Draco Malfoy: Year 1 (Alterna...

By AshMarcusTudor

46 12 0

Draco Malfoy has just been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But he is supposed to fo... More

The journey from Platform Nine and Three Quaters
The Sorting Hat
The Potions Master
The Mirror of Erised
Nicholas Flamel
Norbet the Norweigen Ridgeback
Into the Forbidden Forest
Through the Trap Door
The Man with Two Faces
Authors Note

Daigon Ally

11 0 0
By AshMarcusTudor

Draco woke early the next morning. Although he could tell it was daylight, he kept his eyes shut tight.
    "It was a dream," he told himself firmly. "I dreamed I was in Gryffindor and friends with famous boy. When I open my eyes I'll be at home in my bedroom."
       There was suddenly a loud tapping noise.
       "And there's Father waking me up," Draco thought, his heart sinking. But he still didn't open his eyes. It had been such a good dream.
      Tap. Tap. Tap.
      "All right," Draco groaned, "I'm getting up."
       He sat up and his heavy duvet fell off him. The bedroom was full of sunlight, the thunder and lightning from last night was over, Draco found his bedroom sofa had collapsed and his owl was rapping on the window with his secretly brought Daily Prophet in his beak.
      Draco swung his legs over the side of his bed, feeling so happy as if a large balloon was swelling inside of him. He went straight to the window and jerked it open. The owl swooped in and dropped the newspaper on top of his bed, making a slight rustling sound.

His Father was waiting with his Mother to take him to Diagon Ally where they would get his school supplies. His Father handed him his school supply list.


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastening)
Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags

Set books
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
1. The standard book of spells (grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
2. A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
3. Magical Theory by Adalberto Waffling
4. A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
5. One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
6. Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
7. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
8. The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

Other Equipment
1. 1 wand
2. 1 cauldron
3. 1 set glass or crystal phials
4. 1 telescope
5. 1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad


After arriving at Diagon Ally they instantly came across the Cauldron shop but they needed to go to Gringotts first.
The sun shone brightly on a stack of cauldrons outside the nearest shop. Cauldrons - All sizes - Copper, Brass, Pewter, Silver - Self-Stirring - Collapsable said a sign hanging over them.

They had reached a snowy-white building which towered over the other little shops. Standing beside it's burnished bronze doors, wearing a uniform of scarlet and gold was a goblin. He bowed as they walked inside. Now they were facing a second pair of doors, silver this time, with words engraved upon them:

Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn,
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Their, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.

A pair of goblins bowed them through the silver doors, and they were in a vast marble hall. About a hundred more goblins were sitting on high stools behind a long counter, scribbling in large ledgers, weighing coins on brass scales, examining precious stones through eyeglasses. There were too many doors to count leading off the hall, and yet more goblins were showing people in and out of these. Draco and his parents made for the counter.

Once returning from the vault, Draco's parents sent him to get his robes from Madam Malkin.

Madam Malkin was a squat, smiling witch dressed all in mauve.
     "Hogwarts, dear?" She asked, when a scrawny boy entered the shop. "Got the lot here - another young man being fitted up just now, in fact."
The boy had messy black hair, green eyes and wore oversized clothes with broken glasses.
   Madam Malkin stood the boy on a stool next to him, slipped a long robe over his head and began to pin it to the right length.
   "Hullo," said Draco, "Hogwarts too?"
   "Yes," said the boy.
    "My Mother is next door looking at books and my Father is at home I think,"said Draco. "Then I'm going to drag my Mother off to look at racing brooms. I think I'll bully my Mother into buying one for me and I'll smuggle it in somehow."
         "Have you got your own broom?" the Draco went on.
          "No," said the boy.
          "Play Quidditch at all?"
           "No," the boy said again, looking so confused.
            "I do - Father says it's a crime if I'm not picked to play for my house, and I must say, I agree. Know what house you'll be in yet?"
            "No," said the boy.
            "Well, no one really known until they get there, do they, but I know I'll be in Slytherin, all our family have been - imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"
           "Mmm," said the boy again.
         "I say, look at that man!" said Draco suddenly, nodding towards the front window. A huge, hairy man was standing there, grinning at this scrawny boy and pointing at two large ice-creams to show he couldn't come in.
              "That's Hagrid," said the boy, obviously pleased to know something Draco didn't. "He works at Hogwarts."
       "Oh," said Draco, "I've heard of him. He's a sort of servant isn't he?"
         "He's the gamekeeper," said the boy. Draco was starting to really like this boy, quiet, not very talkative but nice.
         "Yes, exactly. I heard he's sort of savage - lives in a hut in the school grounds and every now and then he gets drunk, tries to do magic and ends up setting fire to his bed."
          "I think he's brilliant," said the boy coldly.
           "Do you?" said Draco, with a slight sneer. "Why is he with you? Where are your parents?"
              "They're dead," said the boy shortly.
             "Oh, sorry," said Draco, not sounding very sorry at all. "But they were our kind, weren't they?"
           "They were a witch and wizard, if that's what you mean."
            "I really don't think they should let the other sort in, do you? They're just not the same, they've never been brought up to know our ways. Some of them have never even heard of Hogwarts until they got the letter, imagine. I think they should keep it to the old wizarding families. What's your surname anyway?"
     But before the boy could answer, Madam Malkin said to him, "That's you done, my dear."

"I guess I'll see you at Hogwarts then"

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