Friends and Fairytales

By Pettoe

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When a group of four friends discover a portal, they immediately jump through, being the crackheads they are... More

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Chapter 1

1 0 0
By Pettoe

"Ugh..." Jaiden groans as he slams his head on his desk, startling everyone around him, including the teacher. "Jaiden, please sit still and pay attention to the class" she says. Jaiden ignores the teacher's words and acts as if he's dead. The teacher rolls her eyes and continues with explaining the grammar. For a few moments, Jaiden tries to stay awake, but gives up after the fourth try. His eyes start drooping and nearly has he entered the world of dreams, when a soft tap on his shoulder wakes him up out of his trance. "Jaiden, you there?" a female voice asks. Jaiden resists the urge to groan out of annoyance. Instead, he lifts his head up from the desk and looks to the left, where Amely is sitting. "Hey, the group and I were wondering if..." but she is cut short by the teacher. "Miss Rivers, please stay quiet. There's students who actually want to learn, unlike you and your friend group." From the back of the class, Lily mutters: "That's not true. I've never skipped homework." But she is not heard. Jaiden is about to slam his head on his desk again, when Amely hands him a note. Lazily, Jaiden opens it. The group and I are going to Green Hills. Care to join? Jaiden grabs his pen and flips the tiny note, looking for enough space to write. Nah. I'm tired. Without saying anything, Amely rips another piece of paper from her notebook and starts writing. We're going to get ice cream from the ice cream truck. Y'know, the one you declared your favorite immediately after taking one bite of their ice cream.  Jaiden hesitates. Amely is true, he fell in love with the ice cream after the first bite. Amely writes another note and passes it to him. I'll pay for your ice cream. "Allright" Jaiden whispers. "I'll join you." A big grin appears on Amely's face. "Great" she whispers back.

After class, the five friends meet up at the gates. "I think we all know what we're gonna do?" Lily asks. "Of course we know" Brandon says, rolling his eyes. "By the way, Amely, did you convince Jaiden to come with us?" Amely nods. "Yup. He should be here any moment now. He told me that he'd go to the toilet, so he wouldn't have to think about that while in Green Hills. Look, there he comes!" Jaiden walks up to the group of four and smiles his signature, sarcastic smile. "Woah dude" Brandon says, swinging his arm around Jaiden's neck. "It's been ages since you joined us to hang out!" Jaiden rolls his eyes. "Well, life has been pretty much of a rollercoaster, the last few months." "Yeah" Lily agrees. "It doesn't happen everyday that, the day after you moved, your cat gets driven over by a car. Have you already gotten a new one?" Jaiden nods. "Yeah, we can pick it up at Farmer's Village next week. It's a black one, since my younger sister wanted a mini-panther." Jaiden chuckles. "Well, let's hope it doesn't give you any bad luck" Brandon jokes. Jaiden doesn't answer though, he's already lost in thoughts. For some reason, it feels as though his organs are being tied into a knot. It doesn't particularly hurt, but it isn't very comfortable either. His mind tells him not to go to Green Hills, though he can't find a reason for it. A smack on the back of his head, pulls him out of his train of thoughts. "Don't you dare ignore me!" Amely says. Jaiden tries to sound as normal as possible. "Sorry, what did you say?" Amely rolls her eyes. "You looked pretty terrified, it was almost scary for me as well" Amely answers. Jaiden shrugs. "Just remembered somethin' about my old cat." "Hey" Lily's soft voice says. "Shouldn't we go to Green Hills? We don't have all day..." Brandon nods in agreement. "She's right. Let's hop on our bikes. Can't wait for the ice cream!"

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Lily, who drives next to Jaiden asks. "Yeah, I'm sure" is Jaiden's short answer. "Why?" "You looked a bit pale and a bit scared as well. Not to mention that you're way quieter than normally. You never behave like this!" "Wow, you really sound like a stalker right now" Jaiden says. "I-I don't mean it like that, it's just that I'm... worried, I guess" Lily replies. Jaiden hums, since he doesn't know what to say to that. It is true that he doesn't feel very good, though. It feels like there are butterflies fluttering around I his stomach, but not in the positive way. It even seems to hurt.
"We're almost there!" Amely's voice breaks the tension between the two. "I can already smell the ice cream!" Brandon yells. He lets go of his handlebar, (A/N: searched that up on Google translate. Is this the right word? No idea. A little help please😂!) which results into him almost falling to the right, onto the sidewalk. "Idiot!" Amely yells at him. Brandon gasps as though he's offended. Lily giggles at the sight, and even Jaiden has a small smile on his face.

A/N: first chapter, whoop whoop! This was so much fun to write. I hope I didn't make to much typos or grammar mistakes, though. Especially that 'handlebar'. I'm Dutch, so I decided to use 'fietsstuur' (fiets means bicycle) to see how Google translate would translate that. It translated it as 'bicycle handlebar', so I decided to use handlebar. Hope this was the right translation. Anyway, gotta go now. See ya next week!



Word count: 870

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