Supriya: Suryansh Karna's Dev...

By Amropali

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This is the third series on the wives of Karna. The first one was "Uruvi". While the second one was "Vrushali... More

Chapter 1: Simple Supriya
Chapter 2: Supriya's Deity
Chapter 3: Flashback: Apsara Rambha's Curse
Chapter 4: Flashback: Rambha & King Chitrangad
Chapter 5: Flashback: Birth of Supriya
Chapter 6: Chitrangad reluctant to accept Supriya!!
Chapter 7: Princess became a Maid!!!
Chapter 8: Supriya met her Mother Rambha!!
Chapter 9: Bhanu knows Supriya's Identity!!
Chapter 10: Bhanumati's Obsession on Arjuna
Chapter 11: Supriya's Devotion on Karna
Chapter 12: Introducing Karna: Supriya's God!!!
Chapter 13: Introducing Padmavati: Supriya's Goddess!!!
Chapter 14: Introducing Arjuna: Bhanu's Obsession!!!
Chapter 15: Introducing Duryodhan: Bhanu's nightmare!!
Chapter 16: Bhanumati's Impeding Swayambar & Supriya
Chapter 17: Call for Arjuna, not Duryodhan
Chapter 18: Duryodhan's Evil Plan
Chapter 19: Abduction of Bhanumati & Karna's conditions
Chapter 20: Supriya-Karna face off
Chapter 21: Bhanumati's Condition to unite Karna-Supriya
Chapter 22: Karna opposed the idea
Chapter 23: Padma convinced Karna to marry Supriya!!
Chapter 24: Karna-Supriya Marriage
Chapter 25: Twin marriages passify Kalinga
Chapter 26: Karna's absence on Wedding Night!!
Chapter 27: Supriya-Karna soul connection!!!
Chapter 28: Supriya maid in Marital Abode!!
Chapter 29: Conspiracy against Supriya!!!
Chapter 30: Supriya blamed for Padma's illness!!
Chapter 31: Supriya: Silent Spectator of downfall!!!
Chapter 32: Supriya's Solace: Vrishasen
Chapter 33: Conspiracy against Supriya revealed!!
Chapter 34: Karna-Supriya: So near yet so far!!
Chapter 35: Supriya's Agony moved Padma
Chapter 36: Padma accepts Supriya!!!
Chapter 37: Padma's Plan to unite Karna-Supriya!!!
Chapter 38: Karna accepts Supriya!!
Chapter 39: Supriya's Supreme Sacrifice!!!
Chapter 40: Supriya decides to leave Karna!!!!
Chapter 41: Heart-Beoken Karna decides to forget her!!
Chapter 42: Supriya's Seclusion & mysterious Twins!!
Chapter 43: Introducing Chitrasen: Young Warrior!!
Chapter 44: Introducing Satyasen: Shy Observer!!
Chapter 45: Supriya stops Jayadratha!!!
Chapter 46: Karna-Supriya chance encounter & A Letter!!!
Chapter 47: Introducing Banasen: Brave toddler!!
Chapter 49: Chitrasen & Satyasen stops Karna!!
Chapter 48: Introducing Shatrunjay & Dpitatva: Little Pillars!!
Chapter 50: Supriya stops Karna & sons!!!
Chapter 51: Karna-sons happy union!!!
Chapter 52: Supriya bade goodbye to Sons!!
Chapter 53: Supriya refused to go with Karna!!
Chapter 54: Padma accepts Supriya sons as her!!
Chapter 55: Karna & Supriya missing each other!!
Chapter 56: Introducing Sushen & Prasen: naughty devils!!
Chapter 57: Padmavati's Last Miscarriage brings Supriya back!!
Chapter 58: Padma demands a son from Supriya!!
Chapter 59: Karna-Supriya Last Union!!!
Chapter 60: Supriya waited for Karna!!
Chapter 61: Supriya sensed entry of Uruvi in Karna's life!!!
Chapter 62: Supriya's Pregnancy brings Karna back!!!
Chapter 63: Supriya learnt of Karna-Uruvi accidental marriage!!!
Chapter 64: Supriya indifferent of Karna-Uruvi union
Chapter 65: Supriya left Karna again
Chapter 67: Uruvi & sons stays with Supriya!!!
Chapter 68: Karna angry on Supriya!!!
Chapter 69: Supriya's ill Heath worried Karna!!
Chapter 70: Karna Met Supriya again
Chapter 71: Supiya's aloofness broke Karna!!
Chapter 72: Birth of Supriyo Vrishaketu
Chapter 73: Supriya gave away Vrish to Padma!!
Chapter 74: Karna hurt by Supriya's decision!!
Chapter 75: Karna-Supriya Final Separation!!
Chapter 76: Mother & Son: Supriya-Vrishasen
Chapter 77: Supriya's welcome at Anga
Chapter 78: Supriya met Vrishaketu & sons
Chapter 79: Supriya convinced Karna to bring back Uruvi!!!
Chapter 80: Padma & Supriya welcomed Uruvi
Chapter 81: Supriya prepared Uruvi for Karna
Chapter 82: Supriya united Karna-Uruvi!!!
Chapter 83: Karna confessed love for Uruvi before Supriya!!
Chapter 84: Supriya entitled "Mahasati" by Vasusdev!!
Chapter 85: Karna's confusion & Supriya happiness for Uruvi!!!
Chapter 86: Supriya's war strategy impressed Karna!!
Chapter 87: Supriya saved Anga from Binay Datt!!!
Chapter 88: Supriya slained powerful demon Bijaydutt!!
Chapter 89: Uruvi's rumoured miscarriage broke Supriya!!
Chapter 90: Draupadi's insult & Uruvi's disappearance shocked Supriya!!!
Chapter 91: Arjuna's vow & Supriya-Karna reconciliation!!!!
Chapter 92: Supriya & Ganga: Road to Parashuram!!!
Chapter 93: Supriya & Parashuram: Road to Kailash?!!
Chapter 94: Parashuram's guidance & Supriya's test!!!
Chapter 95: Supriya's Penace & boon by Shiva-Parvati!!!
Chapter 96: 13 yrs gap: Supriya met with Padmaja, Uru-Padma!!!
Chapter 97: Supriya met with 7 sons!!
Chapter 98: Uru-Padma & Sons pleaded to Supriya!!
Chapter 99: Vrishasen brings Supriya back to Anga!!
Chapter 100: Vrishi's rejection & Supriya's agony!!
Chapter 101: Supriya warned Karna not to fight against Pandava!!
Chapter 102: Karna ignored Supriya's pleads!!
Chapter 103: Sons asked permission of Supriya!!!
Chapter 104: Conspiracy to slain Supriya by killing her sons!!!
Chapter 105: Supriya waiting for Sons Arrival!!
Chapter 106: Supriya's all sons are dead!!
Chapter 107: Vrishasen's marriage enlighten Supriya
Chapter 108: Supriya met Vrishasen for last time!!!
Chapter 109: Vrishasen's death broke Supriya!!
Chapter 110: Supriya at Deathbed!!
Chapter 111: Supriya's plead to Padma to die with Karna!!!
Chapter 112: Karna bade goodbye to Supriya!!
Chapter 113: Supriya sensed Disaster!!
Chapter 114: Supriya saw Karna's corpse!!
Chapter 115: Supriya died at Karna's feet!!!
Chapter 116: Supriya-Karna burnt together
Chapter 117: Tribute to Supriya as Brahmaputri Sutanuka!!
Chapter 118: Supriya's happy union with sons!!!
Chapter 119: Supriya-Karna reconciliation at Heaven!!
Chapter 120: End Credit, achievements & Epilogue

Chapter 66: Supiya met Uruvi!!!

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By Amropali

Story Unfolds :

3 months later: At the small house at the outskirt of Hastinapur:

A girl was sitting happily and listening the nonstop banters of her toddlers. Prasen and Sushen who are arguing on whom their mother loved most. For no reason!!! Those two naughty boys wanted to make her smile and clearly they were successful in their this endeavor too.

"Maiya mujhse adhik Prem karti hain. (Mother loves me most.)" Sushen told by putting his both hands at his own waist. He stood in the posture of an warrior.

      Sushen (8th Son of Karna)

His naughty brother opened his own mouth in surprised fashion. He too wanted the title 'most loved son of Supriya'. He made a face and pouted his lips cutely. By glaring at his elder sibling.

   Prasen (9th Son of Karna)

Sushen winked at his toddler brother who made another dissapointed face. In reality it was a play to them both. But Prasen always hated to lose. He wanted to win. At any cost. Sushen always gave away his chance of win for making his tiny brother happy. He loved his brother very much.

But this time Sushen wanted to pull a prank with Prasen. He arched his left eyebrow slightly in amusement and blinked his eyelids slowly. To mock his dear younger sibling. Prasen got very offended. And lifted his tiny arms to smack his elder brother and ran to him. To hit him. Sushen was Alert. He ran away. Prasen followed him. To catch him.

Supriya was looking at their childish play and laughing merrily. Her day and night was filled up with these two naughty boys mischiefs. She attended the 'God Varai' of Ashavari and then took shelter in her secluded house. At the outskirt of Hastinapur. She did not want to be a burden over her dear in-laws. She was able to earn her own livehilhood. By selling the sculptures. To the Palace of Hastinapur. To her sisters Bhanu and Charu. She had no limitation of money. She was happy but not satisfied. Her heart ached for him!!! He must be angry on her!!! She did not want to face him!! Not now!! Not ever!! She did not know that soon she had to face her husband Karna!!! In this same house!!!!

All of a sudden young Prasen stopped running and came to her to ask "Ma, hame Dada dadi ke pass jana hain. Le chalo na!!! (We want to go to meet our grandparents. Mother, kindly take us there.)"

Sushen hugged her tightly from back and added "Kripaya, Maiya. (Pretty please, mother.) He made an innocent face. By pouting his lips cutely.

Prasen also put his hand to the temple of Supriya and dragged her chin to himself. He too pouted his lips cutely.

Supriya smiled brightly and kissed both of their tiny foreheads lovingly. Those boys!!! They knew how to make amend!! With themselves!!! And how to coax their mother!!!

"Le chalenge. (I will.)" She told them both calmly.

They huffed her tightly. In their tiny arms. They were too happy.

At the Royal chamber of Anga:

A man was standing alone. None was near him. He clutched a sharp blade of the sword. In his left palm. While the sword was held tightly in his right palm. He wanted to test the sharpness of the newly made sword. He had no desire to commit suicide or making himself hurt. As a King he had to be worried with the sharpness of the swords his army members were now using in the battlefield. His chief of the army, his brother Shone, had been gifted the sword. To him.

He had lifted the sword instantly and swinged in both sides. It cut off the thin air. With ease. It meant that the arm was well prepared.

He clutched the sharp blade in his left palm forcefully to test it's sharpness. It instantly pierced his flesh of that palm and blood poured down form the open wound. A single blood line dripped down the floor. Making a red mark on it.

He calmly looked at the flowing blood and smiled lifelessly. He was not a bit bothered by blood. As an warrior he was accustomed with it. His lifelong pain and agony was more than this small amount of blood!!!

He threw the sword to the floor and then with steady strides went to the darkest corner of his room. He then slowly opened a closet and drew out a picture. Of a girl.

He admired the portrait for a second in soft eyes. Tears had glowed in the corner of his eyes. Even in darkness.

He sighed hard and murmured softly to the picture. Just one word "Kyun (Why)?!!! He wanted the reason why his Devi had abandoned him again!!!

      Another Picture of Supriya

    Karna looking at the picture


At the outskirt of Hastinapur: Before another small Hut:

A girl was talking with another girl. Happily. She was so very happy to see her best friend. Sumedha or Medha. Wife of Shone. After so long time. She was engrossed in talking when she felt a sharp pain in her palm. Left one. She lifted it and looked at it in deep shock. It was cut deeply!!!! Blood was dripping from the wound!!! Even if she did not touch any sharp object today!!! What was that?!! A miracle to something!!!

She was still looking at the wound in vacant eyes when Medha yelled in shock. She noticed the wound too. She ran inside the house. To fetch some medicine. To put on the wound.

All of a sudden another beautiful girl from nowhere ran towards Supriya and clutched her vein tightly. She tore her own Dupatta or Anga Vastra and put her own it on her blood soaked palm. She bandaged it carefully. By looking at the reaction of Supriya. Every now and then. Like a very well experienced doctor.

"Apko kasht ho raha hain, Jiji?!! (Are you in pain, my dear elder sister?!!)" She asked her in trembling voice. As if she herself was in great agony.

Supriya was standing lifelessly. She had comprehend that her husband, Her deity, was angry on herself. She heard his murmurings in her ears

"Kyun (Why)?!!!"

Her own eyes were burning in tears. She controlled herself and sighed very softly. How could she convince him that for the sake of Uruvi she had to sacrifice her love!!! Unless he would never come near her Uru!!! In his entire life!!! He was not like those men who effortlessly forgot about his one wife while residing with other!!! He never forgot his Padma whenever he was with Supriya!!! He would not forget his Supriya whenever he got a chance to spend time with Uruvi!!! He was a loyal husband to all of them!!! All three of them!!!

The girl took the signal wrongly. She thought that Supriya was in pain. She looked at her direction worriedly and asked again "Jiji bahat pida ho rahi hain?!! (Elder sister, do it hurt you very much?!!)" in deep shock.

This time Supriya broke up from her dreams by hearing a sweet yet very worried voice. The voice matched to the flow of the River. When the river flew with the force the voice matched with it.

She had looked at the direction of the stranger girl, till holding her Palm in her own, and within a second she had realized something. The girl was not unknown to her a bit!!! She had seen her picture!!! 3 months ago!!!

She lifted her own right palm to put it on her temple and asked the girl softly "Tuh Meri Uru hain na?!! (Are not you my Uruvi?!!)"

This time the girl tilted her head and looked at her direction intently. She did not know Supriya!! A bit!!! But her eyes got teary instantly by sensing the love and adoration in the voice of Supriya!!! None had talked with her so affection and adoration!!! After her banishment from her state!! Pukeya!!

     Devi Uruvi (3rd Karna Wife)

She, as if in trance, clutched the right palm of Supriya and looked at her face vacantly. She did not identify her as her middle sister as she was not known to any other wives of Karna till then!!!

Medha came forward with a smile and introduced them both "Yeah meri Sakhi hain. Supriya. Teri Supriya jiji. Jisse tuh milna chanti thi. Aur yeah Uruvi hain. Hamare aur apki Uru. (Let me introduce you both. To each other. This is my best friend. Supriya. Your middle sister. Second Wife of Karna Bhaiya. And this is our and yours dear  Uruvi. Third wife of brother Karna.)"

Sumedha or Medha (Wife of Shone)

"Main janti hoon apni Uru ko. (I know my baby sister Uruvi for long time.)" Supriya had a smile on her beautiful face.

Uruvi looked at her direction with awe. For a second she was not a bit believing her luck!! Since she came to reside here she mistook Medha as her middle sister Supriya as both were of the same age. She could not believe that the same Supriya was standing in front of herself!!! Her eyes wided by seeing the greatness of Supriya!!! This girl was acknowledging her even after cursing her dearest husband Karna unjustly!!!!

She backed away and looked at her middle sister horrifiedly. "Main papin hoon. Mujhe mat chuna, jiji. (I am a sinner. Don't touch me, middle sister please.)" She sobbed hard. She was repenting her mistake!!!

Supriya came near her and put her both palms on her baby sister's both shoulders. With love and affection.

"Agar tuh papin hain, toh Main teri jiji hoon. (If you are a sinner, then I am too. As your middle sister.)" She told it in calm tone.

Uruvi cried aloud. She was not ready to get the mercy of Supriya!!! A bit!! She knew the stories of her loyalty and devotion to her husband Karna!! She thought she would rebuke, scold or condemn her!! Yet she was seeing her with soft eyes!! As if she was her own biological sister!!!

She sat down at the feet of Supriya and clunged it tightly. As if she was begging her mercy!!!

Supriya with a pleansant smile on her beautiful face dragged Uruvi near her and hugged her tightly. She was so very happy today!!! To meet with her baby sister Uru!! Now she realized how Padma felt when she welcomed her Su so cordially!!!

"Jiji ap kis mitti se bani ho!!! Kya ho ap?!!(In which soil you are made up? What are you?!! An angel, Goddess or a mere mortal human like me?!!)" Her Uru cried aloud in great despair. She wanted to know the same question that both Karna and Padma wanted to know for several years.

Supriya smiled brightly. She was so touched by the generosity of her baby sister. Now she realized how great it felt to be someone's elder sister!!!

She heard two voices One by one

"Meri Su Devi hain!!! (My Supriya is a Goddess!!)" A female voice. Of her Jiji Padmavati!!!

"Supriya hamare Devi hain!!! (She is indeed a Goddess!!)" A male husky voice. Of her husband Karna!!!!

Supriya smiled again. Her God and Goddess thought she was a Goddess too while she was a mortal human being!!! Like all others!!!

She answered softly to Uruvi "Main Karna ka Dasi hoon. Aur meri koi parichay nahi!! (I am a devotee of Karna. That's my only identity.)" with a divine smile on her beautiful face. She was proud to call herself as the devotee of Karna!!!

Medha wiped her tears gently and looked at Supriya. She was so very proud of her Supriya at this point!!! Then she noticed that something was amiss. This girl!! She was standing till now when she should at least try to sit down comfortably!!!

"Tuh baith. (You please sit down.)" She told to Supriya who looked at her face intently. She knew why Medha told it. The news of her pregnancy was not unknown to her in-laws!!!

Uruvi had looked at both Medha and Supriya. One after another. She did not know what was going on!!!

Medha winked at her best friend who lifted her hands to show her a smack. She was ashamed to be revealed as a pregnant lady. Before her Uru!!! She thought Uruvi would be heart broken by hearing the news of her pregnancy.

"Ap dono kya bartalap kar rahi ho!! (What are you both taking with your eyes?!!)" Uruvi asked them. In shock.

Medha winked at her naughtily and replied calmly "Apki Supriya jiji Mata bannwali hain. (Your elder sister Supriya is going to be mother soon.)"

Supriya made a disgusted face. She was angry on Medha who produced her own tongue to mock her. She was not ready to keep the news a secret from Uruvi!!!

'A mother!!!' Uruvi was standing tall before them in indecision before the word rang in her eardrum repeatedly. She opened her eyes wide in shock. Then she ran to a tree truck and tried to clear the place with her own torn up duppata. To make a seat for her Jiji Supriya. She knew that in pregnancy girls had to take ample rest!! She had knowledge of the medicine from her mother Shubhra!!!

"Kyun bola!!! (Why to tell her?!!)" Su asked to Medha who nudged her ribs and winked at her in silence. To say that she could not be able to hide it more. It was so true too. At that time Supriya was around just 4 months pregnant and her slim and petite body was becoming heavy and big.

Supriya bit her lips. And made a face. Disappointed one. She felt ashamed.

Uruvi was not looking at both of these girls. She was making a seat in her own mind. For her Jiji!!!

After finishing she looked up to her Jiji and patted the seat. She was now sanguine that the place was apt for her Goddess!!! This girl had taken her Supriya Jiji as her Goddess!!!

Supriya nodded her pretty head in slow motion and then sat down. But her legs were not touching the ground a bit. She was astonished to see that Uruvi instantly drew her both feet in her lap and messaged them gently. She opened her eyes wide in surprise. She recalled how she made place for her Jiji Padma and put a footstool so that she could put her feet upon it!!! Whatever she had done with Padma, Uruvi done the same with herself!!!

She closed her eyes tightly and a tear drop emerged from her left eye. She did not know whether she would be happy or sad!!!

"Chor na (let them go) Uru!!" She had insisted.

Uruvi nodded her head violently and replied calmly "Mujhe apni Jiji ke seva ki absar dijiye!!! (Give me the chance to serve my sister too.)"

She ran her hands through the open and disravelled hair of her baby sister who washed her feet and then put her head on her lap. Like a young girl!!! She recalled she had done the same!!! To her Jjij Padma!!!

"Tune toh mujhe Bhagwan bana diya, Uru!!! (What have you done??!!! You transformed me into a goddess!!!)" She exclaimed worriedly to Uruvi. In choked voice.

Alas!!! She forgot that her Jiji Padma once uttered the same line to herself

"Tune toh mujhe Bhagwan bana diya Su!!! (You have made me a Goddess, Supriya!!!)"

With a sigh the voice of Lord Krishna rang in her eardrum repeatedly

"Joh jysa karta woh aisa bota. Apne sab se Prem kiya Bhabi Supriya. Apse bhi sab log prem hi karenge. (Every human being has to pay according to his or her deeds. You love all. You have respect for all. You will get the same thing from all.)"


What will happen next? Will Karna and Supriya will get a chance to meet again? Will Uruvi stay with her Jiji? What will Padma do now? The answers are in the next chapters.


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