
By whitelightning_

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He might not know it yet, but Carrie Lancefull, a senior student who's about to graduate from Edison high sch... More

Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9

Chapter 4 

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By whitelightning_

Chapter 4: Tutorial

Aislinn hasn't always been the strongest woman in Futuramous. Not like her pesky younger twin sister Eirian who has the brutal dominance of an assassin or... more or less, a ninja which, that is exactly what she is. As Aislinn works for the governor as a secret agent, Aislinn is an elf hybrid bard for the city of Garth. Although she is only a level 1 at the age of 28. No one dears to underestimate her ability of persuasion, charm, a battle. Again, when people think of level one, people instantly assume that she must be weak but how wrong a person must be when they do attempt to attack her. With her bard class, she is able to duplicate her stats by the string of her electric guitar. Her choice of instrument isn't just eye candy with its copper red glow with flames dancing off the edges of her guitar. It is actually soul bonded to her and when she is playing, fighting, and singing, as her hair is a normal wavy copper red, when she gets ready for any of those events, her hair turns to a brighter ruby color with sparks flying off like ambers coming off of a campfire but, for her sister who also has copper hair, her hair turns into a velvet blue when fighting unless sneaking, she can camouflage her hair to near black color depending on her environment including her clothing which, she taught Aislinn to do just like how Aislinn taught her sister how to be charming to disguise her cover so she can get closer to her objective. Together, they learn how to become the most opposite set of identical twins in all Futuramous including in person back in the real world and today, Aislinn has another plan to surprise a good old friend that she hasn't seen in Garth for 10 years. Yeah, she sees her out of Futuramous, but that isn't the same. Now, for her plans for her beloved sister, though she isn't weak, she knows that being in the middle of the square of the city like New York City, she hasn't been the subtlest type of woman driving the men mad by her gorgeous frame by her perky breasts, slim hips, round ass, and pretty face with her bright green memorizing hazel eyes and so, denying most of their suggestive advances, she can't help feel the comfort of her sister having her back so she wouldn't be feeling like someone is trying to assassinate her especially a psychopathic fan who has already been denied.

    Making her way downtown walking fast through the crowd from a note that she has been given by someone anonymous which, she wouldn't usually trust because shady people are shady people and that normally calls out trouble but, she knows that perfume anywhere that has been placed on that note because she has hung with them since they've been children but wanting to come to the center of Garth in the square confuses her because she has told her that she does not want to be recognized as her former self but fortunately after dying for the first time those many years ago, people cannot really recognize her from what they are use to because instead of blue hair, she went with her generic black with red taking the right side of her hair, and instead of her normal dark stormy blue eyes, she turned them to an amber color to match the red in her hair but, that isn't the only thing that has changed. So, has her clothing style because wearing those revealing dresses that she loves wearing to capture people's attention needed to change because since her lost so many years ago, she's afraid that she would catch those people's attention and be reminded of her failure. So now, she wears a black leather vest that has silver gems that covers her D cups with black leather pants that slips on her like her body suit capturing her body while still giving people the imagination of what's underneath. What has been her name of Lady Lynn, now just Cassady, she works for a rundown bar that has a fighting arena for the drunk bastards who has to much ego and testosterone and most times... those absolute fools normally fight because they want to show her what a real man is like and then, the other guy wants to show his might too. So, by fighting, they feel and they think if they show how strong they are and that they are worthy for her in their bedroom, she would choose them when the truth is that she just loves the violence then after when they beat the living crap out of one another, because 9 out of 10, they're too passed out drunk to even remember to claim their prize or even if that person has not been knocked out, she would just tell them that they are too bloody for her to come back with them so she has an excuse so she wouldn't go with them. If they do try to mess with her by forcing her to come back home with her, she would simply knock the living shit out of them and what makes her different from her childhood friend, she always practices even though she would not be joining the yearly tournaments especially this year one because of obvious reasonings but, being a level 50B and being given a special skill called(hide.) It causes those who tries to evaluate her name, her skills, her age, and her attributes to be hidden from prying eyes except for S caps which long forgotten king and the new lord of Garth prince Flinn do not have. To be honest, the reasons why she started to fight, she wanted to be the Amazon of everything steel is because of her past. As a little girl, her mother never loved her much, her father never stayed in touch and so, she had to learn how to survive while being humble. No, she didn't become resilient in her own ways where everyone was just a waste of air but, she did get herself into trouble with the law at the age of 10 because she never knew how to love, how to trust, nor how to open up. Not until she met Aislinn and her twin sister Eirian in grammar school that her mother placed her in which was the only good thing that her mother had done for until she abandons her on the streets of Massachusetts. Growing up while going through high school although she kept moving from foster care to foster care until she was 18. She has always kept up with the twins because they were like family to her. Always allowing her to come over for breakfast and dinner, allow her to sleep over, and even allow her to take a shower when most families do not like wasting money for their water bill for a rat on the street. When she first heard of a new virtual world called Futuramous. The only way of finding a place to join this world was at her local arcade but once she was able to join though she had to pay about $25 she instantly joined up for tournaments and really quickly, she became so good and so talented, even the manager gave her the virtual goggles for free whenever she came to his facility because she was bringing a lot of money into his company. When she was finally able to afford to purchase the gear before they became extremely simple just allowing the user to put this silver bandana and silver wristband on, she continued to dominate each opponent but she wasn't given her title of Amazon of everything steel until she went against one of the uprising A class warriors who was underneath prince Flinn. After beating him with her double head Katana, everyone feared and loved her because every time she would win, she would donate to different facilities such as breast cancer awareness, Red cross, for the deaf and blind, and miner companies she could find but if anyone should fight her, she would beat their ass within 30 seconds and that's why people feared her.

    Slowing down as she stepped into a large crowd of people piled up like if it was New Year's Eve in the middle of the square, pushing herself through the crowd, as she was getting closer to see what everyone was piled up for, she seen what she was looking for and once she saw what it was, she cursed to herself and thought inside, __this fucken bitch! What the fuck is she doing? She better not calls me out or else I'm gonna put my squanny fingertips through her copper hair and I'm gonna pull as hard as I can until she doesn't have any.__

    "Hello everyone." Aislinn says in a sultry tone making one of the men calling out to her saying that they love her and with a reply, she says, "I love you too." She blew a kiss to a fanboy out into the crowd making the fans to cheer for her even more. "Well everyone, as you all know, my name is Aislinn and I am here to entertain you all with a beautiful song from a beautiful band that probably nobody remembers but from one of their singles named (To the Moon and Back) from this group named Savage Garden. I would love to give it up to one of my best friends who is mostly out there somewhere in the crowd a privilege to remember that you are not alone and that we all love you and that someday you will find that right person who will treat you right and who will not discard you as a thing of the past. So, please everyone, Let's give up to my best friend Cassady who works at that run-down bar at the edge of town." She winked towards Lynn's generic location who was fuming like a bull who was ready to attack until she saw others attending the other instruments. When the song started to play, it gave out this sound like if someone was in outer space surrounding you amongst the stars, planets, and cosmos. As the drums started to play, the song shortly began with its lyrics.

She's taking her time, making up the reasons

To justify all the hurt inside, guess she knows

From the smiles and the look in their eyes

Everyone's got a theory about the bitter one

Their saying, momma never loved her much

And her daddy never keeps in touch

That's why she hides away from human affection

But, somewhere in a private place

She packs her bags for outer space

And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come

And she'll say to him

She saying

I will fly you to the moon and back

If you'll be my baby

I've got a ticket for a world where we belong

So, would you be my baby?

    Continuing to listen to Aislinn while spotting her sister from a nearby building probably for her sister's assistance, listening to the song which made her forget how angry she was and made her think of easier but harder times of her past, when she started getting closer to the end of the song then, listening to the lyrics which describes her whole life story, she nearly started to cry especially when the piano rift came at the very end with the violin giving her goosebumps. She tried to get herself together but failed miserably as the song ended with the crowd erupting into applause but she knew that wasn't the end just yet because knowing her friend, she'll bring her up onto the stage although, she rather not but knowing her friend's consistency, she wouldn't have nothing of it. Then if she was on cue, Aislinn called her on stage which made her curse out loud and as the crowd moved out of her way knowing that she was thee Cassady who Aislinn had called up.

    Pushing through the crowd until she made it to the stairs, giving a shy vibe to the crowd since she wasn't really not much of a public person besides fighting but, that was different because, when fighting, she didn't have to talk to anyone. As she made it towards Aislinn, before she was able to speak, a fan tried to rush up to the stage behind Lynn and with a quick glance behind her where Aislinn was staring at, she spotted a dagger in the man's hands about to strike her which, she guesses she's taking all the spotlight and since he wasn't privilege to stand next to his idle, he decides that he's gonna try to attack and by the look in Aislinn's face that she wasn't going to do anything about it, she instantly knew that Lynn had it all under control and before the fanboy was able to attack, Cassady pivot her body out of the daggers way and with a counter grasp of the handle where the would've been assassin was going to thrust it in her. She did a 180 with her right hand maneuvering the blade back down towards his left leg and as he was about to use his other arm, she placed her knee into his gut then took the dagger out from his hands and allow it to fall onto the stage and to finish him off, she grabbed both of his arms pulling him over her as his head was facing the ground then performed a suplex which, knocked him out for the authority to take care of him. As his limped body dropped to the ground and the officers immediately took him away, the crowd stood there in shock and as they shook out from their stupor, finally, they started to cheer for that awesome acrobatics that Cassady was able to perform.

    With the crowd continuing to cheer with ecstatic energy, Aislinn said, "and that is what I call a nice take down." She smiled and embraced Cassady as known as Lady Lynn.

With the crowd slowly disbursing from the square as Eirian caught up with them, all three of them gave each other a hug with all of them blending into the crowd until with a short walk they made it to one of the twin's apartment where they can heal, log out, and save their data. Making onto the top floor of a 5-story apartment, closing it, Cassady asked with a smirk, "how did you find me?" she placed a hand on her hip while the two girls plumped their fine asses onto the soft cushioned mattress.

    With neither of them not saying much for a while, Eirian finally said with a smirk of her own and said, "uhh... a little birdy told me and that's all you have to know."

    "You know the saying, you ask us no questions and you'll get no lies?" Aislinn asked with a devilish grin of her own.

    "Fuck you both." She playfully slapped them from two separate beds.

    "I didn't think you ran that way but, if Eirian wasn't my sister, then maybe we can make some arrange—"

    "Uh... No. You fuckers."

    "Oh man, you're still talking to me like that. Keep making your demands, you might get me excited." Aislinn snorted with her twin following right behind her.

    "Now doesn't someone have a sailor's tongue." Eirian commented.

    "Oh, please excuse me my madam. My tip has slipped and I think I'm at the bottom of the bottle. Can you please fill me up?" Then all three of them laughed but it was shortly turned into something serious. "But for real. How did you know I was hear? No one is supposed to know."

    "We both know that you'll be here either if it was a day after your fallen, a year, or even 10 years later but, why are you shocked?"

    "Because I don't want to be reminded of my misfortunes and so, I just want to be on the down low. So again, how?"

    "Since you are relentless, I will tell you." Then with a sigh, Eirian continued, "so, what you probably already know though, between only you and my sister. I am an agent for the governor of Garth under the GCA." In lingual terms, (The Garth Central Agency) which has been created since the dawn of time with Futuramous because of war and criminal agency which can affect the outer world which is Earth and though this is a virtual world for gamers, but due to political issues and there are still those who are hackers who can access others personal files, data, and even secret terrorists. Since Futuramous is suppose to be just for gamers originally. Unfortunately, it has become more than a simple video game. Futuramous has become the new Earth and whatever happens in Futuramous, happens in Earth too except fighting, killing because it does not affect real life, and war. Anything that deals with shady groups, people, and Futuramous's system of information especially that deals with others accounts are imprisoned. For gang violence or just killing in general if it's not during battle or war if caught are band from the system for 30 days. Then as she continued, "with that notice, I am gifted with privileges for new and old business owners. Well, normally that wouldn't mean much but there are digital coverages with our civilian cameras that can do face recognition and so, as soon as I heard that someone have bought and did some additions to a run down home to turn it into a business, although I wasn't really thinking much about because there are always new business owners but, we were informed to have a look out for someone who looks like you Cassady. Again, when I was forced to show the governor your picture, luckily, due to you having a (hide skill) to prevent prying eyes. It lowered the governor's suspicions for him to dig more into you but, I never did." She grinned.

    "And so, that's how."

With a nod from Eirian, Cassady said with a disbelief tone, "wow, so, fuckers are waiting for my return huh? Looks like I did make a big turn of events to be wanted so much. Well, Lord Flinn can kiss my juicy round ass. No one is going to make a fool out of me. He's just lucky that I'm not strong enough for him."

"Well, there is one good thing that I was just aware just now from a notification that I received from the governor." She smiled devilishly.

"And... that is—" Both Lynn and Aislinn asked with Cassady's hands on her hips and Aislinn tapping her foot.

"Well, it appears that the old king has an air."

"An... air?" Lady Lynn said slowly.

"Wait, did they ever find his son?" Aislinn asked raising her brow.

"No, but better. I was just informed that the queen had gave birth to a little girl who is now 17 years old. The roomers are still on the table for the king having an affair with another woman during their relationship and what I was told, if she wins the Tournament of Honor, she will replace Lord Flinn."

"Then, maybe I might be able to get my revenge. Let's just see how everything goes."



Standing in a straight line with Lucio on the left of me and Kayla on my right, I heard Mr. Matters issue that we'll take turns and from our first names and by that, once we are up, on our devices, we have to select (join tutorial) then, once we do, instructions will give us more details and what he has found out. People with blindness, deafness, or visual impairments are able to be cued by sign language, hearing cues, and a little bit of both from what he has heard from the designers by allowing the wrist bands to give out sensory patterns for the user to feel where something is coming from such as, arrow bolts, enemy targets, and point of objectives where the user would need to find the next target and as either enemies, projectiles, or the main objectives get closer, the device starts to rumble and shake a quick vibration then either if their blind or deaf or both. From their wrist bands, bandanna, or both which the user is able to set in their settings, the user will receive a quick notification rather if it's a quick audio cardinal direction, a vibration ranging from that direction on their arm/ hand, or of course, both.

With Mr. Matters calling for the first participant to step up, he called out, "Candice, you're first!"

With her stepping to the platform that is in the center of the chamber that Kayla have told me. With a barrier appearing in front of us by its feel of what felt like a wall but again, Kayla told me that it was a see-through barrier where we can spectate people's performances and as she was about to begin, I was able to hear a warning alert telling the occupant the tutorial was about to start then, once it did, although no one was able to see what was going on, all I was able to hear from her was grunts like something has fell on top of her shoulders and as the time went by hearing her breathing heavily and Kayla telling me that her legs were wobbling then as we heard and watched her fall to the floor, her first tutorial was finished leading her to her next test which was the agility/ dexterity test. Requesting for a cup of water before it began, Mr. Brawnsworth summoned her her refresher that rejuvenated her stamina for a temporary use then as the second round began, I heard mechanical sounds starting to open from the walls then with no signal that it was about to release, arrows began to rain down her like a shower of deadly projectiles and as she was trying to dodge without getting critically injured, she was going for at least 5 minutes until an arrow went through her head killing her instantly but fortunately, it was tutorial or else she would have to restart by recreating her character. With her feeling like her head was split open as she reemerged back onto the platform hoping she would never have to feel that awful feel of death again because the feel of resurrection has certainly given her nausea. Waiting for a few minutes to make sure that she wouldn't puke her intestines out, she took the elemental/ magical test which by the looks of it that I'd heard from Jose. All she would have to do was perform her elemental and magical abilities with the best of her abilities and whatever her magical/ elemental percentage was is what she receives at the end of her report. While trying to release her elemental that most likely her device is trying to guide her how to do it. Then, once she poured all of her strength behind the elemental or magic, we could hear the pain of her trying to release something from her own hands. Actually, it reminded me of this old show that I use to listen to even though it was all reruns but listening to her grunt and scream, it reminded me of this old anime, (Dragon Ball Z) where it seems that all of them scream like if they were trying to give birth or trying to release a healthy duce. Pushing that from my mind, my analyzer started telling me with an alert that she was releasing a beam ray as her elemental and behind it, she was releasing a ball of magical energy to support the power of the ray so it can be more devastating. Listening to her trying to control the amount of power though my analyzer kept telling me that she was unstable and without stability to balance the ray and the magical ball of power, it can explode up in her face obliterating her in the process. Feeling her trying to do just that allowing her to allow the magical power to swirl around her like if it was her own armor where nothing can penetrate her in the process. Taking another breath then screaming out the force to release at whatever her target is at, listening what sounded silent after releasing it, became a large "BOOM!" sound making the training room to shake like an earthquake that brought all of us to our knees or sides. When the fourth test appeared, Kayla explained to me like Crystal telling Lucio that it looks like Candice was in an obstacle course then, when we heard the system telling her to begin, though we couldn't see or hear her, what we do know that 3 minutes later she reappeared and as she finished, we saw some cut and bruises on her face which Michael told me that she normally has brown skin, dark flowing hair, and blood red filled lips with brown eyes and more cuts on her sides which blood flowed freely onto what Kayla explains is her pair of blue jeans but due to all of the cuts on her short frame which she's normally about 5/2, it nearly looks crimson with barely an inch of blue on them. Hearing her fall onto the Mongolian flooring with an echoing (slap.) Clearly, it shows that she barely made it out with her life and with no seconds to spare, my device told me that her life is at critical with only being at 5% of HP. I don't know if it's me, but does anybody else receive any of these notifications?

"Can Candice rejuvenate herself before she hits 0? This is a test of your HP regain and without this, you'll just bleed out."

With most of us watching or listening, I continued to listen to my device to read the warning signal that she is losing blood which pushed her to 3% but with another notification, it told me that her flow of blood has clogged up and her HP will be slowly regain within 30 minutes until back at 100%.

With a clap, Mr. Matters said with excitement, "And that's how HP regain works." With Kayla telling me that he has given Candice a healing potion then watching her health go back up to 100, he continued, "Now for your last task, lets see how you do to a level 5 AI." Then as the center turned into an arena and her opponent faced off towards, the match began.


Summoning her war hammer which was two times bigger than her, when carrying it in her hands, she couldn't help but think how it just feels good in her hands when she did some practice swings though, she never knew how to fight nor ever been in a real fight but, now being in this arena against an opponent, for some odd reason, it feels like a part of her has finally came out and now since she can release, without letting the plane white figure to get the first attack. With the first move towards her enemy, charging her hammer towards them and as she was about to swing, the figure with a bastard sword parried her blow and with a quick jab towards her abdomen, she barely moved out of the way leaving her with a shallow wound and as she was about to do a sideward swing towards the enemy's head, aiming towards her hands, the figure sliced at her opisthenar leaving a gash on the back of her hands making her drop her weapon which is something that you should never do. When the AI tried to thrust its blade at her heart, she rolled out of the way and as she did a clumsy kick at its stomach, she was awarded for another gash but this time, it was at her throat opening it up for blood to spray onto the floor and as life left her fingers, her tutorial was over bringing her back to the group unconscious.


"Don't worry Everybody, she'll be alright. Yes, this might look pretty mature for a high school gym class which, is normally against our code of ethics, but due to the importance of student's future for a job or education career because you can now sign up for your college courses through Futuramous while also taking it in the real world but for those who do not know, you can only stay in Futuramous for 24 hours. You can stay in a designated home that is given to you after purchase which allows you to save your data, heals you up, and even allows you to log out without having to go to a safe room but, if you are not in Futuramous for 30 days, you will lose all of your awards, businesses, and apartments that you own in the game. That's including when you die." After explaining the rules of Futuramous, he calls me up to go to the center of the room which, my device should be able to let me know where it is at if I use (navigation.)

Swallowing my nerves which I could feel in my stomach knowing that I would have to do this tutorial even though I am excited but witnessing everything that Candice has went through, I couldn't help feel everything in my muscles start stiffening up. With a hug from Kayla and her telling me that I'm going to do fine, with one more deep breath, I stepped onto the platform with the machine telling me that my test is going to start in 30 seconds, I prepared myself to loosen up and that I can do this. As the countdown hit 5, I extended myself to wait for the gravity to drop down on me but what I wasn't expecting when the clock hit 0 was the amount of weight that fell down on me like if an adult cow just sat on me because as soon as it came, I dropped down with it which gave out gasps of shock and laughter from the crowd that I failed instantly.

Not knowing what just happened, I wiped my clothing off and prepared for the next round which was dexterity with the agility test. Listening to my device speak to me, that my next test was about to start, I recognized the mechanical sounds of arrows that was about to release and as my test began, my device told me North which was the first arrow that I was supposed to dodge or block but instead, I got shot in the throat making me gasp with blood starting to fill my lungs making me have trouble breathing and slowly as I fell with one knee hitting the floor, another hit me in the back of the head but I wasn't able to feel that because the last hit made me black out until I was instantly revived by Mr. Matters. With him giving me a disapproving tone in his voice, he told me, "Are you just playing around Carry because if you like dying, I don't think Futuramous is made for you even with that sigil on your hand because even when you do finish your tutorial and giving me your score for your stats and if you fail everyone of your tests, you would have to start from the very beginning with a lousy level 1 and do you know how long it would take for you to upgrade from a level one to a level two especially with all of the obstacles stacked against you? All I can tell you is that you'll have a long way to climb up that mountain."

Walking away from my prone out body which, I was almost ready to begin the next test. Slowly, getting myself up with the other students still chuckling to my end comings which, at this moment in time. I felt like an absolute failure. Making it back to the center which wasn't too far, I heard my device tell me that this was the elemental and magical test to gather my power level for magic using and elemental using and what it has also told me, is that in order for me to be able to access my dormant powers, I would need to open my mind by meditating and so, as I was trying to take deep breaths to clear the negativity, feeling my core that was somewhere in my body, trying to grasp at it, it felt like it was behind metal bars and when I tried to tug at it, it kept restricting me access. Taking another deep breath while focusing on this energy, as I continued to tug at my core, I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings because of my focus but, if I was, I would have heard the astonishing gasps from the other students because all around me, all they were able to see besides Lucio which Crystal had to inform that there was this thick grey mist surrounding my body like a tornado and as my pressure continued to build, suddenly, the air began to get dense but that wasn't the horrifying part of the build of my pressure. Now, what was surrounding me was this black raging storm that covered me in lightning, intense winds that was staying in place going about 250 MPH, and what no one has ever seen was what was through the black mist. Coming up from the ground that was starting to form through the black disaster was something crimson but, slowly as the air became dense, hot, and dry that felt like death was lava rapping itself around the darkness which, people believe is Carry. Starting to feel scared like they need to run, with the principle trying to come up with some safety measures, I started to feel through my device if I do not release this amount of power at something, I'm going to die with this raging storm devouring me whole. Trying to lift it over me so I can throw it somewhere, I was given three options that I was not a fan of. One was, throw it at the walls that will destroy the whole tutorial room. The second option was to throw it at my classmates. Or, three, blow myself up which, with no hesitation because I did not want to destroy anything or anyone... well, at least not yet. I chose to destroy myself although, I knew that was pretty much causing suicide to myself. I didn't have much of a choice. Holding all of this ash, lava, and lightning, I am for sure that no one will survive unless they had a superior barrier. While this raging storm was still going, all of the students and the teachers tried to create a safer shelter so, if anything goes wrong, they would have something to protect them but as they did, suddenly again, the storm exploded on top of me and as they watched, they couldn't believe what they were seeing because, once the storm dissipated, they didn't see me until I was summoned from a portal knocked out from all of the pressure that was on me.

Waking up with everyone surrounding me like if I did something SPECTACLE, well, pretty much I did without knowing what I actually did but trying to get myself up, I heard the principle ask after when he got out of his stupor and said, "What, what was that?"

"I... have no idea." I honestly replied.

Hearing him shake his head, he said, "never mind. Let's just get to the next tutorial."

Standing up with Kayla checking up on me which, I reinsured that I was okay then, as she stepped away and head towards the center disc, I felt the presents of the obstacle course inviting me with its menacing hand and as I heard my device telling me my directions where I would need to go, hearing my device to start running straight as fast as I can, with the first 30 seconds with it telling me to first take a slight left then, a sharp right. Suddenly, I started hearing swooshing noises which, I assumed were arrows being shot passed me and when I was confirmed with my own analyzation by my device, I originally started crawling beneath the arrows but then, I was awarded with a chain wheel coming from the center of the floor which, luckily for my devices quick announcement, I could have been chopped in half but I was not quick enough from a side saw coming horizontal towards me which, if this was a parody of watching me die in multi different ways, certainly, this wouldn't be funny. Well, at least to me it wouldn't but for others who be watching at home, I know they would be thinking that it would be but feeling the sharp rotating blade penetrate through my face starting at the bridge of my nose then through the cartilage until it went through the stem of my brain chopping my head in half, I responded again back with the crowd wondering where I went wrong and with a replay of my failure, most of them started chuckling like if this was American Funniest Home Videos. Shaking my head that this was the third death I gain within a tutorial. Starting to feel pissed because I had it with all of these failures. Stepping back into the ring with whispers behind me taking bets that I wouldn't make it less than a minute. Learning to summon my weapon which was the katana, surprised of the feel of the familiarity of the single edge blade because during my mother's Krav Maga lesson that she would teach me, she would teach me different techniques with moves, foot work, and weapons and to know how to disarm. So, when wielding this blade, it felt light in my hands and as soon as my notification told me to begin, although I was extremely slow due to my stats but remembering through my lessons because my mom and instructor were no pushovers when training me. Feeling my opponents attack towards my chest, I parried then attacked with my own slash but they blocked it. Moving my body out of the way before I got struck from whatever weapon it was which, if I'm analyzing the AI's attacks, by the feel of it, I do know that it must be a long sword or something in that order because when I swing, my blade isn't as thick like that sword but, concentrating on my opponent before I got hit, feeling each weight when the AI would attack, though I might be a little bit more slower, but what I lacked in finesse, I gained in technique. When I tried to attack at its side, with a quick blow from the pommel of its sword striking me in my chin, backing off with the AI taking offense and throwing itself onto me, using this opportunity to switch its momentum, I slammed it to the floor where my Brazilian Jujitsu came into use and then I started to grapple it on the floor which, others were amazed of my acrobatics but because of being a level one across the board on my stats, the AI threw me off of it and regain its footing and as I was going to try to counteract its attack, my reactions were too slow because the AI used my own blade against me and stabbed me through the chest.

With gasps of others not expecting for me to last as long as I did then, watching me fight like the way I did, some of the students started wondering that the system has gotten my stats wrong with my agility, dexterity, strength, cognition, and perception because though I acted like a level one but the amount of control I was able to fight against that AI and the way I was able to control that storm, probably in their minds, they must think that their has to be a glitch in the system until suddenly, I received a new skill called(Mix martial Arts.)

Looking slightly shocked for this new stat because of the combinations from the martial arts that I do know, first, Kayla asked me what was wrong but then, everyone else asked minus Owen who didn't seem to care. When I told them that I had a new skill called MMA, most of them felt the same way on how I felt with some extras who gave out gasps of astonishment. With the principle telling us for those who have finished to stepped at the other end of the tutorial room and those who haven't to continue in their alphabetical order and after me, Crystal stepped up to the plate and waited for her first attempt.

Listening to her stand her ground against gravity, though not as long as Candice, she did make it to the 2-minute mark when she fell. When making it to the second round then as it started, what I have heard all around me where gasps and wows because if I am correct, she did not get attacked by a single bolt and when one would aim towards her face, she would grab it from the air.

With only one word coming out from my mouth of "damn..." Lucio shouted, "damn girl! You're so fly!" He called out with admiration.

With a cute giggle which probably nearly brought Lucio to his knees like an overdramatic anime character, she said, "thanks guys."

Completing the agility test without a scratch, she started the elemental/ magical test to see what her elemental is. Standing on the circle then the head speaker telling her to concentrate with her breaths then picture the first thing that comes to her mind when focusing on her energy from the inside. Doing as requested, we could start feeling static of electricity in the air and as the power continued to grow, being told what was going on by Candice, she says that her body was being devoured by bright lightning and as she allowed it to grow, she was like a static ball of electricity then as she released it towards a dummy, the whole room shook with thunderous convulsion nearly throwing us off of our feet.

"Wow." Kayla said with shock. "You perform that on your ex-boyfriend, he wouldn't even have a chance."

With a chuckle, Crystal said, "oh shucks. I was just doing what the mechanical announcer was telling me."

"Honorable as always." She said back towards her friend.

"Well, here comes the obstacle course coming next." Then as soon as she says it, the platform in front of her changes. "Wish me luck." Then as the device counted down from 3, she was off and with no more than 2 mins and about 35 secs, she was already out but not without any superficial cuts of her own but, with me analyzing her health, it showed that she is at 75% and healing.

Knowing what the last test was, after taking a breath, she heard Mr. Brownsworth say that the AI's are all level 5's unless adjusted. With her observing her opponent which, this time, they were caring a spear, and once her device told her to start. Forming her claws and daggers, she charged towards the AI then as she was about to enters its square which, the term square is based on her opponents striking distance, its grappling distance, and its movement where she can capitalize without worrying about being in danger. As she got close while continuing to analyze its hands, its feet, its muscles, and eyes. Right before she was able to strike, with quick reflexes because she was planning for it to parry her attack, step out of the way which, she could use her claws to strike but, for it to reflect her attack then allowing the AI to continue with its momentum so it can strike her down was nearly unheard of well, that's at least what she thought but as her spine was severed and knowing that she had failed, the AI placed its spear through her head and with her teleporting back with all of us, she too felt the sickness but unfortunately for her, she couldn't hold her contents in her stomach throwing up all over the floor. With Leticia assisting her towards me by her voice that I was able to hear when she was giving Crystal positive feedback, I couldn't help but feel ashamed of my performance but when she didn't look my way, I didn't know if I should feel relieved or embarrassed of my actions but when Crystal spoke, it took that thought away from me for at least a temporary time.

"You know Carry, there's no reason to feel down." She said comfortably what sounded like a small grin on her face.

"Who said that I'm ashamed of my performance?" I asked trying to change my demeanor which, failed.

With a beautiful chuckle that would even bring Lucio to his knees, she said, "you don't need to hide it. It's all over your face. I see how hard your trying. I don't know why this system is downsizing your actual attributes because during the gym, you're really good. Your reactions, your speed which, I honestly believe that you are a lot faster than me. Then when I saw you fight, it was amazing. I mean compared to you, I got defeated as soon as I tried to attack that stupid AI." Then we both chuckled to that while feeling her tail rub against me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess... I don't know how to control my tail. Whoever thought me loving cats would make me a cat itself." She chuckled with what I assumed with a blush on her cheeks.

"No worries, I actually think that it's adorable."

"Oh shucks." I felt her tail wagging to the left and to the right like a dance of excitement. "Keep talking like that, you might be one of my next favorited friends." Then as I chuckled to her antics she suddenly asked me, "may I ask you a question?"

Catching me off guard, I said, "sure, anything."

"Since... um... you're close to Lucio, what can you tell me about him?" Then I heard her slap herself like if she was covering her mouth. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be asking—"

Before she was able to say anything else, I told her, "no. There's no worries. I thought that was the case." I smirked towards her.

"Huh? What do—"

"I know that you have a crush on my best friend. I've been able to tell since earlier this year but yes, I can give you some information that I do know of him such as, he's pretty caring towards his friends and family. He's quite loyal but sometimes he can be emotional depends on the situation but he does put his heart on his sleeves. I'm pretty sure that if you as him out, he'll say yes." I gave her a gentle smile.

You better not be playing with me or else I will kick your ass Carry." She said playfully.

"I think in this form—" I got interrupted by a blast of... I think is Jose's elemental. "What I was trying to say is that in this form, you can certainly do that with ease." I laughed out loud.

" I can certainly say as you continue to train, you can probably be of the strongest if not one of thee strongest. I don't know but, I think Mr. Matters is lying because I sense a strong sent of potential running through you but again, it's extremely hard to tell how I know but ever since I became this race, I can sense things that I have never sense before if that make any sense."

"Which, makes sense since you are now a ware-panther."

"True." She said absently as I felt her eyes land somewhere off to the tutorial disc.

As Jose finished with cuts and bruises all over him and what I have found out from Crystal, she have said that his elemental is manipulation with his magic being able to charm and what she also said is that due to his manipulation elemental, he was able to short fuse some of the circuits which, doesn't need to be a powerful spell in order for it to be affective. As he stepped towards us while listening to him pant. Uncorking what most likely is a healing vile, I heard Mr. Brownsworth tell Kayla to step up onto the disc and as she did, I screamed out by calling her name and told her that she can do this.


After listening to Carry calling out her name then stepping onto the platform. After watching the others perform this demo, she knew what to expect and as she prepared for the gravity test, with her interface telling her in 3, 2, 1. She felt what felt like a cow have just fell on her and as she started feeling a slight strain on her shoulders, then to her back. She could feel her legs starting to wobble but refusing to be out bested by Candice even though she knows that she is a dwarf, suddenly, something inside of her have broke and without her noticing, her iris turned a golden color and with her hands because without being aware of herself, she started to stand up to attention. With bewildered glances though again, she wasn't aware of it, with her hand, it was like... she was able to control gravity like if it was her own and as the strain was relieved from her body and with a golden glow radiating off of her bright like a star, suddenly, her eyes landed on Candice who couldn't believe what she was seeing and as she started walking towards her, with her right hand, using her pointer to point towards her, out of nowhere, Candice suddenly fell onto her knees until Kayla increased the difficulty and as she did, Candice said, "I quit. Please Kayla. I quit. I'm sorry for bullying you during your Junior year." As Kayla was about to increase it even further, she continued to say, "Yes." She wheezed out. "I was the one who spread roomers about you and also your interest in Lucio. I promise I will never do it again."

Feeling her energy draining, Kayla released Candice and with her interface telling her that the first tutorial was complete, her golden glow diminished and in confusion while placing her left hand through her platinum blond hair, she asked, "what happened?" Staring towards Candice, she asked, "did I do this to you?" Noticing that Candice was passed out, she turned around and saw Mr. Matters give her an amused grin knowing that she could be extremely dangerous on the battlefield. Hearing her interface telling her that she needs to step back onto the pod in order to continue with her tutorial. With her cheeks turning red, she turned towards the platform and waited for further instructions.

Looking out towards the blank four walls and her classmates including Carry which, when she said future husband, she wasn't lying but most likely it won't be him or Pablo even though he's just an excuse so Carry wouldn't know that it was actually him who she is really is interested in but because of being a fucken coward which, that's what she believes she is. She continues to use Pablo as an excuse when that is actually far from the truth. Ever since that duo virtual exam gym class during spring semester and seeing that he's not like one of those other men whose all over her like a pack of wolves, she started to respect him as a person and as she continued to talk to during school then, slowly within the last year, she started to hang out with him at his house, which, knowing the readers thoughts. No, get your sick mind out from the gutter. We only hanged out as friends although, it has been recently since my feelings of him have started to grow but because of his admiration towards... (her.) He wouldn't even give her a sparing glance even how obvious she has been lately.

Focusing back on the task at hand, she heard her device instructing her to focus within herself and pull all of her abilities from inside of her then pull it out. Trying to imagine that she had a storage core like in one of that Japanese anime television shows or one of those cultivating novels. Getting a good feel of her storage core within her where she feels all of her power surging through her at, pulling it out while feeling each elemental in her reservoir then being told what each elemental is through her interface, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. I mean, when she felt each and every elemental, she has Earth, wind, water, fire, light, dark, lightning, gravity, she has everything that she can use as her power source to take down her foes. As she started to feel the wind circling around her body like a shield, then water surrounding her like a hurricane, fire building up her foundation, and lightning to radiate her electric field to keep everything together like cement to keep the bricks in place. Seeing three choices on her list which told her that she has the choice to throw it at a dumby, throw it at a person/ group of people, or kill herself and as she decided her choice, knowing that it wasn't as ferocious like Carry's which, by the feel of it earlier, although, she didn't know what it was then but now. She's certain what it is now. The elemental that he delivered on himself which was the right decision because if she is correct and it is one of the elementals that she did not have. The elemental that he has can certainly kill everyone in its radius and that is Apocalyptic elemental. When she thought about it, it brought shivers down her spine. When she threw it at a dumby, with a deafening explosion which nearly brought the whole training room down to its knees. If she was Carry with his Apocalyptical elemental, this whole room wouldn't even make it.

As everything has finally cleared up, she heard a lot of gasps of astonishment of her spectacle and as she was on her knees gasping for some air not knowing how much energy she has burned through, she felt two presents approaching her from the back and saw Mr. Matters with Mr. Brownsworth in her peripheral. With a smile from both faces, with Mr. Matters clasping her shoulder then giving it a squeeze, he told her, "this is for you. Great job." Placing something in her hands, she notices that it is a vile of stamina. Corking off the screw, then devouring it with one gulp, she could feel the effects immediately starting to kick in.

With her body rejuvenating, she felt Carry's hand touch her shoulder with Crystal on her left shoulder checking on her which by his close proximity, she nearly received goosebumps up and down her spine. Hearing him say, "that was amazing! I have never seen someone who can use the gravity as their own then use it on a student." His head turned towards Candice's approximate location which made her chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"So, when are you going to tell me that you got your vision back?" She chuckled even more.

"Huh?" I questioned giving her a curious glance until she guided my hand then pointed it towards the same direction that I was just looking towards.

"Uh, Candice?" Now she was just cackling.

"Oh. Ha, ha, ha." I finally caught on.

"Wow, you're so slow." She slapped me on the shoulder playfully as I played with her back by pushing her off of me and telling her that she needs to dodge some arrows that Mr. Matters completely forgot to do after the gravity test.

Remembering that she did feel like something was missing and once Carry reminded her. Telling him to kiss her ass, she heard him chuckling and as she stepped onto the platform, she heard her device telling her to prepare in 3, 2, 1 and as soon she heard GO! The first arrow nearly took her down but being able to move out of the way at the nick of time, the second one came behind her which if it wasn't for her device telling her because she can adjust her voice over to have it on a minimum since she is a partial. She could have lost her agility test just Carry which, God bless his soul, this game is so unfair for him but if she adjust her voice over to the maximum, then it would read everything that was in front of her, to the side of her, below her, or even behind her. Continuing to dodge arrows, trying to keep up but noticing the arrows were becoming intense, learning to use her magic, using gravity, she started pushing arrows away from her allowing them to avoid her position and by the time the test was up, her reservoir was completely empty.

On her hands and knees panting like a dog trying to catch her breath, Mr. Matters steps up next to her and says, that is just brilliant! Did you all see that? For those who couldn't let me explain. You don't have to depend agility to dodge arrows, to avoid attacks or anything like that. All she needed to do is combine by using strategy like magic and awareness to block any further attacks but unfortunately by using her powers, she has worn herself out which, if she was in a tournament, she only has two decisions. One is to drink a magical stamina elixir or allow herself to dodge any further attacks and prey whatever damage you were able to place on your opponent will slow them down because if you do not have a plan to defeat your enemy, you can be the one on the other side of that blade." Giving her a potion, she could feel her stamina returning but what it didn't do was return her magical abilities but luckily, she didn't need it.

Stepping back onto the platform, she saw the obstacle course form within maybe only a minute and once it was ready, her device told her to begin.

Starting her jog like many others have in this tutorial, noticing her first obstacle seeing an arrow being shot in front of her when she would enter through the intersecting hallway. Ducking before she got shot, a blade almost chopped her head off but being able to do a side roll, she was able to block it on time and as she continued to jog with another arrow being shot towards her, feeling that her magic was starting to slowly come back, performing a thin golden barrier to protect herself with, with luck, the air projectile that was shot towards her harmlessly bounced off of her but before she was able to continue to jog, spikes raised up from the ground trying to penetrate her feet, but as she noticed the trap, she jumped over it but at the same time, the arrow shot at her making her to use her shield to block it and as she did, it made her lose momentum making her aware of her situation. Because of being shot then pushing her back, her back was going to fall onto the spikes which will kill her instantly. Trying to come up with a plan like Mr. Matters have said, although, she only has three seconds. Knowing that this was going to hurt but not as bad like dying since she should be able to heal herself since she is a White Mage. Pivoting her body to her side as she fell, the sharp spikes came true. Accessing through the skin, muscle, and bone of her right arm, blood sprayed everywhere on the floor, the spikes and even on the walls. Seeing that her HP dropped to 25% with bleed, painfully taking her arm off the spike which was the worst thing to do especially if the only thing that was stitching her arm from allowing the blood to freely fall out of her was the spike. Now, she was in massive trouble because from 25%, she dropped down to 15% with blood flowing out of her arm at a rapid pace and she wasn't even half way there yet. Feeling extremely weak like if she just wants to fall asleep and never wake up. She forced herself to continue on and with another arrow being shot towards her, this one was placed in her shoulder nearly dropping her like a fly, but with surprise endurance or maybe she was already dead but she turned into a walking dead, but slowly making it to another intersection, turning left, she saw arrows being shot both to the left and to the right and knowing that she can't really crawl with one arm, knowing that she's about to die, feeling another sensation like she did during the gravity test. Suddenly, a voice started to talk to her in a dynamic ancient voice.

"Kayla, the class you chose is nothing but a temp. You're more than just a white mage, but you must awaken me first if you want to know who you really are. You are more than what you think you are, but please Kayla, learn how to use me as you hit level 10 because once you do, you'll learn what your father really was."

Allowing those words to set in not believing what she's being told, she heard in her mind that she will be given a temp boost which will help her to make it through the projectiles and with no moments to spare. Feeling her damaged arm healing quickly then feeling her skin, becoming scaly like... a dragon or a turtle? Which, she couldn't tell because she couldn't see the colors really well, but feeling her whole body turn into scales. She couldn't believe what was happening to her and without her noticing, she was walking through the arrows and with surprise, they were just bouncing off of her like if she was getting attacked by bees. It stung, but compared to being stabbed by spikes, this was nothing. Once she made it through the obstacle course, with everyone not believing what they were seeing and with those who couldn't see like myself, we were told that she had dynamic but furious reddish orange scales that replaced her armor but as soon as she completed her tutorial, her scales disappeared but with Crystal noticing my glazed expression, she tried to call out to me but with no response like if something inside of me was roaring to challenge her, finally I was able to snap out from my stupor.

"What happen Carry?" Crystal asked worried about my non-response like if I was in a whole different world which is funny because Futuramous was considered a different world but getting back on track, I responded back.

"I have no clue to be honest." I honestly said back to her and with her tail feeling and rubbing against me like if it has a mind of its own then hearing her purr which was funny since her class was part cat since she is a ware-panther.

When I asked if she was alright, she said with her tone a couple octaves higher, "yes. I'm alright." But I was able to tell that she was blushing with embarrassment.

"What was that?" Michael asked amused with her appearance but before she was able to respond, the clothing that she was once wearing appeared back on her body, but it was full with her blood making the students gasp with astonishment and as she allowed her adrenalin to slow down, she instantly fell to the floor and with Mr. Brownsworth and Mr. Matters seeing that her HP was once at 100% then dramatically dropping to only 3%. They quickly pop the corks of healing potions and forced fed her until her health made it back to 85% but knowing she needs extra time to mentally heal, Mr. Matters started teaching on what Kayla was noticing for herself between health and magic deficiency. When being so low on both, she'll fall in a coma just until one or both of her health or power comes back to restore her. During this moment of weakness, she can only prey that she has assistance with her because if she doesn't, her temporary time of being fragile can cost her her life.

Slowly waking up soar like if the pain in her arm was still lingering. Opening her eyes allowing the bright white room like if she was in a hospital which reminds her the time when she broke her arm after falling off her trampoline when her father was still alive. With Mr. Matters welcoming her back to the living, he told her that she has one more challenge and with a grown. Slowly as she stood up, noticing that her outfit with still covered with her blood, stepping onto the platform hoping that this was her last time. Taking out her weapon which was a staff because she always believed if she was going to be a White Mage, she should act like one just until she was told differently by some ancient being that sounded like her father but wasn't her father. Not knowing if the voice was nothing but an illusion because all she knows is that, she could have dreamt it all but again, that wouldn't explain how she was able to make it through the barrage of arrows but shaking her head to get herself ready for her fight. Noticing that her MP was at 10% with her health at 88%, seeing her opponent with a short sword in its left hand, listening to her device to fight, a quick plan started to form in her mind. Thanking God that her father and her before he passed away they were able to spar and even at his age, it was like he was always at his prime. Those long days of preparing her to join Futuramous brought her up to par and as she stared down the AI who was just looking back at her, knowing that she's not 100% healed then without having magic, she was going to have a tough time but being trained by her father on how to survive with only the clothing on your back, she squared her shoulders and dropping her staff back into her inventory since her father taught her how to fight with wooden blades. Since her system gave her free range of weapons just because she was royalty. Pulling out her short swords for both hands, she gave the two fingers to bring it then said, "you want to fight mother fucker? Then let's do it."

With both of them charging towards each other, approaching the Ai, as she made it within 5 feet from them, jumping into the air as she performed a beautiful air spin with her body doing a 360, her swords sliced through its shoulders and neck, but not down when she landed back onto her feet. Taking a deep breath, she charged again meeting it head on seeing the shallow cuts to debilitate its movement, aiming towards its legs, with a parry, the AI started fighting back but due to its injuries, it wasn't as quick but still devastating enough. Backing away from its blades, as it got closer, she delivered a spinning air kick which, people call it the birdy kick due to its spin lasting in the air for a few seconds. Connecting to its chest making it stumble back, pouncing towards the AI with both her blades aiming towards its neck and chest. Dodging her sword coming towards its neck but getting stabbed in the gut with blood seeping from its stomach. Twisting her blade as it was lodge in them, trying to pull it of them, making an error of not paying attention of the AI's blade, with her device telling her that its dagger was coming from the side of her and not being able to see out of her side vision due to her visual impairment, she was stabbed in the side and with her own blood seeping just above her hip and allowing a grown seeping from her lips. Kneeing the AI in the gut were the hilt of her short sword was, hearing the AI crying from the pain then performing a sloppy back roll with tears coming from her own eyes. With both of them having blades stuck in their bodies, as they continued to fight, using her right hand to attack its face with her left which was holding the sword that was aiming towards its legs, like if it was reading her mind, it stepped back making her miss her target and with a receiver of a kick to her face, nearly landing on the AI's hilt, falling carefully onto her back with pain radiating through her body, she told herself that she need to move, she needed to get up, but seeing her stamina at 20% and her health at 45%, with labored breaths, the AI struck again making her move out of the way again but leaving a trail of her own blood, she knew that she needed to get this done once and for all, but how? She'll need to figure that one out and quick.

Stepping back on her two wobbling feet knowing that she needs to finish this, seeing that her magic was at least at 35%, trying to pull everything out from her to perform some type of elemental that she can grab onto. Feeling like she was grasping on some thin strings, finally, from one of her elementals, she was able to pull out a bolt of lightning and as she shot it off towards the hilt that was sunk deep within the AI's gut which, by its HP, it only has 25% but any better with her health at 30% due to blood lost. As the lightning was about to shock the AI, with surprise, it used some kind of ability to reflect it back towards and with her mouth open with astonishment, it struck her leaving her body spasming on the floor then trying to heal herself with her golden magic, but not being able to do so, the AI with its last breath, placed its dagger through her heart and as she died, with a second later, same did the AI.

As everyone were on the edge of their seats... well, if there were seats. Once the battle was done, everyone cheered including Owen who haven't seen an awesome battle like that in a while. Once her body responded back into the raining room, Mr. Matters and Mr. Brownsworth both clapped as she woke up with both her health and magic back at 100%. "Now that's what I call a performance!" the printable cued.

With Crystal guiding me to Kayla who was still lying on the training room's floor. Helping her up, feeling her eyes bore into mine because even if I can't see her, doesn't mean you can't feel someone's gaze on you and as she grabbed my hand, she pulled me down to her by rapping her arms around me and asked, "did I do good?"

Feeling tears falling from her eyes, I knew she took it like if it was a do or die situation and as I whiped her tears from her face not seeing her cry before, I said, "of course. You did amazingly. You had all of us on our tippy toes."

As she continued to embrace me, with a sudden change in her demeaner, she said, "sorry." Pushing me off of her then standing up on her own, she stepped away from me what felt like a rush and with a whisper from Crystal saying, someone has a crush on you. I just shook my head and allowed her to guide me back to the finished group but not without her tail making happy dances behind her then hitting me on the back.

"Next is Leticia."

Listening to Mr. Matters call out her name. Suddenly, my heart started to pound in my chest and as she started her first tutorial, about the same time with Crystal, Leticia was able to last about two minutes until she fell and as she started her second test, feeling her fire elemental starting to rage through her like a volcano, with arrows attacking from all sides of her, though not as flexible, she would twirl and if a arrow would try to attack her but with quick reflexes, she would shoot them out from the air. A couple of them have hit her, but she didn't seem to allow it to bother her and as the test was down, I was able to hear her breath heavily. Wanting to come up to her like Kayla, I wanted her to embrace me so I could feel her soft fur. Shaking my head then using my device to hear my surroundings. Besides Crystal on the right of me, Jose on the left of me amused with Leticia's acrobatics, Candice in front of me since her class made her pretty small like Mindy who is a Halfling. Trying to reach out to see where Kayla was at, feeling her out with my device, for some odd reason, she was far behind us standing all alone which only means... she over thinking again, but not thinking about it any further because it must be due to our interaction. Maybe... Crystal is right but not allowing that to distract me, Leticia started her elemental.

__What the hell got over me?__ Kayla thought to herself still beating herself for hugging Carry. __I know I really like him but damn its Kayla, he doesn't like you. He likes... her.__ Watching Leticia perform an epic inferno blast spreading and ingulfing her and everything around her making it nearly 300 degrees. Sweating her ass off but luckily able to resist it due to her own elemental, she continued to think to herself, __what makes her so special? Why does he like her so much? What makes her any different than her besides she's a lot quieter than her like a fox?__ Continuing to watch her, as she took a breath, she access the third test which was the obstacle course, which brought shivers down her spine. When thinking about it, she knows that she can't do anything about it. If he loves her, then... that's alright. She'll fine someone in her life. Maybe not now, but soon if ever.

Making out from the fourth test with cuts and bruises all over her fur and even below her eye which was where most of her blood was leaking from. Kneeling on the once white polished floor but now covered with her own blood. Trying to stop the blood by ripping a piece of her own garment, then placing it on the cut for a few, finally, it stopped leaving her health at 45%. Cursing to herself due to the pain as she caught her breath, Mr. Matters gave her a healing and stamina potion and as he placed his hand on her shoulder then giving her appraisal, thinking to herself that she'll be the one to beat the AI. With Owen staring at Carry who knows that he has some kind of effectuation with the woman who is about to fight the AI, trying to figure out a plan to ruin Carry's heart for the woman who he likes so it can distract him during his tournaments that he'll join and if he does somehow succeeds and if Carry does becomes strong like he's expecting him to be and if it's only her that's on her mind and if he somehow loses all three tournaments. He will not fight in the royal tournament. Just thinking how blessed this mother fucker is that he gets to jump ahead of everyone who deserves more than him just sickens him to his core but he knows that he must be patient. Watching Leticia battle her heart out like Kayla, which surprised him with her abilities because when he saw her red orange scales, somewhere deep within his mind which brings shivers down his spine and what he thinks she is, can definitely bring everyone to their knees and by her title of princess that hovers over her name. Something tells him that, that is not just for show.

Once Leticia was defeated by the AI who caught her with a sneak attack by leading her into a trap which was by leading her closer to it and allowing her to strike them using her fire bolt, purposely reflecting it back at her since it knew she would dodge it, but fainting its attack that it was going to go left, turning right as she rolled away from the flame. Placing its dagger in her side then her neck. With a curse that escaped her lips before she lied there defeated, she felt so confident that she would be the first person to kill the AI that it even clouded her judgement which caused her fall. Closing her eyes as death overtook her, again, everyone clapped for the performance. With Mr. Matters spotting her faults and knowing that her errors were her own confidence, he said, "I really love your performance, but instead of charging in like you have the offensive, remember even though you have the upper hand, always remember that they might be able to pull you into a trap and to avoid it, you must be able to play it into its trap in order to perform your own maneuver and to do that because even when they have their back against the wall, always come up with another plan if your original fails because sometimes, even those who has their back against the wall can come up with their own bag of tricks." Allowing his words to remind her for her future battles, stepping towards Kayla, with both of them staring at each other without saying a word. Before Kayla stepped out of her way, Leticia spoke to her and whispered, "when we finish gym class, can we talk during our last period of the day?"

With a nod from Kayla, she couldn't think of a reason why Leticia would even want to, but doing some further thinking, only one came to her. __Carry.__

Stepping up with energetic steps, being called, Lucio felt his adrenalin bursting inside. Knowing that this might be a tough competition between him and the tutorial. Preparing himself for the gravity test as his device announce him for the start of the test, feeling gravity land on him all at once, surprisingly, it wasn't really that heavy. It was probably due to helping his father whenever his car runs out of gas, his father forced him to be the one to push his car. Which, thinking about it although, it was torcher especially when the nearest gas station was about 5 blocks away and as he continued to think about it, he can't help but think that his father did that on purpose but as the gravity started to increase, though not so bad because if he wanted to, he could do some squats but as the time went on, he finally started feeling it in his knees but again, it wasn't to much torcher. Hearing me scream out, "Come on Lucio! Teach gravity who's the real boss! Dragon Ball Z style." I chuckled which almost made him start chuckling but feeling the weight compressing on him even heavier, Lucio could feel his legs starting to shake, but forcing himself to fight through it, he forced himself to dig deep through his mind so it can distract him from the pain of being crushed alive.

Thinking about his best friend Carry who he respects not just as a friend but as a man who helped him open his mind for further opportunities and to teach him about the life of being an American because living in Spain and only knowing Spanish his whole life. After meeting his first official friend, and yeah, he did have a lot of women all up on him because of new student syndrome like if he was taking the whole school by storm, but they never counted because you can have as many women all up on you, but to have someone who cares about you just the way you are that is not your height. That's who he calls real friends. When he met Kayla the same year of being a Junior, she was the first woman who wasn't trying to leap up in his arms like the rest of them. He doesn't know why they do. Maybe, because he so gentle, cuddly, and so tall who has a Hispanic accent like if he was from Mexico, but after being greeted by Carry because until this year, they really didn't see each other and maybe they did, but due to her shy and to herself type of personality. He wouldn't know if she was even in the room. It wasn't until after them being greeted then being placed in the same gym class that she would come up to him to talk to him. She is a beautiful woman but not knowing that Candice was there because he always knew that she was bad news of having a bad reputation of spreading lies. Telling Carry about his thoughts about Kayla then with Candice spotting Kayla step up to Lucio during resource period. That's how that rumor started to spread like wild fire but having a hint of Kayla's secretive infatuation of showing interest in Carry which, if that boy can't tell that she's definitely head over heels over him, he's certainly extremely dull but hearing voices calling out towards him. Being brought back to reality, he suddenly noticed that the gravity test was over and with a loud laugh of victory, he said, "you can't beat me you stupid gravity test!"

With me shaking my head, I called out, "go get em tiger!"

"Come on baby!" The other response came from Crystal which made Lucio blush furiously.

Stepping towards the agility test and knowing that he isn't as flexible like Crystal and Leticia. Trying to learn how to summon his Earth manna, hearing his device telling that the first arrow is coming behind him. Screaming within himself to due something as the first arrow flew passed him. With the next arrow that was about to strike him in the face, remembering that in order to use Earth manna, he would need to grab it from the ground and as the arrow was about to strike him head on, with a last attempt of grabbing or just anything from the ground, feeling what felt like rocks, sand, dirt, and mud. Raising it from the ground at the last second, he used it like a shield and with astonishment, the soil with the rock turned into an Earth shield and with another arrow firing at him like a missile but this time, it came towards his side but being able to manipulate Earth, he was able to cover himself with some kind of Earth armor and noticing his manna wasn't being used up at all, the rest of the arrows just harmlessly bounced off of him until the second test was done.

"Incredible!" Mr. Brownsworth said in disbelief. "Did that even drain your manna?"

"Uh... no? Was it suppose to?" Lucio asked while raising an eyebrow.

"That's incredible." He whispered towards Mr. Matters who also agreed. "Well, it's time for you to release your true power."

As Lucio stepped up for the Challenge thinking, maybe... just maybe, he can beat the AI but not wanting to end up like Kayla or Leticia who was so close of defeating that damn thing, keeping his mind to focus on one thing at a time. With his device telling him to open himself up then run towards either to an opponent like one of his classmates, to a target, or do nothing at all. Not knowing what he is about to release, with everyone feeling confused on why was Lucio running towards a target. With his katana forming in his hands, feeling the rich material underneath his feet. Feeling what his elemental wants from him, and as his body was grabbing the Earth beneath him making him collect all of the rich material. Pulling his arm back as he jumps towards the target then slamming his blade to the ground a couple yards from his target. Suddenly, a large Earthquake engulfed the whole target within its depts making the rest of us loose our shit. Noticing even that didn't drain his manna, he started thinking that because he's standing what he considers Earth, that's why his manna won't drain then, testing it out during the obstacle course by chopping arrows in half as they flew towards him and if something tries to jump out at him unexpectedly, his Earth manna would block it and even once when one of those chainsaw wheels tried to cut him, he just placed a rock in front of him to jump on and avoided it that way and when the spikes would try to penetrate through his foot, he would place cement over the little holes and when he would step on the trap, the spikes would be jammed allowing a successful get away. Then when it came to the arrows, putting his katana back in his inventory, he would form two Earth shields which, he couldn't help but feel like if he was cheating and once he stepped out from the maze, Mr. Matters said that he is the very first person to ever not take any damage. When Mr. Brownsworth asked if he has any answers how to complete that tutorial like the way how he did it, all he said was, "I didn't really do too much. I just used my elemental to interfere with the mechanics."

Saying that he was being too humble, Mr. Brownsworth said, "and so everyone, that is how you use your brains. With the elemental that you are given, you can use your knowledge to interfere, to destroy, or defect to your side depending on your elemental or magic. Now Lucio, can you be the first one to beat the level 10 AI?"

With Lucio swallowing his saliva, he responded, "yes I am." And as his device guided him to the arena, again like the other four times that his device told him to begin, sensing down his opponent. Preparing to strike, he circled the arena with his device telling him that the enemy was doing the same thing too. Giving himself a plan to work with, as he met the AI in the middle, testing each other's strength by intertwining their hands together. With Lucio testing the water by slightly pushing himself down on the AI, sensing that the enemy was about to use his weight against him and throw him to the floor, as his opponent grabbed his wrist about to take Lucio's balance away from him, by leaning his balance to be more on his right foot so the AI can sweep his feet out from beneath him, reversing the attack by allowing himself to come into the maneuver then twisting his enemies arm. Breaking it in the process making it useless while hearing the AI crying in pain. Feeling that it had its back against the wall figuratively. Knowing that this can be extremely dangerous because this is when your opponent can come up with a secret attack and as Lucio circled his enemy like a shark about to attack its prey. Listening to them slowly starting to stand up, sensing his opponent about to attack and it coming true, he dodge out of the way at the nick of time because the AI was faking that its arm was broken and when it pulled out its daggers, Lucio pulled out his katana and with both of them parrying each other's attacks. With another sneak attack from the AI trying to stab him in the gut, pulling his stomach back from a stab attack, grabbing the AI's wrist as the enemy was about to use its other arm, stumbling back after Lucio pushed them back, he did a sideways slice at what he believes it was its throat but feeling blade meeting flesh, he realizes that he actually sliced through its gut and with the AI retreating from him to the other side of the arena trying to recover, wanting to use his Earth elemental attack like what he did earlier when he used his earthquake move on that dumby. Slowly starting to reach out to the rich mineral in the ground that he has already used many times before. Like if the AI knew what Lucio was trying to do, it charged towards him trying to interrupt his elemental but not fast enough because of its sliced open stomach. Lucio casted and preyed that this would work. Using something that he's not expecting will work, when the AI was just apron him by a few feet, he casted quicksand and not believing that it actually worked. He could hear the AI struggling through the sand and knowing that this was what he needed, charging up again as he ran towards his opponent, his device told him that they have just activated reflection but knowing that there's nothing to reflect his finisher. Being completely full of Earth manna. If he could see, the look that he would see on the AI's face would be disbelief. Once Lucio cleaved through the Earth towards the AI's general direction. The Earth nearly split in half and sucked the AI from existence and once the Earth have closed, a roar of explosive applause came his way of being the first son of a bitch to defeat the level 10 CPU.

As I ran towards his exhausted frame then gave him a hug for his explosive match against the AI, listening to him regain his stamina, I said with excitement, "Damn man! That was awesome! How the hell?"

With a big smile on his face as sweat dripped from his face. Helping him up with others wanting to congratulate him. He said, "like Mr. Brownsworth said, you have to out smart your opponent and by doing that, I allowed em to bring the fight to me and that was its downfall because since it couldn't out match my strength, it was going to use my strength against me and so, I allowed my opponent to believe that it had me under its control but at the last second, I switched it up."

With Mr. Matters, Mr. Brownsworth, then the others slapping him on the shoulder for a job well done, next Michael, then Mindy, and lastly Owen finishing up the last of the tutorial although neither Michael or Mindy being able to fully come out the tutorial without cuts, abrasions, and bruises with the exception of Owen who besides Lucio was able to beat the AI by using its own abilities against itself and what a lot of us have found out with his elemental because it's not an ability he can shoot out like the rest of us. Actually, like mimic, Owen is able to use the manna that is around him and use it for himself. What he calls it is manna stealer, because whoever uses their manna at him, he will use it for himself pretty much steeling whatever that opponent has and the bad thing if he steels it, that person will not be able to receive it back unless he gives it back.

Lining everyone up, as Mr. Matters is walking left and right of them, he says, "today's tutorial came out extremely great!" He cheered towards everyone's abilities and adjustments. "Though, there has been some disappointing moments." He eyed me just by his voice aiming towards me which brought some snickers from Owen. "That doesn't mean we won't grow into the fighters that we all believe that we can be. No, that just means for those who failed miserably, you will have to work harder to make it to the top and talking about making it to the top, the reasonings why I had you to take those tutorials is not just preparing yourself for the tournaments that you may or may not join, but to restart your stats, because maybe your level is higher than what it was supposed to be and having this opportunity, you might be able to start in the adventures guild. As long as you have a level 5 and up, you can sign up as an apprentice underneath an adventure, but once you are a level 10 D rank. You can start with the bronze just as long you are tested to be able to do so. It's the guild's rules ." Seeing that all of us were listening as he continues to walk down the line like if he was a commander in boot camp He says, So, now the moment we have been waiting for. When I give you the que, please refresh your interface and once you do, you can read your stats privately, or out loud. Your decision." With a long pause , as I stood their knowing what I was expecting, and once he gave us the go ahead, I was nearly correct...

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