Abhiya: One shotssss????????

By Unknownsomeone_

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This is a one-shot story about Abhiya, packed with love and passion. It explores their intense connection and... More

Kabab main haddi????
Trekking, Talk, and Tears of Laughter
Jiya consoling?
Healing Hearts: The Abhiya Saga
Say Hiiii!!
Yeh collage ka pyaar
Expect the unexpected
Char Kadam - A Journey Back to Love
Mafia softened?
Then or now?- 1
Now or then?-2
Uff yeh argumentsssss🥲-1
Uff yeh argumentss-2
The Unlikely Duo
Echoes of the Past-1
Echoes of the past-2
Unmasked Hearts
Drifting apart
Drifting apart-2
Mere bestf ki shaadiii
Kisi aur se shaadi?
Misunderstood hearts
Forbiddenn ♥️
Commitement 🫶🏻
Divorce it is
Karwa chauth🌙
Yahi Tak Tha Safar Humara
Kal ho na ho

Friends to lovers?

618 22 10
By Unknownsomeone_

Abhishek and Jiya had been the best of friends for as long as they could remember. They had shared countless memories, dreams, and even their deepest fears. Over the years, their friendship had grown stronger, and they often felt like family to each other.

In their hometown, where everyone knew each other's business, Abhishek and Jiya were inseparable. They were often mistaken for a couple, and that notion made their other friends tease them relentlessly. Yet, they dismissed it as a joke and continued to cherish their unbreakable bond.

One summer, as they sat on their favorite park bench, enjoying the warm breeze, a sudden silence fell upon them. Abhishek looked at Jiya, his heart heavy with unspoken words.

Abhishek: (nervous) Jiya, there's something I need to tell you.

Jiya: (concerned) Abhi, what's wrong?

Abhishek took a deep breath, realizing he couldn't keep his feelings hidden any longer.

Abhishek: (vulnerable) Jiya, I don't know when it happened, but I've fallen in love with you. You mean the world to me, and I can't imagine my life without you.

Jiya stared at Abhishek, her emotions swirling. She had never expected this confession.

Jiya: (overwhelmed) Abhi, I... I don't know what to say.

As they navigated their newfound feelings, a job opportunity arose that Jiya couldn't pass up. It was in a city far away, and it meant leaving behind her family and, now, her best friend turned lover, Abhishek.

Jiya sat across from Abhishek at their favorite cafe, her fingers nervously tracing the rim of her coffee cup. She knew she had to share something important with him, and the weight of her decision hung heavily on her.

Jiya: (nervous) Abhi, there's something I need to tell you.

Abhishek: (concerned) What's on your mind, Jiya? You seem a bit off today.

Jiya: (pauses) Abhi, I've been offered a job in Delhi. It's a fantastic opportunity, and I've been thinking about it for a while.

Abhishek's eyes widened in surprise. He knew how much Jiya loved their town and their shared memories. The thought of her leaving was unsettling.

Abhishek: (concerned) Delhi? That's quite far from here. Are you sure about this?

Jiya: (hesitant) Abhi, I've been contemplating it for a long time. It's a big step in my career, and I believe I should take it. But that doesn't mean we can't stay in touch or see each other whenever we can.

Abhishek nodded slowly, trying to absorb the news. He knew that Jiya's career was important to her, and he didn't want to hold her back.

Abhishek: (supportive) Jiya, if this is what's best for you, then I'm with you all the way. We'll make this work, no matter the distance.

Jiya: (grateful) Thank you, Abhi. You've always been so understanding. You're my best friend, and I don't want us to lose touch. I'll miss our coffee chats and our laughter, but I'll come back whenever I can.

Their hands reached across the table, a silent reassurance that their friendship would endure even if they were miles apart. The news of Jiya's departure was bittersweet, but they both understood that pursuing their dreams sometimes meant making sacrifices, and their bond would remain unshaken.

Jiya: (teary-eyed) Abhi, I don't want to leave you, but this opportunity is too important to miss.

Abhishek: (emotional) Jiya, I want what's best for you. You have to go. Just promise me one thing – that you'll come back soon.

Long distance hard? Not so hard

Abhishek and Jiya found themselves in the challenging yet inevitable realm of a long-distance relationship as Jiya embarked on her new job in Delhi. The first few weeks were filled with frequent video calls, text messages, and late-night conversations.

One evening, as Abhishek and Jiya settled into their respective homes, the city lights outside Jiya's window cast a warm glow on her face. Abhishek, sitting in his room, stared at his phone, waiting for their nightly call.

As Jiya's face appeared on the screen, they both smiled.

Abhishek: (softly) Hey there.

Jiya: (smiling) Hi, Abhi. How was your day?

Abhishek: (with a hint of longing) It was good, but it's always better when I get to see you.

Jiya: (emotionally) I miss you so much, Abhi. Delhi is amazing, but it's not the same without you.

Abhishek: (sincere) I miss you too, Jiya. Our town feels a bit emptier without you. But we both knew this was coming, right? We'll make it through.

They talked about their day, sharing stories of their individual experiences. They laughed, they reminisced about old times, and they even argued about who was the better cook. It was a conversation that held a multitude of emotions.

Jiya: (reflective) Abhi, do you remember when we were kids, and we promised that we'd stay best friends forever, no matter what?

Abhishek: (nostalgic) I remember, Jiya. We even had that secret handshake.

Jiya: (grinning) Yes, we did. And we also talked about being each other's anchor, no matter where life took us.

Abhishek: (warmly) We sure did. And we meant every word of it.

Jiya: (softly) I love you, Abhi. More than anything.

Abhishek: (touched) I love you too, Jiya. And distance won't change that.

As they said goodnight and ended the call, both Abhishek and Jiya felt the warmth of their unwavering bond. The challenges of a long-distance relationship were real, but their friendship-turned-love was stronger, and they knew they would find a way to make it work, just as they always had.

In the midst of their long-distance relationship, Abhishek and Jiya discovered a sweet and heartwarming way to bridge the gap between them. They decided to surprise each other with deliveries on the same day, turning an ordinary day into something special.

Abhishek, who had always been the romantic one, had arranged for a bouquet of Jiya's favorite flowers and a box of her favorite chocolates to be delivered to her Delhi apartment. As the delivery person handed her the gifts, a grin spread across Jiya's face.

At the same time, Jiya had coordinated with Abhishek's favorite bakery to have a box of his beloved chocolate cupcakes delivered to his doorstep in their hometown. Abhishek was caught by surprise when he opened his door and found the sweet treats waiting for him.

As they both received their deliveries, the coincidence was not lost on them. They immediately called each other through a video call.

Abhishek: (excited) Jiya, look what just arrived at my doorstep!

Jiya: (equally excited) Abhi, you won't believe what I got here in Delhi!

They each held up their gifts to show the other.

Abhishek: (smiling) Flowers and chocolates, just the way to your heart.

Jiya: (grinning) You know me too well, Abhi.

Abhishek: (playfully) And I see you remembered my cupcake obsession!

Jiya: (laughing) I could never forget, Abhi.

As they chatted, they realized that even though they were miles apart, they could still create memorable moments together. It was a reminder that their love transcended distance, and no matter where they were, they would always find a way to make each other feel cherished and loved.
2 weeks later....

The days turned into weeks, and Abhishek and Jiya tried to navigate a long-distance relationship. They spoke every day, but the distance weighed on them. Abhishek realized he couldn't wait any longer.

Abhishek: (determined) Jiya, I can't do this anymore. I want to be with you, not just through phone calls and texts.

Jiya: (hopeful) Abhi, what are you saying?

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Abhishek stood at the airport, waiting for Jiya's flight to arrive. The moment had finally come. As Jiya walked through the gate, tired but relieved, she saw Abhishek standing there, a bouquet of her favorite flowers in his hands.

Abhishek: (emotional) Jiya, I can't imagine my life without you. I've loved you for so long, and I don't want to be without you any longer. Will you marry me and make me the happiest person in the world?

Jiya's eyes welled up with tears, her heart overwhelmed with emotion.

Jiya: (teary-eyed) Yes, Abhi. Yes, a thousand times, yes.

With the bustling airport as their backdrop, Abhishek slipped a beautiful engagement ring onto Jiya's finger, and they embraced, knowing that their journey from friends to family was just beginning.

As abhiya set together, the visited their memoriess


In the small, quaint town where Abhishek and Jiya grew up, there was a picturesque garden, hidden away from the bustling streets. It was their secret place, a haven for their dreams and promises. As childhood friends, they often found themselves sitting on a weathered bench beneath a majestic oak tree.

One bright summer afternoon, the young Abhishek, his face lit up with a mischievous grin, turned to Jiya. His hand held a daisy he had just picked.

Abhishek: (enthusiastic) Jiya, you know what?

Jiya: (curious) What, Abhi?

Abhishek: (grinning) I've been thinking. When we grow up, we should get married!

Jiya's eyes widened with surprise, her cheeks blushing a soft pink.

Jiya: (blushing) Married? But Abhi, we're just kids!

Abhishek: (determined) I know we are, but I want to marry my best friend. You're the best person I know, Jiya.

Jiya couldn't help but smile, her heart warmed by the purity of their friendship.

Jiya: (softly) Abhi, I can't imagine life without you. I promise, when we grow up, we'll get married.

The two children exchanged daisies, sealing their promise with an innocent childhood gesture. Little did they know that years later, as adults, they would recall this moment and realize the profound love that had always existed between them. It was a promise made in their youth, a promise they would one day fulfill.

**Flashback ends**

**Title:** *Echoes of Innocence: Abhiya's Grown-Up Reflection*

Abhishek and Jiya sat on the porch of their childhood home, sipping tea and gazing out at the town that had witnessed their growth. The memories of their innocent childhood moments came rushing back, and they couldn't help but reflect on the beautiful journey of their friendship.

Abhishek: (smiling) Jiya, do you remember that Ferris wheel ride when we were kids?

Jiya: (chuckles) How could I forget, Abhi? I was so scared of heights, but you convinced me to go on it. It's as if you've been there to calm my fears from the very beginning.

Abhishek: (nostalgic) Those cotton candy moments were priceless, weren't they? It's incredible how we shared the simplest joys back then.

Jiya: (reflective) And we still do, Abhi. It's just that the moments have evolved. We've gone from sharing cotton candy to sharing our dreams, our fears, and our lives.

Abhishek: (grateful) Jiya, our friendship has stood the test of time. Those childhood memories are like a foundation that our love and trust are built upon.

Jiya: (affectionate) Abhi, I couldn't ask for a better friend, a better partner in life. You've been there through everything, even when we didn't realize how special our connection was.

As they watched the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Abhishek and Jiya felt a deep sense of gratitude for their past and a sense of anticipation for the future. Their reflections on their childhood memories served as a reminder of how far they'd come and the enduring strength of their bond.


**Title:** *Innocence Unveiled: The Precious Memories of Abhiya's Childhood*

In the idyllic town where Abhishek and Jiya spent their childhood, there were countless moments that sewed the tapestry of their unbreakable bond.

One sunny day, when they were around 7 or 8 years old, they found themselves at the annual town fair, their laughter carrying in the wind. It was as if the universe conspired to create memories for them.

Abhishek tugged on Jiya's sleeve, excitement gleaming in his eyes.

Abhishek: (grinning) Jiya, let's go on the Ferris wheel! It's the tallest ride here!

Jiya hesitated for a moment, her heart racing at the thought of heights. But she couldn't resist the joy in Abhishek's eyes.

Jiya: (determined) Okay, Abhi. We'll do it together.

Hand in hand, they ventured onto the Ferris wheel, not realizing that this shared adventure was one of countless moments that would define their unique connection.

Later, as the sun began to set and the fairground lit up with a thousand colorful lights, Abhishek and Jiya found themselves in front of a cotton candy stand.

Abhishek: (excited) Jiya, which flavor do you want? Pink or blue?

Jiya: (thoughtful) Let's get both, Abhi, and share them.

With a cotton candy in each hand, they laughed and giggled, their fingers sticky with the sweet treat. Unbeknownst to them, this simple act of sharing marked the countless times they would share their joys and sorrows throughout their journey.

As they walked back home, still hand in hand, the warmth of their friendship deepened. Little did they know that these innocent moments were threads of love being woven into the tapestry of their life, creating a bond that would withstand the test of time.

**Flashback ends**


Convincing parentssss

Abhishek and Jiya had been in a loving and committed long-distance relationship for quite some time. With each passing day, their bond grew stronger, and it was clear to both of them that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

One sunny weekend, when Jiya was visiting Abhishek in their hometown, they decided it was time to take a significant step. They had a heart-to-heart conversation with their respective parents about their relationship.

Sitting in Abhishek's cozy living room, they nervously held each other's hands. They began to share their feelings and their future plans.

Abhishek: (with a smile) Mom, Dad, there's something important Jiya and I want to talk to you about.

Jiya: (with determination) Yes, it's about us, about our love.

Their parents exchanged curious glances but waited for them to continue.

Abhishek: (looking at Jiya) We've been together for a while now, and our love has grown stronger. We want to take the next step.

Jiya: (enthusiastic) We want to get married and spend our lives together.

Their parents exchanged delighted glances, and their faces lit up with joy.

Abhishek's Mom: (teary-eyed) Oh, Abhi, I'm so happy for you both.

Jiya's Dad: (proud) You've made a wonderful choice, Jiya.

The atmosphere in the room was filled with excitement and happiness. The parents couldn't have been more thrilled about their children's decision. They embraced the idea of Abhishek and Jiya getting married and starting a life together.

Jiya's Mom: (smiling) We've seen the love between you two. It's a beautiful thing.

Abhishek's Dad: (grinning) We support you wholeheartedly.

Abhishek and Jiya exchanged a loving look, grateful for the support of their parents. Their journey as a couple was taking a significant step forward, and the happiness of their families made it all the more special.

As they started discussing plans for the future, including a potential engagement and wedding, it was evident that their love story was about to enter a beautiful new chapter, filled with the blessings of their families.

Jiya had been living in Delhi for her job, maintaining her long-distance relationship with Abhishek, but her heart longed to be closer to him. As each day passed, the distance between them felt increasingly unbearable. Her love for Abhishek was undeniable, and she knew that she couldn't live apart from him any longer.

One evening, while talking to Abhishek on the phone, Jiya gathered the courage to share her decision.

Jiya: (nervously) Abhi, there's something important I need to tell you.

Abhishek: (concerned) What's on your mind, Jiya?

Jiya: (with determination) I've been thinking a lot lately, and I've realized that I can't be away from you. The distance is becoming too hard for me.

Abhishek fell silent for a moment, understanding the depth of Jiya's feelings.

Abhishek: (softly) Jiya, I feel the same way. It's not easy for me either.

Jiya: (emotionally) Abhi, I've decided to move back to Mumbai. I want to be with you, to start our life together.

Abhishek: (with happiness) Jiya, that's the best news I've heard. I can't wait for you to be here.

They both shared a moment of joy and relief, knowing that they would soon be together in the same city. Jiya's decision to move back to Mumbai wasn't just about being physically closer to Abhishek but about strengthening their love and building a future together.

As the days passed, Jiya began the process of relocating, searching for a new place to live in Mumbai. Abhishek eagerly helped her with the arrangements, excited about the prospect of having her near him again.

Their long-distance journey had been filled with love, patience, and unwavering support. Now, as Jiya made the move back to Mumbai, they both looked forward to the days when they would no longer be separated by distance, but instead, united by their love and the city they would now call home.

Dandiya night had arrived, and it was a festive occasion that Abhishek's family eagerly looked forward to every year. This time, it was even more special because Jiya was back in Mumbai and would be attending the event with them.

Jiya wore a stunning lehenga, a rich combination of colors that complemented her elegance. When she entered Abhishek's house, Abhishek was awestruck by her beauty. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

Abhishek: (whispering on the phone) Jiya, you look absolutely stunning tonight. That lehenga suits you perfectly. I can't wait to see you dance.

Jiya: (blushing) Thank you, Abhi. I'm looking forward to tonight too. It's been so long since we attended a dandiya night together.

Abhishek: (smiling) It's going to be an unforgettable night, I promise.

As the night went on, Abhishek's elder siblings, Nischay and Prerna, didn't miss a chance to tease the couple. They playfully watched Abhishek and Jiya, making witty comments that brought smiles to the faces of the young lovers. Abhishek's family was delighted to see Jiya as a part of their celebration, and they couldn't be happier for the couple as they danced the night away, their love stronger than ever.

Prerna and Nischay, Abhishek's elder siblings, couldn't resist the opportunity to tease the couple during the lively dandiya night. They shared mischievous grins as they watched Abhishek and Jiya engage in the festivities.

Prerna: (smirking) Nischay, look at these two lovebirds. They're practically glued to each other.

Nischay: (grinning) I know, Prerna. It's almost like they can't bear to be apart for even a moment.

Prerna: (playful) Abhi, Jiya, when are you going to make this official? We can't keep watching your puppy love forever.

Jiya: (blushing) Prerna, Nischay, don't start with that again.

Abhishek: (chuckling) They're just jealous because they don't have someone as amazing as Jiya in their lives.

Nischay: (teasing) Abhi, we're just looking out for you. You two make a great pair.

Prerna: (nodding) That's right. We're only thinking about your future.

The teasing continued throughout the night, with Prerna and Nischay playfully ribbing Abhishek and Jiya, who took it all in good spirits. It was clear that the family loved having Jiya around and was eagerly looking forward to the day when the couple would make their relationship official.

As the ladies twirled gracefully during the dandiya dance, Abhishek couldn't help but stand to the side, admiring Jiya's every move. She looked stunning in her colorful lehenga, her steps matching the rhythm of the music effortlessly.

Abhishek watched with a smile, completely captivated by her. The way her eyes sparkled with excitement, the graceful sway of her hips, and the radiant smile on her face – it all made his heart swell with affection. He felt like the luckiest person in the world to have Jiya in his life.

His admiration for her was evident, and he couldn't take his eyes off her. The dandiya sticks in his hand went untouched as he simply stood there, taking in the enchanting sight of his lady love dancing with so much grace and energy.

In the midst of the lively celebration, Abhishek's silent adoration for Jiya was a testament to the deep love he felt for her. And as the music played on, he made a silent promise to himself that he would cherish every moment with Jiya, both on and off the dance floor.

The night after the dandiya event was filled with energy and happiness. Abhishek and Jiya had enjoyed themselves, with Abhishek being completely smitten by Jiya's beauty in her traditional attire. They danced, laughed, and made memories that would last a lifetime.

As the clock struck midnight, Jiya couldn't help but feel the desire to dance more, to keep the magic of the night alive. She turned to Abhishek with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Jiya: (with a smile) Abhishek, can we dance a little more? I don't want this night to end.

Abhishek, however, had a fan fest planned for the next day. He wanted to ensure everything went smoothly, and his schedule was already tight. He looked at Jiya with regret in his eyes.

Abhishek: (apologetic) Jiya, I'd love to dance more with you, but I have the fan fest early in the morning. I need to prepare and get some rest. I promise I'll make it up to you. How about we have our own special dance day the day after the event?

Jiya's face lit up with hope at Abhishek's suggestion. She understood his commitments and appreciated his effort to make it up to her.

Jiya: (excited) Really, Abhishek? A special dance day? That sounds wonderful! I'll hold you to that promise.

Abhishek smiled and took Jiya's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Abhishek: (grinning) It's a deal then. I'll make sure our special dance day is just as magical as tonight.

The two of them shared a sweet moment, holding onto the promise of a day filled with music, dancing, and their special connection. The night may have come to an end, but the love between Abhishek and Jiya was stronger than ever, and they knew they had something truly special to look forward to.

Next day...

Abhishek's fan fest had been a tremendous success, but it also left him exhausted. The day was filled with meeting fans, taking pictures, and signing autographs. He was thrilled to see the support from his fans, but it had taken a toll on his energy. When he finally reached home, he collapsed on his couch with a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, Jiya had been trying to reach Abhishek for hours. Her calls went unanswered, and she couldn't help but worry. She knew how much Abhishek's fans meant to him, and she was proud of his success. Still, her concern for his well-being had grown with every unanswered call.

Finally, she decided to go to his house. She was determined to ensure that he was okay, even if it meant facing the family. Jiya arrived at his doorstep and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

As Abhishek opened the door, he could see the worry on Jiya's face. She didn't waste a moment and walked right into his room. Abhishek followed her, wondering what had her so concerned.

Jiya: (concerned) Abhishek, why weren't you picking up your phone? I've been calling you all day. I was worried something might have happened to you.

Abhishek, who was already tired and frustrated from the long day, didn't react well to Jiya's words.

Abhishek: (irritated) Jiya, why do you always have to be so insecure? Can't you see I was busy with the fan fest? You don't trust me enough to know that I can take care of myself?

Jiya's eyes welled up with tears as she felt a wave of hurt wash over her. She hadn't expected Abhishek's reaction to be so harsh.

Jiya: (teary-eyed) Abhishek, it's not about trust. I was just concerned for your well-being. I know how important your fans are to you, but I'm your girl-friend, too.

Abhishek's frustration continued to simmer, and he spoke without thinking.

Abhishek: (angry) Well, your constant insecurities and worries are suffocating, Jiya. It's exhausting. You need to work on that.

Jiya's tears began to flow freely as she felt the weight of Abhishek's words. She had never intended to suffocate him, but it seemed that her concern had done just that.

Jiya: (emotional) Abhishek, I didn't mean to suffocate you. I was just trying to show that I care. I care about you, and I worry because you're important to me.

Abhishek was taken aback by the sincerity of Jiya's words. He had let his exhaustion and frustration cloud his judgment. He regretted his harsh words immediately.

Abhishek: (softening) Jiya, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I appreciate your concern, I really do. It's just that sometimes I get overwhelmed, and I take it out on the wrong person.

Jiya: (teary but forgiving) It's okay, Abhishek. I understand. Let's just forget about this and move on. You're not alone in this journey; you have friends who care about you.

Abhishek reached out and wiped away Jiya's tears gently. He felt a deep sense of gratitude for having someone like her in his life.

Abhishek: (apologetic) I'm really sorry, Jiya. You're right, and I need to work on my patience. Thank you for caring, even when I'm difficult to deal with.

Jiya gave him a small, forgiving smile, and Abhishek knew that he was fortunate to have someone who understood him, even in his worst moments. They sat together for a while, talking about the fan fest, their day, and all the ups and downs that their friendship had seen.

In the end, their bond was stronger than a momentary disagreement, and they both knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what challenges life threw their way.

Abhishek and Jiya spent the next few days trying to put the argument behind them. Abhishek was genuinely sorry for how he had yelled at her. He knew that he needed to make it up to Jiya. So, he decided to plan a surprise evening for her.

One evening, when Jiya arrived at Abhishek's house, she was surprised to see the dining room beautifully set up with candles and soft music playing in the background. The atmosphere was romantic, and she couldn't help but smile.

Jiya: (surprised) Abhishek, what's all this?

Abhishek: (apologetic) I wanted to make it up to you, Jiya. I'm really sorry for how I yelled at you the other day. You didn't deserve that.

Jiya felt touched by his sincere apology.

Jiya: (grateful) Abhishek, it's okay. You've already apologized. You didn't have to do all this.

Abhishek: (smiling) I know, but I wanted to. You mean a lot to me, Jiya, and I never want you to feel unappreciated.

They sat down to dinner, sharing stories and laughter, just like old times. Abhishek was making a genuine effort to show Jiya how much he valued their friendship. The evening was filled with moments of silence and meaningful gazes, and it was evident that they were both grateful to have each other in their lives.

After dinner, Abhishek suggested going for a walk in the garden. The night was clear, and the stars shone brightly. They strolled hand in hand, enjoying the peaceful ambiance.

Under the starlit sky, Abhishek stopped and turned to face Jiya.

Abhishek: (genuine) Jiya, I really am sorry for how I yelled at you. It was unfair, and you didn't deserve it.

Jiya looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity in his gaze.

Jiya: (softly) Abhishek, you've already apologized, and I've forgiven you. Let's not dwell on the past.

Abhishek: (gentle) I know, but I just want you to know that you're important to me. Our friendship means the world to me, and I don't want anything to jeopardize it.

Jiya smiled and squeezed his hand.

Jiya: (warmly) Abhishek, our friendship means the world to me too. We've been through so much together, and I don't want anything to come between us either.

As they continued to walk, their conversation gradually turned lighter, and they reminisced about the good times they had shared over the years. The evening was filled with warmth and affection, and it was evident that their bond had only grown stronger through their ability to resolve conflicts maturely.

When they returned to Abhishek's house, Abhishek walked Jiya to her car.

Abhishek: (grateful) Thank you for understanding, Jiya, and for forgiving me.

Jiya: (smiling) Abhishek, thank you for this beautiful evening. It means a lot.

As Jiya drove away, Abhishek watched her car disappear into the distance. He knew that he was fortunate to have someone like Jiya in his life. He had learned the value of apologizing and making amends, and he was committed to being a better friend to Jiya from that day forward.

For both Abhishek and Jiya, that evening marked a turning point in their friendship. They had learned to communicate and forgive, making their bond even more resilient. They knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other to rely on.
As their story unfolds, their love continued to grow, and their friendship turned into the most beautiful love story, proving that sometimes, the best romantic relationships start with a strong foundation of friendship.

As Abhishek and Jiya looked into the distance, where their love story had unfolded with all its ups and downs, they couldn't help but smile.

Abhishek: (grinning) Well, folks, this is where our story ends for now.

Jiya: (playfully) But who knows what the future holds for us?

Abhishek: (optimistic) That's right. Life is full of surprises, and we're ready for whatever comes our way.

Jiya: (grateful) We hope you enjoyed our journey as much as we did.

Abhishek: (reflective) From childhood friends to lovers, we've come a long way.

Jiya: (teasing) And we have you, dear reader, to thank for joining us on this ride.

Abhishek: (warmly) Your support and love mean the world to us.

Jiya: (smiling) So, for now, it's goodbye.

Abhishek: (tenderly) But not forever.

(Hehe!! Tried something diff for the ending😂)

Howww wasss itt guyssss... The longest one till date ig!! I hope you all liked it, and I could satisfy your demandsss😭 I m so sorry for being irregular but just tied up with studiess

Guys do comment down more suggestion, amd your honest reviews♥️
This one took me alot of time so some motivation for the next one WANTED⚠️⚠️ (lol)
And vote bhi kardo so that I know ki acha lag bhi rha hai ya nahi🫣

My constant

Love love lovee🩷

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