You make my ice melt [Jacques...

By probsbexxa

201 9 0

Y/N L/N is a famous musician from the UK. Moving to Canada last year to start a new music contract with her b... More


๐Ÿ“Toronto - North America

139 7 0
By probsbexxa

A/N before I start

So weirdly enough I base half of this around what I want to do and be except I put it with someone random.

Yeah, I usually work on this in school or at 1 in the morning.

But I'll mainly use she/her pronouns as I'm not good with writing with he or they pronouns.

And if I do do something wrong like say 'blonde' instead of 'h/c' I'm incredibly sorry!

My autocorrect is really bad because of how fast and muddled I type. but don't mind if some words are from different languages. (Don't know why it goes to different languages)

I'm mainly doing this to get used to writing big stories for my GCSE English.

But please enjoy and if there's anything I need to improve please tell me and I'll do so!


Life has changed. You start doing stupid things like drinking, partying and all that. But doing more stupid stuff like going on reality shows? Already done. Right now, I'm riding on a train to Toronto in North America to compete on the new TV series with my best friend. Riley, we've known each-other for ages and we've done many things together like Write Songs, Play Songs and Sing Songs. Now he's 19 and 18, you turned 18 a couple weeks prior

We've never really think that we'd go on a TV show. Yet here we are in North America. Looking around there's people on the Train which Look Like they might be partaking in this TV show too. But I might be over thinking it a bit to much, we've nearly arrived at the stop and I'll try to document it everyday!


"This is Toronto, the capital of North America. Birthplace of funk, where the Albino Panther roams free. Beneath my manly size 13 brogues 19 teams are arriving at this historic Train Station easy to embark on a race around the world. I'm your host Don and this is.."

"The ridonculous Race!"

"Welcome to the ridonculous race, right now 19 teams are arriving from across the country are readying themselves to embark on a race to the


-talking through the earpiece-

"Not to the death?"

-muffled talking through the earpiece-

"okay. Let's meet the Teams that ARENT Racing to the death!"

"Carrie and Devin. Best friends!"

"I Met Devin in the sandbox and we haven't spent a day apart since! If anyone can win this race, it's us!" -Carrie
"Yeah! I know Carrie so well it's like we're... w-what are you doing?" -Devin
"Oh uh! Blink check! For the camera heh! Woo! Race!" -Carrie

"Kelly and Taylor, Mom and daughter."

"so A i'm really hot! obviously? and B i'm pretty much the best at everything I do! so unless my mom messes things up we're totally gonna win this race." -Taylor
"Taylor and her friends love when i hang with them! i'm known as the cool mom! we're so tight, people always mistake us for sisters!" -Kelly
"Wait what?!" -Taylor

"Emma and Kitty, actual sisters!"

"i'm studying international law so that's gonna give us a real edge! which is good because we're here to win." -Emma
"And to see the world, Meet some hot guys and have some fun!" -Kitty
"there's time for that which there won't be so..
let's focus on winning okay?" -Emma
*sigh* -kitty
"Good" -Emma

"Crimson and Ennui, two exceptionally pale teens!"

"Okay that's Just unnerving.." -Don

"Owen and Noah, seasoned Reality tv participants!"

"Yeaheheha!! Woohoo!! Don't leave me hanging! Noah and I met on Total Drama and we've all been on tons of reality shows since then! Like meltdown Kitchen! And scare tractor and fashionista flip-flop!" -Owen
"Don't know how you got on that one?" -Noah
"Ohohoho! Im just so psyched to be reunited with my little buddy! Come here!" -Owen

-squeezes the LIFE out of Noah-

"Mickey and Jay, Identical twins who are used to overcoming adversity!"

"We've both been through a lot but we're not cursed! Whatever's right before cursed... that's us!"
"Like When I was six, I fell into a Burrowing Owls
Nest and one of the Baby Owls flew into my ear! To this day everything on this side sounds like 'hoo hoo'" -Jay
"We're constantly fighting adversity and overcoming it!" -Mickey
"S-sorry we got to switch sides your just 'hoo hoo'"

"The totally in love daters, Stephanie and Ryan"

"Stephanie and I met at the gym two months and six days ago and we've been going steady ever since!"-Ryan
"We're so excited! Neither of us have ever travelled before! There's so much to discover like.. what did chocolate protein bars taste like in China?"-Stephanie
"I was just wondering that!"-Ryan
"No way!"-Stephanie
-kissing sounds-

"Josee and Jacques. Ice dancers!"

"We know how to win! We've won gold everywhere!" -Jacques
"Except the Olympics... he dropped me so we only got silver.."-Josee
"AAUH! I don't want to talk about it!"-Jacques
"Jacques! Silver is His least favourite colour!"-

"Riley and Y/N. Famous musicians ."

"I'm kind of glad me and y/n did this! Gets us away Front the main limelight and settles us in more fun and adventure!" -Riley
"Yeah! I'm tired of writing Normal Songs when i could write about Adventures like this!"-Y/N
"So real! We're in different music Genres but we can still play music together!" -Riley
"So awesome dude. So awesome."-Y/N

You've finally arrived. Looking around your suspicions were mid-way right, some people from the train are participating, two sisters who where say a couple seats in-front of you, another bunch of siblings with a helmet on one of their heads, the famous reality Show participants and the gothic duo.

Thee others you probably didn't notice while walking down the train Isle. Now here you are at the main historic train station ready to start your journey around the world while competing for a million dollars worth with your best friend!

Looking around you can see the host standing outside waiting for everyone to arrive. All the other teams which took the train and normal passers-by, you realise that maybe winning this wont be such a bad idea! You could fund it too music equipment for schools or help children in need!

You stand and wait with all the other teams while getting noticed by passers-by and even some of the other competitors. Riley getting less noticed but he doesn't mind. (he likes not getting noticed) Now you have to wait for the other Duos To arrive.

"Geoff and Brody, lifelong friends and Surfer dudes."

"Hahaha! Going around the world on someone else dawn! Soweeet!! Hey Bridgette!! Haha! Love ya babe! My girl and I did total drama but she's Surfing her way around Australia right now so. Boom! Entrée, my bud Brody!" -Geoff
"Yeah guy! Bros forever! Gnb for the w.i.n!" -Brody

"Right this way Teams! Over here!"

"Also competing is Dwayne and Dwayne jr, father and son"

"Oh I spend a lot of time at the old office there, so this Race is a-uh perfect Chance for junior and I to squeeze in a little father-son bonding time! Hehehe! Right buddho?" -Dwayne
"Uh yeah.. sure dad.. hey um.. are there any other kids my age in this thing?" -Junior
"Oh-uh" -Dwayne

"Sanders and MacArthur, ambitious police cadets."

"We're tough as nails and we'll go to the Extreme to win this thing!"-MacArthur
"Definitely, as long as we don't break any international laws." -Sanders
"Eh, im okay with Breaking a few." -MacArthur

"Lorenzo and Chet, new step brother's"

"My dad married his mom last year but we still hate each-other so they're making us do this! These jerks!"-Lorenzo
"Don't call my mom a jerk,jerk!" -Chet
"Shut your word hole jerk!" -Lorenzo

"Also Racing, Tom and Jen. Highly attractive fashion bloggers with impeccable taste. I told you Not to let the Teams Write their own cards.."

"Hey hey to all our blog followers out there! Wish us luck!" -Jen
"I bet Jen we could win the race but I didn't think she'd actually take me up on it!" -Tom
"I put my mind to something and it Happens"-Jen

"Rock and Spud, the rockers."

"Spud wasn't sure about doing this because, he's not Super fit or good at much of anything! except rocking out!"-Rock
-rock play air electric guitar-
"So i Said, you just Rock Bud, I'll carry you!"-Rock

"Laurie and miles, granola loving hippie dippie friends!"

"We want to win do we can donate our money to our favourite charities! Save the hunchback walrus! Goat milk Eco Warriors! People for the ethical treatment of ants! So Many Great causes." -Laurie

"Mary and Ellody, scientific geniuses who say they will use their winnings to support the science community."

"Astrophysics is really underfunded, reality shows offer monetary prizes. Conundrum solved!"-Ellody

"Leonard and Tammy, Dedicated live action role-players... whatever that is."

"Pahkitew island was tough but with Tammy's new spells. Huzzah! We'll claim the dragons eye! That's dwarfish for one million."-Leonard

"And Jerry and Pete, retired pro tennis players and friendly rivals."

"We are both very competitive but for half a mil each? Game on! Haha!"-Jerry
"Maybe we'll get some new sponsorships! Anyone need a pitchman for seniors laxatives."-Pete

"Welcome contestants, this is the starting line for your 26 part race around the world! Each part ends with a chill zone, get there fast because the last Team to stand on the carpet of completion, may be cut from the competition. But the first team to reach out last chill zone will win one million dollars!"

-everyone cheers-

"Look Over here, this is our ridonculous tip box, also known as the Don box. Press this button to get the travel tips that will lead you through the ridonculous race.

"Ready teams?"

"On your mark."

"Get set..."


-everyone sprints past Don-

"Watch the face Not the face!"


"Race on foot, to the CN tower!" -Geoff
"And find the Don box to get your next tip!"-Dwayne.


"There's the tower!"-Junior
"And here comes the competition!"-Jacques
"Huh wher-" -Dwayne.

-Dwayne trips on a trash bin making it fly back and hit Josee and Jacques-

"Oh! My bad!"-Dwayne
"Awwh nasty! Are you guys okay?"-Geoff

-Jacques and Josee lift the bin up and send it flying upwards-

"Hoho rad!"-Geoff

-the trash can lands on Geoff and Brody-
-You and Riley pass by them-

"That looks like it hurt!"-Y/N
"I wouldn't wanna be them any-day. Especially today."-Riley
"Yeah, bless them though."-Y/N

You and Riley have been best friends ever since you met each-other in school. You both loved music and helped each-other pursue your dreams by making songs and doing other crazy things, While Riley is in the metal and Rock genre you have a completely different route in the pop music genre.

You both are the definition opposites attract, Riley helped you learn guitar faster and soon you learnt every instrument top notch with perfection. If it wasn't for him you wouldn't know where you'd be right now, he's helped you record you new albums and singles.

You were originally supposed to do this with your best friend Tyra. But she has been pushing you down with nasty sayings and hurtful words, then you realised Riley might do it! Your brains we're both sucker-punched with writers block so it would be best to get out for an adventure.

"There's the Don box!"-Dwayne
"It's an either or? What's an either or?"-Junior
-Geoff and Brody run by and crashing into a lamp post-

"An either or gives the teams the choice of two Challenges. They either..."

"Climb 144 flights of stairs to reach the worlds tallest observation deck! That's just under 1 million stairs"

"Or scares!  Take the elevator and get the scare of a lifetime by doing a skywalk all the way outside the tower. Not to worry though!  They'll be wearing helmets. And as an extra precaution we  had a safety rail installed!"
-safety rail falls and crashes down-

"Teams must finish either task and find this local guide to receive their next tip."

"144 flights of stairs? Yeah we'll do scares"-sanders
"Scares"-Tom                  "Scares! -Lorenzo falls- Called it!"-Chet


"Mickey gets nosebleeds when he goes up to fast. Makes it pretty tough to make flights or you know, Go up really tall towers." -Jay
-Jay rips the paper away from Mickey-
"Agh! Paper cut!" -Mickey


You and Riley are standing outside the CN tower fighting over what to do.

"Do the stairs! You know how much I hate heights!"-Y/N
"Oh would you live a little your not gonna die!"-Riley
"I might! I'd rather take 144 flights of stairs then stare down at something which could cause my demise!"-Y/N
"Staring down a couple thousand meters wont do anything! It's not the end of the world!"-Riley
"Well, it could be the end of my life thank you very much!"-Y/N
"Well the elevators probably packed by now you've rambled on so much! Ugh. We'll just do the stairs."-Riley
"Thank god!"-Y/N

While you two still have A peckish dying down argument. The ice dancers watch you from afar

"Do you think they could be a threat?" -Josee
"Probably the guy, but her... I don't think so.
-mumbles- she seems interesting." -Jacques
"What was that?"-Josee      "Oh ahem nothing!"-Jacques


"I don't know how you have into that? Like, your tougher than a piece of stone! And you give into me? Shocker."-Y/N
"Only because I can't be bothered to listen to you whining day and night during every waking second!" -Riley
"Take a chill pill Bro.."-Y/N


As soon as you get into the building, you notice Dwayne and Junior in the elevator, then some sparks coming from where the floors should be.

"You think they broke the elevator?"-Y/N
"I don't know and I don't care."-Riley
"Jeez okay... take a chill pill."-Y/N

Your Facial expression turned Shocked. When was he so Rude all of a sudden? Your mind couldn't stop Wondering off about it, kept you zoned out while sprinting up the stairs. Keeping your composure as the ice dancers passed you and Riley, both of them staring Riley down. What if they see him a a threat?

-Halfway into the stair run-

While Riley's a tiny bit behind, your both still dashing up the stairs at an average pace. You can tell the ice dancers are a bit further down as you just heard them shout something about loving their fans? A bit odd to shout going up a million single stairs.

Soon after a while Riley slowed down so you had to grab him and sprint. The ice dancers took over yous, you could see the Blondie, think his name was Jacques. Give you a sympathy look, you gave one of them awkward smiles back as you continued focusing on your foot movement.

"Jeez that girl has a grudge."-Jacques
"Carrying her team mate which is a tiny bit bigger than her? Up stairs? Well.. that's actually kind of impressive."-Josee
"It is Josee, and she does music too with that... lazy blob!"-Jacques
"Just focus and stop getting yourself tangled up in a crush!"-Josee
-Jacques flush's red-
"No I am not!"-Jacques

-after an hour-

You and Riley end up at the top of the stairs. Riley drenched in sweat while your feeling nauseous, Riley soon reads the tip.
"Catch a flight with a zip, ride the line till your dip?" -Riley
"OH MY GOD! Zip line! I'll get in your back!"-y/n
"Oh. Haha! Okay! Oh and I thought you were feared of heights?"-Riley
"Na I just wanted to do the stairs."-Y/N

That was a big lie, you are feared of heights. You got out to see the zip line and cried on the inside,
It was at-least a 100 meter zip line. Riley noticed your distress and chuckled at you,  you shoot him a killing glare and he immediately stopped.

getting ready to slide the zip-line
"Your grabbing the piece of paper-thing"-Riley
"Because you want to enjoy the zip-line you big child?"-Y/N
"You literally say that like you enjoy them."-Riley

Just ahead was the ice dancers. Already done with their piece of paper, and waving at who knows what? you got on Riley's back and braced for impact as he grabbed on to the zip-line shooting down it. You grabbed the paper and braced for extra impact hoping Riley wouldn't Land on top of you on the mattress (Spoiler Note! He actually does.)

-you both hit the mattresses, but Riley turned around pushing you into the mattresses-

"Ow! Riley your crushing me!"-Y/N
"You'll live"-Riley
"No I wont!"-Y/N

-both of you get up and dust yourselves off, then read the note-

"Book two seats on the next flight to Morocco?"
"I've always wanted to go to morocco!"-Y/N
"Well your wish has came come true."-Riley

You both walk into the airport lobby ready to book your tickets.

"Can you do it?"-Y/N
"Why? Cause your scared?"-Riley
"Yeah. You must've thought so hard about that already."-Y/N
"Yeah, yeah I did."-Riley

As Riley orders the tickets you can't help but feel like your being watched, but you trust your gut and you don't look around. You and Riley now both have to wait in the waiting area for the plane and for 5 other teams to arrive for take off. You and Riley sit a couple seats away from the ice dancers, you being on the closer side to them.

"Yo, I'm hungry I'm gonna get some food. Want anything."-Riley

You look up at him from your song-writing journal

"Uhhh. Just get me a drink, something I like."-Y/N
"What do you like again?"-Riley
*Oh he can not be serious...*
"Just.. try to remember."-Y/N
"I can't."-Riley
"UGH! Just a F/D!" -Y/N
"Jeez okay then!" -Riley

He walks away as you sigh. You get back to writing and your sudden loss for words are continuing on and on. Minutes pass by and all you think of is blankness. Then, one of the ice dancers make some small talk towards you, Jacques.
"Hey are you okay? You seem a bit down."-Jacques
"Yeah, it's just that my partner has been getting all rude lately and it's been kind of concerning for me."
"Guessing he usually doesn't act like that?" -Jacques
"Yeah. He'd usually be a bit more happier but instead he's all in a mood."-Y/N
"He's probably just wanting to win. I mean, who doesn't?"-Jacques
-you chuckle at his joke-
"You have a point, thanks for making some small talk to me by the way. I appreciate it!"-Y/N
"No problem! And I love your songs, they're catchy and so... perfect!"-Jacques
"I've never really heard anyone describe my music as perfect! And thanks! Your figure skating stuff is on point in my opinion. I tried it once and fell instantly."-Y/N
"And you never tried it again?"-Jacques
"Never ever again. To embarrassing to fall."-Y/N
You realise Riley coming back over, and Jacques must have noticed as well.
"Welp Bye! Talk to you later?"-Jacques
"Yeah! Bye Jacques!"-Y/N
"Bye Y/N"-Jacques
You turn your back to Jacques to talk to Riley

"Thanks I guess."-Y/N
"No problemo, just stop being so grumpy"-Riley
"-mumbles- you were grumpy first" -Y/N

You know he heard you but you didn't care. You shut your journal and put it back in your pocket, whipping your phone out after to check emails and text people back. All the while the ice dancers keep a closer eye on your buddy.

"He seems stern and rude to her..." -Josee
"Yeah, but she's snapping back at him pretty well too." -Jacques
"Someone's a bit too interested." -Josee
"What? No I am not!" -Jacques
"Mhm.. I see the way you stare at her already. It's only been a couple hours and your already eyeing someone up? A celebrity too? Your standards are way too high." -Josee
"Ugh. Whatever, why do you care so much anyway?"-Jacques
"No reason! And that conversation, you must love complimenting her." -Josee
There's a reason, she just needs a bigger one.

Soon enough the best friends come in, with the police cadets following behind. The best friends sit near you and Riley and begin a conversation with you.
"So your that artist which wrote that one album A/N?!" -Carrie
"Yeah! And my next one is releasing in a few months, also with another single coming out too!"-Y/N
"My girlfriend Shelley loves your music so much! Can you send her a photo with a text or something? She'd love it!"-Devin
-you can tell that Carrie is upset but you send her a reassuring smile-
"Sure! Honestly I love making peoples days. Especially my fans!"-Y/N

You snap her a quick photo with a nice message and send it off to her, giving the phone back to Devin.
"Thank you so much! She's gonna be so much happier now!"-Devin
No problem! Honestly I'm just glad to see people happy over a small interaction."-Y/N

You look over at the door to see the father and son, the daters and the reality tv show stars all sprint in, this means your flight has been fully booked and your ready to go!

Boarding the plane was as hard as breaking a diamond. Everyone else all tried to rush in yet ended up getting stuck in the plane doorway, so you had to pull Riley out to get the ball of people unstuck.

The plane flight was quite boring, but you've all been told that the episode ended as soon as we got on the planes. Sighs and relaxed tension settled over the room, yet they were still filming for the next episode. Everyone went back to being annoyed as you take in your surroundings.

The best friends are sitting at the back, police cadets are who knows where, the daters are flirting near the far left corner at the front, the dad and son opposite them, the reality tv stars are near the back of the plane minding their own business and the ice skaters near opposite you two.

You can see that tall Blondie staring at you through the reflection of the seat tablet. But you honestly couldn't care less, he was kinda-. Never mind, you have to focus on the competition! this is why you never choose isle seats.

You just sit there and write down stuff while brainstorming ideas. You just need more time to analyse what happened today so you can write about it, but in the end, there's a sentence that you just started mumbling.

"Morocco is so not gonna be fun."-Y/N


Words: 3899.

This is my first time ever ever writing a book this big. If there's anything I can fix please tell me! I need honest feedback because of me wanting to try hard in English. But it was fun writing this and I hope I can write more soon! Thanks for reading this chapter and I'd love support and advice! <3

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