Mated Dragons

By OriginalWife17

347 17 0

The legend of kouka kingdom was that 2000 years ago, four dragon warriors were born to protect the crimson dr... More

Chapter 1: The Princess Yona
Chapter 2: Torn Bonds
Chapter 3: Distant Sky
Chapter 4: Wind Clan
Chapter 5: Howl
Chapter 6: Red Hair
Chapter 8: Shaking Resolve
Chapter 9: Anticipation
Chapter 10: Blindfolded Dragon
Chapter 11: Echoing Fear
Chapter 12: Light
Chapter 13: To A New Land
Chapter 14: War Games

Chapter 7: Destiny

23 1 0
By OriginalWife17

I looked at the blonde man surprised "You're the Oracle? In that case did you know I would come here, too?" "Yes. My job is to convey God's voice to the people. God teaches me everything there is to know about this world!" "You seriously call that a job? You don't make any money. All you do is pray every day" Yun said before grabbing Ik-Soo's cloak.

"Hurry and remove your dirty clothes! You were driven out of the castle for making dubious claims about hearing God's voice, you know" I was surprised at Yun's words "Why were you driven out of the castle? I'm surprised" I asked but Yun sent a disgusted look at me "You lived in the castle, but you don't know?" Yun left after that.

"You lived in the castle, but you don't know?" I don't even know what was happening within the castle.

I sat by Yuri thinking about what had happened so far when suddenly her breathing sped up "Yuri! Yuri! Can you hear me!? Hang in there! Can you hear my voice? Yuri!" suddenly I was pushed aside "Move" he placed his hand on Yuri's head "she has a fever" he ground some herbs and fed it to her "I've treated it, but the fever won't break for a while. Tonight will probably be the worst of it" my eyes widened in panic.

"Save Yuri!" I begged as I grabbed his clothes "I'm working on it. You think I want her dying on me. But I'm not a doctor. Don't just assume I'll save her. You still haven't thanked me for saving you. And what about her? Have you ever thanked her? She nearly died to protect you" tears threatened to escape my eyes as Yun's words.

Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulders "It's all right. The gods haven't come for her yet. She'll be alright" he smiled before walking off. I turned back to Yuri, who's breathing had calmed down but not by much. Ik-Soo walked back over and held his hand out to me "Would you like to go for a walk? Yun's medicines are very effective. He's saved me countless times" I nodded and took his hand. We walked out and down a path. Somehow Ik-Soo fell over thin air "Ouch" I ran over to help him.

"Are you okay?" he nodded and stood up, continuing to walk. "Why do you live out here?" "I was living with the flow, and I ended up here naturally. I suppose that doesn't answer your question though. It's just Even here, there are flowers that bloom" after awhile I headed back and found Yun cooking. I bowed when he turned to me "Um Thank you for saving me. I'd like you to tell me about oracles. I may not know anything, but I don't want to remain ignorant"

Yun scoffed "well you sound arrogant because I'm not an oracle. I just look after one" Yun explained to me what had happened to the oracles and how they were banished from the kingdom. I smiled after he finished "Thank you. Please teach me more" later on I went to sleep but I woke up feeling restless for some reason. I looked around the room to find Yuri missing. I quickly ran put looking for her but found no trace "Stupid Yuri! Where are you!!" suddenly the loud noise of something hitting the ground made me turn to see Yuri.

"Ouch. Hope you haven't been badmouthing me. If I knew this is how I would be repaid then I wouldn't have saved you in the first place" she said with an annoyed expression "What's wrong? Did you have a scary dream?" I quickly wiped my tears "I wouldn't cry over that" "Oh?" "Where were you?" "I was looking for my weapons" "Then you should have woken me!" I yelled "Ah- I understand. You can't sleep alone" she sighed with a smirk "if only Hak was here right now-" "You fool! You're injured" she looked at me confused "Now I'm a fool?"

"You're behaving recklessly, when you're a total wreck. I thought you were going to die. Don't go off without saying anything! You have to stay by my side!" I yelled frantically. She sighed and shook her head. She suddenly reached out and grabbed my shortened hair. "Your hair...I'm sorry. It was my fault" she said dropping her hand "I don't mind" I said reaching up to hold the uneven strands "It's lighter now. Besides, I've always hated my red hair. This isn't so bad, is it?" I smiled up at her "You're right" she then chuckled "it's like Hak said. It's not your hair but your brain that's weird" an Irk mark appeared on my forehead and I crossed my arms "I should sew your mouth shut" I said as we walked back to the house.

"Huh? This is where the Oracle lives?" "Yes" Yona said with a nod "What a coincidence. I know you're living in hiding, but I would've expected a Oracle's house to look more like a shrine" I said taking a steamed bun from the basket full that sat on Yun's back. Suddenly Yun turned around with a weak glare "Hey! Don't eat that without asking!" I clapped my hands together and bowed my head "thank-you Oracle for the yummy food" I said reaching to take another one but he smacked my hand "I'm not an Oracle!" "Where did the Oracle go?"

I turned to Yona to see her looking around. We walked down a path until we came to a waterfall "Oracle? What's wrong?" he quickly wiped his eyes and sniffled back  I was praying to the gods and I decided to pray about you and this world. Princess Yona, would you like to hear the voice of God?" I looked to Yona to see a hesitant look on her face "Mundok told me to have the Oracle show me my path. But should I let my fate be decided for me? I used to think that I was supposed to sit still, not doing anything. But after being chased, Yuri nearly getting killed, and nearly dying myself, my blood is so hot, it's practically boiling" I watched her hands curl into fists.

"I can walk on my own two legs. I want to live. I won't let anyone take my life or Yuri's! That is my only wish. I have nothing to ask the Gods because they cannot tell me how to live" "that isn't true" I looked at the Oracle surprised "Not For you, living doesn't mean spending your days in ordinary peace" I sat down against a rock and watched the two interact "Huh?" "Your life will create a storm that will shake the Kingdom of Kouka" "Oracle?" "If you wish to simply live an honest life, and cannot stop the hot blood in your veins, I will convey the voice of the Gods to you" the Oracle put his hand together and raised his head to the sky

"When darkness falls upon the land, the dragons' blood will restore life once more. In accordance with the ancient pact, when the five dragons are gathered, the sword and shield that protect the king will awaken and the red dragon will return at dawn once more"

He went quiet before suddenly falling to the ground "Conveying the Gods voices requires spiritual strength" he chuckled "Quit being lazy. I thought this was your job" Yun said in an annoyed tone as he crossed his arms. I glared at the oracle "I don't know what this business is about the dragons or gods, but I'm not buying anything this crackpot is selling" I growled "Does the "red dragon" in the prophecy mean the mythological king?"

"You are familiar with the kingdom's creation myth?" the Oracle said surprised "Yes. The red dragon god took on human form, descending from heaven to rule a kingdom on Earth. He was the first king of Kouka, King Hiryuu" hearing the former kings name makes my head feel fuzzy but I shake it away and focus back on the conversation "My father used to tell me about him all the time"

"But once King Hiryuu became human, He eventually had to fight humans. The people's hearts filled with evil, they forgot their god, and their country fell to ruin. Even King Hiryuu was captured by humans who desired power. Just when everything seemed on the brink of destruction, the heavens opened up and  five dragons descended from above"

"Hiryuu, we have come for you. Let us destroy the humans, who have forgotten their faith, and return to heaven! Hiryuu rejected them" the five dragons spoke but the crimson man shook his head "No, I am human now. Though the humans may hate and betray me, I cannot help but love them"

"The dragons loved Hiryuu, as well, and did not wish to lose him. In order to protect Hiryuu, they gave their blood to human warriors, and granted them strength. One gained sharp claws that could tear apart anything. another gained eyes that could see across great distances. The third gained legs that could jump high into the sky. The fouth gained a strong body that could never be injured, And the fifth gained the power of the first four. That dragon's job was to look after the four while the four looked after the king"

"You are now our other halves. You will serve Hiryuu as your master, protecting him with your lives. You will love him, and never betray him"

"With the power of the dragon gods, the warriors led their clans to protect Hiryuu, and brought order to the kingdom. Before long, the red dragon grew tired of fighting, and retired to his eternal rest. The mission of the four dragon warriors thus ended. They thought of their king, no longer moving, and wept. They did not know whether they grieved the loss of someone precious, or if the dragon god blood within them mourned their brother's death. Realizing their power was beyond human control, the four dragon warriors left their tribes and disappeared. The tribes they left behind continued developing on their own, forming the five tribes of today"
Flashback Over

"The kingdom's creation myth What does that have to do with me?" You said you wanted to live, correct? Yes. But you cannot live on your own. If you leave this place, your life will be endangered again. You have Lady Yuri and Master Hak supporting you. However, at this rate, they will both die" my eyes closed as I spoke up "Hey, wait. Don't assume I'll die. I can't hear the voice of God. I'm no-" suddenly I was punched in the ribs making me fall on my side "threaten us all you want. We don't have any money Ha Ha"

"You need allies" "But who?" "You must search for the four other dragon warriors" "You mean the other dragon warriors from the legend? They exist? They really exist?!" "They do exist. Even now, they live quietly in this kingdom, with the dragon blood they inherited. They will lend you their strength just like the Oranryuu has" the three turned to look at me before Yona turned back to the Oracle.

"Oracle, I don't want Yuri or Hak to die. But I'm not sure the legendary dragons will lend their strength to one such as me" "That night, you miraculously escaped death even though you were supposed to die with your father.  You miraculously escaped the castle, and you miraculously survived a fall into this abyss. I believe those were not miracles, but God's will leading you here. If you find the legendary dragons, it will be not only your wish, but God's will. God's will However, heaven can only show you the way. You must walk the path yourself"

"I don't know anything. Not about the castle or the rest of the world. I don't know. I want to know the feelings of others, and the many other things that I once passed by heedlessly. I want to become stronger" Yona said before walking off with Yun.

"Ms Oranryuu" I walked over to sit by the Oracle "yes?" "would you like to know your future?" I was hesitant at first but I shrugged my shoulders "why not. Can't be worse than death" I said leaning back on my hands to watch the waterfall "on your journey you'll encounter two dragons who will be fated to you. You'll risk your lives for one another but if not careful then one of you could die" my eyes widened at his words.

'me? In love?...that could never happen...'

"Your wrong. The gods must have lied to you because I would never fall in love. Not with my line of work" I said coldly before walking off to find Yona.

I found Yona by a lake "Yona?" before I could say anything else I was suddenly pushed to the ground "You shouldn't be outta bed!" I sighed and pushed her off me "I'm all better now...I'm not going to die" I said sitting across from her "Yuri, I want to meet the people with the dragon blood" thinking about the Oracles words from earlier "Why meet them? They may not want to help"

"I'll worry about it then. At this rate, I can't even leave this place. I want to move forward somehow. I will become stronger. Teach me to use a sword and bow. I'll learn. I don't want to die in this absurd state. Even more, I don't want to lose you! To prevent that, I will acquire even the power of the gods" I smiled with a shake of my head "I'm telling you that I won't die but if that's what you want, I guess I'll take a chance on God's will, or whatever it is"

"Yuri, you've been a good girl lately. There, there" she said patting my head "Please don't get too close" I said with an irk mark appearing on my cheek from her words "Why?" "Because it's annoying" "What?" "You have more wrinkles" "You're kidding! If you're angry all the time, you'll become a wrinkly old lady" "That's none of your business!" "Now you have even more!" "Yuri, you idiot!" "Have you made up your mind?" Yona stopped giving me a noogy as we turned to see Ik-Soo standing in front of us "Yes" "I have a favor to ask of you two"

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