons down. At the computer was one of the surviving Team Plasma Sages from the Mondas takeover, who was still partially converted  with cyber armour. The sage took their hood down, revealing it to be the same figure Muffet was in communication with. Eddie and Rogue hid outside the warehouse, trying to get a good look inside. 

Plasma Commander: Techno, has the gateway been secured?

Techno: We have made stable contact with other survivors. We can now transport our findings to a new base

Plasma Commander: And what of Mondas?

Techno: We will consult Ellie once we arrive  

Techno connected the final wire to his transmat pad. There was a loud bang, as the transmat was finally repaired. 

Techno: The device is now repaired. Set coordinates for Plasma HQ

The commander typed in the coordinates for Plasma HQ, the very same base that Tom was taken to during the gang's first encounter with Team Plasma. Each member stood on the teleporter one by one, vanishing in an instant. As the final grunt stood onto the transporter, Eddie and Rogue entered the decaying warehouse, stepping onto the transmat. As they entered the base, Eddie noticed that it was the very same base that Tom and N first met in, now fully rebuilt with updated tech.

Eddie: Step one complete. Now, time to snoop for some more information... 

Eddie crept down the corridor, as Rogue followed him, his casing making a gentle hum as he slid down the hallway. As they reached the end of the hallway, a plasma grunt turned the corner, however it wasn't any ordinary plasma grunt, this one looked very familiar to Eddie.

Ellie: *surprised* What?!

Eddie: *surprised* Huh?!


Eddie: Shhhh! Don't fire, Rogue!

Ellie: What the hell are you doing here?!

Eddie: I could say the same to you! I thought you quit Team Plasma?

Ellie: Look its a long story. Why don't you just get out the way you came?

Eddie: *folds arms* I've already scrambled the coordinates making it impossible to return to the previous location. You're stuck with me now

Ellie: *sighs* Right. Don't say I didn't warn you... Is that a Dalek?

Eddie: *looks at Rogue and back at Ellie* He's my friend 

Iggy and Tom inspected the machine they dismantled. Rex sat at a table with his hands covering his face, still conflicted with emotion. Master Yoda could sense something was wrong with his young pupil. He turned to walk over to Rex, who was sitting further way from everyone else.

Yoda: Sense a great deal of emotion within you, I can, young padawan... 

Rex: *looks at Yoda* I'm fine, master

Yoda: Sense otherwise, I can. Search your feelings, you can see something wrong, there is

Rex: I'm having second thoughts on something, master

Yoda: Something clouding your judgement, there is?

Rex: I don't know how I feel about Garnet, or Destiny Division for that matter 

Yoda: Understand, I do. Reflect on your feelings, you must. Do not let emotions cloud your judgement, train and reflect on them, you should

Rex: *thinks* I'll have a think about this

Iggy: *walks over* Hey man, I noticed you're not doing so good. Do you want to talk?

Rex: N-no, I'm good

Iggy: Are you sure?

Rex: I'll tell you about it later

Iggy: I respect that. So, we've managed to disassemble the machine and we're just developing a tracker so we can find Team Plasma's base

Rex: Any word from Eddie?

Iggy: Nothing yet. I'll try to make contact soon 

Rex: I'm gonna need some time away from Garnet for  a bit

Iggy: Is this that crush thing again?

Rex: No

Iggy: *surprised* No?

Rex: Its complicated 

Iggy: You can tell me 

Rex: Not right now, we need to focus on the matter at hand 

Iggy: *nods head* Okay. How about you and I go to the Team Plasma base? Just us two?

Rex: Yeah, I'm down for that

Iggy: *to Garnet* Garnet, Rex and I will go to the Team Plasma base to find Eddie and see what we can do about the spider problem 

Garnet: *confused* Oh, okay. Why just you two?

Iggy: No special reason 

Tom: You guys better hurry, we've detected spider activity in Marine Valley. I think another wave of spiders are coming 

Marie: *gets up* Don't you worry, we'll soon sort that out, right Baldi?

Baldi: *screeches* I?!

Marie: Yeah, you

Baldi: I can't!

Marie: What happened to Mr My Ruler Is Unstoppable?

Baldi: Well I-

Tom: And Mr My Bus Is Better Than Your Helicopter?

Baldi: Alright I get it! I'll come, as long as you bring other soldiers too

Gardevoir: *enters room wearing zero suit* Did someone say soldiers?

Tom: We don;t have much time. If the spiders enter Herotown, it won't end well for us 

Iggy: *connects to Eddie* Eddie, do you copy?

Eddie: *answers* Hello?

Iggy: Hey, did you find the Team Plasma base?

Eddie: Yes, I'm in the same base Tom was in not long ago

Iggy: They rebuilt it?

Eddie: Stronger than ever. There's no cybermen here but they've definitely been using spare parts to rebuild their forces 

Iggy: We'll be right over

Eddie: Over and out

Ellie: Was that Iggy?

Eddie: *puts walkie talkie away* Yeah, he's on his way

Ellie: Is Tom with him?

Eddie: I doubt it, he doesn't go out much, not ever since he became Destiny Division's technician and scientific advisor 

Ellie: Is that so?

Eddie: He's been very hard at work since you two... Well, you know 

Ellie: *quietly* Yes, I do

Eddie: What happened between you two?

Ellie: Look now's not the time to discuss this. I've been infiltrating Team Plasma for the past two months now, and I have no time to talk about my personal relationships with someone like you

Eddie: *raises eyebrow* Someone like me?

 Ellie: *frustrated* You know what, its nothing. You wouldn't understand anyway, what happened between me and Tom stays with me and Tom

Eddie: Fantastic story, but why are you with Team Plasma again?

Ellie: *sighs* When we sent Mondas out into deep space, I found a faction of grunts who were attempting to make contact with other members of Team Plasma. I originally had no interest, seeing as you guys have your own organization that deal with threats in your town. However, I wanted to redeem myself for my past actions. I was the reason why Plasma Tom is now dead, all because I was in a fucking bad mood. I just want to fix what I broke. There, are you happy now?

Eddie: I understand and want to help in any way I can. I know that Team Plasma have created those spider machines, and I'm here to find out why

Ellie: The machines were given a perception filter so they would look and act like another other arthropod. Team Plasma came into contact with Muffet, who was mind controlled by one of the sages named Techno

Eddie: I knew I could sense that something was off with Muffet

Ellie: They're trying to use the spider factor to implant into their own machines, creating an army of spiders for global conquest 

Eddie: I bet you anything that they're gonna want Lord Shaggy's castle, too

Ellie: Well, we better stop them before it leads to that

Eddie: So, what can we do?

Ellie: The control sphere, in the heart of this base. We've got to deactivate it. Its a four man job. You think we can do it?

Iggy: *running down corridor* Eddie, we made it- HOLY SHIT, A DALEK!

Eddie: Stop! Its okay, he won't hurt you!

Rex: *pulls out sword* Ellie as well? Why is she with Team Plasma?

Eddie: *assures them* Its okay, she's on our side

Rex: *puts sword away* So what's going on?

Ellie: If we want to deactivate the spider army and free Muffet from her mind control, all four of us need to switch off the main control sphere

Iggy: Okay, we can do that 

Eddie: Oh, I haven't introduced you. Guys, this is Rogue

Iggy: *raises eyebrow* You own a Dalek?

Eddie: Its a very long story

Iggy: So that's what we saw in your cave, huh?

Eddie: Big reveal 

Ellie: *loads up holographic map* Follow me, I know how we can get there quickly. We have to be careful, though. There are hundreds of grunts guarding the facility 

Eddie: Oh I think Rogue can handle them for us

Ellie: Right, follow me 

Meanwhile in the middle of Herotown, things were quiet. Too quiet. The street lights hummed gently, crickets buzzed and the trees blew gently in the breeze. All of a sudden, a green portal opened in the town centre, it pulsed and warped around in the air as a shadowed figure stepped out of the portal and out into the open. It was Shaggy, returning from his conference in space.  He was dressed in very long and dark green robes with a gold pended around his neck with an amethyst in the middle. Shaggy opened his eyes and looked from left to right, noticing that the town centre was completely deserted. Curious, he tried to sense any other life forms nearby, until he felt a chill shiver down his spine. Something was coming. In an instant, he knew exactly where to go. Shaggy stormed into the Destiny Division base, with caution in his eyes.

Jerry: *at front desk* Master Shaggy, you're back!

Shaggy: *in a serious tone* Where are Iggy, Rex and Garnet?

Jerry: Iggy and Rex went to infiltrate a Team Plasma base. Garnet is down in the archive room

Shaggy: *turns and goes to basement doors* Thank you

Jerry was surprised. He had not seen Shaggy this on edge for quite some time. Shaggy marched down into Destiny Division's archive, conflicted with emotions. Garnet was sat at a table on her own, her hands covering her face, much like how Rex was earlier. She noticed that Rex was upset and on edge when they entered the archive, and how things between them hadn't been the same for a long time. Shaggy entered suddenly, causing her to look over in slight shock.

Garnet: Master... You're back

Shaggy: Something is deeply wrong, I could sense it from my conference

Garnet: Spider activity has increased since you left, and it turns out they're not spiders at all. They're robots

Shaggy: *crosses arms and rubs his chin* Team Plasma, I assume?

Garnet: Unfortunately so, Master 

Shaggy: I thought so. The Galactic Council warned me that leaving Herotown unoccupied would only lead to catastrophe... 

Garnet: *confused* The Galactic Council?

Shaggy: *frustrated* Oh there's no time to stand around and talk, Garnet. We need action, now! 

Garnet: Y-yes sir!

Shaggy: I sense it... A whole swarm of those machines are on their way, along with their leader. We must stop them from getting in somehow

Garnet: I'll send my best soldiers to go and fend them off

Shaggy: Oh no that wouldn't do it. We need something that can buy us more time... You say Iggy and Rex went to a Team Plasma base, yes?

Garnet: They went to deactivate the spiders

Shaggy: Do we have anyone else here?

Garnet: Well we have Master Yoda, SpongeBob, Gardevoir, Homer Simpson, Patrick, Tom, Jerry, and-

Baldi: *exits bathroom* Damn those Dyson dryers are incredible! We really are living in the future! 

Shaggy: Great. We also have Salad Fingers

Baldi: Hey! I don't know what that means but I feel offended!

Shaggy: *shakes his head* Got any other ideas?

Garnet: Just one, but its risky

Shaggy: Go on

Garnet: We've been experimenting with technology salvaged from the cybermen, and we've managed to recreate an almost fully functioning shield that can cover all of Herotown. One downside, it currently needs backup power to run properly. Without any power, we're screwed 

Shaggy: Its a risk I think we can take

Garnet: We'll need someone to keep their eyes on the shield at all times

Shaggy and Garnet look at Baldi, who was busy marking his students' notebooks

Garnet: Baldi, you like maths, right?

Baldi: More than anything! Well I like Miku more, but I still like it a lot!

Garnet: Could you do some maths for us?

Baldi: Of course! Where do I start?

Garnet: Come with me, I'll show you 

Baldi: Alright!

Garnet walked back over to Shaggy and whispered in his ear

Garnet: I'll call in the other soldiers too

Shaggy: I'll keep watch over this place with Yoda

Nigel: *crawls over* I don't mean to be rude, but what should I do?

shaggy: *eyes widen* Are you going to introduce me to your friend, Garnet?

Garnet: That's Nigel, he's Eddie's friend. Long story

Shaggy: I see. That clears things up... Perfectly

Nigel: I'm not here to harm, my Lord

Shaggy: Listen if you want to help out... Go and help Tom and Jerry with their work, could you?

Nigel: Of course

Garnet and Baldi collected all of their equipment and set out to find the shield generator. Meanwhile, Ellie was trying to break into the main control room in the Team Plasma base. At last, she opened the steel door which contained the base's control sphere. The room resembled that of the inside of a computer. There were wises, cables, switches and blinking lights all over the place, and sitting in the middle of the room was what they were looking for: The control sphere. 

Rex: This is one hell of a control room

Eddie: And we've all got to help deactivate that thing

Iggy: Right, I'll start draining their power banks

Ellie: Ok that's good, now, Eddie and I will start to deactivate the control sphere. Once that thing is offline those spiders will be nothing but scrap metal

Rex: What about me?

Ellie: Go and find that dalek Eddie brought with him. Once we've drained this base it will automatically self destruct. That dalek is our only way out of this place

Rex: *gets chains out* Okay. Time to use these babies again!

Ellie: What's with the chains?

Iggy: They're an old weapon of his

Rex charged down the corridors of the base as swift as a ninja. He reached the tele pad room, stopping dead in his tracks as he heard the sounds of screaming and shrieking blaster sounds. For a moment he was unsure on what was going on, until he realised that they were sounds of extermination. Horrified, Rex dashed down the corridor and turned the corner, immediately  witnessing Rogue exterminating waves of Team Plasma grunts, who were trying everything they could to escape and or kill Rogue. However, they were no match for Rogue's speed and his strong armour. 


Rex: *gulps* Well, he certainly has that all under control 

As Rex turned to head back towards the main control room, he saw a hooded plasma grunt enter the tele pad room. Rex gripped his chains and slowly stepped into the room, seeing the hooded figure attempt to recalibrate the transport pad. 

Rex:  Hey! Stay where you are!

The hooded figure looked up at Rex suddenly, their face still hidden under the dark cloak. Rex slowly walked closer to the grunt, his chains ready to attack them at any moment.

???: Rex? Is that you?

Rex stopped still, he knew that voice all too well. 

Rex: N? Is that you?!

???: *takes off hood, revealing their face* Yes, it is me

Rex: What are you doing here, N?

???: I can tell you everything, just put the chains down. Can you do that, Rex?

Rex: Sure, N

Rex slowly put his chains onto the ground, now smiling at the sight of his old friend. He got back up and walked over to N, when all of a sudden, the face morphed and glitched into the face of Techno, who had disguised as N the whole time. Techno tackled Rex to the ground, grabbing a sharp blade, holding it inches away from Rex's throat.

Techno: You idiot! Only a foolish boy like you would ever fall for that! 

Rex: *choking* You bastard!

Techno: *grinning* You were one of the ones, yeah?! You were one of the FOOLISH warriors who tried to stop us! Well guess what?! We're alive. Alive and rebuilding! Nothing can stop the wrath of our new empire!

Rex:  *struggling* You'll... Never win!

Techno: *laughs maniacally* That's what you think! But others are out there! Others are coming! I am but one of SEVEN sages! Hahahahaha! C-c-c-catch us if you can, little man! Catch us if you dare! We will destroy your PITIFUL home town!

Rex: *overpowers* NEVER!

Techno fell backwards, landing directly onto the tele pad. In an instant, Rex grabbed his chains from off of the ground and swung them directly at the tele pad's coordinate stabiliser. There was a loud BOOM as the machine fizzed out and sparked, Rex saw the body of Techno vanish in a dark blue flash. Clearing away all the mess, Rex saw that the tele pad had been fully destroyed. It was over. Rex stared for a moment at the now destroyed tele pad. He began to think. Seven sages... 


Rex: Of course they have. That's what you're good at, isn't it?


Rex: *turns around* Well, we better get out of here, then!

At last, Iggy had fully drained all of the power in the base. Ellie and Eddie were on the final stage of deactivating the sphere, when Rex and Rogue entered the room. Rex said nothing, only laying with his back against the wall as he panted.


Eddie: We're almost done, Rogue. Just got to finalize this last option. You doing okay, Ellie?

Ellie: Yep, just completing one last thing

Eddie: Damn this thing is taking quite a while... I hope we can get it done in time 

Garnet and Baldi reached the shield generator, immediately calibrating it and powering it on.  

Garnet: Right Baldi, to keep this thing on, make sure this line of code does not change. It needs calibrating every few minutes, so make sure it stays the same. If this shield goes down, its game over

Baldi: You can count on me!

The mechanical spider army rose from the hills, slowly marching down towards Herotown. Muffet was leading the army of endless spiders, still completely under the control of the sphere. She then came to a complete stop, along with her army.

Muffet: Bring me your leader!

Garnet: *steps out of shield* I am not this town's leader, but I represent the Destiny Division agency, so anyone addressing the leader is also addressing to me!

Muffet: If you surrender yourself and your town, you will be spared. If not, we will destroy this place you call home

Garnet: I do not surrender

Muffet: So be it

Garnet: *shouts* Baldi, the shields, NOW!

Baldi: *jumps* Oh yeah no I know what I'm doing!

Baldi slammed his fist onto the activation button, activating the blue lilac coloured shield. Garnet turned and sprinted back into the safe zone, whilst Muffet and her army marched onward.

Garnet: Give it all you've got, Baldi

Back at the team plasma base, Rex entered the room with his right hand on his forehead, clearly distressed about his encounter with the sage. Iggy was just hacking into the spider database when Rex put both hands down on the control panel next to him. Iggy could sense the conflict within his friend, as if he had seen something truly terrible.

Iggy: *turns to Rex* Rex, what's wrong?

Rex: *is still recovering* Listen Iggy, I cannot begin to try and explain what I'm feeling today. Let's just deactivate this whole spider thing and get out of here

Iggy: *puts hand on Rex's shoulder and nods* Sure thing 

Ellie: This code should deactivate every spider being operated by team plasma. Type that code into the database and our mission will be complete 

Iggy: At last, lets end this thing!

Rex: I'll do it

Iggy: Are you sure you want to do it buddy?

Rex: I've seen a lot today. The quicker we get this done and go home, the better 

Iggy: *nods* Okay 

Ellie: Here goes nothing

Rex entered the code and slammed his fist down onto the button using all of his rage. The device short circuited, leading to all of Team Plasma's technology deactivating. Back in the town centre, the spiders were still inching closer to the shield, until suddenly, they all stopped in their tracks. Garnet tilted her head and squinted, she had no idea what was going on. Baldi stopped for a moment as his hands slowly inched away from the control panel. Garnet saw Muffet fall to her knees, her eyes no longer metallic blue. she screamed with pain as she held her hands to her head. It looked as if she was having the most painful migraine in existence, until her eyes returned to normal. She looked around rapidly, not knowing where she was. She saw the destroyed robot spiders as tears fell from her eyes. Baldi was unsure if this was some kind of trick, but Garnet closed her eyes and folded her arms, taking a deep breath.

Garnet: They did it. Its over

Baldi deactivated the shield and walked with Garnet over to where Muffet was weeping. Garnet crouched down next to her and wrapped her arms around her for comfort. It was finally over.

Shaggy returned to Herotown early the next morning. The entirety of Destiny Division had been called to help clean up the mess left by Team Plasma. Tom and Garnet were salvaging technology to study and examine for further research, when Iggy made his way over to talk to them.

Iggy: Are you guys okay?

Tom: Yeah, we're doing fine. We're thinking that the technology here could help tighten up defences around here

Iggy: *looks to his left* So what are you going to do with Muffet? Is she going to be put on trial for what she did?

Tom: No. She was under the influence of Team Plasma's mind manipulation technology.  As soon as we've finished this operation, she's going home

Iggy: Home? But she said her home was destroyed, right?

Garnet: That's where you come in

Iggy: Me? What do you mean?

Garnet: Come with me, I've got something important to tell you 

Iggy: Okay

As Iggy followed Garnet to the Destiny Division base, Ellie slowly trudged her way over towards Tom

Ellie: Hey

Tom: *shocked* Ellie?

Ellie: The one and only

Tom: Let me guess...

Ellie: No, I had nothing to do with this. As a matter of fact, I helped you guys out

Tom: *rolls eyes* That makes a change

Ellie: How have you been?

Tom: Well you know me, fighting Team Plasma and saving the world, no big deal. What about you? Have you been keeping yourself busy these past few months? I haven't seen you since Mondas

Ellie: I'll spare you the details and give you the short story. After Mondas, I became a spy to gain information on Team Plasma so I could stop their invasion plans

Tom: Did you find any traces of... Him?

Ellie: *shakes her head sadly* No. I'm afraid he is still lost

Tom: *sighs* And what of N?

Ellie: N is still out there. I got into contact with him recently. He told me he was looking for a place called The Distant Islands

Tom: Sounds like a good place to find some lost treasures

Ellie: Indeed, he said he was looking for a light orb

Tom: Light orb? You mean... Reshiram, the white dragon?

Ellie: *shrugs* Eh, what do I know? I'm just a simple spy

Tom: Is that what I'm supposed to do now, go looking for N?

Ellie: Well its entirely up to you. Team Plasma may have been stopped today, but there are the seven sages to attend to

Tom: An adventure across the world would be a nice change from my usual construction based tasks. Maybe we could go... Together?

Ellie: *nods and smiles* I'd like that 

Garnet and Iggy sat down in Garnet's silver chrome office. The entire room was shining and glistening, shining like a freshly polished pair of boots. It was so shiny that Iggy had to rub his eyes from how strong it was

Garnet: So, about your assignment...

Iggy: Assignment?

Garnet: Its come to our attention that there are still many Team Plasma factions spread across the world, all of which are controlled by seven different sages

Iggy: Yes, yes that's right

Garnet: We fear that these sages may be trying to reform Team Plasma somehow. Whilst Ghetsis may have been defeated a few months ago, we still believe that there is a rouge agent who is under their control

Iggy: I don't think Ellie is behind it, not after her New Redemption 

Garnet: As a matter of fact, we've decided to hire Ellie as a Destiny Division agent. She works for us now

Iggy: *smiles* Really?

Garnet: She's a valuable asset. She's exactly what this agency needs

Iggy: *nods* I couldn't agree more 

Meanwhile in Central Park, Rex was standing up against a metal fence. He was looking out at the river, thinking about everything he had experienced up to that point. 

Rex: Baldi... Pennywise... Cybermen... Team Plasma... Demons... Mondas...

He took out his old watch and held it close to him. Just then, Iggy came speeding past, almost missing where Rex was standing. He stopped in his tracks and jogged up to where Rex was standing.

Iggy: Hey Rex, we've got another mission on our hands

Rex: *sighs* Really? Great

Iggy: You doing okay? You've been acting very odd since the last adventure 

Rex: I don't know how much more of this I can handle, Iggy

Iggy: *tilts head* Watcha mean?

Rex: Destiny Division. This whole agency thing, you know, being secret agent heroes. I've seen things

Iggy: *nods and sighs* I know what you mean

Rex: I don't know how I feel. I don't know how I feel about... Her

Iggy: You mean Garnet?

Rex: How did you know?

Iggy: You haven't made your feelings for her very subtle, you know

Rex: *chuckles* Yeah, I guess not

Iggy: So what are you saying? You don't love her anymore?

Rex: Of course I love her, just... Not how I used to 

Iggy: *walks up to the fence and stands next to Rex* You know... I used to have a crush

Rex: Which crush are you referring to? 

Iggy: A human we met back in college together. She was brilliant. Her hair was a beautiful lilac blue and it always glistened in the summer. She was the very first person I ever had any kind of feelings for. You should have seen her... Clever, kind and cunning...

Rex: Who was she?

Iggy: *looks down* I wish I knew. Its all just a burning memory now

Rex: Burning memory?

Iggy: *clears throat* That's another story... 

The two stood there, watching the ripples of the river splash around as the ducks and swans zoomed on by

Rex: What should I do, Iggy?

Iggy: In terms of what?

Rex: Just... Everything 

Iggy: *thinks for a moment* I think you need to find yourself, Rex

Rex: How do I do that?

Iggy: *slams hand down on fence* By going on a classic Iggy and Rex styled adventure

Rex: *laughs* No, we're not doing the Rick & Morty thing are we?

Iggy: This is the darkest ;years of our adventures. You and I, Iggy and Rex. Iggy and Rex for a hundred years, Iggy and Rex forever 

Just then, the pair felt a large gust of wind brew around them as they heard the sound of a space craft landing before their very eyes. 

Iggy: No way... 

Rex: He's fucking done it again hasn't he?

As the TARDIS landed, Eddie's head poked out as he opened the wooden blue doors

Eddie: Did someone say adventure?

Iggy: You never said you had a fucking TARDIS!

Eddie: I built it myself. Well, I say myself, I got some help from a friend with two hearts 

Rex: How do you BUILD a TARDIS?

Eddie: Can't a man have his secrets?

Rex: *holds hands up* Fair enough

Iggy: *runs on board* Well then, we better get to it!

Eddie: You coming, Rex? Fancy a trip away from Destiny Division work?

Rex looked back at the Destiny Division building. Was it worth giving up his important responsibilities for a few hours of escapism? Was it really worth it? 

Rex: *looks back* Anywhere in time and space? 

Eddie: Anywhere in all of creation 

Rex: And where will we go?

Eddie: *smiles* Wherever you like

Rex: *looks back at the building, then back to Eddie* Count me in

But before Rex could get on board, he could hear someone calling his name. He stopped still in his tracks and turned around. It was Garnet. She was running towards him at top speed

Garnet: Wait!

Rex: Garnet?

Garnet: Rex, where are you going?

Rex: *sighs* I need a break, Garnet

Garnet: From what?

Rex: From all of it. Its all become too much. I don't know who I am anymore... That's why I need to go

Garnet: Don't say that!

Rex: Oh, I'm gonna come back, make no mistake

Garnet: When?!

Rex: When you least expect 

Garnet: But I need to tell you-

Eddie: *reassures her* He'll be back

Garnet looked on helplessly, trying her best to get her words out but failing. She didn't know what to do or say

Rex: *nods* I'll see you soon

Garnet: *wipes away tears* Okay

Rex stood on board the TARDIS, closing the doors behind him. Garnet stood there, trembling and shaking as the TARDIS took off and materialised before her very eyes. Garnet teared up and watched the blue box materialise into the time vortex, trying not to cry. She put her hand on the vanishing space craft as it disappeared. 

Garnet: *sighs* But I didn't want you to go... 


Next story: Across The Stars

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