Short Stories Volume 2

由 Vaulthunter357

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Welcome back for another set of short stories. Bringing back more horror, fun and creepiness. Genres will onc... 更多

The Unburied
The Unknown Hitman pt. 1
The Unknown Hitman pt. 2
My Last Day On Earth
The Monster and His Little Girl
The Press Conference pt. 1
The Press Conference pt. 2
Lethal Passion
The Voiceless
Djehuty's New Reign pt. 2
Blood Memories
How Many Times Have You Died?
Teddy's Fight

Djehuty's New Reign pt. 1

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由 Vaulthunter357

"He who is like the Ibis". "God without a mother". Some say that he is self-creating. The beginning of all time and hold all the power of creation. So what is he the god of exactly? Well maybe you know him by a different name. Thoth, perhaps? Thsi guy is one of the oldest if not the oldest god of Ancient egypt.

His abilities or responsibilites involved being the god of the moon, mathematics, sacred texts and scrolls and sciences. He was even in charge of keeping records of all the other deities, eventually becoming the master of knowledge.

Could you imagine that? Living through all that time? That's better than any history book written by measly biased humans. Humans, who we all know only write down history in the victor's perspective. Yet, Thoth was not like that. He wrote everything down. Down to the exact detail. Because of this, it was my guess that that's the reason why the rest of the gods and goddesses wanted to get rid of him. A way to silence him.

I don't know if it is because they adopted so many human views which led them to not want anyone documenting their every move as a way of privacy, or if they didn't want the humans to learn what they were up to. EIther way, soon Thoth went from a missing god to one of pure myth and legend.

Not only was it wrong but it was a crime against humanity. Who would we be without knowledge? How much would we have not advanced or evolved without learning from the information passed down to us or around us?

Bloody hell!!

How much more could we evolve and advance if we had even the slightest fraction of knowledge that Thoth had?

This is why I'm doing this. The only way to truly help the world. No human or world leader is ever going to save us from ourselves. After all, for every good deed intention and deed there's another war or crime so heinous that it overshadows it completely until every bit of hope is lost. That's why we have to bring him back before all hope is lost and can never be recovered because of stupidity and ignorance.

Now we know that every myth, tale and legend have some basis or nugget of truth in them. So... so what if just maybe, his myth is true? The reason I say that is that the gods and goddesses relied on our close minded feeble little minds and revealed every detail to us about his location.

The question there now turns to where you would begin.

For starters, we know that although she too wanted Thoth gone for her own personal reasons, Isis also couldn't let the others simply kill him after she was protected by him during her pregnancy and he healed her son's eye. Instead, with a little digging and research I found that she allowed the soul of Thoth to freed from his body just seconds before he was killed. Thus the cult of Thoth is born. Not really sure how exactly but I just know that it was a year after he was supposedly killed.

This cult was based or centered in the town of Khumu in Upper Eygpt. As crazy as it might seem, there are actually modern day believers or members of this cult. Enctountering them was a little nerve wracking, not gonna lie but after telling them of my intentions and proving truthful, they told me about his book. The book of Thoth. A non-believer would think that it only exist in ancient short stories.

But I am no non-believer, I know better.

Remembering that myths are true, I know that the book would be found at the bottom of the Nile near Coptos. Thankfully I wouldn't have to deal with any serpents that were guarding it, nor with the river itself given that it has sadly dried up. However, it's mainly for the fact that according to the story an Egyptian prince named Naneferkaptah had retrieved the book from its hidden place after facing the serpents. Unfortunately for him though, as he was for doing so and committed suicide. The book then went on to be buried in his tomb with him. Then, another had come to take the book, but after experiencing a terrible illusion by the ghost of the prince. Hehe, he immediately returned it to the tomb.

So now, all I gotta do is to find this Prince's tomb to find the book. Now you may be asking yourself, "Why go through all this trouble to find a book if the goal is to bring back Thoth?"

"Actually my question was going to be why are you talking that way? You sound like a movie trailer. Nope, take it back. You sound the way Deadpool talks when he's telling the story in the movie," he remarks.

It takes me a moment to register what he just said. My heart can't take it. In fact, there's actual tears that were threatening to shed. "You know, that is the nicest thing that anybody has ever said to me. I am nowhere near as skilled as Deadpool is with a gun and swords. I shit you not, I can't even shoot a water gun without wetting myself. So I don't even wanna know how would handle a real gun. Anyways, where was I? Ah, yes..." I replied.

"Why go through all this trouble to find a book if the goal is to bring back Thoth?"

I'll tell you why. It is said that the book was written by Thoth himself and it contains two very awesome spells. One allows to understand the speech of animals. The other allows you to perceive the gods themselves. Which got me thinking... Because Thoth was not killed thanks to Isis, then when I read from his book thus performing the second spell I would be able to see his soul. He will be able to show me how to bring him back.

Of course this was easier said than done because let me tell you, that prince has got some serious major mojo going on when it comes to illusions.


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