Yugioh Arc-V, Next generation...

By JustARandomGuy146

5.2K 88 37

Take place 2 years after the defeat of Z-arc A young man with dreams of becoming the strongest duelist in the... More

Chapter 1 (rewrite)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

313 5 0
By JustARandomGuy146

"..." his eyes shot open as he was greeted with a cold ceiling staring back at him.

"What the hell..." His body soared and his muscles couldn't even move freely anymore, probably because of the aftermath of the duel.

"Hm...?" As he tries to move his legs, he feels something heavy on them, takes a quick look, and his face immediately softens as a small smile appears on his face

"You don't have to be this worried about me...Alexa..." He smiles fondly at the sight of his friend, who is sitting on a lone chair

"That's how you greet a girl who just stay awake 3 days just to take care of you, asshole?" She gave him back a small smile, her hair was messy, and her eyes were covered with a thick black line, properly a result of all the night she'd been staying awake.

"I've been sleeping for 3 days, huh?"
"At least you didn't snore this time" She jokes "If you snore for three days, I will have one more reason to kill you"
"I know you won't"
"Who knows?" She speaks with a delighted smile on her face as she adjusts herself to sit straightly
Then Y/N tried to stand up, trying to grab some water for himself, but was quickly pinned back to the bed forcefully by his childhood friend.
"What the hell?" He groans from the bed and receives a scary look from Alexa. She clung her hand into a fist as her hair shadowed her face, a scary smile appeared on her face as she began to speak in a fake alluring tone
"Where do you think you're going ~?" She asks while searching for her deck that was handed around her belt, just like him.
She, too can make monsters manifest in real life. She has used to ability in the past to make things go in her favor, and most of the time, the unfortunate victim to witness her wrath is our protagonist
"N-No, nothing," he said while quickly covering his body with his blanket like a docile dog, not forgetting to bring his deck into his temporary "shelter" the moment he saw the room start freezing as snowflakes fell slowly from the ceiling.

The last time she froze the room, and let's say, Y/N doesn't have the fondest memory about this, his whole deck was turned into a block of ice and it took him 2 weeks to unfreeze to that block while doing his best to not ruin the card.

"Ara Ara~," She said as he could feel the cold starting to disappear under the blanket "What a good boy~"
Y/N waits for a few more moments before he decides to throw the blanket off him and carefully put his card back on the table next to him
"Holy shit that was scary" He sigh as he once again met her stare

"You and your languages, honestly" She groans as she walks closer to a nearby table and pulls out her deck

"It's rare seeing you adjusting your deck" Y/N tries to put his leg on the ground but the pain from his muscle quickly stops him from that stupid idea
"Shut up, this is different" Alexa calmly said while a familiar-looking box from under the table made Y/N's eyes shine in excitement.

"Is that what I think it is?" he asks with excitement in his voice. Besides dueling, gacha was one of his addictions, and let's just say, his addition to this was bad

"Yes" She speaks and turns her head back to glare at him "Don't even start to think about leaving that bed or else"

"And don't worry, there's another box for you, so don't worry that I will ruin your little addiction" she quickly adds when she sees he's about to whine like a little kid

"Well then, good luck with your pull, I guess" he speaks with a relieved tone "I'm gonna take a quick nap for a while"
"..." Alexa ignored his words and started to open her booster packs, the first few ones were really bad, the pull wasn't completely trash, it's just the card didn't fit well into her deck theme
"My god, what the fuck are these pulls" 10 packs later, the thing just goes completely downhill for her, the first few pulls contain some decent cards in it, but the late come pack is just trash, absolutely trash.

She leans against the chair and she lets out a huge sigh as Y/N's snore starts to fill the quiet room. Alexa turns her head back to see your body snoring peacefully in his sleep as a smile creeps up on her lips

"Honestly, I don't even know what so special about him that makes you like him so much"A chibi figure of Trishula appears on her right shoulder as it speaks in a high-pitched voice

( Its voice will sound something like this)

"I mean, what do you even see in him, he's just a normal guy with a normal look and a below-average look" the second head quickly added earning a quick nod from the third one
"Shut up you over-sized lizard, what do you even know about love" she mumbles while continuing with her hunt for something useable on these booster packs that Reiji Akaba gave them himself as a gesture of "sorry" for that accident that happened in Y/N and Yuya last duel. It was nice of him to do that, to be honest.
"Hey, that wasn't so nice of you to do that!" the second head quickly barked back at its owner's word
"I will like who I want and you don't have to stick your don't-exist-nose into my own business"

Her lips curved up in excitement before quickly disappointingly returning to normal when she realizes that it was just a worthless card the moment she read its effect "Besides, at least I'm not those bitches who's only personality is fawning over a boy"

"Hm, I guess that fair" the dragon barked before it vaporized into thin air, return the usual quietness of the room and Alexa with her shitty gacha luck
30 minutes later
"Oh my fucking god..." she groans as she slumbers into her chair.

1 booster box, 32 booster packs, 256 cards, and all she got is a bunch of normal monsters, useless trap, and spell card, the only useable thing that come out from this set is a mirror force, a card that she already has 3 copies of it already

"Please just kill me already... Whoever made that booster box should be put in jail, suffer 10x worse than what Prometheus has suffered and left to rotten in the deepest pits of hell for the rest of eternity"
Looking at the card that she just pulled, she let out another big sigh as she carefully organized it into plie of cards, kept it together with a rubber band, and put it in her small bag, even if it was trash, she couldn't afford to sell it or throw it into the bin, because somehow that card will comeback handy in the future or she'll be able to sell it for a pile of cash, who knows?

Turning her attention to the sleeping boy on the bed, a small smile cracks up on her lips as she instantly forgot about the frustration that those pack opening bring to her

"Why do I even like him huh....?" She questions herself as she recalls friend(?) word.

"I will ask you one last time kid" The voice of a young woman echo through the ruin stadium as she was trying to cling into her duel disk and try her best to stand up properly on her legs, she's shooting her hateful glare at the young boy and his dragon.

"I don't think you're in a position to demand an answer from me, miss" the boy calmly reply while looking at his hand "Beside, we're the same ages, don't you think? It would be weird if you called me kid" He adds with a big smirk on his face

"Shut up" She shouts while stand up on her feet once again, she still has her trustworthy dragon on her field, that's right, she can't lose like this, she still has everything she needs on her hand and field. But there's something she can't quite understand about this whole situation

"Why are you trying so hard for a stranger like me, huh?!" She shouts "Why are you risking your wellbeing and potentially risking your life for a girl you just meet 5 hours ago, had you finally lost your damn mind?"

"Because I want to %$%^$^" She calmly replies, completely taken her off guard

"%&^%&^$$&^%& ^%^%*%*& monster effect activate, once per turn I can..." she widens her eyes in surprise as a blinding light is coming at her

"Oh wait, not that..." She chuckles to herself as the wrong memory being play inside her head.

"What a simp" A deeper voice speak inside her head, which cause a frown to appear on her face

"Shut up"









"Alexa Zu...uh...Zuraviliove?"


"Yeah, whatever that surname is, birthday: 4th December 2019. Both of her parents are dead from a car accident from 10 years ago. She has been dueling as an underground duelist since then. Her activity as underground duelist stops around 2 years ago because of her mysterious disappearance." Yuya chuckles at Reiji terrible spelling of Russian name.

His forehead and both of his arms is wrapped around by a white bandage, some bruised and scratch can be seen on his face, an evidence of his last duel. He's wearing his classic red t-shirt with a simple browned-jeans, his signature googles and his white cape is no where to be seen. He's sitting on a couch, opposite from the grey hair teenager while holding a blank piece of paper

"And about the boy-"


"-Y/N, what about his information"

"What you're holding is everything that we know about him" Reiji replies "No medical history, no parental information, no thing that we could find about him, even his duel record, even his deck list."

"How interesting"

"Really interesting"

"Ew, shut up and get out of here pedophile bastard"

"Say the guy who can't even save his little girlfriend, how sad"


"Everybody calm down please"

Having 4 souls share 1 body isn't a good idea at all, small quarrel will always happen. And because those 3 doesn't need any resting since they're basically dead, those quarrels can even happen in the middle of the night, leaving Yuya (and Yuto) suffering alone with a bunch of meaningless quarrels s

"Do you think this is another case of Zarc doing? Another attempt of his to somehow regain his body once again?"

"Maybe... he also possesses Supreme King Z-arc...or at least a counterpart of it" Yuya calmly said "It's smaller, calmer but still destroy everything on its path"

"He even has a fusion version of Odd-Eyes and Z-arc." Reiji adds

"This is really hard to tell, this could've a purely coincidence, which is nearly impossible based on what we've been through-"

"Could you excuse me for a few minutes please, mister president?" A calm and gentle voice speak as the door is slowly opened reveal a beautiful young woman with black hair that has a ribbon on the left side of her hair with square bangs hanging on the right side and beautiful violet eyes, she's wearing a black and red version of LDS uniform with a black shorts instead of a skirt and a pair of white gloves

Realizing that she's interrupts a conversation, a conversation between two of the best duelists on the world right now, she uses her right hand to cover her mouth in an elegant manner

"Oh" She speaks "I'm so, so sorry about the interruption Mr. President and Mr. Sakaki, I'll come back later then"

"No, don't worry about it too much" Yuya calmly said while standing up "We're actually finishing anyway"

He walks closer to her with a big smile on his face while adjusting his LDS cloak

"I believe that we've never meet in person before" he said "I believe you are Ren Yamashiro, the gem of the LDS and the one who create a new summoning method right?"

Ren's lips keep curving upward with each word that he said. Being praised by the World Champion isn't the luxury that you get every day, it's like a certificate for your duel skill, a boost to your pride as a duelist.

"You're just overestimated me, Mr. Sakaki, I'm just a normal duelist passing by that just lucky enough to win a lot of games. I'm nothing special and worth praising, sir." She said this with a calm voice but she can't hide the arrogance smirk that's slowly appear on her lips, the challenging look on her eyes as if she wants to duel Zarc's counterpart right away.

"I believe that we've waste enough time for chit chat Yamashiro, what business did you want to discuss with me?" Reiji speaks with a calm but deep serious voice, there's no denied that she's one of the most talented duelists that his academy has ever produce in years, with the potential to even surpass Zarc in his prime. But her ego is the one who terrified him the most, it can't be denied that Zarc's shadow is still lurking in his head, he can't let another disaster to break out and destroy the newly form world order that has just form for 2 years. She's fills in both boxes for the new Zarc candidate for him: A high duelist skill and an even higher ego. Accept her into this school is a good way for him to put a close eye on her, and make sure that nothing would escalate farther incase she's truly Zarc inherit

"Nothing much" She puts her hand on the jacket's pocket while leaning against the wall while give him an irritated look "I just want to ask about the new event"

"What's about it?"

"I'm not really please with your decision, Mr. President, wasting my time by arrange a duel with a girl that I don't even know her face, nor can pronounce their name"

"And here I thought you want to duel some strong opponent?" he speaks "To satisfy your 'duel lust'?"

"And how can you guarantee that she's strong? I couldn't find footage of her duel and even her deck list, how can you guarantee that I won't waste my time duel some insignificant duelist?"

"Ms. Yamashiro, with all of my respect that's not an appropriate way to speak to your superior"

"Tch...fine" With one last word, she exits the room and slam the door shut, leaving the two man alone inside the room once again

"She's surely problematic, isn't she?"

"Saying problematic is surely an underestimate" Reiji replies while sit back on his chair, facing against Yuya and staring at the city sight from above through a thin class from his office.

The appearance of a Yuya look-a-like was never a good sign, the last time they appear, the whole 4 dimensions nearly got destroy.

"I will be leaving now, Yuzu will get mad if I'm not home 20 minutes later" Yuya said jokingly and pick up his LDS jacket and throw his over his shoulder

"The mighty Sakaki Yuya, the world savior, the champion of the world, is afraid of his little girlfriend" Reiji said with smirk on his face, causing a small frown to appear on Yuya face "How pathetic"

"Shut up you four eyes bastard" Yuya scowl "Wait 'till you get yourself a mate and you will finally shut your mouth"

"Calm down snowflake, did Yuri really influence you that much"

"...Tch, whatever" With that, Yuya finally leaves the room, leaving Reiji alone in his office.









"It's already two weeks now, I can walk perfectly fine now"

Y/N lies through his teeth, the pain that his body, his bones and muscles are under an unbelievable pain. But with an incredible sheer of will and determination, he's being able to fake walking on his legs and hide all of those anguish under a bright smile. If anything that scare him more than losing his duel in a pathetic way, is that he had to stuck in one place for 2 months, that will be the worst nightmare for someone like him.

"But still, walking like that would be extremely stupid of you to do that" She growl

The young pair are currently walking to the LDS academy, to participate an event that the school host every once a year, where the current world champion, which is you-know-who, have a little talk show with the elite student that have a good study record over a year or in the top 8 of a region qualifier. It will start with the talk show, then a duel ceremony will be play by the two of the best duelists, it can be two students from the school, or two legendary duelists of this era. But even if it's just two student dueling each other, the quality will be top notch level because those duelists are selected by Reiji Akaba himself.

"And why did we have to come there again?"

"I got invited by Mr. Akaba to duel in the ceremony duel" Alexa said calmly, she doesn't deny that she's nervous from duel in front of a large crowd because it will revive some of her unpleasant memories of the time she's an underground duelist

"Well, congratulation, I guess" Y/N praises awkwardly, he doesn't understand much about this event as a whole, but from what he can gather, this is supposed to be a honor, or something like that.

"Thanks" she proudly replies while buffing her chest

"I almost forgot, put the mask on"

"Why!? Why did I want to wear that thing on my face?"

"Because people going to make a big fuss about you share the same face as one of the most famous people across the 4 dimensions"


"Sigh Then people going to surround you, bombing you with question after question-"

Didn't let her finish her sentence, he snaps the mask from her hand and wear it on his face

"I guess that will do the job" She shrug while wearing a sadistic smile on her face

After 20 minutes of walking, they've finally arrived, Alexa pulled out her invitation ticket for the security to check and let us inside the building

Saying it's huge was a big underestimate, it's beyond their imagination. Heck, one of the smallest classrooms is half a size of the small "apartment" that they called home. Y/N almost get lost on his way to the toilet. And the only thing that save Alexa from suffer the same fate is a mini map that come alongside with the ticket.

After a lot of struggling, they finally make it to the main event room, which is somehow locate on the 6th floors, like why? What's the reason behind it?

"Tch... so many people here..." Y/N mutters with a big frown on his face, earning a sign from his friend

"Could you please put it-"


Settling in his seat with a lot of grumbling while Alexa leave the stage to go prepare for the duel. A sense of betrayal flowing in his veins, leaving a socially awkward guy in a middle of a crowd full of stranger is one of the most disrespect thing that she can do to him. The arena was designed strangely, it was designed to be an underground version of the famous Colosseum, where gladiators must fight each other to death to entertain the higher or the royal family.

Seeing the duel arena, a strange wave of familiarity and disgust ran down his spine. A vision of himself duel in a similar arena, with crowds all over the place cheering for him, clearly entertained by his performance, while he standing above a dragon that too familiar to Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, but it's lacking its white armor and it's fangs 

Looking around, Sakaki Yuya is nowhere to be find, so he guesses that the talk show have already over.

Talk about Yuya, he can't deny that he doesn't miss the duel between them, despite that he ultimately took the L, that's one of the best duels he ever had in his life, even his duel between Alexa the first time in their first encounter. The thrill, the dragon's fang clashing against each other, everything about that duel was perfect. But at that moment...

"Supreme Celestial King Odd-Eyes Arc-Ray Dragon pendulum effect activated! If I have 2 cards in my Pendulum Scale, I can special summon this card from my Pendulum Scale!"

It just like someone is talking through him, another person inside him.

"And it's time for the main event..." The voice of the MC cut him off his thought. At this point he doesn't even care about everyone else, he just wants to see his friend and her duel.

"On the left, we have the jewelry of the LDS academy. Yamashiro Ren!" A beautiful girl calmly walks out from the backstage in an elegantly manner while wearing a small smile on her face

"And on the right, we have a really big surprise here, let's give her a warm welcome, Alexa Zhuravlyov!"


"Do you know her?"

"Who the hell is she?"

Ignoring the gossip, Alexa confidently walk on the stage, she's wearing a determinant look on her face, make a huge smile appear on Y/N lips

"You better not wasting my time here, or else I will destroy you mercilessly" Ren taunting her opponent while they're shuffling their opponent deck

"Let see if you'll be able to keep that disgusting arrogance smirk on your face when this duel is over" Alexa retort with her own arrogance smirk

"We'll see about that" she grabs her decks, insert it in her duel disk as she returns to her original position.

"Duel speaks for itself" Alexa walks back to her stands as she raises her duel disk


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