A&E Memories

By HollyBowden4

931 2 0

Basically bunch of Two shots, maybe sometimes one shorts or even three shots it depends on if I feel a story... More

Their Just Unconscious (Part 1)
Their just unconscious (Part 2)
This is all your fault
Your my best friend
Don't watch me cry
Please Don't send me away
She doesn't want to see me
I'm missing Love
What were you thinking
Drowning in the Darkness
Hot Chocolate and Kisses
I couldn't get them to stop

I know you still love me

79 0 0
By HollyBowden4

Chapter Summary: Marty broke up with Adi after Adi told him he wanted the baby to be just his and not raise it with Marty as they'd planned. What Marty never told anyone was that Adi was controlling and violent with him, and when Marty returns home after a shift at work his night takes a dark and dangerous turn. 

Will Sah and Ian find him in time or will the team loose another friend and colleague. 

(Also in this story Robyn is still alive)


Marty's POV:

I was so glad to be leaving work, this shift had been hectic and stressful and to add to the stress Adi had been messaging me and trying to call me, for some reason he can't except the fact that I don't love him anymore. I put my headphones on and pressed play on my favourite track on my phone as I walked away from the hospital and down the road towards the park that I always walked through to get to my house, my hands were in my coat pockets because it was cold and I could feel my phone vibrate against my right hand every now and then when a message came through.

I ignored the messages and focused on my walk home, as I walked through the park I could sense that someone was either following me or watching me so I picked up the pace and left the park before crossing the road to my house. My hands were shaking as I hurried to unlock my door but once I was inside I locked the door and went to switch the lights on, my anxiety rose when the lights didn't go on my phone vibrated in my hand I looked down and saw a message from Adi saying 'How does it feel to be frightened again, nobody's here to protect you and you cannot even protect yourself'. 

I thought I wouldn't be scared of Adi anymore but actually I was wrong, I held my phone tightly as I ran up the stairs but I stopped when Adi walked out of my room I turned to run back down the stairs but he grabbed my arm and dragged me into my room slamming the door shut and locking it before pushing me up against it, his left hand went round my neck squeezing slightly as he said 'I know you still love me Marty and I'm going to take what's mine. You are not leaving here alive'.

With all the strength I had I bought my left hand up to his face a scratched at him in an attempt to get him off me but this only made him even more angry and he slapped me hard across the face, making me fall to the floor I cried out hoping that my neighbours or someone passing outside would hear me. Adi grabbed my wrists and threw me towards the bed, I fell onto the bed at speed and fell off the other side landing on the rough wooden floor Adi walked round to where I was and roughly pulled me up before punching me in the stomach several times I fell back onto the bed my vision becoming blurry as I saw him stripping me of my clothes and just as the pain came I blacked out. 

Sah's POV:

Tonight was my first night shift since being on holiday with Teddy, Teddy worked this morning which was nice because it meant he'd be there when I got home later. The weather was really bad tonight the wind was howling and the rain was pounding on the roof of the ambulance as Ian drove carefully along the road towards the town centre after we'd just cleared from a our previous job, we were heavily engaged in a debate about our favourite biscuits when another call came in.

(C - Control, S - Sah)

C - Control to 3006.

S: 3006 to control go ahead.

C - I've got another job for you both, can I give you some details?

S: Go ahead control.

C - We've had a call from the police asking for paramedics to attend a Welfare check. Neighbours reported hearing screaming coming from within the house followed by what sounded like skin being slapped and punched.

S: That's all received control, have you got an address for us?

C - The address is 10 Park rise close, it's the house on the corner next to the newsagents.

S: Received control, show us attending and we'll keep you updated.

After speaking to Control Ian put the blue lights on and said 'That address sounds really familiar but I can't put my finger on it', we'd just arrived outside the house when the rain finally stopped. I got out of the ambulance first and grabbed two of the bags whilst Ian took the other two, the house was shadowed in darkness as we walked up the steps towards the front door we realised that the front door was wide open there were no lights on in the house so I pressed one of the switches but nothing happened, Ian handed me one of the torches as he said 'The storm must have taken out the power and Electricity'. 

As I stepped forwards into the hallway I felt something crunch beneath my shoes I pointed the torch down to the floor and realised I'd stepped on a photo, I picked it up and the light revealed a picture of Marty and his new boyfriend Alex I looked at Ian and said 'Ian this is Marty's house'. Ian's eyes widened as he looked at the picture he then lifted his torch up lighting up the dark house as he said 'I'll take the downstairs you look upstairs, shout if you find something'. 

I slowly walked towards the stairs stepping up onto the first step stopping momentarily to readjust the bag on my back before carrying on upstairs, the light from the torch revealed nothing yet and eventually I came to what I guessed was Marty's bedroom there were definite signs of a struggle. I shone the light around the room and when I couldn't see anything obvious I turned to leave but out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving slightly on the bed I turned around and realised it was a hand reaching up from the floor I quickly walked over and found Marty lying on the floor badly injured covered in cuts, burns and various other injuries. 

I placed the torch on the bed providing abit of light before shouting out 'Ian I've found Marty I need some help please' I turned back to Marty and said 'Marty it's Sah and Ian's here as-well, can you hear me', Marty nodded but it was clear he was in a lot of pain. Ian crouched down behind me and said 'Marty who did this to you mate' Marty reached out and took my hand as he said 'Adi it was Adi' me and Ian looked at each-other and then back to Marty who was drifting in and out of consciousness, there was fresh blood coming through on Marty's scrub top I slowly lifted the top up and carved into Marty's skin were the words "Your mine" both me and Ian gasped in horror and then Ian said 'We need to get him to Holby now his blood pressure is dropping and I'm worried about these burns they look like they were done with Acid so just don't touch them as a precaution'.

Dylan's POV:

Tonight's shift had finally quietened down and I was just getting round to having something to eat in my office, just as I sat down there was a knock at the door I sighed and said 'Come in' Faith walked in and said 'Dylan sorry to interrupt there's a call on the red phone for you it's Ian he say's it's urgent'. I put my plastic container back into my bag and said 'Thank you Faith' I followed Faith out into Resus and picked up the red phone and said 'Ian it's Dylan what's up' on the other end of the phone Ian said 'Dylan I need a Resus room prepped and ready to go, we're bringing in a VIP patient with possible Acid burns, various cuts and a head injury'. 

I made note of all the injuries and then asked the question I dreaded asking 'Who's the patient Ian, it's not Sah is it', Ian took a deep breath and said 'No it's not Sah, it's Marty', I had to grip hold of the phone as I gasped and Stevie looked at me and said 'Dylan what's wrong' I finished speaking to Ian and then ended the call before turning to the team and saying 'Okay everyone can I have your attention please, I've just had a call from one of the paramedics. Their on their way in with one of our own'. 

Charlie looked at me and said 'Who is it Dylan' I took a deep breath before replying 'It's Marty, I'm not sure yet on what's happened to him but the injuries sound very severe. Charlie can you and Faith set up Resus 1, Stevie can you call the burns unit tell them we've got a patient with possible acid burns coming in. Jacob can you lend a hand in Resus 1 I need to go and ring Robyn she needs to be here'. I walked back into my office and dialled Robyn's number into my mobile but it went straight through to voicemail so I left a message 'Robyn it's Dylan, listen can you call me back as soon as you get this message. Marty's been bought into A&E it's pretty bad and I think you need to be here'.

After leaving the message on Robyn's Voicemail I left my office and walked out to the front of the building to meet the ambulance as it arrived, as I walked outside the ambulance was just pulling up in to one of the bays. Sah got out of the drivers seat and opened the back doors of the ambulance before helping Ian carefully bring the trolley out,  I followed them and Ian inside as they handed over the details about Marty's injuries once inside Resus 3 we carefully moved Marty across onto the bed he was conscious but only just and clearly in a lot of pain. 

Myself, Faith and Charlie got to work on tending to the various cuts and the head wound, after a couple of minutes Stevie walked in I turned to her and said 'Any luck with the Burns unit' Stevie shook her head and replied 'There's nobody available their dealing with a massive crisis and won't be free for another three hours'. I finished stitching up the cut on Marty's right thigh and said 'He hasn't got three hours, this isn't survival. Stevie go and ring the Palliative Care team ask if they have a bed for him, I'm going to call Robyn again'.

Alex's POV:

I'd just finished my shift at the restaurant in town even with the wind howling and the rain pouring tonight we were still busy, I walked into the staff room and grabbed my coat I couldn't wait to get home and see Marty. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I pulled it out and saw a missed call from the hospital, I played the message which said 'Hello Alex my names Dylan I work at the hospital with Marty, I'm sorry to have to tell you this but Marty was bought into A&E this evening his injuries are fairly severe if you could come in that would be brilliant thank you'. 

I shoved my phone into my pocket and hailed down the first Taxi I saw, just as I got in the rain started to pour again banging on the rooftop as it fell and then sliding down the window like tears running down someone's cheeks.

Once I got to the hospital I ran into the reception and approached the desk the man looked up and said 'Can I help you' I took a deep breath and said 'Marty where is he, please tell me where he is' Dylan was walking past when he overheard me he stopped and said 'You must be Alex, Marty's boyfriend. I'm Dylan I left the message on your phone, let's have a chat in here'. I followed Dylan into the relatives room and sat down on one of the chairs he sat down opposite me and said 'Alex as you know Marty was bought into Resus this evening, I'm afraid the outcome is not what we'd hoped for. He has some burns on his body which we have confirmed were caused by Acid, there's also a nasty head wound which we haven't been able to stop bleeding'.

I felt like a tonne of bricks had been dropped on my heart, I loved Marty with all my heart and now it was looking likely that he was going to die. I looked at Dylan and said 'So what does this mean what happens now', Dylan was about to reply when another doctor walked in and said 'Dylan the burn's team their taking Marty upstairs now to treat the burns and repair the damage, the outcome is looking good' I stood up and hugged this doctor as I said 'Thank you oh thank you so much'. 

Robyn's POV:

This holiday with Paul and Charlotte had been just what we'd needed, we'd stopped off at a service station on the way home to get some food when I received a message from Dylan telling me that Marty my best friend had been bought into A&E after being found barely conscious at his home and that the outcome wasn't looking good. Paul got us back to Holby as quickly as he could without breaking any speed limits, once we got back I got out of the car and raced inside to find Dylan. 

I ran through to resus and Dylan was sat in his office I knocked on the door and walked in he looked up and said 'Robyn I'm guessing you got my message' I nodded and replied 'Yes I did. Where is he Dylan can I see him. Please tell me he's not dead'. Dylan closed the door and said 'Robyn Marty's fine he's not dead, when I sent you that voicemail things weren't looking good. The burns team weren't going to be available for another three hours but since then they've taken him up and are working as we speak, the outcomes looking good Robyn'. 

I burst into tears of happiness now that I knew I wasn't going to lose my best friend, I hugged Dylan before saying 'Where is Dylan can I see him'. Dylan picked up a small pile of files from reception and replied 'He should be out of theatre by now so I don't see why you can't go and see him. His boyfriend Alex is up there waiting for him'. 

After speaking to Dylan I went upstairs to the burns unit a nurse pointed me the direction of Marty's room, I walked down the corridor and stopped outside room number 7 and looked through the window at my friend lying in the hospital bed his arms and stomach covered in gauze pads and bandages. Marty's boyfriend Alex was sat beside the bed holding Marty's right hand they looked peaceful together and I didn't want to disturb them so I quietly left the corridor.

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