
By whitelightning_

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He might not know it yet, but Carrie Lancefull, a senior student who's about to graduate from Edison high sch... More

Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9


17 0 0
By whitelightning_

What If I Was in Futuramous , A Virtual Reality RPG?

Prolog: 10 years ago.

Some things are not to be. Even if they believe it belongs to them. By the end of the day, it's just a game.

Written by: Sammy Sung

Corporate head of Futureramus.

Listening to the crowd scream all around me with my virtual goggles and headphones on. Not knowing what's going on except asking a random person, he told me that the Amazon, the princess of everything sharp steel is making her appearance and that is she is about to take on the undefeatable prince of dark aura, Prince Flinn.

"Lady Lynn." I said to myself. "What does she look like?"

"What are you? Blind?" The man ignorantly asked. "Actually, scratch that. How old are you anyway? 8?"

"Well, yeah. I am blind."

Taken it back, the man asked, "Where is your parents?"

"My father isn't in my life and my mother is currently getting herself ready because were about to head shopping but I really want to watch lady Lynn fight. So, please mister. Can you describe what lady Lynn looks like?"

Stuttering for a response, he finally said, "I really do not want to get in trouble of saying this about lady Lynn and whatever I say, do not repeat this back because I can get in a lot of trouble understand?"

"Lips are locked." I said.

"Since you can't see her stats, her age is 18, A rank on pretty much everything down the board, she carries a double head katana. Abilities shows that she has lightning strike, and charged bolt attack. When it comes to her finishers, her first signature attack is called the lightning wave and her second ability she has is called the critical Slash. She is currently wearing..." He started to have issues to speak. With a long gulp of fresh air, he finally said, "it looks like a navy-blue open two piece dress where I think by her chest has a leather chest plating while the rest is wavy and open which only goes to her thigh leaving her legs bare. She is wearing red high heels although, I really do not know how that is any what comfortable, then when it comes to her breasts besides the breast patting..." He became uncomfortable but he was able to push through it. "It's like her breasts are nearly hanging out." He finally said after retaking a lungful of air. "But she has a confident face of a warrior, dark blue eyes like the storm on an ocean, and medium blue hair which is neatly tied up in a ponytail."

"Prince Flinn?"

With a sigh of relief, he says, "his stats are also A down the board but he has an S on one of his finishers but for some odd reason, my analyzer keeps telling me undefined skill. Which means—" I interrupted.

"He blurred his stat for no one to be able to see."

"Correct." He nods his head. "I do not like the sound of this but Prince Flinn has a black robe with a claw in his right hand, a long sword almost like a rapier in his left. What is crazy about his sword, it has this bazaar black aura radiating off the black metal that goes down to the hilt of his blade. He has his black hair trimmed medium length. I cannot really see his eyes because his hair is in front of them but it doesn't look like it's a distraction to him.

With me giving him a nod of gratitude, Waiting and listening for the stage to speak out their names and to see what location and environment they will be fighting in. Suddenly, it came.

"Welcome Everyone!" The voice of a mid-age man said. "Today's stipulation match is a health percentage match. It is where both combatants will have their respectable life gages from their ranks and the first person who runs out of HP or forced off the stage is the looser of their match but, the person who still has some of their health points is the winner."

Then a "ding" sound came into my ears which the device told me, "Lady Lynn, 1200 HP. Prince Flinn, 1200 HP."

Continuing to listen to the mid-aged man, he said, "Who will win? The Amazon Lady Lynn or the undefeatable prince Flinn? Will Lady Lynn be able to capture the Futuramus title of princess against Prince Flinn from the quick climb she has done in her short career? Or will Prince Flinn send her back to the bottom of the mountain achieving an outstanding record of 25-0? Well, be prepare for the match because we will be fighting on top of the summit of Glacier Mountain."

With the gasps of the crowd while listening to the stage transform into something ominous, the man whispered to me by saying, "This is going to be very good. The platform is transforming into a canyon like structure. There are ice glaciers where they can fight on, in the middle of the arena, there is a frozen bridge, beneath the bridge, there is a frozen river with white sharks waiting for one of them to fall off,  and surrounding them, if you can't feel the climate change. There is a raging blizzard making it nearly blinding for an average person to see."

Waiting and listening to the announcer to call for the match, with a robotic sound calling from the ceiling, it said, "in 3, 2, 1... You may fight!"

Suddenly, from my headphones, my analyzer started announcing the fight.

Lady Lynn stats:

Age: 18-years-old

Strength: LV 10

Agility: LV14

Dexterity: LV12

Cognition: LV 13

Perception: LV11

Health: 100%


. Regeneration

. Lightning strike

. Lightning charge attack

. Lightning slash

. Critical slash

. Lightning wave

Prince Flinn Stats:

Age: 29

Strength: LV12

Agility: LV12

Dexterity: LV14

Cognition: LV9

Perception: LV15

Health: 100%


. Slash

. Thrust

. Counter attack

. Poison Claw

. Blade of telepathy

. Fatal Release

After listening to their stats, I said to the man, "This doesn't look good for Lady Lynn."

"Excuse me?"

"You read their stats, right?"

"Of course. What's the problem?"

"I don't know why your device isn't reading Prince Flinn's finisher but according to my analyzer, his special attack is called Fatal Release, Blade of Telepathy, and Poison Claw."

Wait, how does your analyzer read something like that? His finisher is a S rank. It cannot be read on mine unless you have a special device there."

I simply shrugged my shoulders and continued to listen to my device which the same announcer spoke by describing the match.

Listening to the fight with the announcer telling me on what's being encountered, they were in a stale mate with no one able to get the upper hand. Listening to the sound of blades clinging to one another, slowly, I heard their HP falling due to the blizzard causing them to freeze.

Lynn vs Flinn:

Glancing towards the passive face of her opponent, continuing to slash and thrust at critical points of his armor. Every time she would hit his blade then try to faint an attack, he would reflect it as his own until a claw attack struck her on the side, but pushing that to the side, she thrust her lightning blade right into his throat but again, he would parry her attack like if he was reading her attack which, when she was reading his stats, there was nothing impressive except for a level S ability which she was not strong enough to read but that shouldn't mean too much because she had fought some impressive foes who had stronger stats than her especially since his cognition was low but how was she not able to harm him unless... "No." She mumbled under her breath.

"You seem to have figured out my special ability out." He smirked without moving his lips.

"No way." She said flabbergasted. "You have Telepathy and in order for you to be able to use that ability, you took the risk of sacrificing your cognition for perception."

"exactly and every time you had struck my blade, it has allowed me to be able to read your mind starting with the first blow that gives me 5 minutes plus each strike and since you have struck me without damaging me, I'm able to read your mind until the end of this match and normally, no one is able to last an hour in these conditions. Plus, I had infected you with my poison claw which is killing 10% of your health when you would attack me and by the look of your stats, you're already down to 45%."

"Fuck you!" She cursed trying to change things up. "Well, if I can't harm you with my blows, I'm going to have to finish you off right here, right now!"

"I don't think so." He said out loud."

"What?" She released Critical slash at him which pierced a blinding light which went vertical towards Flinn but he was able to block it like it was nothing which made the announcer shoot his eyes wide open with astonishment.

"I'm sorry Lady Lynn. This is where your streak ends. You were pretty good but maybe next time."

"What? No!" Fear appeared on her face like countless others who have seen their doom.

"Fatal release."


Listening to the words of Fatal release, I knew this was over. No one has ever out passed this finisher. Listening to the announcer of him calling the match with him saying, "Lady Lynn has fallen, she never had a chance. Flinn was just mentally trolling her thinking that she might have a chance but she was extremely incredible of staying in the battle as long as she—" Then suddenly, he got interrupted with her prone out body noticing that she was still alive due to her slight moving limbs even though she had a hole in her chest where her heart was at which the announcer had pointed out.

"What?" I thought out loud with the man from the side of me saying the same thing until I remembered that she has regeneration keeping her barely alive, since she has not overcome her defeat , she has not been eliminated but due to her critical condition, I don't think—

Then out of nowhere, Lady Lynn screamed, "Lightning wave!!!" Which sounded like a cry.

"holy cow everyone! Her lightning wave have destroyed the glaciers and almost everything around it including the bridge. Did Prince Flinn make it out from this unexpected attack from Lady Lynn?" He said ecstatically.

With her trying to regenerate knowing that she didn't have anything left. No more strength, no more, power, nor life to leach onto. Hoping that she had destroyed him, with her heart dropping down to her gut, she saw him crawl out from the fallen glaciers and as she watched him walk slowly towards her. She knew it was over. So, with her last breath as he crept closer towards her, he said, "You're pretty good. That last hope of desperation, you almost got me if my health was under 50% but unfortunately, you couldn't leave a scratch on me." Knowing that he was right, knowing that she never had a chance, with the release of her sword, her body completely hit the ground with him continuing on. "Since you could not defeat me, I really hate to say this." He glanced towards the out lookers in the bleachers then stared towards the only kid that is in the stands until he looked back towards the dying woman in front of him. "Not just your record being washed from the lost, but you will be prohibited from facing me from the next 10 years. No matter how many wins and losses you gain. None of that matters to me. The only reason why I chose to face you in the first place is because I heard that you would have been a great  competitor but again, just like the others. You're nothing special." Then suddenly, he placed his sword through her chest eliminating her instantly.

Listening to the announcer continuing on, I ignored the further commentating knowing the outcome. Feeling sad wishing someone would be able to stop him, a nudge distracted me from my thoughts and with the man speaking to me, at first, I wanted to ignore him and take my virtual reality sensory pads off and leave with my mom but with him persisting me to listen to him, he said with excitement, "Dude, you might not be able to see it, but he totally stared at you."

"He? He who?" I asked confused.

"Prince Flynn." He said back.

"Me? I think you might have been seeing things." I pushed the thought away not believing a prince would even look at him or even give him a chance anywhere in his long future. It's practically impossible. If a prince, noble, or even lord even stares at you, that's the person who they are interested in. For what? I don't know. It's not unheard of. A long time ago well before he was even born, A lord stared towards an unexperienced fighter like himself then no sooner he did, that is when prince Flynn was born as the ruthless battle prince there is. The reason why he is not a lord is because he  is not a S rank. People like Lady Lynn with her A rank minus the hidden S rank like Flynn, is consider a noble but due to her loosing towards Flynn. That made a gruesome mark on her title of Lady because not just loosing her fight against a prince, not just her unable to face him for 10 years, nor loosing her rank but she loses the title of being a noble because if it was just a regular competitor, she could always reassemble herself but because of her going against another royal member. With strict rules, if anyone from the royal family shall fight one another, one of them are stripped from everything forcing one of them to the bottom of the list with their original rank of F which, if that had ever happened, they lose their reputation leaving them like us, low landers.

With me feeling his eyes away from me but knowing that he's probably staring towards Flynn, he said, "Don't count yourself short—" With a pause, the man who was trying to make get my hopes up told me, "Little blind kid. He's staring at you right now!" He shouted which nearly had me jumping 10ft off the bench scared out of my mind with his unexpected enthusiasm.

"Wait, what?"

"It looks like he wants to speak to you." No sooner as he said that, the announcers voice had broken over my headphones telling me that I was not expecting to hear. "Come on little blind dude."

Leaving me behind thinking that I was suppose to follow. Remembering that I was blind, coming back, he placed his hand on my right shoulder then as he guided me down the steps although, I would have felt a lot more comfortable if I could hold onto his arm but continuing down the stairs, I couldn't believe that I was summon by a royal family member from Futuramous not knowing that it would be prince Flynn himself.

Prince Flynn:

Watching the kid coming down from the stands with a man guiding him by his shoulder, noticing that he is blind. Reading his stats of growth, it was exponential. Continuing to use his identifier, he couldn't see what rank it was. All it gave it were three question marks. When he was going against Lady Lynn, he was trying to read her health which he would not have an issue but when he was trying to, something was interfering his sensor. Luckily, he was not at 50% or else he would have been eliminated but when he did get near the fallen warrior, sensing a strong aura somewhere around the arena. After making his assumptions then pulling some lines around the crowd, he found it but it caught him off guard that it was an 8-year-old boy with nothing to his name of stats but he was sure it was him because no one was able to block his sensory eye before besides the lord himself and he's only a rank above him but, this boy who is blind? He had to be lured out. No one with his strength should be left alone or else there would be disaster. When he tried to read his name, he couldn't read that either. Who is this child? He thought to himself.

Making it to the bottom of the steps, feeling my knees shaking beneath me, when I approached the security barricade, I heard a deep masculine voice asking my name. feeling the man who helped me down give Lord Flynn a bow, he raced back up the stairs. It might have been me but, I was able to feel every eye on me like if I had made a crime.

"Uh... I am sorry my prince." I nearly peed myself with all nerves wanting to shut down but with only sheer power, I continued to push on. "M, my name is Karry Lanceful."

"Thank you sir Lanceful. I want to jump the small talk and announce the reason why I brought you hear in front of me today. With or without you knowing, you are a special force to be reckon with but unfortunately you are still so young to step foot on the battlefield if surely you ever wanted to but the strength and power that I am able to sense off of you that no one is able to feel because of not having the power like I have. I want to grant you if you ever want to join Futuramous an instant guarantee of being accepted."

Feeling dumbfounded of being offered an opportunity of a life time to join although the rules say that I have to be 18- years- old to be able to join but the offer himself? It's undeniably an accept  invitation from the prince himself.

With me giving him acceptance for me to join as one of the competitors, he said, "great. With this symbol of evidence that I prince Flynn allow you instant pass from trials. You will be able to join with us as a competitor of Futuramous to train, to fight, and to compete and hopefully, we'll cross pass one day."

With him giving me a symbol on top of my right hand then giving me all of his blessings, I went on my way with my new adventure. Although I didn't know what just happened because I feel that I do not deserve this privilege. I couldn't help but place my head up and with some help finding my way, I knew I was going to have my hands full because when someone thinks of passing trials, or I should say, pass in front in line. There's going to be a lot of angry people who would love to keep you down because they do not believe that your worthy for your position. Even at my age of 8. You have bullies who picks on the weak, you have those who think their better than everyone else just because they're popular, and then you have those who thinks they have the power to boss people around just because. Although young, momma told me that it's the circle of the world. If you don't grow with it, you're left behind without it and so, I'm going to fight for the right with my new adventure. Even now, I can hear the crowd talking amongst themselves but once I took off my equipment, I heard my mom call my name telling me that we were leaving.

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