Pink Hope (Completed)

By lemonmintdrink

10.4K 538 282

A second chance at love More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

1.2K 76 25
By lemonmintdrink

I know that I am behind on responding to your comments. I don't know why but Wattpad keeps glitching up on me whenever I try to read one of comments. Will respond soon. Pakka.

306 views in just three days.
You all are the best readers I can ever ask for. ❤️

And as always, the photo used are not mine. I found them on Pinterest. There are from some of my fav Chinese drama.
+ The Love you give me
+ The Oath of Love
+ Begin Again

Also, I made a major typo on my last chapter. And Khushi's late husband name is Rahul and he's a doctor too.

Date published - 26 Oct 2023
+2.4k words

~Now back to our story~

(Two weeks later)

That weekend, Arnav was at his parent's house decorating the place since they are decorating the place for Tara's birthday. She had invited her friends from the school.

Arnav's mom helping Arnav to hang the party decor, said - "You are isolating yourself. You are pulling yourself from our family."

Arnav rolled his eyes and thought to himself -'Not this again.'

Sure, he had been spending more time at the hospital nowadays. Plus, his dad had made him one of the board members for the hospital and doing all those management job was killing him and he hated every minute of it. And he was very glad when Anjali took over AR Industries since he hated all the management thing. He just wanted a quiet life at the hospital and not handling idiots in meetings.

Thankfully, the guests started arriving at that time, leaving his mother to go and attend them.

Among the guests, Arnav found his solace in Khushi since they worked together and the fact that he knows that she wouldn't hit or flirt with him, unlike the other ladies in the crowd today, brought comfort in him.

Arnav watched the kids play around the house, making a bloody mess and sang the lousiest 'happy birthday' song to the birthday princess who was dressed in her finest frock with a plastic tiara, since she's 'a princess'.

Arnav introduced Khushi to his parents and to Anjali and Shyam.

Arnav - "Mom, meet Dr. Khushi. She works in ER at our hospital."

Khushi felt slightly nervous since Arnav's mom reminded her of her mother-in-law. It reminded her that it had been days since she last spoke to her and she made a mental note to give her a call.

Khushi - "Hello, ma'am"

Just then, Aarav ran upto herside and pulled on her pant, demanding attention. There was a pink smudge on the corner of his lips.

Aarav was finding it difficult to bed and he was turning crimson.

Khushi knew what was happening, but felt frozen.

Arnav quickly shook her and demanded - "Where's his epipen?"

Khushi quickly dug through her bag and handed him the epipen, which he swifty injected on Aarav. . Khushi immediately took Aarav in her arms and hugged him tightly with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Arnav knew what was happening and he quietly guided the duo to his room.

His mother watched as Arnav lead them to his room.

(Back in Arnav's room)

Khushi's mind went on auto-pilot mode. She knew that her son was allergic to strawberry and must have accidently take a bite of something strawberry flavoured. She knew that she had to react quickly and give him the epipen.

But her unconscious mind pictured Aarav as Rahul and suddenly, in a moment of flash, she pictured Rahul gasping for air and that's when her brain stopped for a moment.

Thankfully, Arnav stepped in and took the right call.

Khushi led onto Aarav rather tightly, simply refusing to let him go. She was not ready to lose yet another member of her family.

Arnav watched as Aarav wipe the tears that roll down Khushi's cheeks. Her eyes were teary from crying and her cheeks red and her nose snotty. She was a mess.

A mess that was real to him. A mess that he could understand and could relate.

Quickly recovering herself, Khushi felt slightly embarrassed, although Arnav ensured her that it happens to the best of us.

Thanking him for prompt action towards Aarav, they joined back the birthday party.

Arnav's dad watched as Arnav and Khushi settled themselves in the corner of the room, chatting about something. Lost in their own world.

(Around the same time)

Arnav spotted Khushi, keeping a close eye on Aarav and being in her total mom mode.

While Khushi watched Aarav playing with his schoolmates, she couldn't help but think about the time Aarav was born. His birth didn't go as both Rahul and her wanted and she developed little complications, making the birth rather long and more painful.

After giving birth to her baby boy, her dad walked in and looked at her and just started to cry.  He said that he didn't want to hold her baby but instead he wanted to hold his baby (viz her) first.

At that time, she felt awkward and still hurt when her dad said that. But now, she understood his words and actions.

A week later, Arnav walked upto the nearest supermarket to the hospital and spotted Aarav crying near the ice cream counter. Apparently, he lost his mommy.

It looked like Aarav has wandered off at the supermarket. Arnav quickly gave Khushi a call and assured the panic-stricken Khushi that Aarav was with him and they are at the ice cream section.

Arnav watched as Khushi rushed to their side and chewed Aarav's ear for wandering away without informing her.

Arnav tried to pacify and calm Khushi but the anger of scared mother was something else.

Arnav - "He's a child. Let him be one, Khushi" taking pity of the little man who was being scolded by his mom. Sometimes kids need to be kids - he thought.

Arnav bought Aarav an icecream to cheer up the scolded little guy. All Aarav wanted was some icecream.

Arnav make sure that the icecream had no strawberry extract for Aarav. Arnav and Khushi fought over who would pay for icecream. Aarav looked at each side as they nearly agreed over the bill and sighed - all he wanted was some icecream.
Khushi won... more like, Arnav let her win taking pity of Aarav's melting iccream... and she paid the bill.

The duo walked out of the supermarket holding Aarav's hand.

A month later, Anjali had left Tara at Arnav's house for the weekend, to spend time with her grandparents and Arnav.

Tara had been complaining that Aarav was going to the beach and that she was stuck at home and she wanted to go to the beach. Arnav felt bad for Tara since he knew that her parents were busy at work. The work and the group that he was reluctant to take over and let Anjali to lead. Feeling guilty, he decided that the least he can do to help his sister out was to take care of his niece and so, the duo set off to the beach.

After taking a scroll at the beach, Arnav spotted Khushi and Aarav playing with the waves.

Khushi stayed close, feeling scared that waves would take her baby away.

As he and Tara walked upto them, the dog that was playing with them, barked at Arnav and Tara, which frightened Tara making her cry and Arnav quickly picked her up in his arms.

Khushi commanded - "Pluto, down boy!"

And Pluto sat at the beach, being a total angel, unlike the demon he looked mere seconds ago.

Aarav walked to Arnav and reached for Tara's hand, making her look at him. Arnav slowly her placed on the sand and Aarav took her next to Pluto.

Khushi, watching this - "Pluto, easy!"

Aarav slowly guided Tara to petting Pluto and Tara hesitantly started to pet his head, like Aarav showed. And to her, Pluto was not scaring anymore.

(A few minutes later)

While Khushi and Tara sat on the sands building some sand castle, Arnav and Aarav were running along the beachstore with Pluto trailing behind. Pluto has always been protective over Aarav and Khushi since the time they got him, reminding Khushi of Rahul.

Arnav watched as Tara and Khushi build sandcastles and collect shells, to decorate it. He watched as they built their castle with almost attention and care, particularly Khusho who was busy decorating her sand creation with whatever shells she could find.

He could see the inner kid in her come out at that moment.

Later, the trio joined Khushi and Tara in making a castle and built forts and other buildings.

If there was ever a competition on who dug up the deepest hole, Pluto would win that in a heartbeat.

Khushi made the most beautiful intricate sandcastle and it was in total contrast to Arnav's masterpiece which was a pathetic pile of sand with a leaf on top. Khushi had to reluctantly praise his sand pile in front of the kids, although every bone in her body wanted to mock and annoy him.

As time passed by, it was time for the sun to retire for the day and for the night to kick in.

As they watched the sunset, with Aarav on Arnav's arms and Tara on Khushi's arms and Pluto next to them.

Khushi - "It's so pretty, isn't it?"

Arnav replied - "Yea.. so very pretty'

Sheetal always loved to look sunsets and he had caught her soaking in the stillness of the beauty countless times. She would be staring off into the sunset. He didn't think of how even nature bows to humans, until he saw the golden glow melt into her smile, so ethereal and so magnificently you.

Today, he found her favourite sunset which can never be his.

Little did he know that some shades of sunset are meant to heal..

After the beach, they headed to Khushi's house for dinner. It was a cozy abode that Khushi had purchased for herself he thought. It was his first time visiting their house and it screamed warmth and home. There were toys all pilled up on a basket and shelves and shelves of books. At quick glance, they all seemed to be fantasy novel.

Arnav - "Quite the reader, I presume?"

Khushi , placing her bag on the table - "Yea, it takes my mind off things. And I can lost in a book or two."

Khushi offered him tea and snacks for the kids.

Arnav offered to help Khushi with dinner but she simply refused and told him to handle the kids.

Arnav watched Aarav and Tara running around Aarav's room, playing all sorts of game.

There were three photos on Aarav's room, that caught in his eye.

There was a photo of whom-he-assumed was Rahul holding toddler Aarav and noticed the similarities between Aarav and Rahul. Aarav's got his eyes and maybe a bit of his smile too.

Rahul looked like a handsome gentle soul and it was such a pity that he got cancer - Arnav thought.

Why do all the bad things happen to the good ones? - He pondered.

Aarav looked so adorable in the picture. Arnav almost wanted to travel back in time and pinch his rosy chubby cheeks.

He sighed, if only he could travel back in time.. If o

There was a photo of Rahul making silly face at Aarav, as Aarav looked curiously at his dad while Khushi held him, looking at his face for any reaction.

And another photo were family of three were smiling at the camera, but Aarav was looking towards the other side. They seemed to be a perfect happy little family. Only that fate didn't allow that to continue.

Khushi looked so radiant and filled with joy and happiness, unlike the version that he saw in front of him.

Arnav wondered - if Sheetal and he hadn't fought that day, they too would have been a happy family like this one. If only.

There was also some pictures with Khushi and some another guy and lady holding Aarav (it's Nk and Lavanya, but Arnav doesn't know of them since he's yet to meet them)

And dinner was a hit, especially with the kids as Khushi had made egg-fried rice. Even Tara who was normally a picky eater, enjoyed it without any fuss. And dessert was badam kheer, which was apparently Khushi's specialty. Arnav even asked for a second serving and it was weird for him since he was normally not a sweets person.

After dinner, the kids were playing in Aarav's room and Arnav found Khushi, sitting in the balcony, enjoying a warm drink and looking into the stars that looked like it was twinkling in the night sky.

Arnav walked upto her and taking a seat next to her - "I never thought that you were stars person, Khushii. "

Khushi looked at him, while sipping her cup of hot chocolate as it was drizzling slightly - "Not really."

She continued - "My sister-in-law told me that when people die, they become stars. I know it sounded silly but I like to believe it to be true."

Arnav looked at Khushi since his mom had told him something along the same lines. And ever since Sheetal's unfortunate passing, there was one stars in the darkest of night sky that he assumed was Sheetal.

Pointing to that stars, Arnav spoke softly amidst the kids screaming who  were playing in the living room - "That's my wife!"

Khushi looked at him feeling less silly for believing this stupid myth over stars  asked - Tell me about her.. I mean, you are upto it."

Khushi watched as Arnav's eyes light up, no doubt recalling the time with his wife. 

Arnav - "In my eye, she was the most beautiful woman in the planet.. hell, whole of the universe. "

He continued - "We met in school. Some might say that it was puppy love but for us, it felt real. Sheetal went on to study management and I chose medicine. Although our path diverged, we always saw the best of each other and one thing lead to another and we got married after five years of dating and having known each other for over a decade."

Arnav caught looking Khushi at him. Surprisingly, it was not that look he knew. That look of sympathy, care and pity. The look that everyone had been giving him in the past three years.

Instead, she looked at him with pain in her eyes. Wishing for a miracle. Looking for hope. Wishing that she too would travel back in time, like he dreamed.

Arnav - "And Rahul?"

Khushi sipping her hot chocolate, asked - "What about him?"

Arnav - "How's he like? How did you two meet?"

Arnav watched as Khushi's eyes almost sparkled with happiness and love, something that those lackluster eyes have been missing.

Khushi started - "He was... umm.. I don't know how to describe him.. like...he's like sunshine..A human form of sunshine. Can light up anywhere and anytime. With a great sense of humour. And (giggling to herself) such a flirt."

Arnav watched Khushi bleaming with happiness.

Khushi continued "Rahul was actually my brother's best friend from the school. And I had the biggest crush on forever. Although we pretty much grew up together, we were.. as the kids would say...'just friends' until one day, I found that he liked me too. And since then, we have been together. Through university. Our long internship days. Getting married. Becoming parents. The whole deal except....."

She laughed as she said, "After I got engaged, my father even told my then-fiance- now..... (*taking a deep breath*) husband, that there is no return policy and Rahul laughed it off and replied 'I kept the receipt for no reason then."

Arnav watched as tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes and she quickly wiped it. Smiling through her tears.

Arnav too laughed alongside Khushi and said, "In my case, my in-laws playfully apologizes to me for my wife's expectations."

Just then, his mother called and it was time for them to go home as it was way past Tara's bedtime.

As Arnav was driving Tara home, Tara asked - "Mamu, can we get a dog too? I want a dog like Pluto."

A/N - Mamu - uncle

Arnav sighed as he knew that it was coming since Tara really enjoyed playing with Pluto and Aarav.

Arnav - "You have to ask your mom, princess."

He was pretty sure that his sister was going to murder him on sight for this.



"My child wandered off at the grocery store, and I've been panicking, but you're the kind-hearted stranger who brought them back to me. Please let me thank you with dinner."

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