🍁Comęş2Yoų🖤[ţāęgųķķ ƒƒ]√

By Solitary_0813

96.9K 4.1K 536

[A Taekook ff] This is a very sensitive and voilence story read on your own risk don't complain me later that... More

1-Remembered Me?!🍁
3-Min Jewan?🍁
4-In Your Arms.🍁
5-Become Addicted.🍁
6-Without You.🍁
7-Crush At First Sight.🍁
8-I Missed You.🍁
9-His Taehyung.🍁
11-Carban Copy.🍁
13-Fresher Party.🍁
14-Jay B & Fennec Fox.🍁
15-I Will Pray.🍁
16-Bambi Eyes.🍁
18-Wait For Me.🍁
21-Get Well Soon.🍁
22-Jimin Hyung!🍁
23-Welcome Back.🍁
26-My Baby.🍁
27-Sweet Moments.🍁
29-My Son In Law.🍁
30-I'm Not A Rabbit!🍁
31-I'm Sorry.🍁
35-One-Sided Date.🍁
37-Take It Slow.🍁
38-First Kiss.🍁
42-Happy Family.🍁
43-He Did Nothing.🍁
45-What Did They Do?🍁
46-Its True.🍁
47-I'm Not A Begger.🍁
49-Life Goes On.🍁

36-My butterfly.🍁

1.1K 66 16
By Solitary_0813

Hey......... 💜💚🦋

..................... Confession


Tae sigh and turn towards jk but he is not in his place. Tae furrowed, looking everywhere anxiously.

"Gu..kk" tae mumbled roaming his doe eyes everywhere, he looked down and gasp widing his eyes while keeping his hand on his mouth shockingly.

Jk chuckle at him while kneeling down infront of him with a small box of ring.

"No, it can't be true." Tae mumbled to himself while looking everywhere and saw others already looking at them.

Some people shooting their video too and excitedly looking at them waiting for their sweet moments.


"Its true My butterfly." Jk said looking at him. He looked back if someone is standing behind him or jk really called him butterfly.

"Taehyung!!!" Jk called his name with a heavy sigh. Tae looked at him tears fall from his doe eyes. Both staring at each other.

"I took so much courage to confess my feeling to you, so please don't break my confident because of your shocked and listen my words attentively." Jk said he nodded his head sniffing silently while biting his lower lips to control his sob.

Jk take a deep breath to calm down his racing heart and gulp some saliva to wet his dry throat.

"I tried my best to not love you and move on from my one side-love,

because I thought you like someone else.

I didn't wanted to ruin your life then at christmas I got to know you don't like him.

I always saw love for me in your eyes but I neglect this.

I thought I were in so love with you that's way i'm seeing love for me in your ocean eyes.

Also I don't want to forced you once again. So, I didn't purposed you again.

But 1 week ago I saw your gloomy face when I told you about my lover.

I saw tears in your eyes maybe for loosing me."

Jk said while looking in his doe eyes, tae silently listening and sobbing looking at him helplessly.

"When I saw you first time, I drown in your blue ocean orbs and I lost myself when you compared me with your pet cocky."

Jk said chucking tears form in his eyes too. Tae giggle at him while crying.

I don't know when I fall for you so deep without my knowledge when you enter in my heart without my permission.

Still I want to love you forever and ever.

And dont want to you go away from in this heart. I want to keep you here in my heart forever and ever."

Jk said pointing his left chest over his heart with a soft smile other cooing at his words.

"Taehyung, you want to stay in my heart?

You want to give us a chance?

You want to I love you forever?

Jk asked every question in hope and bit his lips to control his tears.

"I love you Taehyung you are my first and forever love and I will do anything for you if it's comes to you.

"I don't want this boyfriends relation.
I want to marry you because I don't want to loose you again by any chance and waste our times.

Will you marry me my angel...."

Jk ask finally desperately and waiting for him to say something with his teary bambi longing eyes.

"Y..you wr..ote that s..ong for me." Tae ask in his hiccups jk bit his lips smiling and nodded his head.

"Im your lo...ver." Tae asked again he said 'yes you are.'

Tae kneel down infront of jk slowly while sniffing cutely and wiping his tears with his shirt hem.

"I'm yo..ur butterfly." He said crying and hide his face in his palm.

"Only you." Jk said crying and caresses his arm softly in hesitation.

"You still love me." Tae asked looking at him with his doe puff teary eyes.

"Yes, I never stop loving you. I love you will always thats way im purposing you for our marriage." Jk said firmly with a calm smile.

"Yes! I will marry you, everyone ask me about my surname, will you give me." Tae said warm tears fall again from his beautiful oceanic eyes.

Jk smile while crying and hug him he also hug him tightly. People's cheer and start clapping for them.

"I will Jeon Taehyung." Jk mumble in his crook, he cried more in his arms.

Tae flinch and hug jk tightly when fire crackers burst out in the sky loudly. Jk chuckled and pull him more in his arm

"Baby look in the sky or else you will miss a beautiful view of this night." Jk said he peek from his crook and saw so beautifull view of fire crackers in the sky.

It's not jk's plan.....

"It's pretty right." Jk asked he nodded looking in the sky jk too.

"May I." Jk asked showing him ring he nodded shyly and hide his face in his crook.

Jk cooing at him and he slid the ring in his ring finger carefully and hug him.


Few moments later.....

"We should go home, it's late." Tae said while breaking the silence jk smile and shook his head.

"Weren't going home tonight." Jk said tae looked at him wide confused eyes while blinking.

"You want to roam whole night in the beach." Tae said he shook his head.

"I just want to spent this night together talking and make myself believe we are really together." Jk said and intertwine his hand with his hand.

JK took tae otherside of the beach of the resort which he booked for tonight.

Tae looking whole decoration shining doe eyes amusedly and then he saw a small seating arrangement a little tent he smile softly.

Jk admiring him and feeling happy after seeing his calm reaction.

"Come take a seat." Jk said he looked at him and nodded his head.

Jk sat comfortably and patted beside he sat hesitantly while biting his lips.

"You are feeling cold." Jk said he shook his head, jk raise his an eyebrow he nods his head looking down.

He smile and forward his long court and told him to wear it.

"What about you?" Tae asked pouting he breathed heavily and shook his head.

"Em I'm wearing turtle neck tshirt and shirt too. So, I ain't feeling cold you wear this or else you will catch a cold." Jk said he nodded and wear his court.

Tae drawn in the court because its big size jk chuckled looking at his cute fluff ball. Tae whine and yelled at him to not laughed at him.

Jk arrange pillow properly and lay a little bit comfortably and asked tae to come and sit beside him.

He shook his head fiddling with his finger, he gasp when jk pick him up and made him sat on his lap.

"I think you like when I do anything forcefully with you." Jk said huskily he hide himself in his chest breathing.

"Don't scared I will not do anything without yout consent umm." Jk said he nodded in his crook.

He flinch in his embrace when jk's phone ring. He sigh and pick up the call.

Did you tell him about your feeling....

What he said.... 

He didn't reject you this time too....

Jk lips curve a thin line smile after hearing namjin words and ask them first stop asking this much question in one.

"He said yes. Now don't disturb us we will talk to y'all at home face to face. Bye bye." Jk said cut the call instantly chuckling tae looking at his side profile from his chest with his blush cheeks.

"They knew about this already." Tae whispered he nodded and switched of his phone and told him lisa also know about this.

"Y'all are so bad. You made me cry so much still didn't anyone tell me about this." Tae complain sulking jk giggle.

"We wanted to give you surprise that's way and I will make it up to you later of your all tears okay." Jk said he nods his head pouting while playing with his court hem.

"You spent so much money today and even gift me this much expensive ring and now this resort. You should..... cut him off

Jk keep his index finger on his pouty lips. He looked at him blinking his doe eyes cutely.

"Its most important day of our life don't waste it talking about shits." Jk said, tae glare at him for cursing he chuckled mumbled sorry.

"Don't think about it, I were saving money for this day and used it today." Jk said he nodded his head playing with his hem.

Jk sigh and remove his hand from his lips. He pull him more close towards his chest.

Tae can hear his heart beat he looked at his ring smiling. Red tint natural blush coated on his both cheeks and ears.

"Sorry." Tae whispered he mumbled 'don't say sorry.' Tae smile and looked at him.

"Thank you for everything." Tae said jk again forbid him to say thanks he pout.

"Why you called me butterfly? I'm not a weak boy. Im a strong boy." Tae said in low voice a cute pout adoring on his lips.

"I didn't call butterfly because you are weak. I called you butterfly because you are beautiful like him." Jk said furrowing he made O shape with his lips and giggle mumbling sorry.

He chuckled while nodding his head and caresses his head softly. He hold his hand and intertwined.

(Tae sitting on his lap comfortably jk holding his waist of his one hand and he is intertwined his other hand with tae's hand.)

Jk pecked on his ring and his knuckle.
He hiding his face in his crook. He is shivering because of new emotions.

"Why didn't you told me about your feelings huh?" Jk asked making circles on his knuckle with his thumb.

"I'm feeling embarrassed." Tae said he sigh caressing his hair softly.

"I thought you will not accept me bec...

he start crying without completing his sentence jk chuckled and caresses his back.

"I already told you, it's not your fault stop blaming yourself what happened had happen." Jk said he nodded his head.

"Okay let's not talked about past hm. Let's make new memories onwards." Jk said he looked at him smiling and nods his head.

Jk wipe his tears softly and peck on his forehead, he blush while playing with his hem.

"Your hand is so soft." Jk said playing with his hand smiling tae bit his lips.

"Is that bad?" Tae asked nervously he shook his head 'It's pretty.' He mumble.

"Stob mawking me blushhh." He whine in his crook his sound come as muffled

Jk chuckled and hug him with his both hands and pull him more close in his embrace.

Tae snuggled more in his crook and snack his hands in his neck over his shoulder.

They talk whole night their heart out, like, dislike, feelings and lots of things.

They didn't even know when sleep engulfed them and they both sleep in each other arms.

Jk already cover their body with sheet because of cold wind of ocean.


To be continue.......


Take care be safe......... 💚💜

Thank you........ ❤️

Pictures credit to rightful owner...

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