Don't Let the Spiders Bite (...

By Lotus_Horizon

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Every universe has a spiderman. In a universe it could be you, your mom, your uncle, your cousin, even your b... More

Chapter 1: Spider Bite
Chapter 2: Humble Beginnings
Chapter 3: Start of Something New
Art Chapter: Girls, Girls, Girls
Chapter 4: Let's Do Some Hero Work
Chapter 5: Scientific Study
Chapter 6: Ghost and Nocturne
Chapter 7: Take Initiative
Chapter 8: Shock to the System
Chapter 9: Split Second
Chapter 10: What Goes Around
Chapter 11: Into the Spiderverse
Chapter 12: Far From Home
Chapter 13: Am I Spider-Man?
Chapter 15: Mutants
Chapter 16: Law of Attraction
Chapter 17: The New Kids
Chapter 18: Bloody Passion
Chapter 19: Friends in Strange Places
Chapter 20: Party Time
Art Chapter: He's Not Ugly
Chapter 21: Summer Time
Chapter 22: Magic and Crime Do Not Mix
Chapter 23: Runaway Lizard
Chapter 24: Is it Ever Enough
Chapter 25: Yin and Yang
Chapter 26: Privacy
Chapter 27: Long Live
Chapter 28: The King
Art Chapter: Goths
Chapter 29: I'm Not Here to Play Around
Chapter 30: Clouded Minds
Chapter 31: Cathedral

Chapter 14: What's Up Danger?

2.3K 146 112
By Lotus_Horizon

  As of this moment, you felt a little more motivated. You helped miles make his new Spider-Suit, thinking mostly black was a good look for him. Aunt May hooked him up with some web shooters to fit his wrist as the goggles Peni made for you enhanced your sight, making the process easier.

  You and Miles make your way to the top of a building as you both look over the edge.

Y/N: Well, this is it.

Miles: Yeah. . . Look man, I'm real sorry about your father. 

Y/N: Don't be. I just wish I could have been a better son to him. No I gotta go back and deal with that problem. . . I just. I don't know if I'm even ready for that.

Miles: I know. But if you stay here you'll die. Besides, I know you an handle whatever get's thrown at you. You're a strong dude.

  You laugh a bit as you pat Miles on the shoulder.

Y/N: Miles. I am really glad I got to meet you. Even if this is the last time e get to talk, I just want you to know how proud you should be of yourself. You're doing what took most of us days maybe even weeks to get a grasp of. I think you're probably the best of all of us.

  Those words seemed to resonate with Miles as he remembers his Uncle's last words to him.

Uncle Aaron: 'You're the best of all of us Miles. You're on your way.'

Miles: Thanks man. You're a cool guy.

Y/N: I try.

  You and Miles mask up as you both overlook the city, getting ready to start swinging. You both take your stance as you both leap from the building. You watch Miles as you try to fall close to him, but you could tell he was in good hands as he shot his webs, and started swinging.

Nocturne: Try to be in the moment! Swinging like this is scary, but you gotta feel the flow. And remember physics class?

Miles: Uh, yeah?

Nocturne: You're like a pendulum, feel the flow and only use as much as you need on webbing. But, most importantly. Look cool doing it.

  You say as you launch yourself high into the sky, performing multiple flips as you look up to the sky, seeing the stars. You think about your family, your friends, everyone. You may not be able to always save everyone, but what matters is that even if there's nothing you can do, you do what you can.

  You look down seeing Miles doing his own tricks, feeling the flow of the webs. You run along the side of a building and launch yourself further through the city as you see Miles running along the streets, leaping off of cars and back into the air.

Y/N: Hmm, such a daredevil.

  You land next to him as you both conclude your swing. You backflip and land next to Miles, pulling up your goggles.

Y/N: You good?

Miles: Y-Yeah. It's just, dang. The adrenaline is crazy.

Y/N: Yeah, me and my Gwen went through the same thing, but you did it with more style. Now, let's end this thing.

  Meanwhile, the other Spiders made their way on the scene. Peni scanning the tower.

Peni: Kingpin has a private elevator entrance from his penthouse to the collider below.

Noir: Didn't count on having an audience. Where's (Y/N) though. 

Ghost: He'll be here. He just needs time to clear his head.

Spider-Man: Hope he doesn't take too long.

  They all swing to the building, landing on the skylight of the party, seeing everything in full view.

Everyone: You gotta be kidding me. 

  They say the Spider-Man themed party.

Kingpin: Thank you. It's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate Spider-Man. He and I were very close. 

Ghost: He's got nerve to honor someone he murdered.

Spider-Woman: I know right. What a pig. 

Porker: I'm right here. 

Noir: Hold on. Get a load of how the waiters are dressed.

  Noir pointing out the Spider-Man themed waiters as well.

Noir: It's in poor taste, but... It can't be that easy. 

*Moments later*

Noir: It's that easy. 

  They walk through the establishment with bow ties to adorn their Spider suits to better blend in. While Peni's mech is draped over with a cloth to look like a table.

Kingpin: I just wanna thank Mary Jane Parker for being here this evening. 

  This made Peter notice the Mary Jane Wattson of this earth making him pause in his tracks.

Spider-Man: MJ?

Spider-Woman: Pay attention. It's not your MJ, Peter, okay? 

Spider-Man: I'm sorry, I'll be right back. 

  Peter turns the table to go towards her as both Gwens stop him.

Spider-Woman: Peter! Come here. Trust me. I've been there. You gotta move on, buddy.

Ghost: Besides, it's not a good time right now. She wouldn't even know you were Peter Parker.

Spider-Man: It will take one second. Let me just... Oh! 

  Peter is stopped as he sees M.J. only inches away from him.

M.J. Hello. 

Spider-Man: Oh, wow.

M.J.: Um, I just wondered if we could have some more bread at table 12. 

Spider-Man: Yeah.

Spider-Man: I'm just... I'm really sorry. 

M.J.: Oh! Don't be sorry. It's just bread. 

Spider-Man: I wasn't there for you when you needed me. 

M.J.: Mm-hmm.

Spider-Man: I didn't even try. 

  Both Gwen's facepalmed at the scene playing out.

Ghost: 'This is really awkward.'

M.J.: That's fine. You know, I should really get going-

Spider-Man: I know I could do better if I just had another chance to give you the. . . bread that you deserve. 

M.J.: Are you okay? 

Spider-Woman: Ma'am we'll take care of that bread right now. 

M.J: Well, it's been nice talking to you.

Spider-Man: For you, they should fill this place up with fresh bread. 

Spider-Woman: You all right, man? 

Spider-Man: Oh, yeah. Totally. 

Spider-Woman: Good, 'cause we are not getting any bread. 

  The group make it further into the tower as they manage to by pass Kingpin's guards. Ghost webbing one up and was getting ready to knock him out, but her eyes go red as she feels a similar hunger to how she felt before. Thinking to herself, a little bite couldn't hurt. Pulling the moth cover of her mask down as she sinks her teeth into his neck. For a small taste of blood, the man's body freezes up as he is paralyzed in her grasp.

  Her counterpart climbing next to her.

Spider-Woman: What did you do to him?

Ghost: Umm. . . I scared him so bad he just froze up. Hehehe, well anyway, let's go.

  She helps open the elevator doors as they all leap down the shaft. Swinging to the room that held the collider. Peter started glitching slightly as the other Gwen placed a hand on his shoulder.

Spider-Woman: Peter, you don't have to stay behind. I can do it. 

Spider-Man: It's okay. I've made up my mind. 

  Peter swings up to the ceiling trying to find the access panel as the others follow, ready to put the plan into action.

Spider-Man: I'll put the goober in and take over the beam. After you're gone, I'll blow it up. Good luck, guys. 

  Before he could do that, everyone's senses went off, warning of the incoming danger.

Spider-Woman: They know we're here. 

  Peter tries to put the goober into the access panel as he is grabbed by tentacles, stopping the process.

Doc Oc: Nice to see you again, Peter.

  While Peter handles Doc Oc, the others are shot at by some of Kingpin's men. They engage them in battle as Noir starts to glitch mid fight, leaving him open to gunfire as Peni leaps in the way.

Peni: I got you covered! 

Spider-Woman: These guys are the pits.

  Both Gwen's rush at the men as your Gwen takes out her teeth, biting various bad guys in an effort to paralyze them like she did before.

Spider-Woman: Are you biting?

Ghost: Yeah, turns out I got a paralyzing venom. Pretty cool huh?

  Your Gwen notices some of them taking aim at her counter-part as she grabs onto her a swings her out of danger. Holding her close as she evades gunfire, while the other Gwen couldn't be in a better position, being so close to her other self, especially with the slight height differences, her face slightly smothered in her counterparts chest.

Ghost: You alright other me?

  She pushes herself away to catch her breath.

Spider-Woman: Y-Yeah. Just. . . yeah.

  Meanwhile, Peter was handling being thrown around by Doc Oc. Trying to put the goober in, only being inches away.

Spider-Man: Why is this always difficult?

  Doc Oc then wraps him up in her tentacles, crushing him in the process as she smiles at him.

Doc Oc: Any last words? 

Spider-Man: Can I get a minute to think about it? You have a pen? 

Doc-Oc: Goodbye, Peter Parker. 

  Before she could do anything else she is punched in the face by her own tentacle. This gaining Peter's attention as well as some of the other spiders as Doc Oc is getting hit by some invisible force. She looks around and strikes at air trying to understand who or what was doing this, but to no avail. Just as she sees two webs land on either side of her, as Miles appears, launching himself right at her.

Spider-Man: Miles? 

Doc Oc: Spider-Man?

  He punches her square in the face as everyone looks on in joy.

Spider-Man: Wow, Miles. You're doing it on command!

Miles:  It's about time, right?

  Your variation of Gwen looked on with joy as well, only for her senses to go off, noticing one guy ready to shoot both her and her counterpart, only to be kicked away as you and next to both Gwens.

Ghost: (Y-Y/N)?

  You rush over, picking up both of them in a hug.

Nocturne: Sorry I'm late luvs. I hope I didn't miss anything.

Spider-Woman: Nope, you're right on time actually.

  You dodge some gun fire as you pull yourself closer to one of the guys, going over to help Noir as you drop kick two men that were taking aim at him and Peni.

Noir: Glad you could finally make it kid.

  Noir ruffles your hair as you notice the collider changing color. It looked like all of the dimensions were coming through that portal.

  Porker and Peni land next to you as you all observe the collider.

Peni: This isn't good. If Kingpin does manage to do whatever he's doing.

Noir: It could destabilize each of our dimensions. 

Nocturne: Then let's not let it get to-

  Your senses go off as a tail wraps around your neck, throwing you into a building that was coming through the collider. 

Ghost & Peni: (Y/N)! 

  The two ladies turn to Scorpion as Noir get's ready for a fight, but is intercepted by Tombstone. Meanwhile, you crash through the buildings as you see another one of Kingpin's goons aiming at you. You gather yourself as you web yourself at him, kicking him across the face, hard enough for blood to spill from his nose. The scent hitting you, making your already messy hair stand up on end.

  You fought it originally, but in your deeper thoughts, you had been fighting this bloodlust for long enough. What could one little taste possibly do.

  You grab him as you pull your mask down. Lightly sinking your teeth into his neck as you begin to drink. You try to let go, but it was so good. The best thing you have ever drank. It was like being lost in the desert for days then finally being able to drink nice, cool, refreshing water.

  You force yourself to drop his body as you lick your lips. You feel your muscles tense up and your face change. Your lips curl into a smile as your eyes let off a glow. Your thirst now fully activated, no that you know the taste. While this was similar to how Gwen felt hen she first drank blood, with you, you felt hungrier. More powerful. Your hair stands up as you turn back to the others. Seeing Peni, Porker, Ghost, and Noir fighting Scorpion, while the others were handling Doc Oc.

  You hiss as you launch your webs, which you didn't even notice were now red. You pull back as you launch yourself at Scorpion, ready to engage.

  As Scorpion had managed to break Peni's mech, before he could do anymore, an anvil landed on the top of his head. He slowly turns to see Porker as he laughs a bit.

Scorpion: What are you, some kind of silly cartoon?

Porker: You got a problem with cartoons?

  Porker dodges Scorpions tael as he punches him across the face, avoiding all of his attacks, pulling out a mallet and bonking him right on the head. Noir grabs Scorpion by his tail and throws him towards Peni who hits him with the leg of her mech. Just as the combo was seemingly over, everyone sees red webbing on either side of Scorpion. Seeing something slam down into him, they see a feral Nocturne, teeth razor shar, and mouth large with a beastly look to it.

  You claw and rip at Scorpion, as he tries to launch his tail into you. But you catch his tail with one hand, gripping it hard enough or sparks to fly as you break off the tip and prepare to stab it into his chest.

Ghost: (Y/N)!

  You quickly turn to see your Gwen and the others.

Peni: Don't do it. It's over.

  Your eyes narrow as you look at Peni. Dropping Scorpion's tail, you launch yourself at her as you grab her by the neck, holding her over the edge of the building. Growling and wanting nothing more than to taste her delicious blood. The more innocent, the sweeter the blood after all.

  Peni gripped at your arm as she looked at you, slightly with dear as you bare your fangs at her. The others prepare to engage you as you lean closer to Peni, leaning into her ear as your hair falls. Your grip on her neck lets go as you remember Gwen stopping you from sinking your teeth into the man who killed your father. Thinking what monster could you have become if you killed that man. But you weren't like that. Even if only a short couple of days had passed, you were better than that.

  You pick Peni up as you hug onto her. Nuzzling your face into her chest like a puppy as you look back at her.

Peni: (Y/N)? IS that you?

Y/N: Yeah. Just a bit. . . bloodthirsty. But, I think I'm fine now.

  Peni lightly pets your head as she notices her mech. 

Peni: Oh no!

  She rushes out of your arms to the mech. Opening a panel that has her spider inside the mech. She takes the spider out as small tears form in her eyes. In your more feral state, you nuzzle up to her as Noir and Ghost also go to comfort her.

  You notice the others still fighting Doc Oc, so you rush to the edge of the building, launching your red webbing. Ghost seeing you rush off., she follows suit. 

  Doc Oc throws the other Gwen into the side of a building messing up her head a bit as she begins to fall into the collider. Miles sees this and leaps to her aid. Grabbing onto her hand just in time before she could fall in.

Spider-Woman: I like you're suit.

Miles: Thanks, I made it myself.

  Miles shoots a web as Peter grabs onto it, pulling the two up

Spider-Man: That was adorable kid, now hang on!

  He launches the two at Doc Oc as you swing in grabbing onto Miles' hand as your Gwen grabs onto you.

Nocturne: I suggested the mostly black look to the attire though. You're welcome.

Ghost: Just let him have his moment (Y/N)!

  Your Gwen launches you with her counterpart and Miles as you launch Miles, gaining more momentum as he finally throws Gwen. She punches Doc Oc across the face, followed by Miles, then you, then your Gwen, and finally by Peter sending her back some, as both Miles and the other Gwen send her further with a punch to the face. As you and your Gwen launch yourselves, kicking her even further back.

  She catches herself with her tentacles as she lightly wipes her mouth.

Spider-Woman: Buckle up guys looks like this may take a while.

  All of you prepare for a longer fight only for her to get caught off guard by a truck making you all recoil in pain.

Spider-Woman: . . . Alright never mind. Let's end this thing. 

Miles: Guys, I got it. 

Spider-Man: I'll go. I'm the one with the goo-

  Miles shows off that he snuck the goober off of Peter.

Spider-Man: Oh, you gotta be kidding me. 

Miles: Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands. 

  Miles leaps down going through the dimensionally torn bulidings, using them as leverage to launch himself to the very top where the access panel is. Taking your advice, and doing it with style.

Miles: That was crazy.

Spider-Man:  We taught him that, right? 

Spider-Woman: I didn't teach him that. And you definitely didn't.

Miles puts the goober inside, finally gaining access to the portal.

Miles: Come on. Guys, I got control of the beam! Get up here! 

Spider-Woman: Guess this is it.

Peni:  Well, nice to know we're not alone.  Right? 

Ghost: Yeah. Still feels weird. Even in a world with two, it still feels good to know there's a whole multiverse of us.

Nocturne: Yeah. And, I'm glad I got to know you guys. I like your styles. 

  you lean over to Ghost.

Nocturne: Especially Noir's.

Miles:  I got the portal open. You first, Peni.

Peni:  Thank you, Miles. From both of us.

  Before Peni goes, she makes her way to you and plants a light kiss on your cheek as she places something in your hand. Giving you a wink as she falls back into the portal, returning to her dimension.

Noir:  I, uh, love you all. I'm taking this cube thing with me. I don't understand it. But I will. You guys are Amazing Spider-Men. You'll do good out there, in your own worlds.

  Noir ruffles your hair some more before he falls back, returning to his dimension. Porker walks over to Miles handing him a mallete.

Porker: I want you to have this. It'll fit in your pocket. That's all, folks. 

Peter: Is he allowed to say that, legally? 

  Miles then turns to Gwen. The alternate Gwen.

Miles: Do I get to like the hairdo now?

Gen:  You know I'm older than you. 15 months, but it's pretty significant if you ask me. 

Miles: Well, Einstein said time was relative, right? 

Gwen: Nice. 

  Miles holds out his hand to her.

Miles: Friends? 

Gwen: Friends. 

  She says as she shakes his hand.

Miles: Cool. 

Gwen: See you around, Spider-Man. Oh, and other me?

Maxine: Yeah?

Gwen: Don't forget to keep your boy in check. You guys are lucky to have each other. You both gotta be ready to lean on one another and pick each other back up when the tough get's going.

Y/N: . . . Thank you Gwen. . . Other Gwen. It's so weird still.

Maxine: Yeah it really is. Good luck me.

  The two Gwen's hug as she falls into the portal. Returning to her world. You take a deep breath as you can't help but feel a bit afraid of returning to your earth. Tears lightly streaming down your face.

Peter: You okay kid?

Y/N: Y-Yeah. It's just. . . IT feels like when you go to visit somewhere far and you meet really cool people, but then you have to leave and never see those cool people again. I'm. . . I'm really gonna miss you guys.

  You hug everyone and pick them up in your arms before lightly putting them down. 

  Both you and Gwen Mask up before getting ready to leap into the portal.

Ghost: Goodby Peter. Miles. You both are amazing people. I'm glad I got to meet you guys.

Nocturne: You're both amazing people. And remember Miles. No matter how far in the multiverse we are. I'll always be on your side. In your corner, cheering you on.

  You and Gwen leap into the portal as you both move through a tunnel. You feel the force throwing you through the multiverse as you hear faint whispers. All from the different dimensions that you were passing by. But one dimension caught you for a moment, in your mind you felt a similar wavelength to your own as you could feel a sinister presence, similar to yours, but a bit darker feeling.

???: Found you.

  You and Gwen were then thrown back into your reality. You roughly land on top of a building as you stand back up, seeing that it was indeed your New York. You and Gwen check your phones to see the date.

Gwen: Dude, we were only gone in this world for five minutes.

Y/N: Really? That's weird. . . I just. . . wow.

  You lean against the wall for a moment as you feel Gwen's hand on your back.

Gwen: You okay? You still look all blood thirsty.

Y/N: I think this might be a minor mutation. I think it'll wear off in a bit. But. . . Gwen.

   You can't hold yourself back as you jump at her, hugging onto her tightly with tears in your eyes. You cry like you have never cried before, hugging onto her so tightly as she hugs back. She also feels a bit teary eyed as the both of you just embrace one another.

Y/N: Thank you so much. You've been with me on this for so long, I just. . .I just can't thank you enough.

Gwen: S-Stop with all that, you know it's no big deal. Besides, you're starting to make me cry too.

  You smile as you nuzzle her closer. Your instincts still a bit animal like from your recent bloodlusted transformation. You had a lot on your mind, yet so many questions answered in only five minutes of your time here. But after meeting Miles, Peni, Noir, Porker, Peter, and the other Gwen, it was comforting to know that you weren't alone in all this.

  Especially now.

*A week later*

  The remaining week was pretty somber. You and your family had the funeral. Gwen came by, as well as Peter, his Aunt and Uncle, M.J., Harry, Dr. Conners, Dr. Kafka, and so many others. It was comforting that so many people came to say goodbye. 

  But things were far from over.

  You and Gwen had to be on high alert, especially with your powers still evolving it seemed. Your new bloodlust ability heightened your strength and the power of your webs. Coating them in blood to give them their red hue, making them even stronger to break out of. Gwen could do the same thing, but she was never as feral as you were whenever you both drank blood.

  But this was something you both decided to go into learning together. You weren't alone in this, not even through the multiverse.

  Things were gonna be okay, because no matter what, deep down in your heart. You were Spider-Man. It didn't matter if there was nothing you could do, as long as you did what you could. And gave it all that you had. Then, nothing could stop you.

. . .

. . . .

*Knock Knock Knock*

  You sit up from your bedroom as you can hear the front door knocking. You and Elizabeth were the only ones home and you didn't expect anyone else anytime soon. You lazily shake your hair out as you tie it up into a bun.

  Making your way to the door, you open it slowly as you see a two people, roughly the same age as you. One was a guy with sunglasses and brown neat hair, the other was a girl with long red hair and a slender build.

Guy: Hey, you're (Y/N) (L/N) right?

Y/N: Uh, yeah. . . Are you guys selling something? Cause I'm not the richest right now.

  The girl laughs.

Jean: Oh no, of course not. Let us introduce ourselves. I'm Jean Grey, this is Scott Summers. We're here to talk to you and your sister. 

(A/N: Hello everyone. I hope you all are liking the story so far. I was gonna draw your bloodlusted form and your aftermath of said form since it did change you, but my artblock was acting out, and I couldn't do it. So I shall try in one of the later chapters. Thank you all for reading and have a blessed day.)

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