If Moon and Stars Collide - F...

By siena_sunflowers

70 6 60

Y/N L/N: A Slytherin by heart, and has been for four years. She's cunning, stubborn, and unforgiving. She doe... More

Double Potions & A Gay American
Professor Um-bitch

The Re-Sorting

32 3 23
By siena_sunflowers

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or the characters, I only own the plot.

"Fuck my life," you grumble as you trudge up the stairs, following the rest of Ravenclaw house. The god-awful blue is not what you are expecting to see on your first day of your fifth year back at Hogwarts. You were hoping for the familiar musty scent of the dungeons, the cold and dark common room, the same old emerald and silver bunk. But no, old Dumb-as-a-door decided to change it up this year. Or rather, the Sorting Hat did.

You think back to a few hours prior.

The Sorting Hat sat on a stool in the front of the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall holding a scroll that held the names of the new first year students.

You wrinkled your nose at the small eleven year olds. Welcome to hell, you thought.

As per routine, the Sorting Hat cycled through all of the first years quickly, yelling "Gryffindor!" and "Hufflepuff!" within a few seconds of each child.

But then the Sorting Hat cleared its throat. And you turned to stare at the ratty old thing, scoffing along with your friends Pansy, Blaise, and Draco.

"Damn hat," Draco sneered. "I reckon' it's going to sing that blasted song again."

You rolled your eyes in agreement.

Professor McGonagall turned her head to look at it, confused. Clearly none of the professors were aware of what was going to happen next.

"In light of the events that took place at the end of last year," the Sorting Hat said. "I have come to a new realization."

You raised an eye at Draco. "Are they talking about the whole Cedric Diggory thing?" you whisper. You remember hearing about his death after the Triwizard Tournament but you don't know the specifics. Dumbledore said that he was murdered by the Dark Lord, but you're not convinced.

"In just a few moments, every single Hogwarts student from second through seventh year will be re-sorted."

Chaos erupted. Indignant cries from some of the Hufflepuff girls, terror on some of the Gryffindors' faces, and a whole lot of eye rolling at the Slytherin table. Your mouth is agape, and you don't bother closing it.

"That's complete bullshit!" you scoffed to Blaise. "It can't be fucking serious."

"Come on, Y/N, why are you worried? Leave the panic to the Gryffindors/" Pansy tried to reassure you, but your head was swirling with thoughts.

"Look at Potter," Draco bit out. "Little shit looks like he's going to faint."

You looked over to the Gryffindor table, and indeed, Harry Potter was looking sickly pale, all the blood drained from his face.

"Five galleons says he's a Hufflepuff," Blaise smirked.

You tried to ease up. "Oh, you're on. I bet he's still a stuck up Gryffindor."

"Well, he's not Ravenclaw," Pansy snorted. The Weasley boy you knew to be Ron was patting Potter on the shoulder, awkwardly attempting to provide comfort.

It took a while for the Sorting Hat to get to the fifth years. Almost all of the students had landed in the same house, except for a Gryffindor turned Ravenclaw or a Slytherin turned Hufflepuff here and there.

"Hermione Granger," Professor McGonagall called. She glanced up at a yawning Flitwick, who was getting impatient.

The bushy haired girl walked up to the stool and sat down, not letting an inch of fear creep onto her face.

"I'm surprised the know-it-all wasn't in Ravenclaw," Draco scoffed. "Please. Gryffindor? No wonder we need a resorting."

Yet again, Hermione was put into Gryffindor.

So was Ron.

Draco, Pansy, and Blaise were all in Slytherin. You weren't so worried anymore.

And then Harry Potter's name was called. You weren't looking forward to it, of course. You frankly couldn't understand everybody's obsession with him, especially Draco. If the platinum haired boy hated Potter so much, why was he always talking about him?

"Get ready to pay me," Blaise mouthed to you.

"In your dreams, Zabini," you muttered under your breath.

Harry slowly sat down, and the Great Hall was filled with whispers.

"Better be... Slytherin!" the hat roared.


Harry's eyes widened ever so slightly and his friends looked at him, their mouths hanging open in outrage. Nevertheless, the Chosen One walked towards your table and sat down at the very edge, as far from the students as he possibly could.

Draco was beet red, spluttering nonsense. "Potter?! Slytherin?! The little blood traitor can't possibly be-"

"Shut up, Draco," you sighed. "Calm down. We know you're excited that you get to hang out with your boyfriend more."

Pansy choked on her pumpkin juice and Blaise let out a loud cackle. Draco's cheeks deepened to a cherry color and he frowned, not saying a word for the rest of the night.

"Y/n L/n." You heard your name and you walked towards the front, looking back at your friends every so often with a grimace on your face. Pansy just laughed at you, while Blaise was constantly nodding at you in support.

Ah, a L/n, I see.

The voice of the Sorting Hat filled your head.

A long line of Slytherins, eh? Ah, yes, I remember you. Begging me to put you in Slytherin, repeating it over and over and over in your head.

Your cheeks burned.

You don't belong there, Y/n. You're too sharp, too clever for your gifts to be wasted in a house full of greed.

Fuck no, fuck no, fuck fuck fuck-


Cheers erupted from the Ravenclaw table, while you looked at your friends, who were extremely confused.

You dragged your feet to the Ravenclaw table and plopped yourself down at the end of the table, straining your head to see Pansy, Blaise, and Draco. Draco raised his eyebrow at you in a questioning way. Pansy shrugged and pointed to the Gryffindor table, running her pointer finger across her throat swiftly. At least it's not Gryffindor.

You smiled a little, though your insides were bubbling. What would your parents say when they learned their only daughter had broken the family line of Slytherins?

You walk into the Ravenclaw dormitory and take a look around. The color is sickening.

There is only one thing left to do: find a way back into Slytherin before it's too late.

A/N : This idea just came to me one day, please give it all your love <3

I know that HP x Reader is overdone, but I haven't read a lot of Fem!Reader x Luna, so hopefully you all like it.

Stay safe my sunflowers 🌻

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