-meant to be-

By The-Storyteller101

3.3K 109 43

(Y/N) finds a new job, they are supposed to recover media from an old puppet show know as "welcome home". One... More

chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen

Chapter eight

168 8 1
By The-Storyteller101

Narrator pov

Wally and Y/N made their way into Home. The inside looked the exact same as that last time Y/N visited. Nothing out of place and nothing was moved at all really. Maybe a few things moved but nothing was really different.

"Ok neighbor, let's get started! The day isn't getting any younger!" Wally said while he grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled them down the small hallway that was in his house.

They made their way to a door that Y/N hadn't seen before. It was at the end of the hallway and it was neat the door to the... What Y/N assumed was a basement type place.

Wally opened the door and moved out of the way so Y/N could go in before him. "After you, neighbor.." He said with that same smile on his face.

Y/N smiled and walked into the room and looked around with awe. The room was filled to the brim with nothing but art supplies. There was a whole shelf that filled a wall that was full of paint, paint brushes, canvas, and so much more. In the middle of the room was a stool with an easel in front of it.

When they looked to the left they could see a few finished paintings that seemed to be drying. They were laying against the wall. The biggest one was about a foot tall, it was a simple painting of a meadow. The other painting was one of an apple, seemed to be a still life. The final one looked... Different. It was a white canvas filled with nothing but swirls.

Y/N stared at the third painting before Wally walked in front of them. They seemed so familiar. It made them remember that- "Y/N? Darling are you ok? You seem to be out of focus." He said with slight worry in his tone.

They quickly snapped out of the trance they were win and they turned to look at him. "Oh! Yeah I'm fine..." They said before looking at the painting one last time. "Good. Now let's get started making these decorations!" Wally said as he pulled out a few paints, paint brushes and also a canvas.

"Now I was thinking that I could paint something for the decorations and you could use your skills to make a few banners. Will that be ok?" Wally asked while he placed the canvas on the easel in the middle of the room.

"Sure that sounds fine." They said in a slightly dismissive tone. Their mind was still stuck on the painting that was laying against the wall of the room. Why was it just swirls? Why dose it make me remember things? What is it that I need to remember? All of these thoughts were in there head.

A sound of snapping fingers pulled them away from their thoughts. They looked at wally, who was stareing at them with a concerned expression. "Dear are yous ure you're ok? You seem.. out of it today." He said as he walked up next to them.

"I assure I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind." They say while looking down. They put a smile on their face and looked at wally. "But that doesn't matter! Now let's get started!" They said in a usually happy tone.

Wally smiled again and nodded. "Ok then." He said before he sat down at the stool and started painting. Y/N took a few markers and a pair of scissors. They also grabbed a long piece of paper then stated drawing out a banner.

Their mind was still full of thoughts. Mainly about the painting and if they were being honest, about wally. Not bad but not good either. Why would he paint that? Was it a failed attempt at a painting? If that were so, why did he still have it? Why didn't he throw it out? Their hand moved on its own as their mind continued to wander.

Why didn't I see this room earlier? I looked around the house- their mind stopped its rampage when they felt eyes in the back of their head. The only thing is that Wally was the only other one int he room and he was in front of them working on his painting. Not even glancing at them once.

The feeling of being watched was very prominent and very much there. Like if someone was right behind them and breathing down their neck while they drew on the paper. They desperately tried to ignore the prying eyes of God knows what but it was still there.

What the hell is that? Is it just me being paranoid? Why won't my mind stop? It just keeps going on and on and on!? Why won't these thoughts stop!? Why do I feel eyes on me!? Who the hell is staring at me!? Just stop stareing!

Stop staring at me!

Stop staring at me!

Stop staring at me!

Stop staring at me!

Stop staring at me!

Stop staring at me!!!!!

The feeling was still there, maybe it was more prominent then before. Their mind was wondering and pleading with an unknown person, begging them to stop looking. To stop staring. To just stop!

"Y/N?" A voice behind them said and their thoughts were stopped for just a moment. They looked behind them and saw wally again. "Y/N.. what are you drawing..?" He asked, more like he knew what they were drawing but he had to ask for confirmation.

They looked down at the paper that they were drawing on and the images staring back at them made their eyes go wide. Swirls. Swirls, swirls and more swirls. Big ones, small ones, ones with scratching lines others with perfect lines. But that was not the most confusing thing, or the most terrifying thing on the page.

It was them but not them. It looked like them but it wasn't. They knew that. The image of their self was in the middle with a neutral face and swirls around them. They stared at the image and dropped the paint brush they were holding.

"I... I don't- I didn't mean to.. it was-" Their words were scrambled and historical. They looked at Wally who was stareing that them. Not comforting anymore. It seemed as if he knew that they knew something. Something that they shouldn't. Something that wasn't meant to be in their mind and it was never meant to be there.

Their hands were shaking and their mind was racing. Wally took their hand and pulled them close. "Look it's ok.." He said in a comforting tone. But it felt different. It was a fake comfort that they were not familiar with. Soon wally pulled them into a hug and they soothed them.

Wally led them into the living room and let them sit on the couch so they could calm themself down from whatever happened to them. They just stared at their hands at a loss for words. What could they say? They didn't know what was going on. How could they know?

After a moment of silence they spoke "I'm.. sorry. I'm so sorry." They said with a shakey voice. It sounded as if they were trying not to cry. They didn't know what else to do. "I didn't mean it. I don't know what happened, Wally, I'm sorry." They spoke again while they looked at their shaking hands.

"It's not your fault, you simply had a panic attack. I'm assuming that's what that was. As for the drawing... I don't know what that was about." Wally said while he sat next to them on the couch. There it was again, they fake soothing tone. Y/N however, didn't care if it was fake. They looked at him with watery eyes and managed to give him a weak smile.

"Ok. I'm glad I wasn't alone to deal with it." They stated while they looked back down at their hands. Wally pit his hand on their shoulder and smiled. "Yes that is good. Now I'm going to let you chill out for a moment and I'll finish the painting I'm working on. Is that ok with you?" He asked. They only nodded.

Wally soon got up and walked back to the art room. As soon as he was alone in the room he quickly picked up the banner. He stared at it with a hate filled look. It seemed it was their doing. How could they? Y/N didn't do anything! They didn't know what was happening and they didn't need to, not yet at least.

Wally ripped up the banner and threw away the pieces. He took a deep breath and sat back down on his stool. He started painting again. His brushed glider over the canvas with streaks of the colors of the rainbow. It wasn't completely done yet but he could tell it would be perfect. Just like them...

(Hola! Hope you liked this chapter. It was my first attempt in telling this story in a narrator pov so I hope it's at least decent. So please tell me if I should keep doing the one person povs or if I should just do narrator povs.

Hops you all have a good day/night/afternoon!!)


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