Vita Mia

By bellahopemyllove

36.8K 873 355

Vita Mia: My life ***************************************** She has never wanted to take any part in the mafi... More

Character aesthetics>>
Chapter one:The runaway
Chapter two:Pathetic
Chapter Three:Nightmares
Chapter four:Hate
Chapter five:Cake
Chapter six:degraded
Chapter seven:Godly
Chapter eight:Dinner party
Chapter nine:Drunk words
Chapter ten:training
Chapter twelve:Text messages
Chapter thirteen:Stars
Chapter fourteen:I know
Chapter fifteen: come and get me
Chapter sixteen:Ara
Chapter seventeen:Breathe
Chapter eighteen:Tesoro
Chapter nineteen:Sorry
Chapter twenty:Soulmates
Chapter twenty one: fottutamente stupendo
Chapter twenty two: infatuato
Chapter twenty three:Montague
Chapter twenty four:Sick
Chapter twenty five:Zippers
Chapter twenty six:Club
Chapter twenty seven:Naive
Chapter twenty eight:Ultraviolence
Chapter twenty nine:My rose
Chapter thirty:Vita Mia
Chapter thirty one:Anything
Chapter thirty two:All over again
Chapter thirty three:Selfish
Chapter thirty four:Acceptance
Chapter thirty five:Too late
Chapter thirtysix:Rough hands

Chapter eleven:carina

898 25 5
By bellahopemyllove

"Souls don't meet by accident"

Arabella Karve
"Hi! could I have the chocolate cold brew shake please?" I ask with a small smile as I take of my warm black gloves, and tuck them into my small, white purse.

"Of course love! Name?" The sweet girl asks from behind the counter, as she flashes me a pretty smile.

"Arabella." I say while looking around at the comfortable and warm cafe that is tucked far back in the town.

"Alrighty! Your drink will be out in a giffy!"

"Thank you!" I say kindly as i make my way over to a small table that was tucked in the corner, next to the simple bookshelf of the small cafe.

Right next to the table are beautiful, wooden French doors that give me a flawless view of the pouring, fall rain. I smile softly as I approach the cozy table and see outside the doors, people laughing as they stand in the cold rain and hold their large black umbrellas above their heads, and quickly jog to their cars, trying to stay as dry as possible.

I sit down and after setting down my wool coat and bag, I immediately pull out one of the dusty books off the bookshelf, that peeked my interest because of the blood red cover that was standing out from the rest.

This morning when I woke up, and was entirely sore all over, from Eros's ruthless training, I decided to have a peaceful morning, and get out of the house and away from everybody. Except Eros, who is currently standing beside the front entrance in all black, glaring at me, and anyone who comes too close to him. Big baby.

Ever since I decided that running away and escaping my miserable life is completely hopeless... ten tries later, I have been trying to get out of the manor as often as I am able.

My parents and I went back and forth, because they don't want me to leave ever since everything happened, just because they want an heir. But after lots of screaming, I am allowed to leave for collage, and otherwise small amounts of time, only during the day.

"Here you are love!" I quickly look away from the old book, to see the girl with long red hair that was working behind the counter, holding my drink with a kind smile. She's so pretty.

"Oh thank you, it looks delicious!" I say excitedly as I reach for the drink and delicately set it down on the wooden table.

"My pleasure! I just was wondering if I could ask you one thing?" The sweet girl asks as she sits down on the other chair at my table, and leans in a bit closer to me.

"Hm?" I question quietly as I furrow my eyebrows slightly and rest my hands upon the surface of the book.

"I just want to make sure you are safe. That man standing by the front entrance has barley taken his eyes off of you. I just feel uneasy about it, and want to make sure you are well." She says quietly as she gives me a slightly concerned smile.

I let out a small relieved laugh as I feel my body relax. I look behind her to see the piercing, icy eyes staring at me coldly. 

"Oh yes I know him, he is just being a asshole this morning." I say with a small eye role and grin.

"Wow, lucky you." She says with a grin as she raises her red, perfect eyebrows up and down. Ew.

"We are not dating nor friends, so he's all yours." I say honestly as I scrunch my nose and tuck a long piece of hair behind my ear. "But nonetheless he is not a danger."

"Oh phew! Sorry for taking up your time love, enjoy the coffee!" The girl says as she stands up quickly, and swiftly walks away to the many, peeved people waiting to order. I smile widely and shake my head at her amusing behavior. 

I look up towards Eros and my smile drops to an annoyed glare. I use my middle finger to push up my imaginary glasses, he immediately just clenches his jaw and looks away from me.

I look down towards the classy book, and notice it is one filled with precious poems. I take a sip of my inviting drink, that tastes like sweet chocolate and whip cream, while I flip through the soft pages and read the elegant poetry.

{I would rather swim in stormy seas with you, than sail calm waters with anyone else}

One of the poems read. I give a soft smile as I run the washed out tip of my index finger over the beautiful words, trying to soak them in. Is this what it's like to be in love?

I read slowly through the alluring pages until a loud screech of a chair being pulled out from beside me, causes me to jump and snap my head up.

Eros flops down in the other chair at the small table, crosses his arms, and does not even bother looking at me. He slowly lounges back in his chair and spreads his legs widely. Hello.

"Did you finally get that stick out of your ass?" I ask sarcastically, not looking up from the book.

"stai zitto, cazzo" He grumbles darkly.

I raise my eyebrows at his mood and continue flipping through the many pages, not wanting to deal with his anger issues.
About thirty minutes later of silently reading, I try to carry on when suddenly, i feel an uneasy voice in my head telling me I am being watched. A chilling feeling begins to coil in my nauseous stomach, as I try to build up enough bravery to look up. My heart beats faster as the feeling gradually intensifies.

I look around swiftly, trying to find anyone looking in my direction, only to see nothing out of the usual, and no one paying me any attention. Weird.

"Can we leave" Eros mutters grouchily under his breath as he tilts his head back and looks at me with his at me with his icy eyes, showing off his perfect jawline. Damn.

"Fine" I say quietly while I reluctantly shut the book and place it delicately back on the wooden shelf. I don't want to stop reading it.

I slowly rise to my feet, and grab my cold brew, secretly desiring to leave because of the weird anxiety pulsing through my veins.

Eros copy's my actions, and immediately towers over me, his dark aurora wafting around me.

I start walking towards the rainy exit as Eros silently follows behind me, watching everything and everyone around us.

I pull open the door and am immediately greeted by cold drops of rain hitting my flushed cheeks.

"Excuse me!" I hear a high pitched voice say from behind us as we begin to step out of the door. I turn around and see the bright, redheaded girl, standing quietly with a large, nervous smile.

"Hi again!" She says while flashing me an uncomfortable wave. Then she looks towards Eros and itches the back of her neck awkwardly, "so I uh- saw you from across the cafe, and well- I was just wondering if I-I could have your phone number, uh please?" She twiddles her thumbs while looking up at him with a shy demeanor.

Eros looks down towards me with a cold face, I just stare at him while shrugging my shoulders and giving him a "I can't help you" face.

Honestly he should get a girlfriend so that he can relieve some stress and stop being a asshole to me.

"No." Is all Eros says before pushing past me and walking out the doors not sparing her a second glance. Dick.

"Honestly he just saved you trouble." I say with a awkward chuckle while she just stares at me.

"Yeah, I figured it was a long shot." She says as she begins to smile brightly.

"Well bye." I wince as I push out the door, where Eros is waiting outside for me with an irritated face and crossed arms.

His wet hair hangs darkly over his piercing eyes, thanks to the cold rain pouring around us.

"You could have been nicer, that's why people don't like you." I say, walking past him and towards our driver that was just beginning to pull over to the curb. There was no need to be such a dick to her.

Goosebumps begin to appear on
my pale skin as I quickly slide into the back seat.

Eros climbs in on the opposite side of the back, and the moment his door closes we are left in a tense silence.

Water softly taps on my window while we are drove steadily through the quite and wet streets, towards the intimidating manor.

"You know the other night when I had drank a little." I say awkwardly while scrunching my nose and looking towards him.

I need to make sure I didn't say anything embarrassing to him.

Eros just scoffs at my statement "a little?" He says, pointing out the fact that I drank a little more than a little. Oops?

"Well I am a sad drunk, so whatever I said, I didn't fucking mean it." I say defensively while putting my hands in front of the car vent, trying to gain some warmth.

"I don't know how many times I have to say this, but I don't care about you or anything you fucking say, Arabella Karve." He says maliciously, while giving me a evil look that makes my heart beat pick up the paste in my chest.

"I was just telling you." I sneer.


I clench my jaw and shake my head, "God, no wonder your so fucking alone in this world." I say in disbelief, acting as if I am not in the same situation.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"

"I mean every single person in this world fucking hates you." I snap while giving him a stare of complete, and utter hate.

"Says the girl who's parents wish she was dead." He growls viciously at me while clenching his fist.

That fucking hurt.

Before I can stop myself, I have already pulled the lethal dagger out from the band under my skirt. I fluently slide across the leather seats, and prop myself on my knees holding the dagger up to Eros's neck.

I am about to slice Eros's throat before he catches my wrist with his strong hand.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." I say darkly as he keeps a strong hold on my wrist, his addams apple bobbing slightly.

"carina." He growls as I push harder with both hands, trying to let my dagger meet his throat.

It slowly shifts closer to his neck as I push as hard as I possibly can onto the dagger, using all of my strength.

Right before it is about to meet his throat, he suddenly wraps his large hand around both of my wrists, and smoothly pulls the sharp dagger out of my hands.

He drops my wrists while pushing me back slightly. He flawlessly flips the dagger in the air, and catches it perfectly in his scarred hand.

"And I was barley trying." He says darkly. With that, he violently stabs the dagger into the car seat, and swiftly turns away from me and towards his window.

I copy his actions and turn away, only to look down at my cold hands. Deep down I know I overreacted, and it's just because I know what he said is true.

And I just don't want to believe it.
Hope you enjoyed!!!
Please vote ml!!!
Word count: 1964❤️❤️

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