Underworld: The First

By XxLegacy214xX

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What if Sonja had given birth to Luciens child before being burned alive, what if Sonja sent the Child away f... More

The Beginning
Truths Unfold
Lycan Trouble
Assault on the Den
In The Beginning
Finding Answers
We have a Daughter


627 32 0
By XxLegacy214xX

Micheal POV:

   After defeating the Immortal brother Marcus and William, Selene and I enjoyed a Period of peace but that peace was cut short as humans began hunting for our species.

   Now Selene and I must run again and hope that we survive.


   As I made my through city while hiding from the humans who want to see me dead I silently pray that Selene will be alright before I start running down the fire escape.

   "Freeze!" An officer yelled from the ground to which I jumped over the railing and drop down tight on top  of the human before I quickly snapped his neck and kept running.


   After making it to the pier I smirked to my lard before I walked over to dock workers who were getting the boat ready so we could this desolate city, but suddenly I heard guns being cocked to which I turned only to see Selene running towards me.

   "Micheal!" Selene shouted as a human shot me in the shoulder causing me to go flying and falling into the ocean where I started to sink only to see Selene dive in after me.

   As we swam towards each other I held out my hand before Selene grabbed it before suddenly a grenade went off causing an explosion that blew us apart and the last thing I saw was Selene before everything went dark.

Twelve Years Later:

   Inside Antigen, a pharmaceutical company that secretly has been experimenting on both Vampires and Lycans, Selene and Micheal were in cryogenic chambers that left them unconscious and Frozen not knowing that twelve years had passed and that in the time they were held prisoner something happened to Selene while she was in her frozen sleep, but also that while Micheal slept they were taking the mutation in his blood and making new type of Lycan.

   But tonight things have changed because at this moment someone only know as Subject two has escaped their captivity and caused a building wide malfunction that caused the two cryogenic chambers to start defrosting stirring the two powerful Immortals from their forced slumber.

Selene POV:

   After stirring awake I groggily looked ahead to see I was in some type of laboratory to which I tried to move only to realize I was frozen and in some type of chamber causing me to look around only to see no one before I started banging my head against the glass since that was the only part of my body I could move.

   As the glass started to crack under the force I was using from my head I used all the force I could muster in one last hit that caused the glass to shatter making me fall out of the chamber and onto the cold tile floor.

   As my limbs began to I thaw with my skin regaining its complexion I look around that lab and found my clothes tucked in a cabinet to which I painfully stood up and grabbed my clothes before suiting and as I stood in the room I couldn't help but worry for Micheal wondering if he was in a chamber like I was or I'm much dire situation.

   As I grew panicked I saw that fog started to envelope the room to which I went to the lock mechanism for the door and tried to get the shutters go up before I heard a heartbeat causing me to look up and two humans staring down at me to which I grew angry before I jumped up through the ceiling and came down in the room the humans were in before I grabbed one of the humans.

   "What is this place? Where is Micheal?!" I asked as the other human stabbed in the back with a scalpel to which I turned towards the human and grabbed his before yank his elbow up causing his bone to split and showing coming out of his arm before I took the scalpel still in bedded in my back and stabbed him in the temple killing the human.

   After killing the human I leaned faints the railing hyperventilating from panic before I walked out of the room and into the hallway, but as stood there five guards held Pistols pointed at me.

   "Don't move." The guard directly in front of me ordered as I stayed silent twirling the scalpel in my hand before I quickly dashed ahead killing all of the guards.

  As I made my through the facility I had to kill guard after guard just try and escape, but the entire time I was just hoping Micheal would show up and make some sassy remark. I would give anything to hear one of them right now.

   After getting a gun from one of the many dead guards that laid behind me I shot out the glass of a window to which I walked up to the window and jumped before I landed on top of container truck and as the truck drove away I looked back at the building seeing the 'Antigen' in big stone letters across the top.

   "I will find you Micheal." I muttered to myself as the truck continued driving away gaining distance from the building which I just escaped.

Micheal POV:

   As alarms blared and voices screamed close by I stirred awake seeing I was an unfamiliar place and when I tried to move I realize I was frozen solid inside some type of container.

   "Selene." I whispered to myself before I started banging my head on the glass causing it to crack and after another hit the glass broke causing me to swing out of the container only to hit the cold hard floor and as I looked around the room I saw my clothes packed away in a cabinet.

   After limbs I thawed and I gained my complexion back I stood on shaky legs before I made my way toward my clothes to which I quickly got dressed before I cautiously slipped the Corvinus Clan ring back onto my finger remembering the promise I made to my old teacher to which i clenched my fist as I looked up to my right after hearing a pair of heart beats.

   After seeing me partially shift the men looking down on me backed away in fear before I walked forward and kicked through the wall of the lab  creating a hole big enough for me to squeeze through into a hallway riddled with corpses and as I saw the knife wounds inflicted in these bastards I realized that this was Selene's work.

   "She got out." I stated as I saw the shattered window up ahead, but suddenly a mass of guards assembled in front of the window in which I smirked as I popped my neck and wrist.

   "Glad you showed up, I needed to blow off some steam." I stated as the guards gulped fearfully before I rushed the guards tearing them limb from limb and as the blood sprayed all over I only had one thought and that was to fine Selene.

   After taking care of the guards I walked towards the window before standing on the ledge and looking down at the ground below.

   "That's isn't that low of a drop." I stated before I let myself fall to the ground below.

After hitting the ground I took off on foot only soaring the building a single glance but I took note of the name 'Antigen'.

   "Don't worry Selene, I'll find you." I muttered to myself as I ran off into dark streets being enveloped in the darkness.

   After escaping Antigen I looked around seeing things that looked so new, but how could that be and where is everyone.

   After shaking my leaf from my chaotic thoughts I saw a clothing shop to my right to which I quickly broke inside and changed clothes before I walked towards the front only to look at the display case and see Lycan teeth and Vampire fangs for sell which appalled before I suddenly heard sirens causing me to quickly leave the store and headed towards the last place I saw Selene, The Pier.

The Pier:

   After reaching the pier I saw that the gate was locked to which I jumped over it to see that Pier looked abandoned to which I rubbed my face in frustration and worry.

   "Where are you Selene?" I asked myself when suddenly I heard footsteps causing me to turn.

   "Hey man you can't be in there, the piers closed." An officer said as he approached the gate.

   "Since when?" I asked confused.

"A long time ago." The coo stated as I searched my mind for answer before looked back towards the coo.

   "How long?" I asked causing the coo to chuckle.

   "Twelve years, you know a woman was just here asking the same question." The coo said as I peeked up at the mention of a woman.

   "A woman? What did she look like?" I asked as the coo took on a thinking face.

   "Jet black hair, Blue eyes, banging body too." The cop stated as I smirked.

   "Thanks." I said as the cop was messing with the lock of the gate to which i disappeared.

   As I walked down a sidewalk far from the Pierre suddenly it was like I was having a vision of a ripped up body with cops surrounding it and as my vision cleared back up I saw cop cars racing past to which I dashed off following after the cops hoping I find Selene.

Crime Scene:

Selene POV:

    After the vision I saw concurred I'm now at the crime scene where the humans believe a Lycan tore apart this human causing me to grow concerned.

   "Micheal, was this you?" I asked myself wondering if Antigen had did something to my lover.

   As I watched on I saw a dark skinned detective look in my direction causing me to hide back behind the pillar under this over-pass.

   After seeing what I needed to I jumped down from the pillar and went looking for human who let me go to which I just followed his scent which led me to his apartment in which I waited for his return.

Ten minutes later...


After hearing the human return I quickly grabbed him and threw at the window before I grabbed his throat and pressed him against the glass.

   "The prisoner that helped me escape, the one you call subject two, was it a hybrid?" I asked as pressed further against the glass causing it to start to crack.

   "Yes." The human choked out as I suppressed his ability to breathe.

   "What were you doing with us?" I asked pissed off.

   "We..." the man started before trailing off seeing the glass cracking more and more.

   "We help the government identify the infected. We were using your DNA to try to find a cure to prevent another outbreak." The man said panicking as he heard the glass cracking more and more.

   "You were told that I would lead you to the hybrid. Why?" I asked confused by the assumption.

  "Subject two is restricted information. I don't have the clearance." The human said lying.

  "Your lying." I stated infuriated before I brought the man closer to me before shoved him against the shattering the window before I held him over the edge.

   "All I know is that there's a connection between you two. Your brain waves fall into sync whenever your close to each other. You can see through each others eyes!" The man stated panicked as he grabbed onto my arm not wanting to die.

   "Please don't! I'm the one who let you go!" The man said as pleading as I leaned forward pissed off.

   "Now we're even." I stated before opened my hand letting him drop before I jumped out of the window and as I landed on the ground so did he.

   As I stood on the street trying to figure out my next move I suddenly was somewhere else running as police car went passed, but suddenly I was back to myself before I saw the same police car racing past me to which I took off running after Micheal.

   After reaching where the police car stopped I hid as the police shined there lights into a small grate in the wall and after they drove off I entered the hole hoping to find Micheal.

Micheal POV:

   After having another vision I ran towards the sirens and as I arrived I saw the police car leaving before I walked down the alley but when I turned the corner I saw a small grate opened to which I hopped through it and entered only to hear Lycans inside to which I shifted worrying for Selene.

   As I walked through the corridor I suddenly had a vision of Lycans getting close to me before second one came and I saw her, I saw Selene to which I took off running and as I approached the gun shots I saw a Lycan about pounce on Selene to which I ran forward and grabbed the Lycan by its head before I shoved my hand through its chest.

Selene POV:

   As I turned to kill the Lycan that was behind me I suddenly it get grabbed before a hand went through its chest and when the body dropped I saw him, I saw Micheal.

  "Micheal." I said on the verge of tears as he smiled at me.

   "Hey, you miss me?" He asked as I ran into his arms with him wrapping his arms around me.

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