You're the only one| Nelson N...

By skyewritesssss

58.3K 473 54

Avery Leanne, a fourteen year old point guard who comes across Nelson Neumann, also known as a fellow point g... More

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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚.

𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣.

1.8K 15 2
By skyewritesssss


I had spread Nutella across each crepe I made, then hear my girlfriend and little cousin walk into the kitchen. "Good morning, baby." Avery's soft lips kissed mine. "Good morning, beautiful," I smiled. "Morning, Ari!" I then picked her up, spinning her around, her laughing and enjoying the moment.

We sat at the island counter, eating our breakfast. I then spoke up, "Do y'all want Crumbl in a bit? I heard this week is good."

"What are the cookies this week?" Avery cut up her crepes.

"Fruity pebble, Reese's puff, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and the original chocolate chip cookie." I looked up from my phone. "Yes, yes! I love fruity pebbles." Aria said.


"What's up, y'all. We got my beautiful girlfriend, and my little cousin Aria here today." I flashed the phone to her sitting on the other end of the couch. Avery looked over to me after realizing what I had called her. She kissed my cheek as I put my face back on live, grinning with flushed cheeks.

"Him introducing her in such a cute way," Avery read a comment. "I know. He's so cute." She went in and pinched my cheek. "Ow!" I rested my hand on it. "Here you go." Avery handed me a piece of the Fruity pebble cookie. We both chewed on it. "Mm. Nine out of ten." Avery said. "Shits gas." I nodded my head as we both looked over to Aria, seeing if she had overheard.

"Watch what you say." Avery pushed my shoulder, laughing.

"Next!" I fed her the Cinnamon Toast Crunch cookie, then me. "Six out of ten. That's gross." I said, pointing at the devoured cookie.

"Ten out of ten. I like this one," Avery nodded her head, looking over to me. "We both literally have different tastes when it comes to cookies."

"I agree." I tilted my head to the live.

"How do you like the cookies, Ari?" Avery asked.

"They're yummy!" She put up her thumb. "She's so cute." Avery smiled to me. "I'm cuter." I rolled my eyes.

"Ehh." I saw Avery make a face from the live. "Hey!" I turned to her with furrowed eyebrows. We both share a laugh.



After putting Aria down for a nap, I went outside to look for Nelson since he wanted to do a one v one, once I put his little cousin to bed.

"There you are." I spotted Nelson doing layups.

"Here you go." He passed me the ball.

"So, what should we make for dinner?" I jogged a few steps.  "I say chicken lettuce wraps." Nelson guarded me. "And you're sure Ari's gonna eat that?" I looked at him, then focusing back on the ball that was dribbled by my hand. "You're right. We'll bake her chicken nuggets." Nelson said. I shot a three, it didn't go in. "Hah!" Nelson laughed. "Shut up." I rested my hands on my hips.

The one v one had ended with a tie. "Bro, I'm gonna win next time." Nelson put the basketball on the rack.

"We'll see about that," I opened the front door. "Ladies first." I led my hand out. "Stop." Nelson laughed.


3 hours later.

"What's up, y'all. We're back, and we just woke up from our nap." Nelson told the supporters who were on his live.

"I won the one v one!" I peaked her head in the frame of the live. "No she didn't. It was a tie!" Nelson pushed me away.

"We're eating chicken lettuce wraps tonight." Nelson replied to a comments as he lied his head on my shoulder. "Hi, Franks! I miss you." I blew a kiss to the phone, after seeing her join. Nelson caught the air kiss, "That wasn't for you, Frankie."

I laughed at him, "Come on. Let's make dinner."

We both walked into the kitchen. Nelson had set his phone against the napkin roll. He added Frankie and Isaac to the live. "Yo, yo, what's up y'all." Nelson said. "What's up, twin." Isaac said. "Hey guys." Frankie bit into a french fry.

"What are y'all doing?" Isaac asked.

"Making dinner with chef Nelson." Nelson wrapped an apron around his body. "Buddy is not a chef." Frankie and I laughed. "I'm gonna check up on her. I'll be right back." I walked into the hallway.

"You better be treating her right over there." Frankie said. Nelson slowly turned from the stove top.

"I am." He smiled with a thumbs up.

"Who did she go check up on?" Isaac asked. "My little cousin, Aria who's napping." Nelson replied.

I walked back into the kitchen, Aria in my arms. "Guess who woke up!" I said as Nelson had a shocked face. "Me!" Aria pointed to herself. "Look. Say hi to Frankie."

"Hi, Frankie!" Aria waved to the live.

"Hi, pretty girl." Frankie smiled. "What about me?" Issac asks. "Fuck you." Nelson said. "Nelson!" I looked over to him.

"Oh, sorry." He apologized as we all laughed.

"Anyways. Say hi to Isaac, Ari." Avery said. "Hi, Isaac!"

"Hey, Aria!" He said. "I see Mommy and Daddy tomorrow?" Aria asked me. "Mhm. Tomorrow morning. Do you wanna go watch bluey?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Okay, I'll be right back." I looked over to Nelson who nodded. "She's gonna be a great mom." Frankie smiled. "Yeah.. the mother to my kids." Nelson smiled. "Woah, woah!" Isaac said in shock, then laughed.

"Looks ready to me." Nelson stared at the dishes.

"Let me see." I heard as I walked back into the kitchen. "What do you think?" Nelson asked.

"Looks ready to me." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You two literally talk the same way." Isaac said. "Shut the fuck up." Nelson said. "Nelson, I will bend you over little bro." Isaac said. "Woah!" Frankie and I said.

Nelson and I sat on the island counter with our dinner. "Here, you can have the first bite." I brought the fork with portion to his lips. He opened his mouth, "Mm!"

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