Warriors Return #1 Rise of Le...

By darkmagicdragon

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U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N ! W A R N I N G ! E D I T I N P R O C E S S Editor: @warriorcat6 Lea... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

209 17 8
By darkmagicdragon

     Leafstar lead Lorena through the shadows of a dim forest. She lead her friend into an old badger den. 

"I-is it safe?" Lorena asked, feeling doubtfull about it being a badger den.

 "Of course, the scent is stale, I would never put us in such danger anyway." Leafstar replied, casting a loving glance at her friend.

 Inside, sandy floors promised a soft sleeping space. They didn't have time to collect moss, or hunt for that matter. The thick orange sun was sinking fast below the horizon. They decided to check the back if the den to see if it would be more sheltered against the cold night breeze threatening to come. Lucky for them, there was a soft sheltered space just in the back with green moss growing on the sides.

 Roots dangled above their heads as they checked for any danger. As they tore down the moss and slowly pressed it into the sand to make a soft sleeping hollow Leafstar thought of the responsibilities that lay ahead.

Leafstar was now a leader of LeafClan, She and her deputy had just gotten back from their long journey to the moonstone. It was their last visit she was sure of it. The Twolegs were taking over the land by building large dens nearby. She wondered if they ever tried to come back, would there even be a moonstone?

Leafstar and Lorena plopped into their newly made nests and fell into a tired daze from their long trip.

Leafstar stretched her jaws into a yawn. "We'll sleep here and pick up the kittypets around sun-high," Leafstar meowed wrapping her ginger tail around her white pelt.

She stared at her dark ginger paws as she flexed her claws in and out. Lorena turned her head towards Leafstar with tired pale green eyes flashing.

"Do you think the kittypets will stay in LeafClan once they join?" Lorena asked nervously before yawning.

"Yes why wouldn't they?"Leafstar answered in a tone Lorena couldn't match.

"Well I thought life in a clan would be rough for them, I mean... They have spent their life being pampered by Housefol- I mean Twolegs." Lorena murmured licking her cracked pads, weared down from stepping on tough ground.

Leafstar thought for a moment before replying."We were once Kittypets, look at us now." she thought about that some more. "We were pampered by Twolegs and we're perfectly strong and capable of caring for ourselves.

"Yeah, I guess you could be right Leafstar." Lorena replied before curling up into a ball and squeezing her eyes shut.

"Now we need to get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us." Leafstar meowed.

Lorena blended in with the sandy floor, her golden fur looked invisible except for the brown stripes on her legs. Leafstar looked out the den, the last ray of sunshine was piercing through the leaves of an oak tree like a sign from StarClan.

A huge ginger tom stalked into the den. Leafstar recognized Thunderstar, the first leader of ThunderClan, stars flowing around his slightly transparent pelt.

This is were LeafClan territory shall be. Thunderstar nodded and disappeared into the darkness as the one ray of sun flickered out and dissolved into the icy night air.

Leafstar closed her eyes and let sleep drift over her, clearing her mind.

She dreamed of a small white she-cat with extraordinary blazing blue eyes that were so bright that in the sunlight, they burned white. The she-cat prowled around, obviously looking for something or someone. The she-cat whipped around in surprise as she spotted Leafstar. She ran off into the woods and Leafstar darted after her.

They ran into a stone clearing,there was a deep hole in the ground that looked like a den.The white she-cat bounded down the hole Leaving Leafstar breathless at the top. Leafstar tried to get in the hole but it was too small for her. She watched as the hole shrank beneath her feet. Leafstar woke up to Lorena prodding her side.

"Hey, Leafstar, it's dawn." She murmured.

Leafstar Jolted her feet and scurried out of the den. She froze dead when she realized this was were she saw that small she-cat prowling around in her dream. Leafstar shook her head as Lorena ran to catch up with Leafstar.

"We need to hunt; I'm starving!"Lorena yowled.

"Alright you go that way I'll go this way." She decided.

Lorena crashed into the direction Leafstar told her. Leafstar padded through the forest,and it wasn't long before she spotted a little mouse, it wasn't very big but it was prey! She quietly stalked up on it,the mouse was nibbling on a nut. Leafstar waited for the right moment,then leaped into the air. The mouse started to run with a surprised squeak,but Leafstar was faster.She ran after it and flicked it in the air.It came down hard stunning its self just long enough for her to give it a swift bite to the neck.She killed it and brought it to the den along with two more mice. Lorena showed up later with a squirrel and two mice.

"Nice catch!"Leafstar mewed.Lorena dropped it with the rest.

"That should feed all of us shouldn't it?"Lorena asked.

"Yes we should eat this squirrel and fetch the kittypets. When are they expecting us?"Leafstar Asked.

"Sun-high at Megan's Twoleg place."Lorena shared her catch with Leafstar.

Leafstar picked up the five mice and buried it in the den.

"Okay let's go!" Lorena yowled impatiently.

"Alright!I'm coming!" Leafstar Grumbled.

Leafstar and Lorena bounded through the forest. The forest was a bright lush green and filled with lots of prey!Leafstar sideglanced her deputy, every muscle could be seen moving under her thin pelt. 

Her brown stripes made her blend in with the dried oak-colored brambles they were passing by. A scarlet rock wall came in front of them as they slowed down at a strip of Two-leg nests.

"This is it." Lorena motioned with her tail to a bright sky colored twoleg nest. 

 Leafstar jumped on the scarlet wall and off the other side,Lorena followed. She hid in a bush with Lorena and waited for the kittypets.

 A flicker of black and red caught Leafstar's eye from around the den.Finally the kittypets came out from different directions one by one. There was a brown tabby she-cat, white and brown dappled tom, blackish brown tom, a bright reddish ginger she-cat, a tortoiseshell she-cat, and a sandy tabby tom.

"Greetings!"The sandy tom welcomed them his Amber eyes blazing with courage and friendliness.

"Hello!" Lorena pushed her way out of the bush."This is Leafstar the one I've been talking about."

All of the cats turned to Leafstar. Her pelt grew hot under their gaze.

"This is Kody." Lorena pointed with her paw to the sandy tom, he nodded. "And that's Megan,the tortoiseshell, and Patrick, Black grumpy tom over there, Paton the brown tabby, Storm the dappled tom and Yvonne." Lorena purred happily.

"Hi!"Yvonne mewed.

"Hello, Yvonne." Leafstar nodded at the ginger she-cat."have you ate yet?" Leafstar asked the kittypets.

They looked at each other. "No,we haven't yet." Storm replied.

"Okay, we'll go to the den and eat then find a good place to camp."Leafstar flicked her tail and leaped over the wall.

They padded through the forest and got to the den. Lorena went in the den to dig up the mice.

"I'm not that hungry I'll share with Patrick." Yvonne meowed.

Lorena gave the kittypets the mice. Megan prodded and sniffed at it before eating it down hungrily. Kody ate it without hesitation, but Patrick scoffed.

"you expect me to eat that junk?!" He retorted.

"You wanted to join the clan patrick!" Megan snapped.

Patrick hissed at megan and finally ate part of the mouse."Hey, that's pretty good" He mewed.

Yvonne finished her share of Patrick's mouse and licked her chops.

"I've had mouse before." Kody yowled.

"So have I" Yvonne replied flicking her reddish ginger tail.

"It's past sun-high, Leafstar,we should be going."Lorena said.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

Leafstar lead the way to a stone clearing.it had a cave in the middle and a few bushes around the clearing.

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