Nineteen To Twenty

By Madison_isacutie

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"Nineteen To Twenty" captures the growth and freedom of young 19-year-olds as they turn 20. The unique partic... More



259 14 7
By Madison_isacutie

(DISCLAMER: This chapter is very cute, so don't die on me. )






The next morning, I arrived at school and strolled down the hall toward our classroom. Upon reaching the door, I turned the handle and stepped inside, only to discover that no one was there. I shifted my attention to the schedule posted on the wall and realized that today was our cooking class. With a sense of anticipation, I walked over to my desk, spotting two chairs already occupied by backpacks, signifying that Hee-ji and Jung-Yun had arrived earlier. I removed my backpack and placed it on my chair before heading out the door and making my way to the building where the cooking class was scheduled.

Reaching the door of the cooking class, I took a deep breath to calm my excitement, and then turned the handle and entered the room. The sight that greeted me was a beautifully set-up kitchen with various counters labeled with different food names. As I approached the counters, I noticed Jung-Yun and Hee-ji already standing in front of their designated counter, waiting for class to begin. A smile spread across my face as I greeted them.

"Good morning," I said, bowing slightly as a sign of respect.

Hee-ji returned the greeting with a warm smile, and I couldn't resist glancing around, taking in the labels on each counter, which indicated the different dishes we would be preparing. Jung-Yun was stationed at the Soybean Paste Stew & Stir-Fried Pork counter, while Hee-ji was by the Rice Cake Soup & Stir-Fried Squid area.

My excitement grew as I finally spotted the counter assigned to the dish I would be cooking for the day. With eager anticipation, I made my way toward the Spicy Chicken Stew & Stir-fried Beef station. "This is going to be fun," I said, laughing slightly.

"Yes," both Hee-ji and Jung-Yun answered with a smile.

I stood in front of the counter, the enticing aroma of the ingredients surrounding me as the three of us waited for the rest of the class to arrive, eager to begin the day's cooking adventure.

Suddenly, we heard the door open, and we turned our heads to see who had arrived. As that person got closer, Pyeong-seok was walking towards us with a shy smile on his face. "Hi," he greeted shyly, waving at each of us.

"Hi," Hee-ji greeted with a big smile. He then walked over to the Pollack Soup & Spicy Braised Chicken counter and stood in front of it.

"Spicy braised chicken?" Hee-ji whispered to herself, looking at the dish he chose to cook, her curiosity piqued.

Ji-Woo entered the kitchen, walking shyly towards her counter. I glanced over at Jung-Yun, who was clearly intrigued by her presence. Smiling, I turned my attention back to Ji-Woo and greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hi," I said, my tone friendly and inviting. Ji-Woo returned the greeting with a shy smile, her excitement for the cooking class evident in her eyes. She walked over to the counter in front of Hee-ji, where she would be working on the Soft Tofu Stew & Stir-fried Chicken.

We all waited patiently for the remaining eight students to enter the room. I noticed a hint of disappointment in Jung-Yun's eyes, likely because he hadn't chosen the same dish as Ji-Woo. I glanced down at my hands, my mind briefly wandering to wonder which dish Seo-Jun had selected for the class.


The room was filled with gasps as everyone observed the disappointment on Jung-Yun's face. "Jung-Yun looks disappointed," Su-Hyun remarked sympathetically.

"Oh, no," Se-Woon added, sharing in the concern.

"Wow. None of them have partners," Ji-Eun pointed out, her curiosity piqued about who each of them would be paired with.


The next person to enter was Sang-Won, and he exuded a cheerful and ready-to-cook energy. "Hello," Sang-Won greeted, waving at all of us with a big smile. He glanced around for a moment before making his way over to Hee-ji. The two of them shared a fist bump in excitement.

"Looks like we're cooking partners," Hee-ji said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Let's do this," Sang-Won responded, his enthusiasm matching Hee-ji's.


Right at that moment, Seo-Hyeon arrived and was on her way to the dish she was going to cook. She stopped beside Pyeong-Seok, who was standing still, waiting for his partner to be revealed.

"Are you doing bean sprout soup?" Seo-Hyeon asked, her curiosity piqued as she looked at the shy Pyeong-Seok, who had a big smile on his face. Pyeong-Seok nodded softly in response, and Seo-Hyeon nodded as well, sharing in the choice of dish. Their silent agreement brought smiles to both of their faces.



"Those two have barely talked to each other," Se-Woon observed, his attention on the unexpected couple. Ji-Eun, wanting to encourage everyone to get to know each other better, chimed in, "They need to mix things up. Like Ye-Rin said, you never know what can happen."

"Yeah, you never know," Su-Hyun agreed, nodding her head. Se-Woon added, "Especially when you don't really know one another. It's an opportunity."

The hosts were all focused on the screen, eager to see how things would unfold during this cooking class adventure.


Seo-Yeong arrived next and wasted no time heading over to Jung-Yun. Curious, Jung-Yun turned to her and asked, "Can you cook?"

With a confident smile, Seo-Yeong replied, "Yeah, I'll show you."

"I trust you," Jung-Yun said, turning his attention back to the front without another glance at her.

"That's good," Seo-Yeong replied with a smile, ready to prove her cooking skills.


I scanned the room and realized that Ji-Min, Se-Yeon, and Seo-Jun hadn't arrived yet. I considered that any one of them could end up being my cooking partner. While I secretly hoped for Seo-Jun as my partner, I was open to cooking with anyone. As long as we got to make some delicious food, I was happy.

Ye-Rin joined us with a cheerful bounce in her step, heading straight for her designated counter. "Kimchi stew," she exclaimed, turning to face the group with an infectious smile.

"The whole time, Ye-Rin was like," Hee-ji chimed in, her smile mirroring Ye-Rin's, "I'm doing Kimchi stew."

"Right," I agreed, sharing in the joy of Ye-Rin's excitement.


Ji-Eun gasped as realization dawned on her. "Se-Yeon will end up with either Ji-Woo, Seo-Yun, or Ye-Rin," she exclaimed, covering her mouth with her fist. "Wow, it's like a movie," Su-Hyun commented. "What's going to happen?" Se-Woon mused, eager to know. "I want to know," Kyuhyun admitted.




For cooking class, we were assigned partners based on the recipes we chose. So I was curious to see who my partner would end up being. 


Ye-Rin, Ji-Woo, and I exchanged nervous smiles as we patiently waited for our cooking partners to arrive. While the others had already paired up and were engaged in conversations, the three of us were still unsure of who our partners would be.

As we waited, the sound of approaching footsteps in the hallway caught our attention. All three of us turned our heads towards the door, eager to discover our fate.



I was on team two, waiting, and then Se-Yeon came in. Is he doing kimchi stew and bulgogi? I mean, I wouldn't mind. I was like," Sure. Come over here, Se-Yeon."



Se-Yeon gradually made his way closer to the kitchen, a warm smile adorning his face as he approached his designated counter. The anticipation was building among the onlookers in the room. "Oh, this is killing me," Su-Hyun exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the unfolding drama. "Hurry up, Se-Yeon," Ji-Eun mumbled with excitement. "Oh, my," Kyuhyun chimed in, his curiosity piqued. The four hosts couldn't tear their eyes away from the screen, eager to see the outcome.


Se-Yeon entered the kitchen and nervously greeted the others. "Oh, hey, hi, hello," he stammered, unsure about where to begin. Ji-Woo gave a shy wave in response, her smile lighting up her face. I silently hoped that Ye-Rin would end up as Se-Yeon's partner, especially given her attraction to him. Ye-Rin clapped her hands excitedly. Se-Yeon, still somewhat disoriented, looked around the kitchen, muttering, "Oh, where am I?" Then, he spotted Ye-Rin and made his way toward her. "Hey," Se-Yeon greeted, approaching her counter. Ye-Rin turned to face him and asked, "Did you read the sign?"

Se-Yeon nodded and replied, "Oh, yeah. Kimchi Stew."

I couldn't help but smile as I saw that Ye-Rin and Se-Yeon had become partners. I exchanged glances with Hee-Ji, and we both smirked at each other. I gave her a thumbs up, and she responded in kind.

Ye-Rin and Se-Yeon exchanged a fist bump, both of them wearing big smiles. Sang-Won chimed in, "He won rock, paper, scissors."

Ye-Rin turned to us girls, pointed at herself and Se-Yeon with her right arm, and beamed with pride. It was clear she was excited to be partnered with Se-Yeon for the cooking class.


With a big smile on my face, I playfully mouthed something to Ye-Rin, saying, "Have fun," and added a teasing eyebrow wiggle. I watched as she read my lips, and a light blush appeared on her cheeks.


"So it's Ye-Rin?" Ji-Eun said, her excitement evident. "It happened," Kyuhyun said, relieved for this couple.


"Stop smiling, Ye-Rin," Hee-ji teased with a smirk.

"Why?" Ye-Rin replied, her smile wider than ever. All of us girls burst into laughter as we saw Ye-Rin beaming with joy.

I couldn't help but smile. "You're so cute," I remarked, leaning on the counter, placing both elbows on it, and tilting my head from side to side. Ye-Rin blushed and playfully covered her face. "Stop it, you're making me blush even more," she whispered with a giggle.



"Is this fate?" That's what I was thinking.




Whenever we had to do something in pairs, for an activity or class, I've gotten paired with Ye-Rin. A lot. So I was thinking something like," Is this coincidence or fate?" 


At that moment, Se-Yeon turned to look at Ye-Rin. "You said you're good at cooking?" Se-Yeon asked with a smile. 

"You?" Ye-Rin asked, not hearing him. 

"No, you," Se-Yeon clarified. 

"I'm not," Ye-Rin answered. 

"Didn't you say you're good?" Se-Yeon asked, still looking at her. 

Ye-Rin looked away from him with a smile on her face. "You can make steamed eggs. I can't make anything," Se-Yeon explained. 

"I'm so bad. I'll give it a try," Ye-Rin said.

 "I'll trust you," Se-Yeon said, trying to boost her confidence. 

"I'll try my best," Ye-Rin added, laughing. "One second," Ye-Rin said, lifting up her fingers. "So either Ji-Min or Seo-Jun will be partnered up with Ji-Woo or Seo-Yun," Ye-Rin said.

 "Yeah," Se-Yeon answered. 

I moved around the counter, eagerly awaiting Seo-Jun's arrival. Hee-ji couldn't help but notice my anticipation and asked, "Where's Seo-Jun?" with a curious look.

"He's probably running late," I replied, shrugging. Just as I spoke, we heard footsteps coming from the hallway. I turned my gaze in that direction, and there he was – Seo-Jun, the brunette I had been waiting for. A smile naturally spread across my face as he approached the kitchen.

"Hello, sorry I'm late," Seo-Jun apologized with a warm smile.

"Hello," I greeted him, returning the smile. Seo-Jun began to move around the kitchen area, and my eyes followed him closely, not once leaving him out of my sight.

As he moved around the kitchen, I couldn't help but admire how at ease and confident he seemed, even though he had arrived a bit late. His charisma was undeniable, and I felt a sense of comfort just being around him, even if we still don't know who he'll be paired up with.

Seo-Jun finally reached the counters, and as he glanced around, our eyes locked for a moment. The connection was fleeting but electrifying, sending a subtle shiver down my spine. He then turned his attention to the labeled counters, searching for his assigned dish.

As he approached the Spicy Chicken Stew & Stir-fried Beef counter, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. It seemed fate had paired us together for this cooking adventure, and I couldn't wait to get started.


I noticed Seo-Jun's smile growing as he looked at the counter in front of us. "Spicy Chicken Stew & Stir-fried Beef, huh?" he said with a grin. "I think we can make something delicious."

Seo-Jun turned to look at me and we exchanged a fist bump. I looked up at him and smiled. "Looks like the dynamic duo is back," I said playfully. Seo-Jun chuckled and nodded. "The dynamic duo is back indeed," he agreed, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Seo-Jun and I turned our bodies toward the counter, leaning against it as we waited for Ji-Min's arrival. "Ji-Min's late," I commented, my gaze fixed on the hallway, but there was still no sign of Ji-Min. We exchanged puzzled glances, wondering what might be keeping him.

Ji-Min finally walked into the kitchen, taking his sweet time, and greeted us with a casual, "Hey." Sang-Won pointed out, "And it's Ji-Min." Everyone in the room began clapping to celebrate Ji-Min's arrival. Ji-Min scanned the room and quickly realized that everyone had already found their partners, leaving him with Ji-Woo as his cooking partner. 


Hee-ji chimed in with a laugh, "Wow, this is awkward." Ji-Min, however, quickly dismissed the notion, saying, "It's not awkward. We're good friends." Ji-Woo agreed with a nod and added, "Yeah."



She's a new student, and also somebody I know the least about. I thought I could take this chance to get to know her. So I thought I got a good partner.


With everyone present, it was finally time to start cooking. The ingredients for each team were neatly laid out in front of them, and white plastic gloves were available for us to wear as we prepared to get to work.

I glanced down at the array of ingredients on our counter and picked up the recipe paper. Placing it between Seo-Jun and me, I asked, "What made you choose this dish?"

Seo-Jun grinned and met my eyes. "Honestly, I just had a feeling you'd go for it," he replied. "It's like we're getting really good at this partner thing."

As we both began reading the recipe, I couldn't help but tease Seo-Jun a bit. "Well, partner, you seem to know me quite well," I said, playfully nudging his arm with my elbow. Seo-Jun laughed and nudged me back. "What can I say? We make a great team," he replied with a wink, making me chuckle.

Our playful banter filled the room as we embraced the joy of working together once again.


"Seo-Jun and Seo-Yun are still going strong," Kyuhyun noted, leaning back in his chair.

Ji-Eun's eyes lit up as she spoke about Se-Yeon and Ye-Rin. "I'm excited about Se-Yeon and Ye-Rin," she said, a smile gracing her face.

"Se-Yeon and Ye-Rin," Su-Hyun echoed with a smile of her own. "They'll enjoy it even if it's not perfect."

"Absolutely," Kyuhyun agreed, sharing in the excitement about the budding pairings in the cooking class.


I put the recipe back on the counter and turned my attention towards the front of the room. Standing there was one of the instructors, ready to kick off the session.

"Hello, let me introduce myself," Mrs. Lee greeted the class. "I'm Lee Nan-woo, CEO of Now Cooking. It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

We responded with a round of applause.

"But before we get started, let's put on our aprons," Mrs. Lee said, her smile still intact.

Turning away from the instructor, I focused on the task at hand. "Aprons," I mentioned, glancing at the selection near the counter where Seo-Jun stood next to me. "Which color would you like?" I inquired, looking up at my partner with a friendly smile.

Seo-Jun contemplated between the beige and blue aprons for a moment, his brows furrowing as he considered the options. Then he smiled and turned to me, his dark eyes shining. "I'll have the blue one," Seo-Jun said with a smile. I reached over to the blue apron and handed it to him. Seo-Jun grabbed it from my hands and walked closer to me.

I looked back down at the counter and grabbed the beige apron. Seo-Jun extended his apron and put it over his head. "I think lighter colors look good on you, it makes you seem brighter," Seo-Jun complimented, looking at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. His words made my cheeks turn a faint shade of pink, and I offered him a grateful smile. 

I opened up the apron and put it on, extending my arms into its designated area. I noticed Seo-Jun's apron needed to be tied from the back. "I'll tie yours," I said, moving closer to him. Seo-Jun turned around, his back facing me. I took both ribbons and skillfully tied a well-done bow. "Beautiful. I'm such a pro at this," I said, a big smile on my face.

Seo-Jun turned around, looking at the neatly tied bow. "Impressive skills," he remarked, his lips curving into a playful smile. I chuckled in response, enjoying the lighthearted moment we shared.

Seo-Jun's eyes met mine, and we shared a playful moment. He then gestured towards my apron. "Now it's your turn," he said, holding the ribbons with a teasing smile. I turned around, my back facing him, and felt a gentle touch as Seo-Jun started tying the ribbons of my apron.

The atmosphere seemed to shift, the playful banter turning into a quiet moment between us. As Seo-Jun's fingers worked skillfully, a subtle warmth enveloped us. The soft instrumental music playing in the background added to the ambiance, creating a scene reminiscent of a romantic Korean drama. 

Seo-Jun's hands lingered for a moment longer than necessary, and I couldn't help but feel a gentle flutter in my chest. As he finished tying the apron, Seo-Jun stepped back, and our eyes met again, sharing a silent understanding. The tension between us was palpable, as if the apron-tying moment had woven an invisible thread, connecting us in a way words couldn't capture.

The air seemed charged with unspoken emotions, and I couldn't deny the subtle chemistry that had just unfolded.

Seo-Jun and I gazed up front, shy smiles playing on our faces. My eyes roamed nervously, my cheeks flushed as I replayed the recent moment with Seo-Jun in my mind. I turned to him, and he mirrored my action. We locked eyes, laughter bubbling up between us, breaking the tension of the shared moment. Eventually, we redirected our attention to the instructor as she prepared to guide us through the next step.

"First of all, we're going to prepare the anchovies," the instructor announced, capturing our attention as we turned to face the front and listened closely. "If you see something black, then please take it out," she instructed, demonstrating the process on her own. I picked up one of the anchovies and examined it closely, following the instructor's guidance. The instructor's demonstration played in my mind, guiding my actions as I focused on the task at hand.

Beside me, Seo-Jun was intensely focused on cleaning the anchovy. I chuckled softly, catching his attention. "What?" he asked, a soft laugh escaping his lips as he turned to look at me. "You're so concentrated," I remarked with a bright smile, placing my cleaned anchovy on the cutting board.

Seo-Jun met my gaze, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, I can't let this little fishy outsmart me, can I?" he replied with a mock serious expression. We both burst into laughter, our light-hearted banter filling the room. 

The instructor, noticing our shared laughter, smiled knowingly, appreciating the lively atmosphere in the kitchen. "Did you turn on the stove?" she asked, glancing at the students. I quickly checked our section and turned on the stove as instructed.

"I'm going to wipe the kelp with a cloth and, uh, put it in," the instructor continued, ensuring that we were following each step. I picked up the seaweed and held it up carefully. Seo-Jun, ever the playful partner, fixed his posture, standing up straight. Then, he turned to look at me and burst into laughter.

"You look like the seaweed is about to attack you," Seo-Jun remarked through his laughs. His comment caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but join in on the laughter, holding onto the counter for support.

Seo-Jun moved closer to me, gently taking the seaweed from my hands. Placing it on the cutting board, he began to wipe it with a cloth. "I'm here to the rescue," Seo-Jun announced playfully, flashing a charming smile. I chuckled softly at his silly remarks, enjoying the moment. As I watched him skillfully clean the seaweed, I couldn't help but admire him. From this angle, he looked remarkably good-looking, his hair falling onto his face in a way that seemed effortlessly perfect. The subtle beads of sweat on his forehead added a touch of charm, making him appear even more majestic than what he already was.

As I continued to admire Seo-Jun, my gaze fixed on him as if the world around us had faded away. As he finished cleaning the seaweed, he turned to look at me with a smile. I smiled back at him and accepted the seaweed, moving to place it into the boiling water. "One," I counted, throwing it in, and in my periphery, I heard Seo-Jun mimic the noise. "Psh," he echoed, imitating the sound of the water when the seaweed fell in. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his adorable playfulness.

"Why are you making that noise?" I teased, playfully hitting his arm. 


Se-Woon expressed admiration, saying, "They have good chemistry," as he looked at the screen in awe. Su-Hyun chimed in, adding, "They have been getting along since day one," with a bright smile on her face, clearly appreciating the budding relationship between Seo-Jun and Seo-Yun. 

The dynamic between the two seemed to capture the attention and admiration of those watching, turning their first cooking class into a romantic company between the two.


"Okay," I said excitedly with a smile. I looked at the recipe, and it indicated that we had to start cutting the ingredients. "I'll cut the onions, and you can cut the potatoes?" I suggested, grabbing both ingredients and placing them on the cutting board.

Seo-Jun nodded with a grin, accepting the task. "Sure, I've got the potatoes covered," he replied, rolling up his sleeves and readying himself to begin. 

(For Reference: "Don't Wanna Cry" By Seventeen

I opened the drawer and pulled out two knives, placing one on Seo-Jun's cutting board and holding the other in my hand. Starting with the onions, I cut them in half and began slicing them into smaller pieces. Soon, the familiar teary sensation hit my eyes, and my nose started to run. Seo-Jun noticed and looked at me with concern, dramatically holding onto my shoulder. "Seo-Yun," he called out, pretending I was hurt, "don't cry." I burst into laughter, realizing his playful act.

    In response, I decided to match his energy. "I don't want to cry," I said dramatically, mimicking the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, "Although I have a lot of tears, I don't want to cry." I sang softly, nodding my head as if I were in deep sorrow. Seo-Jun, recognizing the song, joined in the laughter. "I'm okay," he chuckled. I looked at him, playfully smiling. "I'm not okay," I added, singing the background vocals of the song.

Seo-Jun, with a dramatic flair, held out his hand, mimicking the lyrics. "I don't want to see you," he declared. Playing along, I responded with a sad expression, "I really want to see you." Seo-Jun, with a hand on his chest, continued, "I have to say, say these lies that don't even come from my heart." He acted as if he were going through a heartbreak, and I joined in, singing softly, "Because my heart won't listen to these words as I thought."

The playful karaoke continued as I closed my eyes, hitting the counter. Together, we sang, "Come back." Seo-Jun led the next line, and I followed suit, "Come back." We harmonized, creating a performance in the middle of the kitchen. "When half of me is gone, how can I live as one?" I sang out softly, hitting the notes with a smile, turning to look at him.

"It was definitely a bad idea to put us together," I said, still chuckling as I looked down at the ingredients only halfway done. Seo-Jun, with a considerate smile, nudged me slightly so he could take over cutting the onions. "You can handle the potatoes," he suggested with a grin. I nodded, wiping away the tears caused by the onions, and focused on swiftly cutting the potatoes, determined to catch up and finish the task on time.

Seo-Jun and I worked seamlessly together, finishing the task of cutting and cleaning the meat. With everything prepared, it was time to start cooking. I took a pot, adding the cut up ingredients and carefully measured out the soy sauce and other necessary sauces for the dish. As I stirred the ingredients around, the aroma of the ingredients together, filled the kitchen. 

With the main ingredients in the pot, I began to work on the boiling water that held the additional meat. I carefully added it to the mixture, ensuring that the flavors blended in. To better the taste, I sprinkled in the necessary spices, each measured carefully. As I stirred the soup, Seo-Jun and I exchanged satisfied glances, proud of the teamwork that had brought the dish to life.

I turned to look at Seo-Jun and lifted up my hand to give him a high-five. Seo-Jun returned the high-five with a grin, and I leaned against the counter, watching the food simmering. "Although, we messed around the whole time, we still managed to finish on time," I remarked, a sense of accomplishment evident in my voice. 

Seo-Jun chuckled, "Who knew shenanigans could be this productive?"

As we waited for our dish to cook, we turned our attention to the other pairs still working diligently. Seo-Jun nudged me playfully. "Looks like everyone's focused. We're the only ones who added a little drama to the kitchen today."

I laughed, "Well, it wouldn't be as fun without a bit of drama, right?"

Seo-Jun grinned, "True. Let them be serious; we've got our own cooking style." I nodded in agreement with a smile on my face. We turned to look ahead and continued watching everyone else who were still cooking their plates.

I nudged him playfully and pointed at Se-Yeon and Ye-Rin getting along. "They're so cute together," I said with a smirk, looking at them like proud parents. "They definitely have something for each other," I added with a satisfied smile. I turned to Seo-Jun, expecting him to agree, but he caught me off guard with a playful wink. "Maybe not as cute as us, though," he teased. 

I chuckled at his teasing comment, I nudged him back gently. Feeling a slight warmth in my cheeks, I turned my body to face him. "You're right, no one can outdo us," I said confidently, pretending to show off my muscles with a playful flex.

Seo-Jun chuckled and responded, "Well, we are the dynamic duo, after all. Unbeatable in general." 


"Oh, you know, I thought the matches weren't exactly ideal. None of them got the person they wanted except for Seo-Yun and Seo-Jun," Kyuhyun explained, glancing at the other hosts. "But they got to know each other in new ways," Kyuhyun gestured with his hands to emphasize his point.

"As for Se-Yeon and Ye-Rin," Ji-Eun began speaking. "I could feel how much they liked each other, so that was nice," Ji-Eun said with a smile.

"Yes, same with Seo-Yun and Seo-Jun. It's obvious how much they fit each other so well, especially when they were messing around," Se-Woon said, laughing as he recalled their shenanigans. "Yeah, they both have such great chemistry. I'm looking forward to the field trip," Su-Hyun added excitedly.

"But I felt unexpected chemistry between Seo-Hyeon and Pyeong-seok," Ji-Eun finished. "They were having so much fun while cooking, which was unexpected," Ji-Eun explained, recalling their interactions. "I've never seen Pyeong-seok look so relaxed before," Se-Woon admitted. "It was nice to see," Su-Hyun concluded with a smile.


A/n: I'm so sorry for taking months of not uploading a new chapter, to be honest I lowkey forgot and never finished this chapter but I shortened it so you guys can continue reading. The next chapter will be out this week. (Most likely)

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