DESTINED for you (the next s...

By Cocostoriess

126K 1.7K 365

this story is about Destiny a girl in tns falling for a new a trouper west fem - west #1 in West #17 in TNS #... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Season 2!!!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Patt 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Season 4!!!!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 17
Part 18
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 28
Part 30
Part 33
Part 35
Season 6 Episode 16
Christmas special
Authors note

Part 34

503 8 0
By Cocostoriess

I went to Bangers before the competition starts becuase I was feeling nervous

Destiny: I have never been to Bangers and this is a dream come true. Im walk in and see West doing some flips

"Hey West" I said seeing him smile ear to ear

"Babe!" West yelled flipping towards me

West: I just got some amazing news and I cant wait to tell Destiny

"What made you so happy" I asked him as he walked up to me kissing my lips

"Well I got the job" West told me and my eyes widened

"OH MY GOSH. West! Congradulations" I congradulated West hugging him as he smiled

"Yeah. I cant wait to go to Italy in December" West said then I pulled away when I realised what he said

"What" I said then West touched my shoulder

"Did I not tell you that the job was in Italy?" West asked me then I sighed

"West I didnt tell you this but I do have a job. Its in New York and it also starts in December" I told West looking at the floor and West gulped

"Umm. What are we going to do?" West asked me then I started to tear up

"I dont think that it will work with us being in different countries." I told West crying

Destiny: We both know that it wont work. Its hard for me because I do really love West but I know its for the better

"No. Baby it can and it will" West said wiping away my tears

"No it wont. You know it and I know it. Its not going to work with us being 100 miles away" I told West then I held West hands

West: Destiny is right. We both know its for the best.

"Its actually..." West said trying to light the mood then I looked up at him "Never mind"

"Maybe in another universe we will work" West said as he started crying too and I nodded

"Ill love you forever but Im sorry this is how it has to happen. I hope you its for the better" I sobbed

"Its okay. I love you" West said coming closer to me holding my hands

"I love you too" I said then music played

^The duet they do^

Destiny: I love West but it wont work out with us being so far away from eachother

West: Destiny is the best thing to ever happen to me. I dont know how I will ever find anyone else

As the dance finished I lay my head on West shoulders crying

Destiny: This is an end to the best chapter of my life


Me, James, Eldon and West were in the lobby waiting for The Next Step to be called out before we went on the dance floor

Eldon: Today's the final round in the Bangers and Mashups international hip-hop extravaganza... and it's down to us and Fuego Fuego.

"I'm so excited for this." I said smiling and looking at West who smiled back at me

"Yeah, man."

"You guys are, like, my best friends." James randomly said to us and we all smiled at him

"You're mine too" I told James who chuckled

James: I'm trying my hardest to forget about Riley today, because I owe it to the boys to focus on the competition. We've been dancing together since we were little kids, and all around the world. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have by my side right now.

Destiny: I have traveled with theses guys for 5 years now and this is were it ends. In London, Bangers and Mash-ups finals.

"Guys we have to give it our all. This is the last time we dance together and lets make this a memory worth remembering. We've been on so many adventures, I really think this one's the best one, though. I love you guys" I told them with little tears rolling down my cheeks

West: We all have to be ready to dance today. But, honestly, I'm a bit worried about James.

"Love you too captain" West said soluting me and Eldon bowing

"Get up" I said then he got up


"Lets give it the best you got. Next Step, on three. One, two, three!" I said as we put our hands in

"Next Step!" We said while we stood at the enterence before entering Bangers

"Competing against them is the Next Step Dance Studio!" The host said as we ran on the stage

West: Walking up this ramp, I realise, by tonight, we'll either be the hip-hop champions of the world, or we'll go home empty-handed. Time to find out.

"Two teams enter. One team leaves. Let the battle begin!" Masked Man says and I took my jacket off since I was first

West: We're about to compete against the best hip-hop team in the world.

Eldon: There is absolutely zero room for error today.

"This is no ordinary dance-off, because it's not over until four dancers from one team have all been eliminated. Are you guys ready?"She asked us and the crowd cheers

Destiny: I have to dance-battle this first dancer. If I win I get to dance-battle the next guy on the opposing team.

West: As long as you keep winning dance battles, you keep going, until all three dancers on the other team are out.

Eldon: If Destiny lose, I'm in, and I will have to step up and continue.

"Round one is tricking" Masked man says and they stepp back and the Fuego Fuego dances in front of me

Thalia: Im here to support Destiny and the boys. I know they can win this thing.

West: Each round is a different dance style. This round is tricking

Eldon: Tricking is all about flips, kicks and abit of martial arts

Destiny: Hes really good. He has these tricks that I have only seen probally twice... in the mirror

I walk up to the floor after flipping off of James hand. I start to do flips and kicks while the crowd cheers

James: Destiny is killing it out there, she has this fire inside of her that Ive never seen before but because of that she is dancing incredabily

I finished my dance with a 540 and the crowd went crazy about it

West: I am 110 percent sure that Destiny just won her round

"Masked Man who do you think is the winner of round one?" The host asked Masked Man

"Its obviously DezDez" Masked Man says and I start jumping up and down in excitement

Destiny: Next round baby


"Round two is breaking" Masked man says and someone else walked out on the floor

Eldon: Breaking include gymnastic movement and an emphasis on ground moves. I know its James thing but I dont know about Destiny

I was watching the girl dance and I started shaking but West put his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. While I went on the stage I did a jumping handstand then and the crowd yelled out

West: She is doing incredabily. I always thought that she was just a technical dancer but she just showed me she can do it all

As I was dancing I got the idea to do the Hunter head slide that Hinter taught me and West. I did the head slide backing them up as I made more room for myself to dance and the crowd cheered as loud as they could.

Eldon: Destiny is insane. The more she is dancing the more energy she gets and its so weird. If I was not on the same team as Destiny I would have been shitting myself.

I was doing a move on the floor and then got cocky and did a handstand into a worm and then the crowd cheered even louder. When I got up from my worm I accidently did the splits getting up but I hoped that nobody noticed.

James: Destiny just left did all that and her dance isnt done. How can someone have that much energy I... I dont understand. What do they feed the kids in Australia?!

Destiny: I am not even out of breath and the only thing I want to do is dance even more.

I finished my dance with a kick out then a pin drop and crossed my arms while the crowd cheered as loud as they could

Destiny: Now its all up to the jugdes

"Ok Masked Man is that a clearwinner or what?" The host asked Masked Man while I was taking deep breaths in

"Actually its not. She did a move which isnt apart of hiphop. The splits, which eliminates the Next Step damcer" Masked Man said then we all looked around confused

"That makes the winner Fuego Fuego" Masked Man says and I scratch my bottom lip shrugging and shaking my head and the crowd boo'd

Destiny: I cant believe it I just got eliminated

West: Now its time for Eldon to dance

"Next Step, that means your first dancer has been eliminated." The host say while I patted Eldon on the back

"Sorry" I said to them as they accepted it

"Its alright" West said putting his arm over my shoulder


"Round three is moves and grooves!"The host says

Eldon: So I can't do any tricking, gymnastics, or acro It's gotta be pure hip-hop.

James: Eldon is going all out right now. He is leaving it all on the floor.

Destiny: Eldon is smashing it.

West: Eldon did great, but... it's all up to the judges now.

"The winner of the first round is... Avril, from the Fuego Fuego Hip-Hop Academy!" Masked Man announced and I sighed

"Next Step, that means your dancer has been eliminated."

"Sorry, guys. Tried my best." Eldon applogised

"It's all good, man. We've still got this" West told Eldon

James: I'm really worried. West and I are going to have to find a way to beat 3 dancers.

"Round four, bouncing!"

Destiny: Bouncing is street style of dance that is very, well, bouncy.

James: West? He is crushing it out there.

West: I'm killing it, and, honestly, I have to. I don't think James has it in him today.

Destiny: Hes just so amazing and I can just watch him dance for days

"I think it's clear that the winner of that round was West from the Next Step!" Masked Man says as I hug him and he spins me around

"So each team has now lost two dancer, which leaves only two remaining. And the hip-hop dance style in round three will be waving." The host sayd

West: Waving is when you make your body move like water, and this guy's got moves. I hate to admit it, but I'm impressed.

Eldon: This is the second round for West. He should be tired, but, somehow, he has more energy.

Destiny: Seeing West dance is so amazing becuase he is a great dancer. His dancing just makes me fall in love with him all over again even though we arent together anymore

As West finished the dance he went to his opponite and did this back arm thing and went down to the floor as I cheered for West as loud as I could

"Its over for you. Its over" Me and James yelled a couple of times to Fuego Fuego while I put my arm over James

James: Did you see that? West just pulled the coolest... move I've ever seen.

Then even after the music finished West did a back flip and I cheered for him even louder

James: West was not just in that guy's face, he was all over that guy. But the judges don't look too happy.

"Masked Man, what is the verdict? Seems obvious!" She says and Masked Man speaks up

"Unfortunately, it is not. We have a disqualification due to illegal touching. Fuego Fuego wins that round!" Masked Man says and my mouth drops and the crowd boo'd

"What?!" I said then walked up to the jugdes yelling at them

"Illegal touching my ass" I walked up to then and started argueing with jugde

"Mate thats crazy" I said right up to the jugde finishing the arguement

"Get back before you get your whole team disqualified" The jugde said and I rolled my eyes walking back to them

Destiny: I can't believe West is disqualified for illegal touching. The bitch didnt even get hurt. You know the only illegal touching is when my fist meets your face.

James: Now he's out, and it's all up to me.

"The next dance style will be breaking."

West: Breaking is power moves mixed with top rock, down rock and freezes. Destiny, Eldon and I have already been eliminated. Now it's up to James to take out the next two dancers... and bring home the victory.

James: I can't even think about the second dancer right now. I have to focus on the dancer in front of me, and... win this battle first.

Destiny: I'm proud of James. Even though he's heartbroken, he's really bringing it hard. That's what dance battles are all about.

"OK, well, the pressure was on there. Masked Man, what say the powers that be? Have Fuego Fuego ended it all, or are The Next Step going to live to dance another day?" The host asked Masked Man as I put my arm on James shoulder and held his hand

"The winner of that round is... De Wai J from The Next Step!" Masked Man said and I hugged James so happy

West: James absolutely destroyed that battle. He cleaned up a mess that... I couldn't.

"At this stage of the competition, each dancer is allowed to choose his own dance style. No rules whatsoever! But, there will be a twist. The two remaining dancers will battle over and over again, until one dancer has won three battles, declaring them the champion." The host said and I looked at James really nervous for him

James: I've never been more nervous for a dance in my life. This is going to take everything I have, and even that might not be enough.

The Fuego Fuego dancer went on the floor while I was giving James some ideas on his dance

James: Winning one battle is hard. Two? That's insane. Winning best out of five? Honestly, I'm nervous. I have to dance for my life, but... I don't know if my heart is in this.

James finished his dance and I could kind of feel like James was off by the way he was dancing

"OK, off to a fighting start. Masked Man, what's the verdict? The winner of round one is... Santana!" Masked Man says and I could just hear West eye roll

West: The first one to three points wins. James is down one to zero now, so he needs to make this next battle count.

The guy went on stage and I started trying to motivate James

Destiny: This guy's killing it. Fuego Fuego definitely saved the best for last.

James: Normally, when I have to dance for my life, I reach down deep, and I try and find something to propel me to greatness. I'm trying right now and I don't think there's anything there.

Destiny: I'm worried about James. Something is missing. It's like he's giving up.

"Wow. These dancers are really, really, bringing it now. Masked Man, who is the winner of that round?" The host asked Masked Man

"The winner, once again, is... Santana!" Masked Man said and I threw my jacket on the floor with anger

West: This is bad news. If James loses one more round, then we're out.

Destiny: He's gotta win three straight. I don't know how we're going to win.


James: I'm trying to keep it together, but... I have nothing left. I have nothing left to fight for.

"You just really gotta win these next couple rounds, or we're out, OK? We didn't come here to lose." West tells James while I nod

"I'm tired, yo." James lied as I squinted my eyes

"Well, you gotta pull it together." I spoke up

Riley: I was at the airport, and I knew I had to follow my heart, and my heart led me here.

I was looking at West then we both realise Riley walking in "Hey, look who's here." I told James and he spun around to Riley

"What are you doing here?" James asked Riley

"I love you. It's always been you, I'll always love you, and I'm so sorry for what I did, but you're going to have to find a way to forgive me." Riley says and then he shuts her up by kissing Riley

Riley: James has my heart... and he always will.

"Now, go get 'em." Riley said and I walked up to her greeting her with a hug

"All right."

James: I don't know how Riley got here, and I don't care. She's here... and now I know I can win this thing.


Destiny: James can't afford to make any mistakes, but I don't think that's going to be a problem now.

West: That's my boy. Look out, everyone, James is back!

James: I dance for myself, I dance for the boys, but it feels good to be dancing for... Riley again.

"The winner of that round was... De Wai J!" Masked Man yells out

"OK, time for Round six. Fuego Fuego isn't going down without a fight. This guy came to win."

James went out on the floor and killed it

James: My body feels tired, but it doesn't matter. Every time I think about slowing down I look over, and I see Riley, and it just keeps me going.

Riley: This I where I belong. When I'm with James, everything feels right.

"The winner, once again, is De Wai J!" Masked Man says and I hug James so proud

West: We're all tied up. If James wins this... we're world champions.

"This is the final dance, what we've all been waiting for." The host says and the crowd cheers

Eldon: After this next round, we will know who won the Bangers and Mashups international hip-hop competition!

James goes out on the floor and I have no words about how good he is

Destiny: James is I- I- Like- I have nothing to say. Hes giving it 1000 percent and I didnt even know you could go that high

James: I know Fuego Fuego wants this just as bad as I do... but I've been holding on to something special.

Riley: I've never seen James dance like this before. He's unstoppable.

"OK, guys. You have done it, you've danced all you can dance. It's now time for the moment we've been waiting for for weeks. Its time for the results, and it's time to crown the winner of the Bangers and Mashups hip-hop international extravaganza! You ready?" Masked Man says and then they get a note fron the jugdes and they open it

"The winner is... The Next Step!" Masked Man said and I scream at the top of my lungs hugging West and everyone celebrating with us

Eldon: We won Bangers and Mashups,the international hip-hop competition? That is insane.

Destiny: We won and I am just over the moon. WE DID IT BITCHES!

West: We're world champions. We are hip-hop kings. Oh, it just feels so good.

Riley: After all this time, celebrating with James is still... the best feeling in the world.

James: I'm king of the world, baby, the world! And the best part is, I get to celebrate with my queen.

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