Far Away But Right Here

By mugiwarafan143

930 61 10

Luffy gets sick and ace gets a call that his little brother isn't taking medicine. More


930 61 10
By mugiwarafan143

It was a pleasant day. Birds were chirping and life on the Moby Dick couldn't be better. The Mess hall was as rambunctious as always, with Thatch flitting around with an impossible amount of plates (courtesy of the fire starter), Marco dodging as a full-blown food fight erupted near the commander's table and Izo and Haruta engaged in a conversation about socks with Jozu interjecting with his own opinions ( "Really?" "Of course, all of it can only be carried with presence." )

It was this normal semblance that broke when Toshi from the twelfth division burst into the hall when the whitebeard pirates began trickling out after their meal. A few stragglers lingered behind, wondering what the fuss was about, but quickly made their way out when Toshi approached the commanders with a den den mushi clutched in his hand. Whatever it was, it was none of their business.

Haruta broke away from his argument and glanced at his division member. It had to be urgent because the poor man seemed to sweat buckets, clearly having run over to them.

"Is something wrong, Toshi?" At his question, Ace looked up from where he was stuffing his face and raised an eyebrow, clearly seeing the haggard appearance of his ship-brother.

"C-Commander!" he wheezed as he thrust out the ringing den den mushi towards them, "It's for Commander Ace, from East blue!"

Marco would be lying if he said he was not interested, but he still kept his disinterested facade. Of course, His brothers had no qualms in showing their interest, leaning forward eagerly like the gossip-hungry vultures they were. Ace, on the other, looked concerned but leaned forward to wipe his soiled hands on Thatch's vest, ignoring his squawk of protest.

Ace glanced at them all in turn, seemingly coming to a decision as he pulled the den den mushi towards him. His brothers could not stop the small tendril of warmth and pride as Ace remained seated in his place, even as a relieved Toshi slipped out of the hall, it meant that he was content in exposing his past. Not that the whitebeard pirates needed to know that, but learning about their youngest brother was a joy in itself.

*ka-chank* "Hello?" Ace said tentatively.

A kind voice lilted out of the snail. "Ace, dear, is that you?"

Fire seemed to spread across his cheeks, which Haruta and Thatch gleefully pointed out while sniggering. They only stopped once Izo whacked the back of their heads, pointedly staring at the blushing man.

Ace shot Izo a grateful look and swallowed nervously. "Yeah, Makino?"

"Yes, hello. Thank the seas I was able to reach you!"

And now the man frowned with concern. "Makino, is something wrong?"

A light laugh filled the room. "No, no nothing like that," Ace exhaled with relief. "Hmm, How do I say this? Well, your grandfather came."

The earlier anxiety returned tenfold as his shoulders stiffened. From the corner of his eye, he could see his brothers exchanging worried looks.

"Ace, stop worrying." Came the immediate reprimand.

"Who says I am worrying?" He shot back and cringed a few moments later at his tone. He softened his voice and tried again. "How's the little imp?"

"Well, about that," A faint rustling could be heard in the background along with strange yells, "After your grandfather happened (yes, because his name was enough), His bruises are a little severe-


There was disappointment in Makino's voice, along with restrained fury. "He got dropped in a ravine, I think there were sharpened rocks there. That man....

Makino's voice hitched a little, further spiking Ace's blood pressure. She regained her composure and continued, "He has a fever. High enough. He needs his medicine, it's just a little....bitter."

And Ace instantly understood what was happening. A weary sigh escaped his lips. "Sorry, Makino. Could you give it to him?"

The faint yells in the background now became more pronounced. Ace knew that she was getting closer to the bandit enclosure. "No need to apologize, Ace-kun. He would like to talk to you too."

As they waited, the remaining commanders fidgeted with obvious discontent. For each question answered, a hundred different questions popped up. Till now, they knew about an older woman who could be Ace's.....what?, an abusive grandfather and someone...who?

Muffled whispers came out of the shell.




A bright and youthful voice chirped out, though there was an underlying hint of exhaustion in it. "ACE?! Is that you?"

Ace couldn't stop the involuntary grin to creep up on his face. Even though he was a pain in the ass, He still missed his younger brother.

"Yup, I heard the shitty geezer came?"

"Yeahhh, Forget that! Oh, Ace, Ace! I got a hit in! I doubt he felt it though.....Ah, well, oh and y'know there's a croc lord now? I wonder if it's tasty...."

Ace forgot the reason for calling in light of this recent information. "Wait, croc lord?!"

"Yeah!" He affirmed enthusiastically. "Ace, It's huuuuuuge!"

Thatch leaned forward and bonked his younger brother on his head, who was now drooling at the prospect of all that meat. Whoever this kid was, he was definitely related to Ace. Haruta was wheezing with the effort to contain his laughter with Marco patting his back with exasperation.

Ace snorted as he came back to his senses and shook his head, No! He refused to be drawn into his pace!

"Listen, Lu-


Ace sighed again. Really, he should be expecting this. "Luffy, you're sick."

"Nu-uh" Ace could almost image his younger brother pouting and swishing his head side-to-side. "I am not. I don't get sick."

"Really? And why not?"

"'Cause Ace didn't get sick. Why should I?"

"That....makes absolutely no sense."

"Meanie, stingy, blockhead...."

Ace whipped out his palm in a bid to placate Luffy, even though he couldn't see it. "Alright, Alright, Just once, alright Lu? For your big brother?"

Thatch had that ah-hah moment as he wordlessly slapped his brothers on his back, grinning all the while. His younger brother had a brother back home! Clearly, Marco was pleased too but he swatted at the cook's offending limbs, motioning him to be silent as the kid started speaking again.

"But Acccceee ," he whined, drawing out the name, "It tastes disgusting! Like the devil fruit, but more bitter!" and finished his rant with a strangled cough.

Ace winced. "Tell you what," He said as his face scrunched with concern, "You drink that an' I'll treat ya when I meet you again."


"Loads of meat." He promised.

"Sure!" A faint gurgle could be heard before the most horrible retching known to man blasted out the snail.

"Sure is one strong medicine." Haruta muttered to Izo who nodded with acquiesce.

Ace looked up and flapped his hand around in a dismissive gesture. "He's just overreacting."

"Done! And-

The snail suddenly went dead silent and when Ace's anxiety shot through the roof, a snore echoed from the call.

"Brat." Ace muttered and rested his head on his arms, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"Ace, Your brother has narcolepsy too?" Thatch piped up.

The fire user shook his head. From when they were kids, Luffy had the ability to instantly fall asleep, no matter his surroundings. But this was unexpected, even by his younger brother's standards. Was he really that worn out?

"Ace dear, are you still there?"

Ace shot up and snatched the receiver again. "Yeah still here. What happened?"

"Oh, nothing," Makino reassured gently, "Luffy-kun refused to rest so I added a little something to help things along."

Ace laughed. "How much?"

"Enough to keep him down for a day."

He whistled lowly and startled a little when Makino's voice turned sharp. "Also, you! Stop picking fights with big-name pirates! I don't know whether to worry about you or be angry with you! A yonko, seriously? Even you have limits, Ace-kun!"

Ace rubbed a hand on the back of his head, ignoring the snickering from the peanut gallery as he fought off a blush. "Sorry?"

"I thought I taught you better than that, young man!"

His forehead knocked on the table as he tried to bow. "I sincerely apologize."

Makino chuckled, clear and bright, soothing Ace's soul, just like a mother could.

"Ah, Makino," He said as he gestured his brothers to scoot over (which they did with clear delight), "Meet my Nakama,"

Naturally, Thatch with all his exuberance, started first, "Hello ma'am, My name is Thatch. I'll share some of Ace's embarrassing stories if you do too,"


"Of course, Thatch-san, It's an honour to meet you,"

The receiver was then snatched by Haruta, who was now perched on Thatch's shoulder, "Yo! Haruta here! Did y'know that Ace is an amazing prankster?"

Without waiting for a response, The device was tugged out daintily by Izo, "Makino dear, Ace goes through all his shirts so quickly! Really, it's quite-

"Enough yoi," Marco rebuked as he freed the poor snail from his brother's clutches, "Let the woman breathe!"

And suddenly laughter could be heard from the den den mushi, not mocking, no, but endlessly warm like the summer's breeze. It reminded Marco of Oyaji, of a parent's warmth.

"Ace-kun has such delightful nakama!" She trilled and addressed them, "Thank you for loving Ace and taking care of him!"

The pirates went beet-red as Marco smiled broadly and said without hesitation. "Of course, he is our little brother."

Ace, quite red himself, clutched his hat closer to his head and complained weakly. "M-Makino!"

With one last answering laugh, the call ended.

The end.

(Thankyou so much for reading and i hope you liked it )

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