
By whitelightning_

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He might not know it yet, but Carrie Lancefull, a senior student who's about to graduate from Edison high sch... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9

Chapter 1 

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By whitelightning_

What If I was in Futuramous, A virtual Reality Fighting Game?

Chapter 1: The Beginning of Karry Lanceful

Current Time:

It's been 10 years since the defeat of Lady Lynn, it's been 10 years since prince Flynn became lord, and it's been 10 years since I've been chosen by lord Flynn himself. Ever since the previous lord has past away 5 years ago, Lord Flynn has been ruling, and since then, my life has been on a roller coaster with basic life responsibilities. As my life has got a lot busier with studying, Jujitsu training, graduating out from high school with a few weeks away, and helping out my mother as she keeps getting older. I have not been able to watch the current competitors to analyze their stats or to expect on who I might be facing in my future. Although, I have asked about my father because of curiosity, she would not talk about him so, I would drop it but what I have heard with brief conversations, he was a man who was too good for her who didn't deserve her. As the years continued on with Futuramous that I have heard, there might be a war starting to bloom over the horizon against the Silverhead Medallions. Where ever there is war, there is blood shed and if there is war, the royal family of the they now call themselves the Future Rains Us clan which use to be called the Greyhounds will keep a good eye on their contenders on who can rank up to the top through there  ten-year annual tournament anniversary. Normally news like that would scammer all over articles and bill boards like if a new show girl had come to town commercializing their new product but bigger allowing anyone to try their bets to make it through their new instalment. As interesting as it sounds to me, as I got older, interests of me fighting slowly dribbled away. I don't know if it's the constant beliefs from teachers, civilians, and even family members discouraging me that it would be a waste of time of even joining and that I wouldn't get paid unless I was a part of their clan which even in the real world is considered extremely high because people like us worship them like founders of the land. Not just that, Outside, if we seen them out from the cyber world is consider a blessing because of how powerful they are. Not just power with wealth but, physically from the game itself makes you stronger in person due to the training they have to endure mentally and physically. Although powerful, their popularity does not affect decisions of laws in the world we live in. If in Futuramous, they make the rules that can make it livable or disastrous but due to the sudden shift of power, a new set of settlers who goes by the name of the Silverhead Medallions who does not like the new shift of empowerment since Lord Flynn took head seat. With what reasons? I do not know but I try to stay out from their political garbage but remembering all of the words of each scenario on what people have told me especially the big one was me being blind and that a free roam universe would be impossible for me to maneuver. Although I tried to ease their worries. With accumulation, I guess... it had finally made me become like them. Now with the remaining weeks before I graduate from high school, I'm just figuring my long-term goal.



The sound of the bell ringing, the sound of students stepping out from there designated classrooms, and the sounds of white canes rolling and tapping on the floor. With me walking out from American history class with my remaining classmates stepping out with me, listening to the growling of my stomach telling me that it's time for lunch, my friend Kayla Grey and my best friend Lucio Sanchez came to the sides of me although, Lucio had accidently bumped into me with his cane swiping at my feet making too much of a sharp angle of a turn but as he got himself together, with an apology, we started heading down the long clustered hallway full of students who were like statues in what we thought was the middle of the hall but with Kayla's help since she has better vision than us, we continued with our travel to the cafeteria.

"Ugh... was it just me? Or was that class running very slow?" With a sigh from Kayla and a nod from Lucio, I continued. "At least we'll get some food to refill our strength."

Lucio and Kayla have been my friends since Junior and freshman year. In our high school for us students who has a disability. Most of us are forced to take a fifth year making it mandatory for us to get extra life experience. With Kayla who was told that she has sharp stunning features, platinum blond hair, piercing sky-blue eyes which has a slight slant from her Russian heritage and her juicy red lips. Then with her height, she is short stature ranging between 5ft 2 or 5ft 4 with a slim hour glass frame and though, so many men are on her like a pack of wolves in the middle of mating season, especially since she is Currently wearing what students consider as a school uniform. Because of her shirt showing more of her top even though it is only a plane white dress shirt with a Navy-blue Necker and skirt which goes down her thigh near her knees with white Nike gym shoes, but due to her looks, it seems that it doesn't matter if she is wearing anything if at all. Besides that, I've known her the longest ever since she transferred to this high school. Since we had met each other when I was in my senior year while she was a Junior, even though beautiful, she has no problem telling you as is in front of your face. It's one of the biggest reasons why we became friends. With me taking a fifth year as she's taking her fourth, we both had a neutral respect with one another. I won't give her any BS, she won't give me any either but the way how we became friends was during our gym class. We had to team up together as a strategy lesson because our gym teacher has explained that in life we do everything naturally alone but with partnership, you can exceed in practically everything. Like soldiers in war, there's strategic technical position. Being in a team gives you an upper hand rather than going solo. and so, when Kayla and I were in a virtual reality obstacle course and even though we do not have the greatest vision, the landscape was installed in our mind like a map on what we would expect.

In this new technology generation, virtual reality has become so excelled, it has almost repaired any disability ranging between cancer, blindness, deafness, those with no limbs, and even diabetes. Although some handicaps like myself with  Retinitis Pigmentosa which normally, we'll have pretty decent vision except for night vision due to our rods and cones becoming weak at birth just until people with RP completely loose our vision besides those who can still see light when we get older. With our condition, the reason why it is so hard to fix is because of the severity of each person. People who has a mild version of RP has already been cured and usually don't loose their vision until their early 40's but those like myself who has the severe case of it would lose our vision between our early life all the way to our early 30's. Unfortunately for myself, with my early case study at the age of 6, I was chosen to be their lab rat because they felt like they had a great understanding by using my genetic code from my DNA and by using my tissue to help correct the problem, something during the surgery had cost me to lose my vision completely.

When it comes to my best friend Lucio, he has Retinopathy of Prematurity which is an eye condition which, with premature infants, some are born with some sight or no sight at all. I have known Lucio since Junior year just like Kayla after when he came over seas from Spain transferring into Edison High. Lucio Sanchez, what people have described him is extremely tall like if he could be a battering ram himself alone. To tell the truth, I wasn't really much of a fan when I first met him. I don't know if it was because I was jealous of him due to his 6ft 6  Hight , looks, or even his Hispanic accent capturing the cuties but it wasn't until him and I shared interests of Futuramous before gym class when our friendship started to bloom. Currently, he is wearing a grey hoody, blue slacks, and black Nike with red designs on the sides. When it comes to his looks, he has short brown hair, brown tan skin, and stunning facial features with slight facial hair that compliments his looks even further. If I can remember, I think he also told me that he loves to work out before school starts and I can definitely see that on him like fuck man! He's buff as hell. as several years had pass since scientists now say that people who train in a virtual reality world helps with a human's mind, body, and soul. Although, there are always going to be critics who will say any type of video/ virtual game can influence their everyday outside life make them behave in a negative way but due to the ends overcoming the odds, they have allowed virtual reality to take over gym classes, home consoles, and business corporations and after class if I have heard, the principle has given the gym teacher access to allow us to practice with I guess our stats, will, intellect, and body with strength. When thinking about Futuramous, I wonder if that mark from Lord Flinn will still appear since it's been a long time I've stepped through that land. comparing Futuramous from 10 years ago to now when it was recently new to the public and now schools are allowing students to access for learning purposes, there has been a lot of changes. To make it like an RPG, they now added stat level, Endurance, race, and class which if I had to make an  estimate , Lady Lynn was a warrior while Prince Flinn was a dark knight which both are still human but ever sense Lady Lynn has lost from Flinn, she has not made an appearance while 5 years ago, he has become lord and now since he is a level 105 S rank. I have also heard they have made accessible q's for the blind.

Now description about myself, people say that I have brown medium length hair, green hazel eyes with some peach hair on my chin, with my hair, I have a short bang that is approaching my left eye brow with my side bangs near my cheeks. I am 19-years-old, 5ft 10 with an athletic built, and although I do not really believe this but one of my acquaintances who I have spoken while in school have said that whenever I get angry, my eyes turn dark brown, then when I am happy, they turn bright blue, and when I am sad, they turn medium green. Although I don't know if it's because of the lighting but that just sounds  bizarre. Currently, I am wearing a light long black sleeve sweat shirt with a picture of a red dragon on the front of my shirt with its tail rapping around my right arm and the pants that I am wearing are some beige khakis with a pair of black Sneakers.

Stepping  down stares then passing the double doors and within 200ft, the café will be on the right. With Kayla guiding both Lucio and I in line which by our  position, we were in the middle and when I asked her, she said that we had about 7 others in front of us which, I was almost correct compared to the 12 plus others behind us. Finally making it to the front then ordering a burger with no cheese since I am lactose intolerant, bacon and jalapeno. Although, those spice peppers are going to hurt later on but it can't be as bad with Lucio making fun of my lactose intolerant because every time I would have pizza, chocolate, or ice cream, he would scream  out, "red alert! The walking ticking time bomb is about to explode. Please evacuate the room in a non-organized fashion or else everyone will die."

Last time he pulled something like that, Kayla and I nearly killed him and speaking of Lucio, here he comes drinking two cartons of chocolate milk in a speedy milky world record. "Lucky bastard." I would say to myself and as we sat to our designated seats that we clamed from the beginning of the year, as expected, Lucio asked Kayla, "hey, would you grab out your stopwatch and time me to see how fast I can drink each milk?"

With Kayla rolling her eyes which I imagine since he's been trying to beat 3.0 seconds, with her playing with her Apple watch, she said in an unenthused voice, "ready, set... go." No sooner as she said go, he started chugging like if his life depended on it. When he finished the first one, she said, "oh wow, you broke your record to 2.5 seconds. Can you do it a second time?" She smirked while restarting her clock. "Ready, set... go." Then again, he started chugging and as I rolled my own eyes, I heard him place the empty carton down with her saying. "Wow, look at you big boy. 2.5 seconds is your new record and it's not a fluke."

"Fuck yeah!" He pumped his fist into the air.

"shh... shh... your going to have the teachers on us." She blew out a chuckling sigh. "Again because of your enthusiasm. And I thought Carry was bad."

"Hey." I chuckled while placing my hands up in surrender. "Sometimes... I just get—"

"Excited?" She grinned. "Yeah, you do get pretty excitable if you ask me."

"Me too." Lucio charmed in. "and look, at least I was able to break my record. That deserves bonus points, right?"

With a laugh escaping her lips which sounded like honey, she said, "sure Lucio. Whatever you say but changing the topic, are both of you excited for gym class next?"

"Hell yeah!" Lucio continued with his streak of excitement which even made me lower to Kayla's enthusiasm.

"Heh... of course you would Luc. How about you Carry?"

"I, I uh don't know." I rubbed my head.

"Come on man!" He padded me on the back. "Just like me, I know you've been wanting to explore Futuramous for ages. When was the last time you ever been there?"

Ever since I was marked by Flinn, I have never told anyone. I have been so scared to share because I always felt like I never deserved it and since everyone had told me that working in Futuramous was not an actual job, I had quit with those dreams, those wishes, and those beliefs of ever being a part of it and so, me telling them of knowing I can possibly be discovered as one of the chosen ones, from that moment, I just wanted to hide and not show my face but I knew that I was not going to be able to.

"What's wrong Carry?" Kayla asked across from me with my hands on my lap finishing up my lunch since like Lucio, I have my own record of finishing my plate before others minus having Kayla record me.

"it's nothing. It's been 5 years since I've been to Futuramous. So much has change."

"Awe... so I see—"

"Said the blind man." I joked.

"Ha, ha. Really funny. What I was trying to say is that my man, I see that you're nervous as hell but no need to worry my man. I'm for sure that Mr. Brownsworth will help us through it."

"I don't think that's it." Kayla said. "Since a lot has changed and if I am right because most likely like myself. You probably have a lot of doubts from others. You don't think this will help you in the long run and even if you want to. Coming to Futuramous, you'll just be disappointed because you'll never be able to work for them except as just a gamer. Am I correct?"

"I hate you." I playfully slapped what I thought was her shoulder but embarrassingly enough was her chest but luckily enough, she caught my hand.

"So, was I?" She waited for my answer. With me giving her a nod even though it's a big part of the truth but not the full, she gave me a satisfying sigh and said, "thought so. Like Lucio said, no need to worry. Just because those people—" She placed those people in air quotes. "want to bring you down and ruin your future goals doesn't mean you should give up. I bet there's something amazing about you that will prove those doubters wrong."

"Thank you, Kayla." I gave her an awkward hug across the table.

"So, are we going to celebrate my 2.5 second world record?" Then all three of us laughed out loud.

"Well, besides that, do any of yawl have any clue of what class and race you would like to choose?"

"Hmm..." Lucio started to think. "I think I want to be an Elf warrior."

"An Elf warrior? Sounds unique." I said.

"An Elf? I have heard of dwarves as warriors but not Elf warriors."

"Do you not play Dungeons  N Dragons Kayla?"

"Accordingly, I guess not."

"Well, to not bore you with the extensive shenanigans, yes. An Elf can be a warrior. Have you ever played this board game called (Munchkins?)"

"I don't think I have." She said.

"Dude, let's just say she doesn't know Fantasy RPG's." Lucio chuckled.

"Clearly. I briefly said taking a last bite of my burger.

"Well, if both of you are done making fun of me. I think it's my turn to tell you my class and race." She took a sip of her drink. "I would like to be a human white mage."

"A defensive player huh?" I asked.

"Well, someone is going to have to heal your numbskulls when you're at critical."

"Point taken." Lucio said in between bites.

As lunch ended with Kayla guiding Lucio and I like a Kongo line down a wide passage way until we approached the doorway with metal poles in between which, you don't wanna know how many of us have ran into it but approaching an intersecting hallway. Turning left, we heard Mr. Brownsworth's booming voice saying, "So Kayla, I see you brought me some barnacle brains. Too bad, I was really hoping you'll bring some A+ students, not slackers." He joked.

Returning his joking attitude, "I'm sorry Mr. Brownsworth, next time I will but for right now, we're gonna have to deal with these numbskulls. Maybe if you pay me, I might be able to find better students."

"Hey Kayla, you can't do this to us. Especially all that we been through." I said while trying to hide my smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry Carry. I was just pretending that we were friends. No hard feelings. I think you understand. Guiding you both is such a pain."

"Oh yeah. It is such a pain especially when you still do it anyway."

"With a snort, she said, "true, but it looks like I'm stuck with your numbskulls." I pulled her in another hug.

"I never get sick of you all but no need to go into the locker rooms today, were going upstairs. The principle will be meeting us up there so please be on your best behavior."

"Why is he up there?" Lucio asked.

"apparently, since this is our first time entering into a new virtual world that has people and gamers bustling around and so, he wants to make sure we make it to our destination safely. Also, with new school policies for seniors since Futuramous is becoming a work place especially for new recruits for our US Army not including the 25-year anniversary tournament to recruit loyal royal guards. So, now, in order to even be eligible to access or sign up to join, if they are in school, a teacher would need to recommend them a royal guard to look at their application for training. Then by analyzing the student's stats too see if they have a high enough growth stat. Then from their if accepted, they will go through 6 months of training. After training, they will have an opportunity to fight in the tournament. Most likely you already know but those who does win the tournament takes over a retired seat with the royal family."

"How do they know if someone is pure or evil?"

Said a woman with green eyes and pitch-black hair and what Kayla told me is that she is currently wearing a black short sleeve with some silver fancy designs that raps around her whole shirt and the pants she is wearing is a pair of blue skinny jeans with red Jorden's on her feet.

"Well their Crystal, it's nice to have you hear with us since you've been absent for the past 3 days."

"Sorry sir, just getting over a flu but I'm better now. Hello there Kayla." She said nasally while clearing mucus from her throat.

Crystal who I was told has black hair, green eyes, normally she has her hair in a pun, or a ponytail, who is about 5ft 3 with a slim built to her. She is also a close friend with Kayla since childhood. What I was told although having to know her for 4 years, they both like to stay away from the girly girl stuff like make-up, tea parties when they were children, or wearing dresses but what they rather do is wrestle in the mud with her, climb trees, jump over fences, and other Tom boy activities. Also, apparently, she has a crush on my best friend Lucio which, no figure. All the ladies love him but, I just allow him to be Mr. Ladies man because one day like the rest of us, one day were all gonna get old and ugly. Well, that's what my mother always tells me. "Enjoy being young. When you start approaching my age, what you use to have will slowly start going away over time unless you're one of those lucky Basterds who has time for a successful Botox." I always believe that looks aren't always everything because like that old song from Outkast, (Roses) "I know you like to think your shit don't stank but lean a little closer see, roses really smell like poo."

To be honest, for me, I believe whoever treats you right and who loves you for you is the person you should choose but it's not like I'm going to look for the most beastly monstrosity woman that is out there. Now if we want to talk monstrosity, although you will not find me saying it out loud unless I am asking for Jason Vorhees to give me a a death wish but this lady named Tima  who smells like they haven't took a shower in what seems like a year, horrible breath like if she soaked her mouth with catfish and God knows I do not want a description of her and unfortunately, she's in my gym class which makes her BO even worse but luckily, she's not here today.

Making our way with Lucio on the right of me, Crystal behind me with Kayla, a guy named Owen, Jose, and Michael, with a couple other ladies named Candice, Mandy, and Laticia who I had a crush on since junior high. With what people have said especially with my closes friends who knows about my crush about her describes me that she has light tan brown skin, long dark brown hair that goes to the middle of her back, beautiful brown eyes, a lean athletic built, busts that can make some women jealous, and what I already know  is that she has a soft but sweet voice. Latina's like her to me are like impossible to find. If I had a guess, she's probably about 5ft 5 and there has been some times she would do some teasing but trying to come after her is like coming after a super model. It's not because she's hard to get, but just like middle school, I guess, I'm scared getting denied but isn't that everyone's fear?

"So," Mr. Brownsworth continued on as we started climbing the stairs. "In order for them to be able to see what motives each participant has although you might not have it in your stats page, but for the royal family, they are able to see your motive stat.

"Is that even reliable?" Owen asked while pushing us out of his way to take the lead. "Heh, it looks like they are in some need for troops and a leader. From my background of having military parents. I think I can be just that."

Without any one of us saying a single thing, we continued to the South gym and as we pushed the door which was intersected between the south gym and if you go out another set of double doors on the left as soon you step in, there is a dance studio which we use for meditation Friday's. As I turned right, my cane got snugged by a cord that was laying out for others to trip over.

"For those who are able to see. Please guide because there are a lot of cords in the middle of the gym. Please take caution and whatever you do, do not trip over the devices."

I was going to joke about it but realizing the threat, I just kept my mouth closed and as I heard Crystal offering her shoulder to Lucio, I was able to hear him speak sweetly to her.

"Sigh... love birds." Kayla said with exaggeration. "Come on Carry. Since Crystal is taking her future husband, I guess I'll take mine."

"Huh?" I never thought of her as a companion nor a future wife but as I was about to start thinking about it, she burst my bubble.

"You know I was talking about Pablo, right?"

"Uh... yeah." I said with embarrassment. Pablo who is currently a junior is I guess a love interest for Kayla since they met each other through quire in his sophomore year while she was in her senior year. He's the one who she always seems to bring up when she ends up making a similar mistake like now which starts making me question on how true her love interest really is but pushing that to the side, it seems that we have made it to our destination and especially it made it clear when principle Joan Matters started to speak.

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