peculiar ➜ miraculous ladybug

By DemonWolf364846

937 63 209

miraculous ladybug x albino reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ [name], is a new student... More

1.1- How it all started
1.1- Orgins Suck
1.2: Weather girl
1.3: Art is a Beauty
1.4: Renaming
1.5: Enough Fragrance
Important To Know

1.6: You're my Valentine

66 5 31
By DemonWolf364846

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Class

"In fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell us why?"

Rose stood up, swooning while looking at Juleka. "Because only love can conquer hate!"

[reader] smiled at what Rose said. Rose was such an extremely sweet heart to everyone. They went back to writing something. That had caught Nathaniel's attention. 'What are they writing?' Before he could ask the teacher continued to talk.

The note had ways of describing the person as behind sweet, respectful and someone that they loved. Nathaniel quickly looked away as he saw [reader] take something out. "Correct, Rose."  Nathaniel jumped at hearing that and looked away.

Max cut her off. "Technically speaking, this reasoning is only exhibited in about 87% of all fairy tales and-"

Miss Bustier put her hand up.
"Thank you, Max. That's enough."
Marinette was looking over Adrien's shoulders as he writes a letter.

Miss Bustier noticed Adrien looking down at his desk writing. "Adrien, I hope what you're writing has to do with my lesson."

Marinette gasped catching, [reader]'s attention. Nathaniel looked at they writing to only see it could have been a love letter but didn't know for who.

Miss Bustier approached Adrien. "Can you tell me what I just said?"

"That's why in most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess because only love conquers hate." Adrien answered without looking up from what he was writing.

"Very good, Adrien! Now, everyone, don't forget to finish Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault tonight, and happy Valentine's day, students!"

As almost every left the class Nathaniel was waiting for [reader] to leave the room. As each second passed the teen got more nervous until he finally left, fearing rejection.
As soon as he left [reader] came out with a note in their hand, ready to give it to someone but almost very one was gone and the person they wanted to give it too had already left.

"Hey, [reader] can you help me? I wanna ask someone out and I need some help planning it out." [reader] jumped at the hand to only see Juleka with a worried look.

They nodded with a small smile. "Of course." Juleka only smiled for a couple of secounds.

"Thank you!"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Juleka's House

[reader] walked along side with Juleka to her house feeling a bit worried, never being there. Juleka's mom wasn't there as she said that she was busy at the store getting ready to buy some stuff to decorate the house-boat.

"Come on." Juleka grabbed their arm while walking over to her room.

Juleka sat on the bus blushing. "I.. I wanted to ask out.. someone and I want to know if this is a good idea..." Juleka opened her bag to pull out a gift. "I don't know if she'll enjoy it."

"She'll probably enjoy it. I mean look at the plushie and flowers on it." [reader] comforted her as they had an idea of who the girl was.

The two talked for hours on end until a phone rang. [reader] got a bit awkward. "I guess I gotta go." They sat up. They were about to close the door to her room but stopped.

"Juleka just be calm and ask her out. If she can't see that your a great person, well there is better people out there who will love you better than her." [reader] closed her bedroom door before bumping into someone.

"Are you okay?"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ love inserted unlocked
name: luka

[reader] looked up to see a tall male, black with dyed blue hair and black nails. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine." [reader] said quickly. They're face had became a bit red after seeing him.

[reader] walked past him, with a bit of red in their face. 'He's kinda cute..'

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ At The School

Marinette whispered to Alya. "Hey, go ahead, I'll meet you outside."

Alya nodded her head. "Mhm."
Marinette continued to look over Adrien's shoulder as he continues to write his letter before Adrien crumpled it up stands up and tosses the letter in the garbage can.

Chloe came up beside Adrien with a poster but it wasn't fully shown. "Hi Adrien, sign here please."

Adrien sighed knowing where it was going. "Oh, come on, you know I hate signing autographs, Chloé."

Chloé put a hand over her chest acting offended. "Oh, that's not what this is. This is a petition against cruelty to hamsters. Have you seen some of the ugly sweaters they are forced to wear? It's appalling." Adrien begrudgingly signed the poster. Chloé hugged the poster and Sabrina smiles before they notice Marinette who is digging through a trash can as she pulls out a sheet of paper.

"Well well, Marinette, looking for something to eat?" Chloe said mocking her.

"Maybe she's looking for some better clothes!" Both laugh before running off.

Marinette groaned at the two.
"Don't give them the time of day, they don't deserve it." Tikki told her from inside the bag.

"You're right, Tikki." Marinette began to read the letter, 'Your hair is dark as night, your pretty bluebell eyes, I wonder who you are beneath that strong disguise. Every day we see each other and I hope that you'll be mine, together our love could be so true, please, will you be my Valentine?'

Tikki's eyes widen. "Whoa, now that's a love poem."

Marinette was oblivious to who this could be for. "Who could he be talking about? Hair as dark as night, bluebell eyes?"

"Uh... you?" Tikki said, pointing out the obvious making Marinette laugh nervously. "Me? No way. There are plenty of girls at school with dark hair and blue eyes."

"Yeah, but bluebell eyes..."

"What do you think he means by 'strong disguise'."

Tikki sighed. "This is poetry. He means who you are deep down inside. He wants to get to know you Marinette! He's talking about you!"

Marinette laughed and jumped up and down excitedly. "Pinch me!" Tikki shrugged as Marinette continued to laugh until she shrieked. "Not literally!" Marinette was rubbing her arm, with Tikki giggling.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Outside of Collège

Françoise Dupont. Marinette laughs with Alya while holding the letter. The two are exiting the school Switch to Max standing on the sidewalk with Kim.

"Operation Valentine's Day is commencing. According to my extensive research and cross-referencing of online shopping sites, this particular jewel," He revealed a heart box hiding behind his back. "was ranked highest in popularity." He handed the box to Kim.

"That's perfect, Max! I better hit a home run with this one. Love is like baseball, right? You gotta have a strategy or you'll strike out." Alya spotted Max and Kim's conversation and gets excited. She grabs Marinette and drags her over to the boys. "But if you aim right, you'll hit it out of the ball park. Score!"

Max pushed up his glasses. "Oh yes Kim, lovely metaphor."

Kim eyed the gem inside the box. "Meta-who?"

Alya grabbed Kim's hands and looked at the jewel. "Ooh! Sparkly! Is that for moi?" She joked with Kim.

Max was annoyed at her almost messing the entire surprise up. "Negative Alya. The recipient of this gem has already been determined, it's--"

Kim grabbed Max and cut him off. "Shh! Keep it on the down-low!"

"Scoop! Kim's got a major crush!" She took pictures with her phone. "Who's the lucky lady?"

Marinette pushed Alya's arm down. "It's gorgeous Kim. She's gonna be ecstatic!"

"Technically, she's still gotta accept it." Kim thought about the worse before grabbing Max's shoulders. "What if she says "no"!?"

Marinette and Alya looked around worriedly. "She won't Kim, no way!" They pumped fists with him. "Don't hold back, Kim. Go for it, no regrets!"

"Operation Valentine's Day is underway!" He high-fived Max.

Kim was jogging in place, holding a map. "Her route is highlighted here in yellow, yours in red. If you run at ten miles per hour you're going to gain a four and a half minute advance on her. Halt and wait here facing northwest -- the third most romantic spot in Paris." As Marinette and Alya gave a thumbs up behind Max. "Go go go!"

"Thanks, you guys." Kim started to jog away.

Alya elbowed Marinette with a raised eyebrow. "I know someone who's good at dishing out advice who can't take some herself." Alya pointed to Adrien who enters the car as the door was shut with  Adrien's bodyguard drove away.

Marinette sighed. "You're right. It's time I told him."

"Say what?!" Alya turned around at Marinette as she was about to scream with excitement.

"I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell Adrien my true feelings. Well... I'm gonna write them on a card, that is."

Alya looked shocked before laughing. "Yeah!"

"Yeah!" The duo fist bumped.

"Operation Valentine's Day!" They performed a handshake and ran off with ideas.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Nearby the School

Aurore, Mireille and various other girls ogling over a poster of Adrien. "He's so cute!"

"Keep dreaming all you want girls but the boy is mine." Sabrina nodded before unrolling the poster, the girls gasping.

Aurore read out what it said, 'To Chloé, the most awesome girl in the world and the love of my life. Signed, Adrien.' All the girls begin to cry, then Chloé looks at one girl who tried not to burst out crying.

"Uh, she's not crying enough."
Sabrina brought the poster towards the one girl who is crying silently causing her to cry even more as Chloé and Sabrina laugh.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ [reader]'s room

[reader], sat in their room designing a small box. They made a music box of Juleka's brother who they were told he liked music. [reader] had already designing gifts with all of them matching the qualities of them all.

"Does this look good?" Lokki peered over their shoulder to see the gift.

"It's perfect!" Lokki was confused, as they knew everyone in the class but never met anyone who had a guitar. "And who is this for?"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Marinette's room.

Marinette tries to write a love letter to Adrien. "Dear Adrien, dear Adrien... Dear Adrien..." She sighed. "I'm no good at this love letter writing thing... I sound like a total dorkasaurus!"

"Only when you say words like "dorkasaurus"!" Marinette turned her chair around in frustration.
"Relax, Marinette, I'm teasing. Think of Adrien and speak from the heart."

Marinette spotted  Adrien's letter, gasping. "Adrien's letter! That's it! Why didn't I think of that before? I'll answer his poem!"

"Marinette!" Alya called out making her gasped as Tikki hid.
Alya entered the room, with a pink heart-shaped card. "Check it out!"

"It's perfect! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Marinette started to write the love letter, with Alya watching. "Voila!"

"Don't forget to sign it!" A ladybug flew inside the room, distracting Marinette. "This is a good omen! Ladybugs are good luck, especially in the love department!"


"Yeah you of all people should know about ladybugs." Alya crossed her arms at her.

"R-really? Wh-why do you say that?" Marinette thought she stumbled onto her secret.

"Since ancient times the ladybug has been a symbol of love, guiding hearts on the path to devotion." Alya crossed her arms as Marinette looked extremely confused. "It was on my blog this week. You read it didn't you?"

"Oh yeah, yeah, of course." She turns back towards her computer and sighed.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Agreste mansion

In Adrien's room. Adrien is with Plagg as he tries to express feelings to Ladybug.

"So she's got eyes, arms, legs, big deal! How can you possibly be in love with Ladybug? You don't even know who she really is!" Plagg threw his arms in the air.

Adrien sighed. "You don't know anything about love..."

"Oh sure I do, I love Cheddar, I love Swiss and I love Camembert."
Adrien stood up causing his chair to spin as he heads for the window resting his arm and head against it in distress.

Plagg started to mock him in joking way. "Aww, the poor boy's frustrated because he can't finish the poem for his masked sweetheart?"

"I don't need a poem when I can tell her to her face... I love you."

"Bleh, gross. You're making me lose my appetite." Plagg threw his cheese in the air and ate the Camembert. "Almost."

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Pont des Arts

Kim is waiting on the side of a fence until he recognizes Chloé's voice and rushes forward. "And that's right, in a 24 karat gold frame. Deliver it to Le Grand Paris Hotel and bill it to Daddykins, uh, I mean, Mr. Bourgeois." She stoped after noticing Kim. "What are you doing here? "

"I-I..." Kim stuttered. Chloé started to mock him. "You-You..."

Kim cleared throat and kneeled down in a puddle of water messing it up. "Will you be my Valentine?" He presented a brooch to Chloé but a passing bike splashes water in Kim's face, and a chip bag blowing in the wind sticks to him.

Chloé gasped. "Don't move!" She took a humiliating photo of Kim then hit the send button. "Wait till everyone gets a load of this! Hahahaha! No offense, Kim, but my heart's saved for someone more awesome than you." Chloé began to walk off before turning back.

"Don't you just hate how harsh love can be?" Kim dropped the brooch and pulled the chip bag off his face and begins to sob.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Hawk Moth's lair.

The window opens. "Ah, Valentine's Day, the day of love and the day of fools. So many delusions, so much disappointment. My evil akumas, you are going to have such a field day."

Hawk Moth transformed the akuma, charging it with power. "Fly away my little akuma, and evilize him!"
The akuma flew off, soon finding a sobbing Kim and entered into the brooch.

"Dark Cupid, I am Hawk Moth. I can give you the power to shoot your arrows, pierce love and impale friendships. But there is something you must do for me in return."

"No love affair or friendship will escape my fury. No one will ever love again!" Kim was transformed into Dark Cupid by the akuma, and is seen shooting arrows at lovers whose lips turn black once hit and run away from their loved ones.

Civilian smashed the bouquet of flowers into wall. "Ugh, stupid flowers! "

Another civilian pulled his hand away from woman who he is with. "Get off me! "

"Hahaha! Perfect. It won't be long before Ladybug, Chiroptera and Cat Noir show up to meet their doom!"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.

Marinette and Alya enter, laughing, and Tom gives them candy apples.
"Candy apples, girls?"

Marinette took the candy apples with a smile. "Thanks, Papa."

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Place des Vosges.

"Come on Juleka you got this." [reader] conformed the girl as Lokki listened in on the conversation.
Juleka nervously dropped the letter off.

"That wasn't hard was it?" [reader] playfully shrugged her.

"I.. I'm just a bit nervous."
The two walked off as Marinette and Alya walked passed them to the mailbox.

"Can you help me pick out the gift?"

"Come on, Marinette! Do it before you chicken out!" Alya called out as
Marinette was a little scared at first, but finally, she puts the love letter in the mailbox. "Yes!"

"I did it!" They both went to hug each other as their phones ring, and they see Chloé texted them.

"Chloé? Since when did she start texting us?" They opened the chat, and see a picture of Kim. "What a witch!"

"And I was the one who told Kim to do it! I didn't know he was talking about her!"

"Dang, I hope Adrien doesn't do the same thing to you. I mean..." Alya joked to Marinette but she panicked and tried to get the love letter out of the mailbox.

"What have I done!?" She tried to pull the mailbox open to get the letter.

"Girl, calm down! I was totally joking! Kind of... Adrien would never do that." She saw Dark Cupid in the sky. "What in the world is that?!" She pointed at him.

"Huh?" He saw the candy apples Alya is holding. "All hearts must be destroyed!" The arrows were shot at the love apples, hitting one at Alya, making her lips black.

"Alya?" Alya stuck the candy apples on Marinette's shirt. "Hey, seriously?" She asked while trying to remove the candy.

"You're not my BFF, you're a joke! Adrien's gonna laugh his head off at your lame attempt at poetry!" She ran away.

"Alya!" Marinette looked at Dark Cupid. "What did he do to her?" Spotting Dark Cupid's brooch had gave her an idea. "I've seen that jewel someplace before. It's Kim's pin! He's been akumatized!" The candy apples were finally pulled off of her shirt. "This is... not... good! We gotta find him, fast!" She ran behind a bench.

"Tikki, spots on! Ha!"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ [reader] and Juleka

[reader] talked with Juleka as they told them what they were probably gonna do for Valentine's Day.

Unknowingly to them, Dark Cupid was above them. "So what would you think?" They asked her.

"Umm... I think it's a cool idea." Juleka said. "Just not really my style but if they'll like it, go for it."

[reader] gave Juleka a side hug making Dark Cupid mad at the display of 'love' from the two.

They turned around to see that Juleka has stopped walking. "You okay, Juleka?"

Juleka took the gift that was chosen and threw it away. "I doubt they'll enjoy the gift or even like you. I find it funny you think that cheap little gift and when them over."

[reader] was in shock as Juleka left. "What the hell?" Looking up to she Dark Cupid leaving. The teen ran to into an alleyway. "Lokki, fly into the night!"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Street.

Ladybug jumps from rooftop to rooftop. She spots Dark Cupid and follows him.

Ladybug spotted Chiroptera and noticed that the hero looked annoyed of Dark Cupid. She had an idea and knew she would have to stay back until the time was right.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ outside Le Grand Paris.

Chloé is complaining to the deliverers of Adrien's portrait. "Ugh! I never said 18-karat gold! Those gold tones will never match my 24-karat toilet! Idiots!"

Dark Cupid spotted Chloé and shot an arrow at him, but Cat Noir stopped him, making him miss. "Cat Noir!"

"Stop, Kim!"

"I'm not Kim, I'm Dark Cupid! I'll never stop! If I can't have love, then no one can!" He announced.

Cat Noir rolled his eyes. "Okay, Dark Cupid, I get it. Chloé totally burned you. But that doesn't mean you have to take it out on all of Paris!"

"Oh yes, I do! And I won't stop until everyone's heart is crushed. Say adios to your loved ones. From now on, you'll hate them!" One of his arrows, aimed at Cat Noir but missed as a yo-yo had split the arrow in half.

"Come on! Your aim is all over the place."

"If you want to continue destroying love, bring me the Miraculous, or I'll remove your powers!"

"You!" Dark Cupid called out. As everything continued Cat Noir fell off as Ladybug continued to keep Dark Cupid busy.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ On The Side

"Falling for me already, cat? Chiroptera jokey flirted with Cat Noir before Chiroptera tried to be serious. "I need to talk to you."

Cat Noir didn't know how to react.
"I swore to myself that I'd tell you as soon as I saw you. Cat Noir, I-I... Look out!" Chiroptera spun around to shield Cat Noir, and is struck by one of Dark Cupid's arrows.


"Cat Noir, I—I... loathe you!"

"Chiroptera, snap out of it!"

They squeezed Cat Noir incredibly close to them. "You're nothing Cat Noir, and nothing to me! I hate you!" Cat Noir jumped on their foot which made them feel pain and let him go. Cat Noir used his staff to launch himself into the air.

Ladybug appeared beside Cat. "Ladybug, it's about time, where have you been?"

"I had to distract Dark Cupid and....where's Chiroptera?"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Walls of Le Grand Paris.

Chiroptera met with Dark Cupid on another building top. Chiroptera decided to use the sickles to go up the wall and meet with the him.

"Offer to help them in return for the Miraculous."

"I can help you crush Ladybug and Cat Noir, but you must give me both their Miraculous in return." Dark Cupid held his hand out to the hero.

"Deal." Chiroptera shook hands with Dark Cupid.

"Yes. Yes! And once I have Ladybug's and Cat Noir's Miraculous, taking Chiroptera's will be child's play!"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Le Grand Paris.

Chloé and Sabrina speak with Ladybug as Cat Noir was checking the place out. "You gotta get out of here. Your friend Kim's turned into Dark Cupid and I don't know what he'll do if he finds you here."

"Moi? But how could he possibly have a vendetta against me?"

Ladybug muttered, "Who doesn't?"

Chloé rolled her eyes. "Duh! It's because of this. Everyone would love to get their hands on it." She zoomed in on the poster of Adrien. "That's Adrien, a super hot guy in my class. And rich, too! He's hot for me of course."

"I doubt it."

"Not according to the poem."

Sabrina pointed at the poster of Adrien. "It's alive!" The poster begins to seemingly walk into the Hotel and from behind it emerges Dark Cupid, he fires his arrows at Ladybug, Sabrina and Chloé and Ladybug deflects them with her yo-yo. She then grabbed Chloé with her yo-yo and drags her onto the street.

"Run, Chloé, run!" Chloé begins to run, followed by Sabrina. Chiroptera dropped down from above and stands in front of Ladybug and Cat Noir.

"Well, well, nice to you guys again."
Chiroptera said with clear hatred.

"I don't want to fight you, Chiroptera."

Chiroptera rolled their eyes at what she said. "Ugh, that friendliness. It's so revolting. You are definitely not my friend!" Chiroptera leapt into the air and swung their sickles that were held together by a chain directly at Ladybug and Cat Noir. They dodged it and jumped up onto the roof to run away, and Chiroptera pursues after them.

Ladybug uses her yo-yo to grab Chiroptera's two sickles, and pulls them towards her. "Why are you so full of hate, Chiroptera?!"

"Because hate conquers all!" Chiroptera yelled at her before escaping the hold.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but hate doesn't conquer all. Love does!" Cat Noir knocked out one of their sickles.

Ladybug then remembered what Miss Bustier and Rose said earlier about love.

"The prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess."

"Only love can conquer hate!"

"Why are so cheesy?" Chiroptera asked breaking Ladybug from her thoughts. "at least fight."

"I'll do better than that."

"Huh?" Cat Noir looked over at Ladybug as she whispered to him.

"I'm not complaining." Cat Noir shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, Batty. You have two choices, you either help us defeat Dark Cupid or this might have to end with a kiss."

Chiroptera was confused until Cat Noir came a bit close to them about to kiss them. Chiroptera yelled as they ran away from the two heroes. "Get back, you savage!"

"Come here!"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The street.

Chloé runs away from Dark Cupid.
"You can't outrun me, Chloé!"
While she was trying to escape Dark Cupid, she tripped over a flower stand and falls near several civilians.

"Help!" The civilians saw Dark Cupid but they run away while they are screaming and Chloé also sees him.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Chloé. Now you'll get what you deserve."

"My hair!" Chloe grabbed at her hair that has now been ruined. "There is nothing worse in this world than a bad hair day! First, Ladybug wrinkles my new jacket, second, you totally ruined my hair! Just go ahead and just change me already! This day can't get any worse..."

Dark Cupid pulled the arrow out of the bow. "I don't need to waste this arrow on you. Your heart is so dark and shriveled, there's no room for love." He laughed while flies away.

lUgh! How dare you talk to me like that?" She bumped into Sabrina. "Huh? Why are you just standing there? Help me up!"

"Ha! You think I'd help someone as stuck up as you?" She took an embarrassing picture of Chloé with her cellphone. "Wait till everyone gets a load of this!"


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Streets

Chiroptera is still being chased by Ladybug and Cat Noir until finally, they caught up to them.

Ladybug tied Chiroptera's leg with her yo-yo and they drop their sickles then she ties them to a lamppost. She helped suspend Cat Noir from the top of the lamppost and he is leaning closer to Chiroptera so he can kiss them while they're are hanging upside down.

"I rather not kiss your tuna breath." Chiroptera said while turning their head away.

"Don't worry, I'm not looking forward to it either. I rather this happen in a different way." Cat Noir muttered the last part.

He tried to kiss them again but they dodges, so he held them to prevent them from dodging a kiss. "I can't believe I'm doing this..."

He tried to kiss him again and Chiroptera whimpered but an arrow appeared between them that is shot by Dark Cupid. But as he shoots more arrows at Cat Noir and Ladybug as regular heroes dodged them, making Chiroptera be free from the lamppost.

They picked up the two sickles and puts it on the back of the suit, then joiner Dark Cupid while Ladybug hides behind a tree as Cat Noir was beside her.

"How you gonna fight both of us now, bug eyes?" Chiroptera and Dark Cupid fist bumped each other.

"I've wondered what I happened I trying to you cut with my friends." Chiroptera flashed the sickles at the two heroes.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug hoped the Lucky Charm would help but a candy apple appeared.

"A candy apple? What am I supposed to do with this? Think, Ladybug..." She looked around and spotted the fountain, Cat Noir's ring, Chiroptera's sickle and Dark Cupid's brooch.

"Cat, you know what to do!"  Cat Noir nodded his head. "Hey! I've got a Valentine's gift for you!" Both of them came out of the hiding place.

Chiroptera and Dark Cupid are going to attack the heroes together. Dark Cupid shoots arrows at Ladybug and she deflects them with her yo-yo. Cat Noir dodged every attack from Chiroptera not allowing them to hit him.

Cat Nour had managed to pin Chiroptera under him, Ladybug had thrown the candy apple at Dark Cupid's head but he removes it, causing the candy apple stuck on his hand now. "Looks like you've got yourself in a sticky situation!"
Dark Cupid removed the candy apple from his hand and tries to shoot an arrow at her but his hand gets stuck to the bow.

"Ladybug!!" Dark Cupid yelled as Ladybug continued to keep his busy away from Chiroptera and Cat Noir.

"Chiroptera, the Miraculous!" He said while using the water from the fountain to wash his hands at the fountain.

Chiroptera used Cat Noir's confusion to their advantage. They had quickly kicked him before pinning him under. "I wondered who was the cat behind this is mask?"

Before Chiroptera could finds out who Cat Noir really is, he grabbed their face and kissed them to break the spell. "Huh? Where am I? What's going on?"

Cat Noir helped them up. "Use your sickle and cut the stash and I let me get the pin!" Chiroptera didn't get to say anything as they were thrown, cutting the stash causing the pin to fall. "Grab it! Grab the pin!"

"Cataclysm!" Cat Noir grasped the pin as it crumpled away.

"No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug captured the akuma. "Gotcha!" She released the purified butterfly. "Bye bye, little butterfly."

"Miraculous Ladybug!" She threw the Lucky Charm into the air and its energy restores everything back to normal.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Akumatized Victims

Alya was about to cut a picture of her and Marinette in half. "What the heck am I doing?"

Chloé turned to Sabrina. "What the heck are you doing?!"

Sabrina saw that she was scribbling on Adrien's portrait. "I-I have no idea!"

Juleka was about to trash the gift she had. "What was I doing?"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Park

Kim had transformed back to his normal self. "Huh?"

"Pound it!" They all fist bumped.

Ladybug heard her Miraculous beeped. "Gotta go you two!" Cat Noir was about to leave along with Ladybug.

"Wait, Cat Noir!" Chiroptera called out only to be cut off.

"Look, the kiss... I had to break the spell, or..."

Chiroptera raised an eyebrow at him. "Kiss? What kiss? No, I just wanted to..." They're miraculous beeped.

"Your miraculous is beeping! I guess we're both running out of time and I rather you not see me unmasked." Cat Noir posed. "You're be unable to resist me."

Chiroptera laughed at what he said. Both the heroes ran in opposite directions as Chiroptera didn't know about the kiss.

"... blasted love! Blasted heroes! Blasted Valentine's Day!"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Place des Vosges.

The postman arrives, and opens the mailbox, full of letters. "Hey, there's your chance to get your card back!" Tikki told Marinette.

"That was before..."

" Before what? Tell me!" Tiki begged.

"I realized that even with all this hate everywhere, love still wins. But if I wanna win over Adrien, he needs to know the truth about how I feel."

" Ah! This is a big day!" Tiki twirled in the air after what Marientte said.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Marinette's room.

Marinette can't remember if she signed her letter. "What do you mean, you don't remember? Did you sign the card or not?"

"I don't know! The ladybug came along while I was writing, then you were yapping about your blog, and then... It's all a blur!"

Alya started to laugh. "I don't believe you! The girl didn't even sign it! I love you and all, but sometimes you seriously bug! You know that, right?"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ [reader]'s  room.

Lokki talked to [reader] about all they said. "Can you believe you decided to insult Cat Noir, I thought you..."

[reader] covered Loki's mouth. "As much as I love you Lokki, not funny."

"I just do see why you seem so mad." Lokki yawned. "You can pick anyone but you like the hero whose face you can't even see or talk too."

They covered their face. "Lokki, I wanted to talk to him cause Ladybug seems to like him a bit."
Lokki gestured for them to go on.
"I wanted to see if he liked Ladybug at all so they would get together."

"At least you got, Luka." Lokki had said in a teasing tone.

"Are you goi-" [reader] was cut off as Lokki continued going in to them about how they could date Luka.

They felt a pain throughout their body. 'What's happening to me..." Opening their eyes barely to see their self looking disoriented.

"[reader]?" As soon as Lokki called their name everything stopped.
"What's happening?"

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥information

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ you don't wanna admit your love to anyone so you left an anonymous gift for 3 people

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Lokki is confused for your health

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ you're been burnt but don't know what caused it

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Juleka gave Rose the gift after you gave her confidence

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ When Luka saw you he felt worried about you

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Nathaniel was sick in this chapter/day

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ You got Luka's number later that day when you came back

a/n: I finally got this chapter out and I tried to make it a bit more odd and interesting

-this was luka's gift (just an idea)

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