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By stupiidlycupid

35.2K 931 627

- ,, πŸ§Ÿβ€β™‚οΈ [ It seems, life is now just about waiting for Deaths Arrival . ]βŒ‡Β·Λš ༘ A 7-year-old girl named Ele... More

1. Look for the light.
2. Treasure hunt.
3. Walkers in the barn!
4. When the world comes to shit.
5. Whose randall?
6. Fall of the farm.
7. Back to square one.
8. A new home.
9. Constellations.
10. I'm not afraid.
11. New recruit.
12. Enemies.
13. Broken promises.
14. An Old Friend.
15. Back to the old house.
16. Leave it in the past.
17. Ladybugs.
18. Down falls the governor.
19. Welcome Woodbury.
20. Normal again.
21. Hurt people, hurt people.
22. Always disappointed.
23. Stars are forever.
24. The Archer.
25. Govenor, II.
26. Always there.
27. Terminus.

28. Shitty Sanctuary.

448 24 10
By stupiidlycupid


The group is now following the train tracks which led to terminus. Ella felt relieved that she was with Maggie again and that they were going to a safe place to stay. Although, the girl still missed the prison and everyone else, especially Hershel.

There were only a few miles left till they got to their destination. Ella watched as the blue sky slowly decreased as they approached a tall building with the letters "TERMINUS" written on the windows.

Ella's lips upturned into a gentle smile. They were there. They were finally at terminus. Glenn swiftly walked ahead of them toward the gate. The girl felt relieved, she could finally feel safe again. At least that's what she thought.

Glenn took the chains off the gate and the group walked in. They had their guns cocked and ready to shoot if anything. As they slowly separated, looking around in every direction, Ella stayed behind Glenn. She held onto the straps of his orange backpack.

Once again, they reached another gate. It was rusty. The group had put their guns down after seeing colorful plants that were well taken care of and the smell of food being cooked.

Slowly, they walked toward the smell, now seeing a woman at a grill. She had auburn hair that was wavy and put into a braid.

"Hi. I'm Mary," she smiled, introducing herself. "Looks like you've been on the road a while."

Maggie replied, "We have."

"Then let's get you settled and we'll make you a plate. Welcome to Terminus. Follow me," Mary gave them a stiff nod.

Ella tilted her head up looking at Maggie. She gave the young girl a stiff nod as well, in a way of saying 'It's okay.'

They followed the lady, reaching a red storage container. "This is where you'll stay," Mary stated. She still had that friendly smile on her face, but now it was getting quite creepy.

"This is normal?" asked Sasha. Her tone was unsure.

Mary nodded, "Very much. The train would cross here so we have lots of people staying in these."

Ella's eyebrow quirked up. She didn't see many other people which was weird. "Go on in and get comfortable. I'll get you guys food," Mary insisted.

The group gave in, walking up the steps into the dark of the container. The last one to walk in was Glenn.

He turned around, "Hey. Don't you think this container is a little-" The door slammed shut and keys jingled to lock it. "Shit. Seriously?" Glenn rushed toward the door banging his gun on it.

"If you leave, my people will kill you," Mary threatened.

Abraham walked over, "Well shit. Now we're stuck in here."

"We can't just find a way out?" Tara asked with worry in her voice. Panic rose in the air.

Bob responded, "It's no use. It's dark and these were made to store oil and boxes, not for humans to live in. We could only get out if they open the door."

Ella looked over at Maggie. "We're just gonna be stuck here? Forever?" the young girl asked, frowning.

"Let's hope not," responded Maggie.

The group settled down a bit, finding a spot to sit or lay at. Ella was upset and disappointed. She really believed that Terminus would be safe and nice, but it wasn't.

Why are they keeping us in here?

Are they gonna kill us?

Ella took a deep breath. She didn't understand the world, not yet. She didn't know why people killed each other. The girl believed if everyone just worked together, they'd be able to stop the walkers from overtaking. Stop the world from going to shit and make it normal again; however normal was gone now.

To the child, it was weird to know that on a random birthday of hers, the world just ended. It was quite a memorable day for everybody, even the dead.

A hand touched Ella's shoulder, causing her to jump. It was Glenn. "Hey, easy. It's just me," he whispered. It's like he knew she felt anxious. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so," she nodded.

Glenn smiled at her softly, then it went quiet again.

Everyone was bored. They'd just been tricked. How'd they even fall for it?

The small girl decided to sleep through it. She couldn't do anything else. Not even draw in her journal since there was no light at all and they couldn't waste flashlights on that.

2008, 3 YEARS AGO

The door shut as the brown-haired boy walked into the apartment. A faint crying noise came from his sister's bedroom.

"Nells?" The boy called out, slowly approaching the room. He sees his sister sitting on her bed with tear stains on her face and glossy eyes. "What happened? Why aren't you at school? They called me."

Eleanor wiped her eyes. "Lilly," she managed to mumbled out. She only replied with a one-word answer as she didn't feel like talking.

"Come on Nells, you got a' explain further," Caleb insisted.  The girl did not reply. He then went to the kitchen, it wasn't so far as the apartment was only small. He grabbed a glass of water and walked back to hand it to Ella. "Breathe for me."

It took a few moments, but Ella finally calmed down just a little bit. Caleb sat next to her and looked at her closely. "Lilly took- she took me home," she sniffled, her breath shaky. "She had to go to work. But," once again the girl had paused. Eleanor tried catching her breath but the tears wouldn't stop falling down her face.

"It's okay, take your time. You're okay," he reassured the younger one.

"A girl at school told me that," she took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. "She said that when babies like me cry too much, someone's gonna– a mean man is gonna come for me. I don't wanna die, Caleb. She told me I'd never see Mom or you ever again!"

The boy tried his best not to laugh. He thought it was far more worse but it was just some silly story a kindergartner made up. "Nobody's comin' for you, don't worry. Even if they try, they won't get anywhere near you because I'm here to protect you. So is mom and your dad," Caleb comforted her. He put his arm around her, kissing the top of her head. "That girl's just jealous of your beautiful long hair."

"Really? They're not gonna take me away and cut an inch of my hair every time I cry?" Ella asked with concern.

He chuckled, "Absolutely nobody. Also, how come Lilly picked you up? They let ya leave?"

"Not exactly. I was crying so much and didn't say anything, they called Mom and Dad, no answer, so they just called Lilly. Originally, she was only supposed to calm me down, she took me home instead."

Caleb nodded his head in acknowledgment. The young sister yawned. All that crying caused her eyes to become tired. "You wanna take a nap?" asked Caleb. "When you wake up I could cook you your favorite. Or maybe we could bake something with Mom."

She nodded, settling in her bed as Caleb helped tuck her in. As her eyes slowly closed, the boy tip-toed out.

"Caleb," she murmured, causing him to turn back around. "Sit with me for a little bit," she requested in a soft, sleepy voice.

The older brother did as she said. He sat with her for a little bit more. Caleb was great. He was so patient with her, he loved her, and he even skipped half his classes because his sister's school called. Ella couldn't be ever more grateful for him. She knew she'd always need him. They will always need each other.

"THE RINGLEADER, THE ARCHER, THE SAMURAI, IN THAT ORDER," a voice yelled from outside. It sounded a bit more distanced. Ella abruptly woke up from the noise.

Another voice, this one seemed to be close to the bin. "My kids?" he yelled back.

The voices started getting lower. "I'll go in with them," the same voice spoke.

What was he talking about?
Are there more people?
Who was it?

For some reason, Ella couldn't recognize the voice.

Suddenly, the door opened and others stepped inside. She heard 5 different footsteps, although she had no idea who She had just woken up, and her eyes were still adjusting. Also, it was far too dark to make out who the figures were.

Glenn got up and approached the other side of the container. "Rick?" his eyes widened seeing his friend since the beginning, the person he saved once again. Others began getting up as they realized they knew who it was.

"You're here," replied Rick. Ella walked over quickly. She hoped to see Caleb.

The girl saw Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Carl, and, "Evelynn! You're here," she smiled running over to her.

"Hey Elz, I've missed you," Evelynn replied as the smaller girl held on to her tightly.

Eleanor frowned and looked up, "I thought I'd never see you again." She then pulled away from the hug and turned around.

"They're our friends. They helped save us," Maggie stated.

Daryl had a small smile upon his face. "Yeah. Now they're friends of ours," he welcomed them.

"For however long that'll be," Abraham spoke and went to sit back down.

Rick shook his head. "No," he said, making Abraham turn back around. "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out."

"Find out what?" the ginger man asked with concern. Everyone, including Michonne, had an uneasy look on their face.

After a while, Rick finally responded, "They're screwin' with the wrong people." The dead, fierce look in the man's blue eyes made Ella feel quite anxious. Rick had turned cold. He's not the same man he was a year ago.

Maggie had told Ella to go back to sleep but she couldn't. She was watching the others working on the plan to get them all out of there, without anyone dying.

They heard men outside yelling. "Alright. I got four of 'em pricks comin' our way," Daryl warned.

"Y'all know what to do. Go for their eyes first, then their throats," Rick reminded, walking near the door.

Glenn looked over his shoulder to see Ella. He gave her a look. Earlier, he had told her to stay close to him. If they ever got separated, she had to just run away. It didn't matter who she was with, she just had to be safe.

"Put your backs to the walls on either side of the car, now!" a man yelled. Everyone was in their ready position, waiting for someone to come in.

Suddenly, the roof opened. Confused Eleanor looked up. Light shined on her face reflecting on her eyes. Something dropped.

"Move!" Abraham shouted, noticing what it was. Everyone moved back as an explosion sounded. It was loud and horrible. Smoke filled up the container. Glenn shielded the young girl with himself.

Eleanor coughed, extending her arm out to feel who was near her. And then, everything went black.

When Ella woke up, she heard everyone panicking. Carl was next to her. "What happened?" she asked as she sat up groggily.

"I don't know. We heard some gunfire and explosions," he explained to her.

She looked around, noticing a few were missing. "Glenn, he's not here. Where is he?"

Knowing she'd worry, Carl lied. "He managed to escape with Rick, Daryl, and Bob. They're okay, don't worry. We'll get out of here." Evelynn looked at him, the two made eye contact. Carl was only lying to protect her. She didn't want her to worry as much as he was for his own dad.

Suddenly, walker snarls came from outside the container. Had there been a breach? Ella sat nervously, fiddling with her fingers. She hoped that Glenn and everyone else was okay. That they'd all be okay.

Eleanor was zoned out, she didn't care what the others were saying anymore. She wanted to be out of there and just have everything be normal again. The girl was growing out of patience.

After a while, the door opened. Millions of walkers were out there. "Come on, fight to the fence!" Rick yelled, firing his gun everywhere. Ella didn't have anything to fight with.

Everyone ran down the stairs, stabbing walkers in their throats. Ella followed Maggie, staying as close as she could be, but still kept a distance. There were so many walkers. She'd never seen so many in her life. Not even when they first saw the prison, or the walkers by the fence back at there too. The prison seemed like a red zone. Seems like this is a new one too.

They all ran for the short metal fence. "Up and over, come on," said Rosita, her breath heavy. First, Ella climbed over. Then, one by one, everyone climbed over it and into safety.

It was a long quiet walk in the woods. Nobody spoke, nobody dared to. The events that had been occurring the past few weeks had been traumatic for the young girl and everyone else, some more serious than others. The prison falls, they all get separated, the whole terminus thing. What else is gonna happen? It's like the world wants Ella to be miserable.

"I'm tired. My feet hurt," Eleanor complained. "We've been walking for what seems like hours. When are we gonna get there?"

Daryl responded, "Almost there, kid. Just hang tight."

The girl's eyes rolled back. Ella wasn't much of a walker or a runner. She didn't hate it but she'd always burn out so quickly. The only time she doesn't is when she's afraid.

"Right here," Daryl spoke, crouching down. He handed Rick a shovel that was covered in dirt and leaves, and he began digging. But for what?

"The hell we still 'round here for?" Abraham's eyebrow creased.

"Guns, some supplies," replied Rick. "Go along the fences, use the rifles. Take out the rest of 'em."

Glenn squeaked, "What?"

"They don't get to live," Rick said in a firm voice.

"Rick, we got out. It's over," Glenn reminded.

Rick picked up a handgun and looked over his shoulder. "It's not over 'til they're all dead."

"The hell it isn't! That place is on fire. Full of walkers," Rosita remarked.

Abraham added, "I'm not dicking around with this crap. We just made it out."

"Language," Eleanor pouted. Her mood was off, she just needed to lay down, but of course, she couldn't. There was still more to do.

Maggie began, in a soothing, calm voice, "The fences are down. They'll run or die."

Footsteps began to approach the group. The leaves crunch under their feet. Suddenly, Daryl ran. It was Carol. Carol was back, though Ella never knew the real reason she'd been gone. Daryl and Carol held each other in an embrace. He missed her.

Finally, a heartwarming moment. Maybe that's all Ella needed after all. A smile lit up the young girl's face as she walked toward Carol with a few others.

"Did you do that?" Rick asked quietly.

Carol nodded as Rick hugged her. "You have to come with me," she said.

Then, she quickly led the group through the woods and out. The more they walked, Ella could see where they were heading. A small cabin. Tyreese was at the front door, holding baby Judith.

Rick ran, he ran fast. So did Carl and Sasha. That was his baby, Rick's baby was alive. Ella had overheard a conversation that Rick, Carl, and Evelynn all thought Judith was dead.

Eleanor had a smile on her face. They would be okay after all. They just needed to find Beth, Caleb, and the two sisters.

"Carol, where's Mika, Lizzie, and Caleb?" she asked, looking up at the short-haired woman.

Carol gave her a sad expression. The same one people gave her when she asked about someone who had died.

Ella frowned, "How'd Caleb die?"

"There was a bunch of walkers. He sacrificed himself for Judith's sake," Carol responded. "He's a hero."

She was glad he died by choice and helping someone. However, Ella couldn't stop thinking about why he had left her. No goodbyes. He just sacrificed himself for a man's baby.

Her eyes got a bit watery as she couldn't hold it in very well. Once again, her big brother was gone. Caleb's comforting voice would never calm her down again and she now had no family left.

Author's note ;;

oh my goshhh, i finally finished a chapter. ignore how long it took me, but i hope you enjoyed! i've been struggling to write deaths arrival lately lmao but i did it for u guyss !!!! 😆

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