Making Waffles

Av ALorenaE

82 9 5

When Hunter is finally ready to carve a new Palisman, he has some decisions to make--what will it be? How wi... Mer

Gathering Hymn
Soul Music
Victory Tune
Melody of the Heart

A New Song

22 1 3
Av ALorenaE

Hunter has Waffles on his shoulder the next day when he starts his work with Dell. Midday, he takes her to meet his friends. He is practically skipping on his way to Bonesborough before he remembers that once again, he can fly. He summons his staff and his heart lifts as he watches Waffles transform for the first time, laughing as she takes to the sky.

He reaches forward and pats her head, "Thanks, little one. I can fly again." He can't stop himself from whooping and hollering as takes her into a steep dive. "I can fly again!" he shouts, "I can play flyer derby again!" He is so happy he realizes there are tears in his eyes and he wipes his eyes, "Oh my Titan, I can play flyer derby again!" He circles the city, still laughing, filled with a joy he didn't know he had been missing.

From below, Willow looks up just in time to see him soar upwards toward the clouds and to let Waffles fall as he pushes off from her, flipping backwards to land on the staff on his feet before dropping back to sit sideways, grabbing the staff and swinging under it to return to his seat straddling the staff.

She starts clapping and calls for Clover, "He did it! He made himself a Palisman!" She calls to the others, "Gus! Skara! Viney! Look up! Luz, King, he did it!" She swings onto her own staff and takes off after him. When she catches up, she sees a light in his eyes she hasn't seen since the human realm and reaches for him, taking his hand, "Welcome back, Hunter. I'm so happy for you."

He squeezes her hand and moves close enough they're flying shoulder to shoulder, "I can play again, Captain. The Emerald Entrails are back. I'm back. I get to fill that hole in my heart and do one more thing I told Belos I was going to do. Hexside might not have worked out, but...I'm never going to set foot in the throne room because it's gone. I'm never going to have to be in a coven. When Alador and the healers figure out how to get these sigils off, I'm going to. We're going to be a team again. I just hope Bump lets me play if I can't make school work. I'll do anything to be a part of it."

She pulls him close and kisses his cheek, letting it linger a moment before sitting back, "I will make absolutely sure you can. We've been talking of taking the team away from the school and playing professionally. We'd be the youngest team in the league, possibly the youngest team ever, would absolutely be worth it. I think it would be incredible to do this together."

Skara, Viney, and Gus circle them both, all of them thrilled, all of them excited to have him back on their team. When they land, Luz and King are waiting.

"Oh my gosh, Hunter, I can't wait to meet her!" Luz says as his teammates bound into an enthusiastic hug, ruffling his hair and patting his shoulders, Willow planting another kiss on his cheek.

They step back to allow him to take Waffles in his hand instead of circling them, "Guys, I'd like you to meet Waffles. She's Flap's little sister and I love her so much already."

"She's so pretty!" Skara says.

"And she flies so well already! Did you take her out to practice?" Viney asks.

"No, that was my first time," Hunter replies, "we're just that perfect for each other."

Gus gently pats her head, "She's precious. I think it's so neat that you call her Flapjack's little sister."

"And I love her name!" Luz squeaks, "It's so cute!" She lifts up King and his eyes widen as he sees the little Palisman.

"She's one of the blue jays from the back yard at your mom's!" he exclaims.

Luz's hands fly to her lips as she whispers, "You're right! It's mom's birds!"

"Yeah," Hunter says, "And I'm so proud of her for letting me to fly her like that."

Waffles trills and caws, excited to meet her new friends. Emmiline peeps in response and Clover buzzes around her. Stringbean lands on Hunter's wrist and wriggles along to nuzzle Waffles. He laughs as she tickles him. Viney's manticore purrs and Viney's cricket chirps happily. Waffles sings with her reedy, creaky little voice.

It's then that Hunter hears the first comment that breaks his heart, "What is that awful noise?"

He turns to see two strangers talking with their Palismen, "I know, right? You're lucky your sound doesn't sound like a screen door."

The other witch shakes their head, "What kind of person would make a Palisman that has that voice?"

Hunter carefully tucks his Palisman close to his heart, whispering, "Don't listen to them, Waffles. You're wonderful and I love how you sing."

He looks up at his friends, "I think I'm going to go home for a little while. If you want to practice later today, let me know, OK? You can either send a crow or just come by." He walks away with Waffles still tucked against his chest.

As he walks away, he hears Skara call out, "You two are gross, making fun of a Palisman like that!" He gives Waffles a tiny smile and continues toward home.

When he arrives at his apartment, he sets Waffles on the table, "Are you OK?"

She caws her reply and he smiles, "Yeah, I don't think you should believe it, either. You're mine and you're beautiful and I love you." He lightly kisses her head. He lays down on the couch, "Let's get a little rest. It was amazing to fly with you, but I'm not used to it yet."

Waffles flutters over and sits on his shoulder, nestling against his chin.


That afternoon, Skara shows up at his door and he answers with Waffles trilling softly in his hair, "Hey Skara. Is it flyer derby time?"

"Absolutely! Come on, let's try out those sick sky skills with Waffles."

He looks up at Waffles, "Ready?"

She caws enthusiastically; Skara smiles, "What'd she say?"

"Definitely—she wants to learn everything!"

"I love her already," she replies.

Hunter locks his door and runs down the stairs, still wearing his apron from Dell's. He takes it off on the street and tosses it up onto his windowsill as he leaps onto his staff. Skara giggles and skips as fast as she can to try to keep up as Hunter takes to the sky, turning to back to her as he grips the staff with his legs and flips up-side down, his hands behind his head.

"So...are you going to catch me?" he gently taunts.

"You bet I am!" Skara says. She launches herself into the air, flipping up onto her staff, chasing after him, both of them thrilled to play.

Their practice is joyful, more chatter and stunts than actual strategy. None of them care. They need to feel their team spirit return and when they land, they know there was no way the time apart had hurt their ability to work together. Their Palismen laugh in their own way and dart around the field.

Matt comes out of the stands, walking towards Gus, "So...ready to go find something to eat? You promised me dinner."

Gus says goodbye to his friends and starts to walk toward him when Waffles caws enthusiastically, "Dude, what is that screechy sound?" Matt asks him. A few feet behind him, Hunter freezes, extending his arm so Waffles will land on it. His face falls as she sings to him and Matt winces.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asks, voice quiet.

"It's just her song is kinda off. Did you mess up carving her or something?"

"No," Hunter says, "She's just like a bird I met in the human realm."

Matt shrugs, "Well, she's yours, so to each their own."

He walks away. Hunter sighs, "I'll talk to him," he says to Hunter.

Hunter shakes his head, "It won't matter. He's not going to change his mind." He strokes Waffle's feathers.

Gus jogs over to Matt, "Hey. That...wasn't really cool of you."

"What do you mean, I just told him that I didn't like it. It's not something he can change, he's just going to get used to it."

"Yeah, you can get used to it, too, instead of telling him to do something to change her. You have no idea how much it took for him to actually carve her."

"I just don't like it, OK?"

"No, not OK," Gus says, "Do you understand why he's so sensitive about it? It's not just because she's his new Palisman and he loves her so much. "

"So what is it?"

"Two things- firstly, Flapjack's death. And second...Hunter's own voice."

"What's wrong with his voice?" Matt asks.

Gus sighs, "I don't know how much he would want me to tell you, but...well, when he was in the Emperor's Coven, Lilith said he was a brat with an annoying voice. Kikimora said he had an annoying voice and made sure he knew...and she tried to kill him. Several times. Even Eda criticized how he sounds right to his face. He's talked about others doing the same thing. Hunter was bullied by adults around him for years for his voice. Now his Palisman is experiencing the same thing. Do you get it now?"

Matt shoves his hands into his pockets, "Yeah. Kinda."

"Just...this is going to be something he's really sensitive about. And for good reason."

"I should go apologize, shouldn't I?"

"Probably a good idea," Gus says. "But maybe give him a few minutes."

Matt turns back to see if Hunter is still there, but he's gone.


After practice, Hunter heads to the Owl House, where he knows he will find at least one person unequivocally enthusiastic about his Palisman. Luz, he knows, loves the blue jays in her mother's yard and would often talk to them, both in her own languages and by cawing at them. He'd told her she was probably swearing at them in blue jay and she'd shrugged, reasoning that so long as they keep talking back, they at least understood she was well-intentioned.

He walks through the woods with a bounce in his step, trying to ignore the little ache in his heart from the criticism of Waffles' song. She sings freely as they travel and he laughs with her as she excitedly comments on the world she is only just beginning to experience. He remembers when he would walk the woods alone with Flapjack, his heart light with the then-newfound freedom of being alone with his best friend. He affectionately scratches between Waffles' wings and she chirps her appreciation.

When they step into the clearing by the Owl House, Luz is already skipping in their direction, "I heard you coming! She's so happy!" Luz says, taking his hands and twirling with him, "And so are you, Hunter, you're practically glowing!"

"There've been a few setbacks today, but...yeah, it's been good! And I have a Palisman again, Luz, and I can fly...." He keeps holding her hand as they walk to the house, "I never thought I could be happy like this after Flapjack's death. Happy in general? Yeah. But there's something special about having a little creature of wild magic bonded to you."

Luz nods, "I know—meeting Stringbean was one of the best things that's ever happened to me, even though we were literally running from Kikimora and trying not to get killed when it happened."

"Where is Beanie right now?" he asks.

"Oh, she's napping inside with Owlbert. They're pretty inseparable."

"Who all is here?"

"Mom, Eda, Vee, King, Amity, Hooty, and Lilith."

Hunter's smile widens, "Mom's here? And Vee? That's great!"

Luz swings his arm and skips ahead, "Yeah! And they can't wait to meet Waffles! I told them about getting to meet her this morning and Mom's so thrilled she's a human realm critter!"

"You know, I didn't intend to carve her like that...I just started taking pieces from the wood that I knew didn't belong, and before I knew it, I had a little bird in my hands. I...I don't usually carve birds. Not like human realm birds. Not like Flapjack. But...this piece of wood wanted to go that direction. It was hard, but...turns out I was ready for her, even if I didn't realize it," Hunter tells her.

Luz squeezes his hand, "Did you talk things through with Dell?" she asks.

"Yeah. Flapjack's death. What it felt like. I had to work through what it felt like to hold her and the memories it brought up. I still can't hold her like that, though," he says extending his hand to how he'd been posed when Belos had used him to crush Flapjack.

She nods and drops his hand, giving him a hug as they walk, "You're so brave, Hunter. I'm so proud of you."

"I just survived, sis. Nothing brave about that."

She shakes her head, "Nah, not just that. You lived—you found ways to keep going and to hold your grief and to share it with people you trust and you carved yourself a beautiful little blue jay and kept her for yours. That makes you brave. Not just surviving."

He smiles, "Thanks, Luz."

The reach the door and Hooty opens it for them, "Hi Luz! Hi Hunter! Is that a cute new Palisman I hear?" he asks.

"Yeah," Hunter says as Waffles nestles into his hair, "This is Waffles. And apparently she likes sitting on my head as much as Flap did."

"I love her singing!" Hooty says, "Caaaw caw caaaaawwwww!" he crows. Waffles chirps at him and Luz wonders if she's miffed. "She's PERFECT!" Hooty yells, bursting into happy tears, "I can't wait for Lulu to meet her!"

"Yeah, well, let's let Hunter make that introduction, OK, Hooty?" Luz gently asks.

Hooty nods, "OK, Luz, but only because you asked."

She pats his head, "Thanks, buddy."

They step into the living room to find King standing on a mountain of books declaring his reign over the house while Vee giggles and encourages him to conquer other pieces of furniture.

Eda and Camila enter with steaming mugs, "Mulled apple blood's ready, kids," Eda says. Then she notices Hunter and Luz, "Hey! There's enough out there for you two, too!" Eda sets down her mug and walks over to give Hunter a hug," And I hear you brought a Palisman to life."

He nods, "Yeah. She's on my head."

"I see this," Eda says, shifting her attention, "Hello, little one. Care to come see me?" she asks, extending her hand. Waffles flutters from Hunter's hair and lands on Eda's palm.

"Eda, this is Waffles. She's Flap's little sister. Waffles, this is Eda. Dell's her dad."

"Welcome to the family, Waffles," Eda says. "Would you like to meet my Palisman? I hear you already met Stringbean this morning."

A few little chirps and Hunter nods, "She says yes."

"I'll go get him—I have a feeling Hunter's probably not ready to let you out of his sight yet," Eda says.

"Yeah, not yet," Hunter says, smiling, "And I have to introduce her to Mom."

Eda turns to Camila, "You hear that? You've got a grand-Palisman to come meet."

Camila smiles, "She's beautiful, Hunter."

"Waffles, this is my Mom. Mom, this is my Palisman, Waffles."

"I love her name!" she says.

"Thanks—I thought it would be neat for it to be similar enough to Flap's that it's clear they're family," he replies.

"May I hold her?" Camila asks.

"If she'll let you. She seems to like Eda."

Eda holds out her hand to Camila, "Go ahead, Waffles. Go see your witch's mom. I'll go get Owlbert."

Waffles hops onto Camila's waiting fingertips and Camila laughs, "You're so precious, pajarita!"

Vee and King come over to say hello, King scrambling up Luz to get a better look, "She's got a look in her eye that says she's cute and fierce! Perhaps she can help lead my army of minions to reclaim my throne!"

"Let's not get her into world-conquering quite yet," Hunter says, "First we just need to master flyer derby together...and we did really well at our first practice together!"

"First flyer derby, then the world!" King shouts, raising both arms above his head. Waffles caws to him with great enthusiasm, "Yes! Sing your war cry, bird, for we will raise armies together!"

Vee laughs, "You tell 'em, Waffles."

She continues to sing, her caws turning to trills and warbles, then a cackle.

Eda walks into the room with Owlbert, Amity and Lilith on her heels, "Found these two nerds in the kitchen."

Amity's face brightens, "I thought I heard Waffles!"

"What is that sound?" Lilith asks, wincing.

Hunter freezes as Waffles keeps singing, perched on his mother's hand; Vee rests her hand on his arm, "'s OK. She's in good company, right? I mean, listen to my voice." Vee's smile is warm and genuine.

"I've never thought there was anything wrong with your voice," he tells her.

"Exactly. Because there's not," Vee replies, "And there isn't with hers, either."

Hunter looks over at his Palisman and watches as Eda introduces Owlbert, who hops over onto Camila's wrist so he can trill beside Waffles. Camila tries to stay still for them, but she can't stop quietly laughing, thrilled by the little creatures on her wrist. Stringbean flies in to join them, curling around Camila's upper arm while Ghost weaves around her ankles. Eda scoops up Ghost and leads Camila to the couch so she can sit with her little friends, dropping the squirming cat onto the floor as she tries to climb Eda's arm. Ghost leaps onto Camila's lap.

"I love that our Palismen all adore Mom," Luz says, "And it makes her so happy."

Amity walks over from Lilith and reaches for Hunter's shoulder, "Can I?" He nods. "Ignore Lilith's comment," Amity whispers. "She's in a weird mood this morning. Waffles is a sweetheart and her song's charming. It's pretty clear she's really happy just as she is. And the other Palismen are getting along with her great." She looks over to where Ghost has now curled up on Camila's lap while Owlbert sits on one shoulder, Waffles is in her hair, and Stringbean is still wrapped around her arm. Camila talks to them in a mixture of English and Spanish while carefully sipping her drink, Eda handing her the mug when she asks so as not to disturb her little friends.

"Turns out, Mom's a Disney princess," Luz says, "Definitely was my dream as a kid. Good to see Mom gets to live it, too."

Hunter smiles, "You know, she could have her own Palisman some day, if she wants one. I'd be happy to carve her one."

"What would you carve her?" Amity asks.

"A wolf," he replies, "Like Darius'."

"She'd love that," Luz says.

"I just need to know when she's ready, if she ever is," he says, "Then I'll find the right piece of wood."

"So your mom and dad would both have wolves," Vee says, "Kinda cool."

Hunter nods, "Yeah. Because wolves are great parents, and so are they."

Luz ruffles his hair, "You're a pretty great kid, too."

Hunter laughs and ducks out from under her hand, heading toward the couch, "Maybe...gotta think maybe I learned it from my sisters, because I wasn't very great when I met you guys."

"Eh, suit yourself, but I think you were doing OK, given the circumstances," Luz says.

Lilith is still watching from near the doorway when the teens head to the couch. She hurries away before anyone can talk to her. Amity shrugs when she notices Lilith has disappeared.


Hunter walks with Amity back towards Bonesborough after supper at the Owl House. Other than Lilith's initial response to Waffles, the evening went pleasantly and their walk back is quiet, Waffles nesting down in Hunter's hair and falling asleep.

"I haven't seen you this happy in a long time," Amity says as he smiles to himself. "Having Waffles is making some things easier, isn't it?"

He nods, "Yeah. It's also...complicated. But considering what happened with Flap, that's not surprising."

"Are you going to start learning magic again?" she asks.

"Maybe," he replies, "I don't think Hexside is going to be for me, though. I just...I'm old enough I should be graduating, not just starting, and it just feels weird to think about going to school. I think I'll learn what I can from the people around me and I'll be happy working the magic of Palistrom wood. I spent so many years using artificial magic and feeling like mastering it was the only way to be useful enough to have worth, maybe right now I just need to focus on not tying my value to my skills with spells, you know?"

Amity nods, "That makes sense. Just don't trade one measure for another, OK? Don't tie everything you believe about yourself to your skills as a wood carver next. You're a good person, kind, caring, and determined...that's important, too."

Hunter smiles, "Thanks, Amity. You know, when we first ended up in the human realm, I didn't really know what to think about you. We didn't exactly know each other, and Eclipse Lake ended with us fighting. And, you know, I kinda unintentionally got your girlfriend sent to Belos because she swapped places with me. I didn't really know if you were going to be somebody I could trust or if you were going to hold a whole lot of serious stuff against me."

She shrugs, "I mean, I did, a little, but it wasn't your fault you were trying to get the key...nobody who's got a great home life answers a question with 'this is my grave'...especially not the way you said it."

"I was kinda transparently desperate, wasn't I?"

"Oh yeah. No question there."

"I still attacked you and threatened to come after Luz...not very great of me," he says.

"You were trying to stay alive, Hunter. I saw the way you looked at me when I offered you my hand. You were considering coming with us, even if seeing the key changed your mind," she replies.

"Yeah. I was," he sighs, "I could have avoided so much if I had."

"It told me enough to know that I didn't need to make your transition into the human realm any harder. I had a lot of long conversations with Luz and Willow. It wasn't easy for me to just let it all go, was necessary. For both of us."

Hunter nods, "Well...thanks for that. And thanks for what you said at Eclipse Lake. It really did make a difference, even if it didn't stick. I think somewhere, I knew that you and your friends were people I could trust, even if I didn't know how at first, and a part of it was because you were willing to extend your had when we were on opposite sides. None of you hurt me when you had every right to, even if I hurt you."

"Of course we didn't—you needed to feel safe," Amity says. She smiles at him, "Can I give you a hug?"


She hugs him gently, giving a little squeeze before she steps back, "We've got your back, any time, any way."

They continue their walk back to town, pausing in the square before she heads to the apartment her father has rented above one of the shops. Waffles sings her goodbye to Amity and Ghost as Ghost weaves around her person's legs. Amity lifts her so she can lick her new little friend and nuzzle, purring, against Waffles.

As the two friends watch their Palismen, a family walks by and the youngest child winces and says loudly to his mother, "What is that weird sound? It's like claws on a chalkboard!"

Hunter's face falls and he holds Waffles close to his chest; Amity's expression shifts from joy to anger as she sets Ghost down, "We've got Waffles' back, too." She turns abruptly, "How dare you say something so rude and hurtful about somebody else's Palisman!" she says loudly enough that several passers-by turn to see what's going on.

Ghost takes matters into her own paws, trotting a little distance from her witch, striking a defensive pose, and bristling, back arched, tail up, hissing.

The child stares, wide-eyed, and hides behind their parent; their mortified mother shakes her head, "I'm so isn't the most musical song, though."

"Doesn't matter—it's not your Palisman and you have no idea what he's been through to carve her. Your kid shouldn't judge her song, and neither should you." Amity looks down at Ghost, "Come on, kitten...leave them alone. This is on them now." She turns back to Hunter and reaches for his arm, making sure he sees her moving toward him before resting her hand on him, "Are you OK?"

He shrugs, "I'm not sure. I think I'm going to take her to Dell's, though. I know we'll both be safe there."

"You're safe with me, too. Just...take care of yourself, alright? And remember that you're never alone. Reach out if you need us."

He nods and gives her a small smile before summoning his staff and heading to the Palistrom forest and the sanctuary of his workshop.

Amity glares at the family, shaking her head in dismay, before walking away, adding one last barb to her rebuke, "I hope when you carve your own Palisman, or if you get yours from Hunter and Dell, that you aren't this judgmental of them." She heads home, hoping she left them something to think about.


Hunter has retreated to the far end of the Palisman workshop, to his workbench, the space Dell knows to be more cautious when approaching. It is Hunter's place only, a way for him to communicate to Dell, Gwendolyn, and even the Bat Queen and her children that there is something hurting him and he needs extra space.

It is tucked apart from the rest of their carving area, sheltered by the trunk of a large tree and an archway formed by climbing vines that drape down from one of the lower branches. Dell approaches and knocks on a little wooden doorplate that reads private area, please do not enter.

"Hunter? Is everything alright?"

"I don't know," Hunter replies.

"May I come in?" Dell asks.

Hunter sighs, "Yeah. OK."

Dell step across the threshold and closes the curtain pinned up to one side; Hunter turns up the lamp on the workbench, "Sorry, witchlet—would you rather I leave that open?"

"No. It's fine."

Dell walks over to the bench and settles in on the second stool, "What's wrong?" he gently asks. He notices that while Hunter's tools are out, they are untouched.

Hunter sets Waffles on a little shelf and she curls up in a calico nest cushion he stitched for her. She closes her eyes and turns to wood. It is only after she has done this that Hunter turns to Dell to give him any explanation.

"More than one person has said something about her voice. I love her song. I love her little caws and cackles and deep, reedy warbling. Her chirps make me smile and her raspy call just feels right. It's perfect and beautiful. But Matt said her voice was annoying and Lilith winced when she first heard it. A kid in Bonesborough called it grating, like claws on a chalkboard. And I just...I can't hear that. I can't let her be around that kind of thing, either. I don't want anybody to hurt her or for her to think she's anything less than exactly who I need my Palisman to be."

Dell nods and reaches his hand for Hunter's arm, pausing a moment to wait for confirmation he can touch; Hunter nods, "Waffles is perfect for you. That includes her voice. Like I said when we met her, she does have an unusual call...but she's an unusual bird. She's a creature of both worlds, just like you, and you're the only one who needs to love her fully and unconditionally...something I know is true. You are her witch. Not Matt. Not Lilith. Not anyone else. Build her up, tell her how much you love her song, and she will believe you over everyone else because of your bond."

"But what if it's not enough?" Hunter asks, "What if she still feels bad? And what if I don't want to hear people saying she's not good enough?"

Dell pats Hunter's arm, "You deal with it the same way you would have dealt with someone saying Flapjack's scar made him not good enough. Whether that's pulling someone aside later or it's calling them out in the moment, you'll have to decide. But I don't think you're going to have any trouble defending your little friend, witchlet. You love fiercely."

"I it possible to mess up carving your own Palisman? Did I make her wrong? Did I make her selfishly? I love her so much and I don't want her to suffer because of how I carved her," Hunter says, voice nearly a whisper. He sniffles and pretends he doesn't feel like crying.

", you didn't carve her wrong. You didn't mess up. You carved a creature that spoke to your heart and that is exactly what you needed to do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the beautiful little bird you've made. And I think my boy needs a hug...."

Hunter nods and leans over against Dell as Dell wraps his arms around him, "Thanks. I don't feel like I did anything wrong, either. I just...what other people said is making me worried."

"I know. And I also know that you were told some things about your own voice growing up and that's probably making this harder for you to hear and defend."

"How do you know that?" Hunter asks, still leaning against him.

"Lilith was worried when she saw how you reacted to her hearing Waffles. She came to me to make sure you were alright and when she said Waffels' voice had surprised her, I asked her why. She told me it just wasn't like any songbird she knew and it was unpleasant to her. I told her that it wasn't her Palisman, so the song wasn't for her to like. Didn't matter what she thought, and it as just a bit rude to comment on someone else's voice like that. I did what most fathers would do—I asked her how she'd feel if her own Palisman was judged that way, or if someone said she had an unpleasant voice. That girl's eyes got so wide they could have been tea saucers. She hadn't told me much about how she'd treated you in the coven, but right then, it all came tumbling out. I wouldn't be surprised if she comes to beg your forgiveness at some point, but I told her she needed to calm down before she made any decisions. No big showy apologies, that would just be awkward for you and overwhelming. She agreed, but Titan knows what she's going to do. I did tell her that maybe she should run it by either Gwen or I first, or even Edalyn, since all three of us know you better than she does."

Hunter nods, "Thanks, Dell. A lot. And you're right. Every time I hear somebody say she's got an annoying voice, I remember how it felt to be told that myself. It's just a part of me. Why would somebody say that to anyone, especially a kid?"

"Or a Palisman, made special by their witch," Dell says. "Doesn't make sense to me, either."

"Do you think her voice is annoying?" Hunter asks.

Dell smiles and shakes his head, "No, Hunter. I don't. Waffles' song is different, but there's nothing wrong with it. I love hearing her sing, whether it's her repeated caws or her little warble, the cheep-cheep she does in the morning, or her raspy little quacks. She's wonderfully expressive and I wouldn't have her any other way." He gives Hunter a squeeze, "Just like I wouldn't have your song any other way, either."

Hunter sits up away from Dell, takes Waffles' nest in his hands, and leans back against him, "Thanks, Dell."

"Of course, witchlet. You're family. I'm always in your corner."

"I was going to ask about leaving early today, but I think I'll try to do some painting instead. I don't feel like running and hiding quite as much as I did before," Hunter says, gently stroking Waffles' head with one finger.

"You can always come talk to me when you're struggling," Dell reminds him, "There's no need to manage it on your own. I'll always let you take time off to go see your mother, too. Our work is important, but not urgent, and never more pressing than taking care of each other."

"And that's why you're letting me just rest here, isn't it?"

"Of course," Dell says.

Hunter smiles, "Thanks." He stays where he is for a few more moments before sitting up, "I think I'm ready to start painting. But I'm going to stay back here for now. Is that OK?"

Dell nods, "Always on your own time, witchlet. Do you want me to leave the curtain down or pull it back?"

"Back is OK. But I'd rather not have visitors, unless it's my siblings, Mom, or Willow."

"Understood. Let me know if you need anything or the situation changes," Dell says as he stands and walks to the door.

"Will do." Hunter turns to his workbench as Dell leaves. He sets Waffles, still in her nest, back on the shelf, "I love you, Waffles." He smiles, gets out his paints, and then picks one of the unfinished Palismen waiting for his brush as they sit along the back of his workbench.

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