The Red Eyed Raven

By Dragon_Fire23

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"The girl in the woods is your destiny, she will unleash a power so great that it will shape the world as we... More

The Black Rose
Chapter 1: A old lover and Renfri
Chapter 2: The Butcher of Blaviken
Chapter 3: The Hedgehog Man
Chapter 4: The Demon of Redania
Chapter 5: Devil?
Chapter 7: Temeria
Chapter 8: How fun
Chapter 9: Fucker
Chapter 10: 50/50

Chapter 6: Home and Family

143 4 0
By Dragon_Fire23

We traveled with Dandelion for a couple of months till we parted ways in a nearby village outside of Nazair. When I mean parted, I mean I left at the cover of night wanting to get away from awkwardness and the tension between me and Geralt. As you could guess, we didn't talk throughout the journey, none of us having the words to say to each other. So I needed a break from him and he needed a break from me, in which I made my way towards Lyria to see if there was any work to be done. Turns out there was and now Scout and I were on our way to Kaer Morhen.

The air turned cold as the wind turned bitter, when Winter came around. Freshly fallen snow covered the trail, as Scout and I walked along. It would be around this time when all of the witchers would be in Kaer Morhen, because the monsters would be hibernating. I haven't been home for a couple of years, mainly because I know what Uncle Vesemir would say and do. The merely thought of is caused shivers down my spine.

Walking down the trail, I shiver as the winter wind passes me by making me pull my cloak closer to my body. Lifting my hands up to my mouth, I blow into them and rub them together, keeping my covered hands warm. Looking ahead I see the familiar path of the 'Witchers Trail', clicking my tongue I urge Scout towards the path.

The witchers path, or what me and the guys call it the Killer, was not only the only way to the keep but it was where we would train and improve our training. I remembered I would hate this path, Uncle Vesemir would make me train there all day and all night if I got in trouble. Which was all the time. Walking down the path, a flood of memories began to enter my mind. I hear the faint laughter of younger me and Geralt, looking to my left I see little me and Geralt playing tag. Geralt was it and tried to catch me, which led me to climb the tree. He pouts and stomped his feet.

"Thats not fair Negra! You're cheating." Resulting me to stick my tongue out on him.

" Catch me if you can wolfie!" I yelled jumping from one branch to another towards the keep.

" Negra! If you fall, Vesemir will have my head! Get Back Here." Geralt yells running after me with his little legs.

A smile came to my face as I watched, feeling a warm comfort coming from my chest as I remember. We were so young and innocent, there was no worry about monsters creeping at the night, or having to think about the trial. Seemed so long ago and there was no way back. We kept walking for a while before making the last turn and the keep coming in full view. Looking upon the ancient ruin you could see the cracks of the once strong stone, and the large gaps of the once strong foothold. Wild vines grew in between the cracks, as they climbed all throughout the walls and covered with snow and ice.

Walking across the strong, yet old, bridge we make our way towards the courtyard. Looking around, everything is covered in snow with some clear patches here and there. I hop off Scout and guided her towards the stables, where there was already a pile of fresh hay for her to eat. Giving Scout a final pet, I leave her at the stables and made my way towards the keep. Making it to the tall doors, I could hear the rough housing already of the boys either fighting or laughing, making my excitement.

Pushing the giant, yet very heavy, doors I see Lambert and Eskel in the middle of a sparing match. The other Witchers all around them with their tankards, smiles on their faces and yelling at the two. They have yet to notice me, making a mischievous smile grow on my face. I slowly and softly close the door behind me and began to creep my way towards the boys. Making sure to keep to the shadows, I crept around them staying close to the wall, as I made my way towards the tree of medallions. All the while taking one of the filled tankards.

Without them noticing, I began to climb the medallion tree, making sure to watch my footing as I moved around the hanging medallions of our fallen brothers. Pulling myself up, I adjust myself before resting myself on top of the trees trunk. I lean against one of its branches and continued watching the fight, while drinking from the tankard that I took from one of the tables.

I wince and cringe what Eskel punches Lambert in the groin, while Lambert kicks him in the shin. All while the others cheered for them, I smile at the sight. No matter the danger or trauma they all have been through, they never change. I take another chug of my tankard before taking my hood off, comfortable of where I was.

"What I have I told you about sparing in this room? I thought I made it clear to do spars outside." A old yet calm voice echos into the room. Sending shivers down my spine as I recognize the tone of a father and leader. Looking down to my left from the tree, Uncle Vesemir walks into the room before standing before the men crossing his arms.

"Are you all that busy and blocked in the head in your shenanigans to welcome your sister home?" He tells the boys in his fatherly voice, making all of the witchers look up to see me with a tankard relaxing in the tree.

"And didn't I tell you to never climb on the tree again?" Uncle Vesemir states looking up at me. I smile and finish my tankard, throwing it across the room, before jumping down infront of my Father.

"well if you did, then you should know by now that I don't really listen that well." I stated locking my ruby red eyes to his golden ones. He looks down at me with a glare, making me look back on my childhood from the many times he has given me that look. Soon his glare turned soft and a smile broke his growl. I smile up and him and jump into his opening arms, crushing him in a bear tight hug. How I missed him and his lectures. Pulling away he holds my cheek in his hand, looking at me from top to bottom. Giving me a soft smile before whispering.

"Welcome home, child." I smile up at him so happy to be home. As soon as Uncle Vesemir lets go of me, next thing I know I am on the floor with 15 Witchers on top of me. Crushing my lungs, cutting my breathing. They all laughed and cheered for me, before getting off of my one by one, once all of them were off I took a large amount of air before coughing.

"you...(cough, cough)...ALL of You....(Weez, Cough)...are dicks!" I coughed out still laying down on the cold, cobblestones, floor with all of them laughing at me. Trying to catch my breath. After catching my breath, Lamber and Everard helped me up and led me over to a table. Eskel gave me a tankard filled with ale and a bowl of stew, I smile at him and nodded in thanks. Then Uncle Vesemir stood at the end of the table and held is tankard high.

"To those who were able to join us this Winter, to those still on the path, and for those who are no longer with us." He toasts, in which we all lifted our tankards in respect before downing our alcohol.

"So sister, or should I call you the Red Raven instead?" Coen states causing everyone to chuckle while I sarcastically chuckled before throwing a piece of bread at him. Annoyed that Dandelions song has already made its spread. I'll kill him.

"how has our white wolf been, heard that you two had more than one intercourse." Coen asks, causing the whole table to be filled with Oos and Ohs. I smile and looked down at my food in awkwardness. Geralt and I's relationship was known in the keep as we grew more closer to one another as the years went by. In fact that most of them placed bets on who would make the first move, or when it would happen.

"Well not that its any of your businesses, but i'd say hes doing ok." I states eating my stew, cringing at the sour taste, looks like Lambert made it. The boys groan from the limited information, wanting to hear about our sex life and if we were going to be getting back together again.

"That's enough." Uncle Vesemir says, his voice booming over the boy's causing them to shut up and look at him.

"I'm sure you are in need of some rest after your long journey, child. Your room is still the same, if you want to have some time for yourself." He states giving me a gentle smile, in which I return. Leaving my half eaten stew, I make way towards my room.

Me being the only female of the witchers, I got the luxury to have my own room. In which, like a fairy tale, was the highest room in the tallest tower. Most girl would want to have that, but the biggest pain is walking up those steps everyday. Opening my room door, I see that nothing has changed. My king size bed was still unmade with my black covers all over the place, my clothes were still scattered everywhere, my study books opened to the first page, but one thing that was different was the fire place that stood in the middle of the room. It was lit, as if they were expecting me to arrive at some point, with fresh firewood burning and on the side to rekindle. Walking over to my bed, I dumped everything onto the floor and fell face first into the duvets.

Taking a deep breath I smell the scent of a Aquatic black coral and moss. With rugged cedar and vetiver, and musk. Opening my eyes, I look over to my side and stare at the empty bed next to me. His scent still lingered in the sheets, as if he made his mark there, his clothes were mixed with mine on the floor. Starting from the door to the bed, from the times we would come up here and forget about the world. Forget about the monsters that we had to fight the next day, forgetting about the hours and hours of painful training we had to do, escaping from all of the eyes of the world. I place my hand on his side and closed my eyes, remembering the kisses and laughs that we would share every morning. Remembering how his golden eye would look down at me when I wake, as if I was the most precious thing in the world. Holding my body tightly against his, as if I was going to disappear. A tear fell from my face as I remember, before a knock was heard from my door. Quickly I wipe my face and clear my throat.

"Yes?" I yelled out, I hear the door open and close followed by the patter of heavy foot steps. Looking up I see Uncle Vesemir, looking down at me with a sympathy smile before he sat next to me on the bed. I wipe my face again before clearing my throat, but he beats me to it.

"I guessing that you two didn't leave on good terms." He says softly placing his hand upon mine. I sniffle before answering.

"We were out on a job in Posada, and we were captured by elves." I started, in which Uncle Vesemir scoff.

"How did two trained and skilled witchers get captured by elves?" He asks in disbelif with a hint of humor in his voice.

"We had a bard with us, so he complicated things. Don't interrupt me." I demanded pointing at him while trying not to laugh. He chuckles and holds his hands up in offence.

"So when we were captured, Geralt and I were beaten to a pulp while the bard was running his mouth. Then Geralt head butted our abuser, who was also very sick and cranky, then Filivandrel came into the picture. The king of elves explained how the Sylyan that we were hunting was stealing for them. For they hid in the mountains to survive. Geralt and I tried to reason with him, advised him to go somewhere else and adapt to humans. That was when Filivandrel took out his knife and prepared to slit Geralts throat." I told him, my voice breaking as I remembered the knife aiming for his neck.

"Geralt was ready to die, Uncle Vesemir, he was ready to leave everything, he was ready to leave me again." I whispered looking down at my hands. Uncle Vesemir sat there in silence before pulling me into his embrace. Even though he was tough on all of us, he was the most gentle with me. I stayed there in his arms, hearing his slow heartbeat, allowing it to calm my nerves. I stayed there in his arms till the sound of glass breaking and shelves falling echoed downstairs. Pulling away I sniffed, now feeling exhausted from my emotions.

"Geralt just needs time, you know better than anyone that he doesn't really use his brain as much. You two have a connection that I have never seen, everything will be ok." He says wiping my tears away from my face before getting up from the bed and heading towards the sound.

I take a breath before laying down, looking at Geralts side before deciding to sleep on his side. Not bothering to remove my armor, I get under the covers and allow sleep to embrace me.

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