Prince Tiger & The Russian Be...

By Ahmedakayed

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Prince Tiger is a senior official in the UK Home Office. He gets acquainted with a Russian general and offers... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter twenty-one

5 0 0
By Ahmedakayed

Russia, Vladivostok, military Base port.

Officer Ivan was in his office, cheerful and anticipating an important event.

He monitored the progress of operations in the port and issued directives.

The phone rang. "Hello, yes, Natasha.". "There is a call from General Vladimir.". "Yes, switch the line."

"Hello, yes, General Vladimir, I hear you."

Vladimir: Hello, Ivan, how are you? I hope you prepare the port. The cargo is on its way to you.

Ivan: Yes, General, we are ready.

Moscow, Nikolai's apartment.

Nikolai was sitting in his room with a guest, Mr. Dimitri, Assistant Undersecretary of the Minister of Defense.

The table was full of delicious Russian dishes.

Dimitri: Your work is wonderful, General Medvedev, but we do not recommend robbing banks. What is needed is a military operation.

Nikolai was drinking whiskey. "I am at your service as you wish."

Dimitri: Wonderful... The load was generous and we disbursed to you five million dollars and I bequeathed it to help your family and relatives.

Nikolai felt sad and angry.

Dimitri laughed: Disagreements between families are normal, but I will order aid to be allocated to all of them our employees took all the money and distributed it on our own.

Nikolai: I am happy that you allocated five million to me.

The phone rang and Nikolai got up to answer, "Hello, yes, I am Nikolai.". "Come to the military base. The planes are ready "... "Okay, I will come, thank you."

Dimitri got up from the chair happily, "Now, hero, you have an important trip ahead of you. Please don't drink too much."

Nikolai laughed, "I was so glad you came to me."

Dmitry: Nikolai stay in Canada until we achieve victory.

Vladivostok port base.

Ivan was walking around the port and supervising the departments, workers, and soldiers as it was a warship.

A large ship anchored and began issuing instructions to the soldiers.

The port official approached him, "Mr. Officer Ivan, the trucks are at the port's door waiting to enter.".

Officer Ivan: Let them enter immediately and directly. Carry the belongings to the warship and write a sign, they are spare parts materials.

Port official: Okay, Mr. Officer Ivan.

Meanwhile, Nikolai was sitting in a car driven by a soldier. Nikolai was in military uniform.

The car was heading to the military air base.

Soldier: General, we will arrive soon... Your family will be safe... Some cars are guarding us.

A while passed and the car reached the air base gate, and the guard began asking the soldier, then he opened the gate, so the car entered, where the air base commander was waiting, and he was received.

General Nikolai gave him a military salute and welcomed him, "General Medvedev, the planes are ready. The castles are of the thirty type of bomber and a military strategic bomber plane."

Nikolai: Thank you, Commander Yuri. The base in Canada is ready, hahaha.

Commander Yuri, "Pilot Vasil will fly you," then gave him a military salute and moved towards him, the pilot, Vassil, greeted the general.

 The stairs were set up, and General Medvedev ascended and became Vassil operating the plane.

Commander Yuri: All planes, be on standby... come on, fly, I hope you will have a good trip.

Planes were flying through the sky at high speed, heading east to Vladivostok.

The view from the air was beautiful and enjoyable, as the clouds were scattered, and beneath them were cities and green lands, and the wheat farmer and the long roads.

Pilot Vasil: We will arrive in Vladivostok in eight hours.

Nikolai: This strategic aircraft is wonderful in that it is fast and flies over long distances

And it can carry smart missiles, hahaha.

Pilot Fasil: It is advanced and has computers that enable it to react in complex and dangerous situations.

It contains a meeting room, a communications room, a sitting room, and a sleeping room for the cabin crew.

Nikolai: Yes, I see that it is a small type. Usually strategic aircraft are larger than this.

Pilot Fasil: We carry nuclear missiles. This plane has the ability to connect to a communications network.

The satellites will also be linked to some ground-based strategic deterrence programs

We can connect it to some submarines with nuclear missiles.

Nikolai: This strategic bomber system costs a lot of money... It cost six hundred million dollars

Each nuclear missile warhead costs twenty million dollars. I say this in dollars because the ruble is variable... It took us a while and we passed through Moscow, hahaha.

Nikolai got up, went to the communications room, and started talking to the officers.

Officer: Rest assured, General Nicholas, that our contacts are only with Canada.

Nikolai: Take care of this carefully because we have hacked into the Commonwealth system's devices. Don't go near the states of The United States of America and other countries will discover us and all our plans will fail.

An officer approached him and gave him a military salute: General Nikolai, we are ready for the meeting.

Nikolai: Okay... I'm coming with you.

They went down the corridor together and entered the meeting room, where there were nine officers. They got up immediately and gave the military salute.

The room was small, with a rectangular table surrounded by chairs, a TV, and a panel for writing, telephone, and electronic communication devices.

Nikolai: Welcome, let's talk about the implementation of decisions and recommendations, we will be at the Russian base.

We have aircraft and we will be ready at any moment to carry out missions.

Officer: But, General, we are not in any state of war.

Nikolai: We are preparing to strike our enemies and then bring the countries to us.

The officers started laughing.

They were discussing for two hours, and in the meantime, the waiter came in. "They let me in.

Shall I bring you lunch here?"

Vladisevstok, a port military base.

Officer Ivan was managing operations at the port, as security was tight in and around the port

The informants were walking throughout Vladivostok.

They had finished loading the warship with nuclear missiles, and the work was presented to Officer Ivan

"Mr. Port Chief, we have fully loaded the ship, including 150 nuclear missile warheads in the trucks.

Ivan looked at the list: Okay, I will supervise their counting and then sign the loading document.

Meanwhile, the planes arrived over Vladivostock.

Pilot Fasil: A plane will come and refuel all our planes in the air before we leave Russian lands.

Nikolai: Great... I recommended that they bring us jet fuel via our ships to Canada. And I advise you to follow the line specified for us so that they do not discover us, and also to fly at a low altitude. All thirteen hours we arrived at the Russian-Canadian base.

Pilot Vasil: Okay, Mr. General Medvedev.

Several hours passed and the planes were flying so fast that the officers were laughing happily

Meanwhile, the military ship departed from the port of Vladivostok, where it was accompanied by several ships small ships act as guard duty and a helicopter flies overhead.

Russian-Canadian Base.

Officer Sergei ordered the workers and soldiers to be disciplined and to guard the crossings. Then he entered a room of Communications, so the soldier gave him the military salute.

Officer Sergei: The planes will arrive at any moment. I hope you are prepared and alert at all times.

Soldier: Yes, Officer Sergei.

Officer Sergei: I will go now and make sure that all facilities are ready to receive planes.

An hour passed and the soldiers were gathering in the military base square. The planes were approaching.

They contacted the communications department and asked for permission to land. The soldier welcomed them and issued them permission landing instructions.

Officer Sergei was happy and smiling as he watched the planes land one after another and the soldiers went up to the pilot, greeted him, shook his hand, and accompanied them to Officer Sergei, "Welcome, everyone. Please go to the hall designated for you. There are rooms ready for you and lunch is also ready".

Moments passed and the large plane began to land, then the stairs descended and some officers descended, and then after them, General Nikolai.

Officer Sergei, shook hands with them and welcomed them, "Hello, Mr. General Medvedev

We are happy to meet you."

Nikolai: Hello Sergey, we have almost twenty hours to fly. We would like to have lunch and rest.

Officer Sergei: Stay safe, everyone.

Nikolai: There is a large warship that will arrive at the port. Please coordinate with them

They carry Missiles and fuel here.

Officer Sergei gave the military salute: Okay, General Medvedev.

United States of America, City of Anchorage, Maritime Border Control Room.

The employees in the department monitored the coasts, borders, and territorial waters, as it was a large room with many screens posted monitoring all movements at the border.

Officer Earnest: Oh my God, I saw a flashing dot of an object and then it disappeared.

Officer Amanda looked at her surprised: How is this? Perhaps there is something wrong.

Officer Ernest got up from behind his desk: I'll call the repairman.

The phone rang and Amanda answered: Hello... Yes, he was saying that something had happened and then disappeared.

"It is a puzzling phenomenon. My devices prove that your devices are safe and that they do not suffer from any defect."

Officer Amanda: What does this mean... I will inform the department director.

Amanda got up from behind her desk and headed to the department director's room, where the secretary allowed her to go in.

"Hello, Mr. Michael."

Michael: Hello, Officer Amanda.

Officer Amanda: "I came to tell you that something strange has happened. A moving object has appeared in the ocean near and disappeared.".

"Then he disappeared," and the director started laughing hard.

Canada, Eagle Harbour.

The soldier was making warning sounds to some people approaching the port.

"Go, come on. This is a restricted place for the Canadian military."

"It is not Canadian," someone shouted.

The soldier became angry and frightened, so he ordered some soldiers to arrest the approaching group of men.

Two soldiers came out of the port with a machine gun in their hands and headed towards the men and began warning them and ordering them to enter the port or they will be shot.

So the men raised their hands in surrender and entered the port, and Prince Tiger saw them, "What is this? Are you crazy? Haven't you heard It is a private Canadian port"

One of the men was astonished, "You're from London...ah, but the soldiers are Russian."

Prince Tiger: Come on, soldier, put them in prison.

After a period the soldier in the watchtower was astonished. He saw a woman and a police car approaching, so the policeman came out from the car he started calling, "The woman says that you kidnapped her husband."

The soldier: We did not, we are a secret Canadian port.

Policeman: No... We do not have a registered secret port in this area. You may be thieves or smugglers.

Prince Tiger heard the conversation, so he ordered the soldiers to arrest the policeman and the woman, then he headed to the officers' room worried, "Maybe they discovered us.".

Meanwhile, Nikolai and the soldiers were gathered in the base square, where they heard a man's voice of a Canadian soldier speaking into a loudspeaker, "Who are you and where are all these planes from? We knew they were in them Nuclear missiles."

Nikolai was afraid, "Oh my God, they discovered us. Prince Tiger might have ratted us out."

Officer Sergei: What do we do, General Nikolai... Should we fight them?

Nikolai looked at him sadly, "No... Unfortunately, we don't have fuel for jets... We have to wait."

Then he went to the observation room and began watching with binoculars around the base. He shouted, "Soldiers, resist during any attack, do not surrender. The ship is coming in a few days and has a lot of weapons."

Meanwhile, Sergey was at Vancouver International Airport in the Canadian state of British Columbia.

He had just arrived from Bulgaria and was received by Mr. George, where they shook hands and embraced.

George: Nice to meet you.

Sergei: I am also happy, dear George, and at your service.

George looked towards the direction of the airport lounge and pointed to a girl who walked towards them, "Hello, Jacqueline, this is Sergei, my friend.

Jacqueline was a tall, twenty-five-year-old girl with a fit, strong, athletic body

She had black hair, wrapped and tied at the back, and brown eyes. She had brown-white skin.

She wears rainbow-coloured trousers and a shirt.

Jacqueline: Hello Mr. Sergey, how are you? How is Bulgaria?

Sergei smiled: Bulgaria and I'm fine.

George: Jacqueline will explain the mission to you. I hope you will obey her and carry out her orders completely and without any retreat.

Sergei stood firmly: I am at your service. I will do everything you ask of me.

George: Come on, go to the intelligence center in the city, and I will call you both... Good luck, see you.

Sergey went with Jacqueline and got into her car with her, and Jacqueline drove cheerfully and talked to Sergey.

She laughed and started telling him about living conditions in Canada.

Sergei was cheerful and entertained as he listened to her, as it was his first time in Canada and with a Canadian girl.

An hour passed and the car arrived at the intelligence center, where Jacqueline made a permit for Sergey to enter.

They got out of the car started walking and entered the center. She was introduced to the official and then asked him to put his bag in the luggage room and she accompanied him to the Intelligence Operations Department, Coach Jackson accepted them and welcomed them. Coach Jackson was a tall, large, black man who wore a light blue suit and was friendly he was funny and laughing.

He ordered them coffee and cake, and they started talking about the mission and how to carry it out.

Jackson: Get ready, Sergei, we're at war.

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