mechanicallbride รกltal

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21 year old Victoria Moretti, is an assassin. She is an independent woman that doesn't rely on a man to do an... Tรถbb

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1.1K 25 20
mechanicallbride รกltal


"It's Théo!" Alessandro yelled sternly onto the phone.

It vibrated harshly on my hand. The voice was so loud that I bet Tom heard it. Talking about Tom, I looked up to see his expression or to even see if he heard the loud yell from Alessandro.

He nodded his towards the door, I nodded in agreement. "At the building?" I asked him. "Yes." He replied. "How the fuck did he get there?" I question him, while getting my shit ready. You know, getting my jacket and shoes, also running up the stairs sprinting to my bedroom grabbing my waistband, my gun and knife.

Running out my room, and going down the stairs with everything in my hands. "It doesn't fucking matter just get here. AND QUICK!" He shouted at me through the phone while saying the last two words. "Shit fine." I muttered. I heard a loud bang before Alessandro ended the call.

I made it to the front door seeing Tom waiting for me. It was easier for him to get his things together since it was all in the living room.

I still had everything in my arms except the jacket and my shoes. Tom unlocked the door letting me go, and closed it behind him. I went up to his car and opened the door. Tom came in right after I did. I put all of my items on the dashboard. "Is it at the building where we did our little 'training session'?" He asked me.

"Yeah, that place exactly." I said. Tom nodded, starting the car and zooming. While he was driving I was putting all of equipment on my waistband. It took a little bit putting the gun and the knives in the slots since the car was moving in such a rapid speed.

I just now realized I was still wearing my white crop top and shorts.

'Fucking hell.' I thought to myself.

Whatever, as long as we fix this situation, the little time I'll be spending being embarrassed at myself, but honestly I had no choice. One thing though is that I'm going to extremely vulnerable since the shorts go up to my upper thighs, close to my ass.

Also the crop top wasn't helping. The only thing helping me was the big fur coat I had with me.
It was long, it reached till the back of my knee.

We made it to the building, seeing Théo's cars parked in front of the building. Tom parked the car, and we both got out. We walked past the gates, the guards all down on the floor. Blood still gushing out of their body's though it was a little amount of blood. We walked passed them. Going up to the front door to the building.

On our way we saw Alessandro's men and Théo's men laying on the concrete ground, with lots of blood splattered everywhere. The pathway to the door was almost completely covered with dark red blood. The walls were spotted with blood. The fountain in the middle was dyed with a crimson red color. A body also being in the fountain, guessing they got drowned then killed, then their body being dumped in the fountain

Not my concern though.

The doors were already opened due to the intruders. My immediate thought was to go to Alessandro's office, since that's where Théo would probably be. "Wanna check Alessandro's office?" Tom asked me. "Read my mind." I said to him. As we were running towards his office I kept having this feeling of someone or something following us.

Although when I looked behind us I saw nothing. Probably me just being paranoid because Théo's here. I gripped my knife just in case something happens to me or Tom, you never know what could occur especially since there could still be Théo's men.

We were close to his office that's when I heard a yell. A familiar one. I turned my head to the direction of the sound, and there was Tom in a chokehold by what I'm observing one of Théo's guys. I rolled my eyes at Tom. Like couldn't he thought faster than to do something, but whatever.

I walked up to the two boys. "Well, well, well." The intruders said. "Here's Victoria Moretti, with her useless partner." He said, not letting me get the chance to speak. I simply shrugged my shoulders. There were more important things going around in the building than standing here with this imbecile.

"Oh cut the bullshit." I scoffed, annoyance going through my voice. "That's not nice." He said tightening his grip on Tom's neck. Tom mouthed to me 'do something!'. I smirked at him.

"I'll count one to three, just like poor mommy did. Oh wait! You didn't have a mom growing up." I said pouting my lips, walking closer to him, tracing his jawline with my cold pointer finger.

He shivered against my touch. I still kept that same smirk on my face. I backed away.


I put my hand on my knife.


I stepped forward to him.

"THREE!" I exclaimed.

Crashing my knife into his neck. Blood started gushing out, lots and lots of blood. The dirty blood getting on my clothes. My knife was still attached to his neck. Tom started to get free from his grip. "Oh no! My clothes they're ruined! Look at what you did." I said to him sounding like a spoiled brat, stomping my foot lightly. I held the knife in my hand, twisting it around his neck.

Me having a malicious grin on my face. Feeling the insides of his neck on my knife. Swishing the knife around, or more like all over his neck. Hearing his painful groans were music to my ears. I finally took the knife out surprisingly he still having air to breath.

'Damn this one's tough.' I thought to myself.

I traced the knife from his neck to his chest, leaving some cuts on his body, a small amount of blood coming out slowly from each of them. Once I was in his chest area I stabbed him roughly in the heart. Twisting the knife a whole 360. I took it out and he fell straight to the ground.

I walked closer to him. Bending down, getting some on the blood off of his neck and putting a 'V' next to his body. I got up from my position being satisfied, it was my first kill in a while. I walked back to Tom. Tom looking at me with wide eyes. They were full of shock.

I looked at him giving him a innocent smile. Really it wasn't any different than the rest of my killings, however it was less brutal. But I have to be honest with you this morning was chaotic and I simply didn't have the energy to go all out on killing him, just a simple stab and that's it.

I still wanted to make it a bit entertaining for me, and maybe Tom.

Tom muttered something I couldn't quite understand. Nor could I hear him clearly but I also don't think I would be able to understand him even if he said it more loudly. I just let it slide, I'll just asks him later or whenever we have the time.

We finally made it to Alessandro's office. I heard talking. I motioned Tom to be quiet, more or less to make no sound at all. Tom nodded, pressing his head against the door listening to the conversation on the other side.

"Well, look who it is. Alessandro Bruno." "Never thought this day would happen. Mm actually I did imagine but not this soon." Théo said to him. "Shut up Théo, get a grip will you! You got almost all of your men up in my building. Most of them dead." Alessandro replied. I could just tell he was smirking at Théo.

"YOU KNOW WHY I'M HERE, YOUR STUPID LITTLE ASSASSIN KILLED MY WIFE!" Théo yelled, from what it seemed like it sounds he yelled from the top of his lungs. Even the dead people could hear the noise he caused.

I decided to go in, cause if he wants to tell me that's stuff at least say it to me face. I turned to Tom, him looking right back at me. It felt like the time we kissed, we were close to each other.

'Ugh gotta get that out of your head Victoria.' I thought to myself.

"We are going in there on the count of three okay?" I whispered to him. Raising my eyebrows in agreement. "Alright." Tom responded back.

"One." I said motioning with my fingers as the numbers counted down.



Once we were at three me and Tom barged into the room, creating a loud bang, the door definitely had a dent somewhere. As we entered uninvitedly. My eyes went straight to Alessandro being strapped to the chair, with blood running down his cheek.

Then my eyes focused on another figure. Théo Beaufoy. A knife in one hand. The other hand being bawled into a fist, you could see his veins, he was clenching it that hard.

"Victoria Moretti."

Olvasรกs folytatรกsa

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