Number 1 (Karma X Reader X As...

By Poppy1413

3.7K 242 207

Compared to your beloved and perfect sister, you were a nobody. So how did you end up earning the attention o... More

Ch 1: Outshined
Ch 3: Nothing But A Fly
Ch 4: Peace Offering
Ch 5: Unexpected Feelings
Ch 6: Karma's A Bitch
Ch 7: If You Were Her

Ch 2: Fake Friends

553 41 32
By Poppy1413

~To The Story~

"Hey, (y/n). Go get me some milk tea."

You were in the middle of eating your noodles when a friend of yours spoke up. You lowered your chopsticks and slightly frowned at the demand. She's been sounding pushier and pushier as of late.

"Oh, me, too!" Another one of your friends spoke up. You opened your mouth but then more of your friends decided to add to the list.

"Give me a soda. No calories."

"A bag of chips for me~"

They would always do this, and frankly, it was getting on your nerves. Not only would you pay for everyone's snacks at school, but you would also pay for everything whenever you're hanging out with them outside of school.

You would always pay for everyone's latte.

Everyone's lunch.

Everyone's movie ticket.

Everyone's ice cream.

You quietly exhaled, making sure not to show your frustrations.

"The snacks here are very cheap here. I'm sure you all can afford it." You said as calmly as you could.

"Yeah, but your family has more money than all of us combined. Unlike the rest of us, it shouldn't affect you whatsoever."

Great. They manage to make you feel guilty.

Sure, some of these girls did come from well-off homes, but you probably don't know how well financially they're doing behind the scenes. They could be struggling for all you know.

"... Fine." You said reluctantly as you got up from your seat. You glance at each of your friends, hoping at least one of them will say goodbye to you, but none of that happens.

Your shoulder dropped, but you turned to leave.

"Oh, (y/n)."

You perked up and turned around, thinking that one of your friends might want to keep you company.

But that turned out to be further from the truth.

"Actually, I changed my mind. Instead of chips, can I have a bag of pretzels? Thanks."

Then she went back to play with her phone, and your spirits crushed right there. You sighed in disappointment and left the classroom all by yourself.

Before you can close the door, you hear them laugh over a video they were watching.

Things sure got lively once you're gone.

You took out your wallet to make sure you had enough change for everyone.

For a second there, an idea stirred. Maybe tomorrow you can pretend to forget your wallet to avoid paying for everyone's snacks. Or maybe you can lie and say that your parents have cut back on your allowance due to spending it way too much on your friends.

It will probably snap them back to reality and maybe even guilt them into thinking they have been asking you for too much money.

However, you fear it would backfire on you. Knowing them, they would probably get bored of you and slowly kick you out of the group. Then you'll truly be alone.

When you walk past the various students, you notice how many of them enjoy the group of friends they are with. Nothing but smiles and laughs from each of them.

Is that what it looks like when you're surrounded by people you like?

Lately, you've been pretty observant of all the other students and the way they act around their friends. It was completely different from the way your friends treated you.

They would share interests without any judgment.

Offer to buy the other lunch when someone forgets their wallet.

Sometimes, you imagine yourself in their group. You crave to be surrounded by those kinds of people.

All the vending machines were outside, making your walk here not very pleasant. Only because it's way too far from your classroom and sometimes, you were forced to go out in bad weather.

Luckily for you, it was a warm day, but it still bothers you that your friends won't care what condition it was. It could be raining and they would still expect you to walk outside and get their stupid snacks.

Yes, it has happened. Last week in fact.

As you walked to one of the vending machines, you glanced at the clear blue sky, trying to remember what you were supposed to get. Due to you being so busy with your head in the clouds, you didn't see that there was a boy sitting on a bench, that was next to the vending machines while paying with his DS.

However, he did notice you and decided to speak as you were in front of the vending machine.

"That machine is broken."

Because you didn't see him, you let out a small squeak. You finally noticed the boy. When the level of scare within you cools down, you realize what he is talking about.

Your eyes looked at the strawberry milk carton sitting next to him and then looked through the vending machine. Just at the top right corner, you saw the exact same carton of milk.

You frowned at the boy, but he didn't look at you. He was way too invested in his DS to even look at you. The boy wasn't unfamiliar to you. His name was Karma Akabane. He was in the same grade as you, but you never had a reason to talk to him.

You have heard of him through other students, however. And nothing said about him is anything kind.

The first thing you heard anything about him was a year ago. During the first month of the school year, he apparently punched one of the upperclassmen when they accused him of stealing something... er or was it because he sitting in their spot...?

The story changes depending on who you ask. You weren't exactly sure what happened, but you do know the outcome was violent. Because you saw the same upperclassmen with a black eye and broken nose. Which shook the school, because the upperclassmen was on the wrestling team and a bit of a bully. So to be taken down so easily by some 12-year-old earned him the title 'the next student we should fear.'

To put it simply, he was the last person you could trust.

You rolled your eyes. "Right." You then proceeded to insert your coins into the slot.

When you select what you want, you wait for the drink to fall. However, the machine begins to make some weird noise.

You blinked, and as a reaction, you tapped the key button repeatedly, but nothing happened. The milk tea was stuck there.

"Told you," Karma snickered.

You winced in embarrassment and a bit of guilt. As bad as his reputation was, you probably judged him too harshly. You of all people should know not to judge others too quickly. People who find out who your family is would automatically assume you're just as amazing, only to be utterly disappointed in a couple of minutes of talking to you.

You lowered your head in shame. "Sorry..." You mumbled. Delinquent or not, your mother has always told you if you're in the wrong, then it's best to apologize. Even though, it has done more harm to you than good.

For the first time, Karma looked up from the middle of his game when heard the small guilt in your tone.

You sighed tiredly.

Guess you're going to have to use the vending machine that was near the gym. When you were about to turn around Karma stood up, which revealed how tall he was, startling you. Also, with his reputation in mind, you thought he was going to hurt you, so you made sure to take a couple of steps back.

Karma, however, had no intention of hurting you.

"You just need to knock some sense into it."

Before you could even ask him what he meant by that, the redhead kicked the vending machine, rattling all the items inside, which caused the milk tea to fall.

"EHHHH?!" You shrieked. "A-Are you crazy? That's school property! What if you made it worse!"

You continue to make a big deal out of it, but Karma ignores you as he bends down to pick up the milk tea and gives it to you.

"So you don't want it?" Karma playfully sways the milk tea you bought. He smirks at you and tilts his head to the side. His whole face screamed mockery which matched the mischievous glint in his mercury eyes.

If you take it, you would be an accessory to his vandalism.

Look, you don't like school, but because you're pretty much the talentless one in your family, the least you can do is be a good girl and follow the rules and behave.

When Karma senses your hesitation, he continues to speak.

"You didn't break any rules. You did pay for it after all. It's the school's fault for getting such cheap ass machines."

Fair point. You should probably report this to someone later, however.

It's not as if money is the issue, but your friend likes this brand of milk tea. The other vending machines don't carry it. You're not exactly sure why though.

In the end, you caved and just took the drink. However, before you can even grab it, Karma pulls it back.

"Are you going to tell on me? You seem like the type to tattle on everyone." He teases.

Okay, wow. You're a good student and all, but you ain't no snitch. Besides, you're not stupid. He might have been nice enough to help you, but that didn't mean he could sucker punch you if you were to rat him out.

"I won't. I promise."

"Yeah?" He smiles innocently at you, then gently tosses the drink back at you. "Well, it wouldn't make a difference whether you did or not."

You gave him a confused look.

What? Then why did he ask?

Oh never mind. You got your drink, so you can hurry and leave.

"Er...Thanks. See you around-"

"I'm guessing that isn't for you." Karma lazily points to the drink, making you stop.

"Um. No. I'm just getting it for my friends." You replied reluctantly.

Why is he even talking to you still? You always see him by himself so he isn't exactly very social. He does even hang around with those other troublemakers.

"Oh is that what you call them? Because I can bet you anything that they don't see you that way." The sick bastard had the audacity to smile as if he didn't say anything to hurt you.

You outright gaped at his insensitivity.

What right does he have to say that? He's speaking nonsense for whatever reason and that's what it is. Yet, why was it so painful to hear? He quickly saw your insecurity and used it to pretty much slap you across the face.

But you don't want to acknowledge it.

You don't want to see the truth, which leaves all the negative emotions you had toward your friends to escape and be directed towards him.

"At least I'm not some loner everyone is scared of!" You snapped.

You huffed and stomped away.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

You still had some time before lunch ended, so you wasted no time and headed straight to your classroom with the handful of snacks and drinks nestled in your arms.

There were times when some of the items almost slipped, but you managed to catch them.

You had to stop at the front of the door of your classroom. The door was semi-opened, but due to your hands being occupied, you had to use your foot to open the door. As you slowly lift your leg, you suddenly hear one of your friends on the other side.

"Remember not to bring up that Jiro-san invited us to Karaoke to (y/n)."

You paused and frowned all while slowly bringing your foot down, essentially forgetting what you were doing. You looked through the semi-opened door. Your friends were sitting close to the door, making it a lot easier to hear them.

"Why?" One of the other girls piped up. "We can get her to pay for a room."

"Oh, don't worry about that." She waved off. "His uncle owns one of the Karaoke bars. He can get us in for free."

"Good. I didn't want to invite (y/n)." Your eyes widen. "I can't stand her."

"I know right?" Another one agrees. "She thinks she's better than any of us."

You were tempted to shout 'no' but held back.

"She's always flaunting her money at us. Can't she take the train like a normal person? Like, why does she arrive at school with that expensive car." She scoffs.

You suddenly felt a touch embarrassed. You didn't think much of it, but now you began to wonder if many other students felt that way.

"Stop complaining. It'll be worth it, though. My mom always told me it is good to have close connections. Her dad is respected in the entertainment industry. Being friends with her is the fastest way to stardom for me." She giggled.

"By the way, where is (y/n)? She should be back by now with our drinks."

"Probably tripped and fell. Stupid bitch."

They all started to laugh. Laugh at you. They've laughed at you before, but it was always masked with a friendly kind of laugh. The kind people would do when they playfully jab at their friend.

But, they weren't making fun of you in that fake playful way. This is their true colours.

Their laugh pierced your ears and cracked your heart.

You wanted to cry right there. You weren't sure why exactly. Deep down, you knew they never really liked you.

Or... maybe you were hoping that they would one day. They come to accept you as you despite not being as good as your sister.

"Can't believe she's related to (Sister's name)."

That was the final straw. You couldn't stand there anymore.

A few whimpers escaped your lips, but you couldn't cry here. Not now.

You ran off but not before dumping all of the drinks into the trash. You ran through the halls and went straight to the bathroom. A couple of girls were already in there, washing their hands, or brushing their hair. They all flinched when they heard you loudly storming in.

In your emotional state, you didn't even see the girls. You just ran right past them and went straight into one of the stalls.

You whimpered a few times before letting out a full-blown sob, causing the other girls to awkwardly leave the bathroom.

He was right. He was right.

Of course, he was right. It was so obvious that deep down, you knew how much those girls secretly hated you. You just refuse to believe it.

Because you wanted friends to like you more than your sister.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Never in your entire life did you feel as good as you did when you heard the last bell ring for the day. You didn't wait for your backstabbing friends and just left the classroom. Not that they would have noticed you rushing out the door anyway. They did ask you why didn't return for lunch. (They didn't even bother to ask why you skipped math, probably because they only cared about their food and drinks). All you told them was that you ran into a teacher who needed your help.

You waited outside for your ride, just dying to go home already. You can lock yourself in your room and watch a heartwarming slice-of-life anime.

"Hey, let's go to my place. The kitchen is finally renovated."

A group of girls walked past you, eagerly agreeing to their friend's suggestion. Their excitement reminds you of the first day you invited your friends over. You felt excited and happy that day.

You sighed sadly, feeling a little jealous.

When you see your family's car being pulled up, you suddenly remember what your friend said and feel your senses heighten. Several eyes fell on you. Were they judging you? Looking at you with envy? Or did they actually think you're trying to flaunt all that money your parents have like your friend said?

Well, regardless, you wasted no time stepping in when the family chauffeur opened the door for you.

"Hey, (y/n)."

Your sister greets you with her pearly white teeth.

Look at her. She was smiling so bright and full of life. You can tell she was eager to tell you something. You don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear how great her day was. She's got no problems at her school. Despite going to one of the top schools in the country, her grades remain one of the best. All of her friends adore her, she is constantly being asked out.

As far as you know, no one hates her. She never has to work hard to make friends, unlike you.

"How was school?" (sister's name) asked happily.

"It was fine." Your answer was short and cold which caused your sister to wince.

When she saw you putting in your headphones, she knew it meant you didn't want to be spoken to. It has been happening a lot more lately. You never tell her about school anymore. You never talk about what you learned, or what kind of hot gossip is in school currently.

It hurts.

Her smile slowly falls as she sheepishly looks at her lap.

The two of you used to be so close. Where have those days gone?

~End Of Chapter~

Just to be clear, this story doesn't take place in the assassination classroom universe. Well, kinda. I just made a lot of changes. Kunugigaoka still exists, but instead of it being a junior high school, it will be a high school. Gakushu's dad is still the headmaster, Class E still exists as well, Koro-sensei (aka the reaper) does not exist, and the moon did not explode.

Basically, everything is normal. Hope that makes sense. I thought of writing this story with the canon timeline, however, the story would have interfered with the stuff I had planned for this story. Sorry if that bothers you, but I promise the drama would be worth the entertainment ;)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 

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