Beneath the Red Flesh [NEW]

By DefectiveViper

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A Janitor working their nightshift is killed by a mysterious figure and reborn as an instance of SCP 939. Wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

708 24 6
By DefectiveViper

MTF POV (1 hour earlier)

“Site-19 has experienced a Containment Breach! Epsilon-11 Head in to secure the Facility.” A male over the intercom spoke. Ordering Epsilon-11 around again. If the damn Guards weren’t so lazy then Site-19 would still be secure.

I quickly got on my feet and rushed to the locker room to pack my gear, making haste to not waste any more time than necessary. An MTF-E11-SR, fitted with a red dot sight and a Flashlight, safety on, a Bullet-Proof Vest, and a radio.

I ran outside to the helicopter where I hopped in with other Members of Epsilon-11.

“Everyone here?” I, along with Everyone else, nodded their heads. “Good, everyone is accounted for. We are being sent to Site-19 to recontain the SCPs there again. Reports say that SCPs 173, 096, 049, 106, 682 and all instances of 939 have breached containment. Other SCPs are also reported to have escaped but the listed ones are the most important to recontain. As for the cause, the breach was likely caused by SCP-079 getting access to the security system; how it got into the system is yet to be determined.” The male member said, waving his hand to tell the pilot to go airborne.

“Isn’t this the second time the Facility has been breached this week? Why don’t they move the SCPs to different facilities?” A different member asked, the look of: “what the fuck?” evident in their eyes.

“Don’t ask me, I don’t manage the facilities.” The male member said sarcastically, making it very apparent they had no fucking idea who thought it was a good idea to even think about having SCP-173 and SCP-096 in the same facility.

The Helicopter lifted up, took flight and turned to fly in the direction of Site-19.

By the time we got there the Facility had already suffered severe damage. SCP-682 Raged, destroying any structure and unfortunate soul in its path. Turning both people and animals into red stains while buildings were turned into chunks and powder.

The Helicopter soared past SCP-682 and to Gate B, quite far away from 682 but it could still reach us if it wanted to. Shots rang out as SCP-682 swiped at a Helicopter, blowing it up and killing everyone inside. Good thing we aren’t here to fight the giant, ugly lizard.

When the Helicopter landed we poured out from the Helicopter and rushed towards the Gate B Elevator, nine people in an elevator is uncomfortable, more so if they are all kitted out.

After the elevator opened we headed out and someone swiped a Keycard to open the Gate. It opened slowly but once it finished opening we walked inside, the lights are still on but it will get darker as we get deeper in the facility. We traveled through Entrance Zone and there weren’t any notable SCPs; they were contained very quickly.

Moving down to Heavy Containment we encountered more resistance as we encountered SCP-049.

“SCP-049 behind us!” We all turned around and backpedaled as we raised our guns for SCP-049 was no more than a few feet away and their arm was stretched out towards us. One of the members wasn’t as lucky and they tried to use the stock of their gun to shove SCP-049 away but only hit their side and the Plague Doctor touched them, causing them to drop dead.

“Shit- I mean- everybody run!” A panicked member said, running away with the remaining squad members, gaining distance away from SCP-049. We then began opening fire, SCP-049 not even flinching as they made their approach.

We continued backing up when we got to a T-junction, half the squad split and we went different ways. 049 didn’t chase us but instead went towards the other half of the squad. We sprinted through the halls of Heavy Containment, shooting any instances of SCP-049-2 we came across. Some of the reanimated corpses made by SCP-049 were D-Class while others were Guards.

While walking through the halls we came across the corpse of a Guard, yet to be found by SCP-049. I noticed he didn’t have his gun or a Radio. Even the corpses of guards brought back to life by SCP-049 at least had a Radio. I noticed this and told the other two who are with me.

“Hold up, this Guard doesn’t have his Radio! There might be a D-Class listening on our Comms!” I said, but the other three sort of brushed it off.

“What would a rogue D-Class need a Radio for? Our Comms are on a separate Channel from those guards.” One of them remarked.

“The other Guards that were turned into instances of SCP-049-2 still had their Radios attached to their torso. Also this one was never turned into an Instance of SCP-049-2.” I replied.

“How? It could just be one of the Plague Doctors’ failed attempts to “cure” someone.” He chuckled.

I don't think the Plague Doctor has ever done such a messy job of Curing someone, it is always a small incision. This poor idiot got completely eviscerated!” I crouched down to get a better look at the injuries. “His Liver is just gone while everything else is either mostly intact or mutilated, from the injuries alone I have reason to believe that SCP-953 is also in the area, the injuries are almost identical: Severe Lacerations aimed at the lower torso, evisceration, and a missing Liver, no doubts that SCP-953 did it.” I explained, SCP-953 on top of this? Somebody needs to let the dogs out. I smirked a little.

“What’s got you smiling?” One of the other guys said.

“Nothing” I lied as I stood up and the smile slowly faded away.

“Alright let’s get moving on! We have no time to waste!” I said, heading in the direction we were going.

As we turned the corner we spotted a D-Class heading towards us, we raised our weapons and told them to stop but they kept approaching. I trained my rifle on their head and fired but the D-Class didn’t falter even after suffering what should be a fatal wound.

We continued firing, backing up as whatever this D-Class is made of kept approaching. Then the big reveal as one of the shots literally removed the flesh from the skeleton of the- 

“Oh god...” I said as the Skeleton of the D-Class then started sprinting towards us. I turned on my radio and broadcast a message to all channels whilst running away:

“SCP-3114 has breached containment! Site-19 is compromised! Epsilon-11 going in to arm the Alpha Warhead and blow it up!” I had to push SCP-3114 away with the ass of my rifle while speaking into the Radio.

We managed to knock them over and ran for our lives before we made it to a Keycard locked door. We opened it and headed inside, closing the door behind us. The Skeleton beat up the door and tried many methods of entering before it gave up.

“Holy shit, that was rough.” I said, breathing in-between words.

Me and the other MTF stayed still as we caught our breath.

“No shit, we gotta go detonate this shithole after we catch our breath.” Another MTF said, clearly breathless.

After we caught our breath we exited the room and went in the direction we ran from, hoping to find the Alpha Warhead elevator. It took a lot of time and ammo but we eventually made it. However, the elevator already appeared to be in use.

“Somebody got here before us, aim at the elevator! Hold your fire until I give the word!” I said, I had no right to command them but we’re all the same rank, somebody has to take charge.

The elevator dinged as it opened, revealing an instance of SCP-939... Sleeping? No wait, not sleeping anymore! I held my gun firmer and aimed for the head, it looked to be wearing some heavy body armor over its torso. Shit what do we do now? It’s getting up! Shit, shit! SHIT!


I woke up to a ding, guess I couldn’t finish a nap but hey, at least I’m feeling better now! I get up and stretch, crouching to pick up the COM-15. I stand back up and turn-

“Stop there!” A Male voice said. I raised my gun and aimed in the direction of the person. I could see them in color, they are with two other people and they are also armed with the same weapons. Thinking quickly I noticed the guns they are holding are MTF-E11-SR. I lower my gun and let my right arm go limp, the gun swaying with my arm. It is MTF. I stood still for a good while before they gave their next order.

“Drop the weapon!” The center MTF commanded, their voice sounded filled with fear. I did so and it seemed to calm them down at least a bit but they were still on edge. I don’t blame them, being in such close proximity to something that could kill you in seconds is a scary concept.

“Move! So we can get in the elevator!” They commanded, so I decided to speak to them. This seems to be the right move right now. Telling them that the Warhead cannot be activated is a good move for sure.

“The Alpha Warhead is destroyed, it cannot be activated” I said, my voice sounding slightly broken.

“I didn’t ask for the state of the Warhead! Move!” The one to my left said as they fired a few shots into my chest, the Bullet-Proof vest I took came in handy as it stopped the shots, but the force of the shots knocked me on my ass, literally.

“Stop! It’s cooperating!” The one to my far right said, angry at the one to my far left.

“It’s an SCP, we are supposed to contain it using any methods!” The male MTF yells as he attempts to fire more shots into me but I dodged them by throwing myself against the side of the elevator.

“There are other ways to contain it, you dimwit!” The center one says, grabbing the trigger-happy MTF and pulling them away from the elevator. Shots rang out as one of them fired their gun and one of the MTF fell backwards, bleeding from their injuries. I got up swiftly and exited the elevator. Noticing the MTF with the rifle about to fire into his downed comrade I dove into him, causing some shots to be discharged into my shoulder from the MTF, it hurt but I swung my claws into his legs despite the pain, causing him to topple over, I took the gun and threw it away; the weapon flying into the open elevator.

I turned back just in time to feel a stinging feeling in my chest as the MTF I stopped from killing his own ally sunk his knife into my chest, barely piercing through my body armor and leaving a nasty mark. I grabbed the Knife and pulled myself away; keeping the knife in my chest to prevent excess bleeding.

I turned around to see the other MTF who is standing over their downed ally not injured, gun raised but frozen in terror, behind him an approaching Plague Doctor. With no consideration for the consequences of my actions I took initiative and threw the traitor MTF into the elevator and sent it down. I took the rifle of the badly injured MTF and aimed at the Plague doctor, firing shot after shot into the Plague Doctor. I missed very few shots surprisingly but after my ammo depleted I removed the magazine and threw the empty magazine as hard as I could at the Plague Doctor but it kept getting closer.
I charged towards the Plague Doctor and leaped at them, pushing them away a fair distance. I kept up the assault and clawed at them, my assault didn’t appear to be doing anything in terms of wounds but SCP-049 started putting up less resistance than when I started fighting them. I hopped off of them and they were still down. I turned around to go back to the elevator where the injured MTF laid, likely the leader. I’d also have to deal with that traitor who tried to kill his own ally.


I’m laid on the ground, suffer8ng from mortal wounds, and I don’t know what to say. Not only did that SCP rush in to save me,  but it also stopped SCP-049. It risked its life. For MTF? I guess I still don’t know everything about SCPs, the scientists will surely have a field day cutting open that particular instance of SCP-939.

I held my bullet wounds shut as my other ally looked at the 939 that’d just saved both of our asses twice. I don’t know what that traitor thought he was doing but I hope I don’t have to see him again. Traitors are not welcome in the Foundation.

I continued holding my wounds shut as SCP-939 kept getting closer, its breathing audible and loud. It knelt down next to me and looked around? Instances of 939 are blind why would it look around? It then began taking off my body armor and started inspecting the wounds. I winced as it barely touched an open wound, it didn’t seem to mind having a knife in its chest or it just forgot about the knife.

As this thing was tending to my wounds the elevator door began opening with a resounding ding and there the traitor sat, injured but still capable of fighting back. Upon seeing us he lunged to the nearest weapon; the pistol the SCP dropped.

He grabbed the pistol and took aim, sights trained on my head. I closed my eyes as he pulled the trigger and...


I opened my eyes to see the traitor, horror in his eyes as the gun was unloaded! The instance of SCP-939 then leaped over me! Its claws poised to kill. One second, it was leaping over me, traitor reaching for a rifle, the next... the elevator was drenched in blood. I dropped my head back to the floor and focused back on myself. I need to take care of these wounds.

I try to move my limbs but they’ve gone limp, likely from being shot by that traitor. If I make it out of this alive I’m gonna have an unbelievable story to tell.

I closed my eyes and all I saw was black.


After killing the traitor I stood up and looked around, all I saw was gray. The fight with the Plague Doctor and the traitor wore me down substantially. After searching the traitor for a bit I found a Medkit along with a familiar symbol. Chaos Insurgency then? Chaos managed to infiltrate the ranks of the MTF. Explains lots of things.

I lifted myself off the floor and exited the elevator. Both of the MTF were down on the ground, one injured, another unconscious but otherwise uninjured. In spite of my own wounds I used the Medkit on the injured MTF. Being on the bad side of the Foundation rarely goes well. But it’s not like I’m trying to appease them, these are actual people with children, wives, husbands.

I opened the Medkit and started with disinfecting the wounds, despite my inability to see color at the moment the shapes of the equipment were recognizable enough to make use of. After disinfecting the wounds I took out some cloth and wrapped it around the wounds. A few wounds on the chest and one on the leg.

After taking care of the wounds of the MTF I went back into the elevator to pick up the Rifle and checked the ammo. After removing 17 cartridges from the magazine I confirmed that the gun still had ammo. I inserted the cartridges back into the magazine and took a fresh magazine from the injured MTF, he shouldn’t mind, not like he can object anyways.

I inserted the Magazine into the gun and DID NOT pull back the charging handle. There should still be a cartridge in the chamber so that should be 41 rounds.

Using my left arm I lifted both the MTF and carried them over my shoulder, the rifle being held with one hand, which is probably not a good idea. Since the recoil will be much harder to control with only one hand. I thought over it for a moment before gently placing the MTF on the ground and searched for the COM-15.

It was difficult to find with all the blood but I found it. I picked up the bloody pistol and took some 9mm ammo from the MTF and loaded it into the magazine of the COM-15. With a much easier to control weapon I picked the MTF back up and started making my way to the Gates.

Heavy Containment remained as dark as ever and I got lost again. I wasn’t lost for long as I found Entrance Zone but I can’t go through because I need a Keycard. Well I do happen to have some MTF, they would need a good enough keycard to get down here.

I looked through the pockets of the MTF and took the first Keycard I found. It looked to be a rather high-level keycard so I used the Keycard on the Checkpoint and it opened. I walked through the Checkpoint and now I’m one step closer to leaving. I strolled through Entrance Zone, quickly making it to Gate B. I attempted to use the Keycard but it didn’t work and the Gate refused to open. I attempted to open it using brute force but no matter how hard I tried the Gate still refused to open. I then tried the last thing I could think of.

I turned on my radio and set the frequency to random ones until I got into contact with someone.

“*Static* Epsilon-11 are you there? We’ve been trying to contact you.” A distressed person said over the radio.

“Yes, one of our own was Chaos Insurgency so there are only three of us left, we need you to open Gate B.” I said.

“Epsilon-11 you said you’d arm the Alpha Warhead! And who is this? You don’t sound like any of our own!” The person yelled.

“There is one injured and the other is unconscious. I don’t know what happened to the others, but I need you to open Gate B.” I said, maintaining my cool. Briefly looking behind me in case SCP-173 decided it wanted some of that juicy neck.

“Go to Gate A, that was the agreed upon extraction point!” He said, becoming more frustrated than scared.

“Just open the damn gate! I’m not walking for another fifteen minutes just to find a locked gate!” I bluffed, it didn’t actually take fifteen minutes but I’m tired of walking.

“Fine, give me a few minutes and I’ll get it unlocked.” The man finally gave up on arguing and now I can leave.

I looked behind the whole time checking for SCP-173. If the Peanut appears now the two MTF on my shoulder are dead, and likely myself as well. After a few minutes of nervously waiting the Gate opened and I ran straight through, not taking any chances.

“Happy now?” He said.

“Oh yeah can I give you a heads up on something?” I said.

“What?” He asked.

“Don’t shoot on sight.” I replied before turning off the Radio. He’ll understand, hopefully.

I walked in the elevator and pushed a button to make it go up. I look down at my chest to see the Knife still in my chest, a long and almost dried-up stream of blood having made its way down to my feet.

As I stood in the elevator I suddenly felt my limbs getting weak. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug I gotta say. I pushed through the pain and kept standing, being so close to escaping I can’t drop on my knees now. My life can’t end here, I must keep fighting to move forwards.

I pushed through the pain and exited the elevator immediately when the door opened. I limped towards the exit and stumbled along the way, slowly losing my balance.

By the time I reached the guards that normally guarded the exit I had toppled over from a single misstep. They raised their guns, pointing their weapons directly at me. I however, couldn’t step any closer as my legs physically wouldn’t allow me so I tossed the COM-15 over to the closest Guard and dropped the MTF as I fell over. I was both physically and mentally drained from today's containment breach.

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