
Por gretavangroupie

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She loves me, she loves me not? Maybe love really is written in the stars. Más

Vigilance (Chapter 1)
Vigilance (Chapter 2)
Vigilance (Chapter 3)
Vigilance (Chapter 4)
Vigilance (Chapter 5)
Vigilance (Chapter 6)
Vigilance: The Outtakes - Plan A
Vigilance (Chapter 7)
Vigilance (Chapter 8)
Vigilance (Chapter 9)
Vigilance (Chapter 10)
Vigilance (Chapter 11)
Vigilance (Chapter 12)
Vigilance (Chapter 13)
Vigilance (Chapter 14)
Vigilance (Chapter 15)
Vigilance (Chapter 16)
Vigilance: The Outtakes - Coda
Vigilance (Chapter 17)
Vigilance (Chapter 18)
Vigilance (Chapter 19 Part 1)
Vigilance (Chapter 19 Part 2)
Vigilance (Chapter 20)
Vigilance (Chapter 21 Part 1)
Vigilance (Chapter 21 Part 2)
Vigilance: The Outtakes - Rekindled
Vigilance (Chapter 22 Part 1)
Vigilance (Chapter 22 Part 2)
Vigilance: The Outtakes - Disruption
Vigilance (Chapter 23)
Vigilance (Chapter 24)
Vigilance (Chapter 25 Part 2)
Vigilance (Chapter 26)
Vigilance (Chapter 27 Part 1)
Vigilance (Chapter 27 Part 2)
Vigilance (Chapter 28 Part 1)
Vigilance (Chapter 28 Part 2)
Vigilance (Chapter 29)
Vigilance (Chapter 30)
Vigilance (Epilogue)
Vigilance: The Outtakes - Sin City Revisited

Vigilance (Chapter 25 Part 1)

122 2 0
Por gretavangroupie

Word count: 11.0k

Pairings: Jake x Reader, Daniel x OC, OC x OC

Warnings: Alcohol, Smoking, Cursing, Europe Jake, Extreme Dramatic Themes. Angst Including: Talks of Infidelity, Toxic Themes, Stalking, Arguing, Yelling, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Abandonment, Heartbreak, Domestic Violence, Extreme Domestic Abuse, Extreme Verbal Abuse, Extreme Physical Violence, Weapons, Blood, Extreme Stalking, Confrontation, Talks of Past Sexual Abuse, Mentions of Rape, Physical Assault, Emotional Assault, Verbal Assault, Kidnapping, Extreme Trauma, Talks of Marriage. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Fingering, Oral F!Receiving, Oral M!Receiving, Full Penetration, Rough Sex, Mentions of Masturbation. Fluff.

This chapter contains the POV of Andy and will contain descriptions of extreme stalking, including an abusers point of view with vivid descriptions of acts committed. This will be triggering for some readers so please read and recognize each trigger warning given above before proceeding with these sections.




"Do you really think you'll need that?" you ask, leaning back onto your hands.

She tosses the curling iron into the suitcase, "I don't know Jake! I've never had to hide out in the woods for weeks at a time! I don't know what to bring!" she snaps.

"Easy, easy..." you soothe, holding your hand up in defeat. "Bring whatever you want, it was just a question. You know you don't have to dress up or anything. It's just gonna be me and you, and I think you look the prettiest just how you are. I still can't believe you never went to Yankee Springs growing up. How did we never take you there?"

She huffs out a breath, closing the lid of her suitcase. "I don't know, my family just always went to Mackinac instead. I can't believe we even have to do this. I'm sorry, this is just...crazy."

"I agree, it's fucking insane but you know we can't stay here, right? At least until this is sorted...Just two weeks and then we are on the road again." you ask, placing your hand on her knee.

She nods and grabs the edge of the bed, pulling herself up from the floor to stand with a hand on her healing stomach. You watch, wincing in pain as her face contorts.

"You okay, baby? You want to lay down for a little while? Still have to wait for the locksmith before we can go..." you question.

"I'm okay, I need to grab a few more things. I just need another tylenol I think."

"Let me get it, you lay down, please, it would make me feel better." you beg.

She huffs, sliding onto her side of the bed.

You squeeze her foot, "Thank you." you breathe, as you step through the doorway and into the bathroom.

Thankfully the medical center in Mexico City ruled her injuries as superficial; the cut across her abdomen not deep enough to need stitches, but would still have a painful recovery. Your mind flashed back to the blood everywhere, and in that moment you were sure she was bleeding out. With some cleaning up and some heavy bandaging she was looking better, but there was still the matter of whether or not she had a concussion. You sat with her for hours in that exam room, just waiting to hear any kind of results, both of you still reeling and finally around 4am, a doctor came in and gave her the all clear to go home.

Now, a few days later you were only left with the memory of that night and her lingering headache. You returned to the bedroom with the pills and a glass of water, handing them to her as you sat down on the edge of the bed.

"What do you think? Quick little nap before we hit the road?" you ask, watching her swallow the chalky white tablets.

"Mmm, maybe..." she said hesitantly, clearly thinking about something.

"What's up babe..." you asked, placing a hand on her leg.

"I don't know, I'm just...scared. Everytime I think about sleeping I know that it could be the next time I will have a nightmare. That I will have to relive it again." she answered.


"But maybe it won't. Maybe you'll dream of something good. I know it's hard babe, and I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I let you go alone. It will never happen again." you promise.

"I know Jake, it's okay. None of us ever imagined that could happen." she said, sending you a soft side smile.

"Well how about this, if I hear you starting to have a nightmare I will wake you up as soon as it starts...I want you to rest at home while you can. The cabin is...well, it's a cabin. We will be comfortable, it's just not the same as this." you say motioning around the room.

"So what do you say I tuck you in, and turn on something on the TV and you just relax while I load up the car?"

She nods her head and pulls up her legs as you pull down the duvet, letting her straighten them out before tossing it over her and tucking her in. You grab the remote and turn on the TV, letting her decide what to watch as the doorbell rings.

"Oh good, he's here. I don't think this will take too long, then we can head out okay." you said, handing her the remote.

You leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Love you, I'll be right out here."

After letting the locksmith in, you went through the steps of updating the passcode on your security system, and updating the app on your phone to make sure you were getting all of the possible alerts. You peeked your head into the bedroom to find Y/N passed out in the comfort of your bed, and a warmth washed over you. She's safe.

Holding her cold and limp body just a few short days ago had taken its toll on you. You knew she was right to be nervous about nightmares when you had been suffering from your own, even just last night. Your mind wandering into dark places as it flashed through scenes of what could have been, waking you in the night prompting you to reach over and feel for her warm skin, and the rise and fall of her chest. You laid awake that night in the hotel room holding her as she slept next to you, your mind racing and hypervigilant to every single noise that sounded in the hallway of the hotel. How could you sleep knowing he was still out there?

You threw the suitcases into the back of your car, ready to drive through the night to get to your safe place. A place few knew existed, and you and your brothers' favorite place to go when you needed to get away. It had been a while since you'd sought its refuge, and part of you was itching for a small escape from your bleak reality.

"Alright sir, the doors are all good to go. Here are your new keys, I can make you a few copies if you'd like." the locksmith said, handing you two shiny silver keys.

"No, I only need two. Thank you so much." you confirmed, sliding your card through his iPad attachment.

"Have a good day sir." he said, tipping his head and exiting.

As the door shut behind him you walked back into the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed. You let your hand slide up her leg, resting at her hip as her eyes fluttered open.

"Are you sure we have to go? We can just stay and you can get in bed with me now..." her groggy voice pleaded.

You leaned over and kissed her cheek, "Yeah baby, we have to go. I think you'll love it there. It's where I wrote your songs all those summers ago. Gonna bring my guitar...I'll play them for you..." you coaxed.

"You will?" she asks, becoming more coherent.

"Mmhm...but you have to get up and get in the car so we can go." you said.

She stretched her legs and sat up, pushing her hair behind her shoulders, "You sure you are good to drive through the night?" she asks.

"Yep, it's pretty much a straight shot from here to there. Should get in around 2am... And you know I don't even go to bed before then on a normal night." you said, patting her hip with a smirk.

"We'll get there and settle in and go to bed...then we'll wake up in my favorite place. Can't wait to show you all the fun spots we found there throughout the years. You'll love it."

"You're cute when you're excited." she smiles.

"Wish it was under different circumstances, but it is what it is. I'm gonna go put a few more things in the car and I'll be ready to go, okay?" you say, standing from the bed.

"Okay. I'll meet you in the car." She says, standing up and placing a soft kiss to your lips.

She pulled your sweatshirt over her head with a smile and you looked at her, wondering how you were lucky enough to spend everyday for the next two weeks by her side.



Junk, junk, junk...

You scoffed at the growing pile of junk mail that had collected at your front door, sorting through the astonishing amount of magazines and credit card offers. Coming back to your house after being gone for months on end always felt eerie, and oddly quiet. The peacefulness was nice, but you missed the noise. The chaos. And the distractions.

You were set to leave for the European leg of tour tomorrow, and you'd spent the last two weeks bouncing around as much as you possibly could. That night in Mexico, after getting Y/N to a safe place, you and Jake had made the executive decision that it would be best if you all stayed anywhere other than home after the incident with Andy, and so far, it had worked.

The solitary travel had been a nice breakaway after the true trauma you'd all experienced, and you felt yourself slowly starting to get excited to get on stage again. You'd visited your family for a few days, slept on the couches of your buddies, and spent singular days in solitude in random shanty shacks on the river. Thinking, writing, hiding.

The only communication you'd had with the guys was a text sent every morning and night, a simple "I'm okay." to let each other know that Andy hadn't made his presence known. The looming feeling of him watching was ever-present, especially in airports and walking down streets. You knew that Y/N and Jake felt even worse, probably constantly looking over their shoulders at every minute of the day. But you knew they were safe, tucked away in the wilderness in the cabin at Yankee Springs.

The only constant that had stayed with you throughout your days of underground travel was Cat. All day conversation turned into all-night phone calls, and you found yourself aching to see her at almost every single point of the day. She was able to join you on one of your excursions to the mountains, spending three nights at your cousin's fishing cabin before you had to hit the road again, finding the next place to lock yourself down.

"I don't like hiding from him, it doesn't make sense. But it feels like it's what we need to do right now. Throw him off, confuse him..." you'd confided in Cat as you lay in bed one night at the cabin, your hand grazing over her bare leg as you mumbled on, deep in thought. "I'm sure Jake's brain is formulating something. We can't stay on the run from him forever..."

You threw the junk mail into the trash, glad to be rid of one of the pointless tasks you'd given yourself for the day. You trudged to your fridge, knowing that it was pointless to even look, but the motion felt natural. After finding nothing but an old seltzer water, you cracked the top on it, letting the fizzy bubbles wake you back up and put some life back into your exhausted-from-nothing mental state.

Time to gear up again...

You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, pulling it out to see a text from Josh in the group.


4:26pm: Meet at the office at 5? One last throw down before Europe😈

The Great Sambino 🎹

4:27pm: Hell yes

4:27pm: God I miss you guys

4:28pm: Just kidding I don't


4:28pm: I'll be there. I cleaned up that song I wrote in the hospital, gonna show you and see what you think


4:29pm: I've also come up with a few things...

4:30pm: As long as we're out of there by 10

The Great Sambino🎹

4:31pm: Why, what do you have going on that's more important than me I mean us


4:32pm: Probably something to do with the wardrobe intern I watched him flirt with in South America..... ;)


4:32pm: OH RELY

4:32pm: Really* sorry driving


4:33pm: We're actually a bit past flirting...

The Great Sambino🎹

4:34pm: Daniel, I'm shocked. Why didn't you let us in on this? Or me at least...


4:35pm: Am I not allowed to have secrets!??


4:36pm: No. No you're not. We prefer long and drawn out details on these matters, Daniel


4:37pm: We'll see. See you in a few.

Just as you were watching as the last text sent through, another came through from the prettiest girl you were sure you'd ever met.


4:38pm: Plane should be landing around 10:30. Good luck navigating that stupid Nashville airport!😘


4:39pm: I'd make those pickup circles a hundred times for you, babe. See you soon♥️

Ahhh, Cat. Catalina. Your beautiful constant that has brought you more happiness than you've felt in a long, long time. She made you feel seen, and heard, and content. And things weren't even that serious. Her willingness to be casual fit in with yours completely, and you found yourself thinking about her more and more as the days passed.

She had planned to come and stay with you for the one night in Nashville before you left the next day for Europe, truly out of necessity. It was pointless for her to get an expensive hotel room, and the summer months had filled the Air Bnb's up to almost full capacity.

"Just come stay with me, it'll literally be less than ten hours." You'd said.

"You sure you don't care? That's not too...ya know..."

"Cat. You came and stayed with me at a sketchy lake cabin in Michigan. We'll literally be there long enough to sleep."

"Let's be real, Danny. We probably won't be doing much sleeping."

"Hah. Yeahhhh... You're probably right."

You made sure the house was cleaned up and your bags were all packed before leaving to head to the office, hoping that Cat was okay with just picking up some takeout on the way home from the airport tonight. Your stomach flipped over with nerves, the excitement building of seeing your brothers again, leaving for one hell of a European leg, and most of all, sharing your bed for the first time with your girl tonight.


"Cookout or Taco Bell?" You asked Cat as you hopped back into traffic after leaving the airport.

She pulled on her hair ties, taking the braids in her hair free after her long plane ride. "Ahhh um Taco Bell for sure. A crunchwrap supreme and a Baja blast are calling my name." She breathed, tousling her long black waves.

"I was just kidding, I was gonna take you somewhere a bit nicer...but-"

"Danny, for real? Do you think I care about eating at nice places? Taco Bell is my shit." She said, her Bostonian accent coming out to play after spending the past few weeks in her hometown.

You laughed. Thank god. "Alright. Chalupas it is, then."


"So, how is Y/N doing? After, everything..." Cat asked as she sipped the last of her drink, her head in her hands as she leaned on the counter.

You'd made the decision to let Cat know a bit about what was going on, as her curiosity had piqued after the rumors began. The night you called security to come help, the loose lips began to fly. Of course everyone knew what had happened, but no one really knew the extent. Luckily, most everyone respected Jake and Y/N enough to not talk about it too much. The crew loved her. They loved when they worked under her. Of course they were worried. They'd even gone to the trouble of all throwing in to get her a giant bouquet of flowers delivered to their house when you'd gotten back home.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. As soon as we got back home, we all split ways. Laid super low. I haven't even talked to the other guys a whole lot...we check in every single day but don't discuss much. Just giving them some privacy right now." You explained.

She nodded. "That's probably for the best. Once everything settles down I'm sure she will be back to leaning on you guys. I mean, it sounds like it was pretty terrible for you all, too. Don't discount that."

"It was really fucking scary. But she's resilient as fuck. I just feel bad that right when she was starting to make some good life changes, this shit happened." You shook your head, fidgeting with a hot sauce packet. "I fucking hate Andy."

"You guys are gonna have to be there for each other. I'm sure Jake is just as fucked up, Sam too. And Elle...god. All of you are so close." She went on.

"Yeah, we're most definitely family."

"And there's no stronger bond than that, Danny." Cat said, resting her hands over yours. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just kinda tired. I was gonna go take a wanna, um..." you rubbed the back of your neck, wondering if she would be comfortable taking a shower with you.

A gorgeous smile crept to her face. "I'd love to."


After a shower and a few rounds of messing up your sheets, Cat laid sleepily across the bed with you, wrapped up in the heavy gray comforter.

"Thanks for letting me stay here." She relented, her eyes all the way closed.

"Hope I've been a good host." You replied, playing with her hair as she reclined on your arm that was crossed behind your head. At first you couldn't wait to fall into the bed and sleep, but now that you were here, your mind was restless. You flashed back to the memory of your shaking hands dialing for security that night in Mexico, the sound of Jake begging for Y/N to wake up in the background...

"Hey, Jack. Sorry to wake you up. I'm gonna send you my location..can you and David come down here asap please...yeah it's an emergency...yeah, someone's been hurt. Yeah, ok. Thanks."

It felt like it took hours for them to get there, when in all reality they made it in about ten minutes. Somehow or another Logan had heard the radio, and joined them.

"Danny, what the hell is going on?" Logan ran up to you as soon as the security vehicle parked.

"Andy. Andy fucking took her, dude." You blubbered through rough tears and fearful angst. You motioned behind you to show him the scene- the blood, the scattered gravel, Sam still pacing around while everyone loaded a disoriented Y/N into the van for a ride to the medical center. "I need you to help me look for him."

"Whatever you need, let's go."

You, Jack, and Logan rushed the streets, looking for him in the thick crowds, screaming for him in the parking lots, knowing that it was all for nothing. He was gone, long gone by now. But you and Logan both knew Andy loved trouble, and there was the tiniest chance he could show his face.

But he wouldn't. And he didn't.

You glanced around to the group as you reconvened at the hotel parking lot, the darkness heavy and the mist settling in. You had no idea what time it was, where exactly you were, or what to even think. Your adrenaline was still pumping, and you felt as though you could punch through a brick wall, while simultaneously sleeping for the next several days.

Jake, Josh, and David had escorted Y/N to the nearest medical center to get her checked out while you stayed with Sam, Elle, and Logan to talk things out as you walked back to the hotel. You knew Sam was in a fit right now, and truly, you might have been the only one who could bring him back down to earth. Logan sensed this, and took Elle to the side to see if she wanted to talk while you recentered Sam.

"Let's go upstairs, Elle...we can talk..." Logan suggested to her while giving you a knowing wink to take care of Sam. You knew deep down that he needed you most right now, and Elle might not be the best one to help him through it.

When Sam finally realized Elle was in good hands with Logan, he kissed his hand and waved it to her, telling her he would be up in a few, and he was just going to smoke a cigarette.

When she was finally out of sight, he let his guard down tenfold. "I thought she was fucking dead, dude..." he huffed back tears as he punched his fists on the wall of the outside of the hotel, still almost hysterical. "Gone, forever...I thought I was going to find her cold." He said, finally swinging himself around to sit on the bench outside of the hotel, pulling a Spirit from the pack and lighting the end, taking a long and calming inhale.

You watched as he let the nicotine hit his nerves, instantly calming him as he closed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair. You glanced down, seeing his jeans and shirt covered in dried mud and her blood. His hands were shaking, his movements jerked. He took at least 4 or 5 more calming breaths before you knew he would be able to speak.

"Fuck...what the fuck, Danny." He breathed, his panic finally leveling out as he came back down from his state of shock.

Danny. He never called you that. Only when he was truly trying to express a wordless feeling.

"I don't know, Sam. I don't know." You couldn't form words, yourself. You, too, were in a strange mindset, one of disbelief and relief that she was here, she was going to be okay. You knew that Sam was coming off of a completely distraught and distressed episode, thinking that his best friend in the entire world was going to be lifeless when he found her. You could hardly even imagine his and Jake's feelings right now.

All you could do was sit here, and be present with him.

After a few more minutes, he crushed his cigarette out on the concrete step below you, putting his hands on his sullied knees. "How the fuck am I supposed to go comfort Elle right now when I can hardly hold it together myself?" He asked you, his voice flat and low.


This might be the first time you truly didn't know how to help your friend.

You took a breath. "You march upstairs, put on a happy fucking face, and you take Elle in, and process this with her. Together." You said, a strange confidence in your voice that you definitely forced, but you knew he needed to hear it. "Suck it up for her, Sam. I know where your mind is right now, but you need to dial it back. Jake has her now. And Elle is her best friend, too."

Sam was staring off into the distance, letting your words flow into his ear and out the other. Finally he spoke with nothing but a quiet breath. "You're right. Okay."

You looked at one another, feeling the air thick between you as he unloaded some of his pain onto you, which you willingly took. "Save it for later. I'll be here again when you need to talk. Just, go to Elle." You demanded it more than suggested. He knew exactly what you meant, as he answered you with an obedient nod. "Go take care of her, Sam."

He nodded hard again as the two of you stood from the bench, turning in to give each other a deep embrace. "Thanks." He choked, and you responded with a harsh fist to his back.

"I'll call you tomorrow. Go to sleep." You said, pulling away from his grasp, both of you ready to fight the demons that would surely keep you up until the sun rose.





"How long is the flight?" you ask, looking to Jake as he slides the plane window open.

"Only two hours I think." he said, settling back into his chair, rolling his head against the headrest to look at you. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just anxious to get there and not have to fly for a few days. The back to back is killing me. Denmark to Sweden to Germany to Italy, now to France...Sometimes I just don't know how you guys do it. Constant traveling and having to play shows on top of the jetlag. I'm beat and all I have to do is run your errands." you say.

A smile pulls across his face, the dark smattering of hair beginning to grow on his upper lip adding to his expression, "Well get ready, because this is nothing compared to what we are about to do when we get back for the US dates. Have you taken a look at that schedule by chance?" he asks.

"No, not yet..." you answer nervously.

"We've got like fifty shows from the end of July to December." he says, patting your knee. "This is just the beginning of the long part, babe."

"Fifty?!" you gush.

"Shit, actually probably more than that. We have some shows we will have to reschedule since I was in the hospital..." he says, staring off as he thinks. "But we should be done just in time for Christmas. It will be nice to go home and relax for a bit when it's all said and done..."

You grab his hand and lace his fingers with yours as the plane starts to taxi, "Thanks for bringing me with Jake...I don't know if I would have ever gotten to go to all of these places..."

He brings your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, "You know I'll take you anywhere in the world, right? Just say the word."


You pressed the back of your hand to your forehead, collecting the sweat beading at your hairline. Elle stood at your side doing the same as the two of you watched the guys play their encore to the sold out french amphitheater.

"God, they sound so good tonight...despite the heat. I'm sure they are completely drenched in sweat." Elle said, looking to you.

"Jake is sweaty on a normal day..." you laughed, "Thank god they have a few days before the next show and we can get his suit dry cleaned." you said, sending out a disgusted shiver.

"Yeah! What are you guys going to do with your few days off?" she asked.

"I'm not sure, I know we are going to that chateau a few hours north. Maybe I can convince Jake to do a wine tasting or something." you ponder.

"Well that won't be hard..." Elle laughed elbowing your arm.

Seconds later the crowd erupts in screaming and cheering as the guys begin to make their exit off of the stage. Jake steps past the curtain, tossing his guitar strap over his head and handing it off to his tech as he takes a towel to begin wiping himself off.

You toss a smile to Elle as you follow Jake down the set of steps on your way back to the green room.

He turns around to look for you, seeing you just two steps behind him, stopping and grabbing your hand as he walks, "Hey baby, good show, they seemed to really love you." you gushed.

"Why is it so fucking hot in France? I thought this place was luxurious? I am not feeling very luxurious." he laughs.

"You're wearing a wool-blend suit in the middle of summer." you quip.

"With a tiny ass fan..." he smirks.

"That too. How about a shower, and I'll take your suit to Cat and see about some dry cleaning..."

"Thanks babe...I'll be quick." he said, tossing his jacket on a chair and beginning to unbutton his pants, "Wait, did you see that sunset?"

"Yeah, it was and pink..." you said, nodding.

"Yeah...reminded me of you." he said with a final wink, tossing his pants to the chair before disappearing behind a shower curtain.

You shook your head and collected the sweaty clothes as the others piled into the dressing room.

"Damn it! Did he already beat us to the shower?" Danny groaned.

"Yep, he was dripping wet." you laughed.

"Ugh yeah and he stinks when he is sweaty..." Sam confirmed.

"He won't be long I'm sure..."

You made your way to wardrobe dropping off his suit, chatting with Cat and thanking her for being brave enough to handle the sweaty garments.

Walking back into the dressing room you saw Jake sitting on a couch running his fingers through his wet hair as Josh talked about the show. Jake's eyes caught yours, lingering for just an extra second as he took in the sight of you in your white dress. Skin glistening and tanned from the European sun. You blushed under his gaze, knowing what that look meant.

However, Jake was insistent that your wound needed time to heal before he would even consider 'extracurricular activities'. It had been a little over three weeks since the two of you had been with each other, and the sexual tension between the two of you was growing by the minute. You knew the dam was bound to break any day now, and personally, you couldn't wait. You hoped that these next few days off would treat the two of you well.

"Okay, this is officially the nicest hotel I have ever seen..." you said, dropping your bag onto the bed, covered in high thread count linens and draped in rich tones of emerald and gold. You ran your hand along the pillows soaking up the feeling of the silken fabric as you looked to him.

"Well, it's technically not a hotel, it's a chateau..." Jake said with a cocky grin and a faux french accent, parking his suitcase in front of the large bay window overlooking the vineyard.

The way his cream colored suit hung on his frame, so effortless and relaxed, had your mind reeling with thoughts of the first time you saw it. That night in the hotel lobby in Chicago. Where it took your breath away then, it still had the same effect now. Leaving you speechless as you watched the sun peer through the window and onto his face. It almost seemed to fit the atmosphere better here, surrounded by fabrics of the same texture and richness. He seemed to belong here, existing perfectly in this moment in time. He had let his mustache grow in over the last week or two, the dark brown hair on his lip only adding to your desire for him.

You pulled yourself from your thoughts with a deep breath, looking around the suite adorned with golden framed oil paintings and velvet couches. You wandered into the large ensuite bathroom with a real clawfoot tub, imagining yourself soaking in it for a few hours as the smell of the vineyard drifted through the open windows. Yeah, you could get used to this.

You felt a pair of warm hands on your shoulders, brushing away the hair from your neck as Jake's voice whispered lowly into your ear, "What do you think? Will this do for my girl?"

"Jake, this is such a beautiful room...I don't ever want to leave." you said, spinning to face him. His hands traveled from your shoulders to your cheeks, cupping your face as he pressed a kiss to your lips.

"Well, that is unfortunate news since we have a chateau and vineyard tour in thirty minutes..." he smiles, still cupping your cheeks.

"Vineyard tour? We're actually gonna do it?" you ask excitedly.

"Of course we are? Have you met us? But I found out an interesting tidbit..." he smirks.


"This particular vineyard grows champagne grapes. This is a Champagne winery. But that isn't the best part." he grins, tapping his thumbs on your cheek bones.

"The best part is that we are also doing a cellar tour, meaning we will be sampling Champagne from their private collection that has over 150 different champagne houses within its walls. All you can drink..."

"Oh noooo..." you say, feeling your face grow hot.

"Oh yessss..."

The sun started its descent over the field of green leaves, the group of rowdy guys laughing and carrying on behind you has you completely unfazed as the bubbles swirling through your veins threaten to carry you off into the sky. If not for Jake's firm grip on your hand anchoring you to the Earth, you just might let them.

Your brain is hazy and your limbs light as you follow the tour guide to the final section of the tour, where you will sample the last few champagnes. Thankfully she spaced them out between the focal points of the tour, but even still you were all feeling much lighter than when you started. There was definitely a difference in the Champagne that you bought from Kroger versus the Champagne they were serving you in France. You could feel it.

Elle ran up to you, tossing her arm around your shoulder sending you and Jake stumbling to the side with her impact. You wrapped your glass filled hand around her waist trying to keep your balance as she laughed up at the sky.

"Listen, listen you two..." she stammered, her voice tinged with drunken slur. "I double checked...There are no stairwells here. Well none that I could find anyways..."

You felt your cheeks grow red with embarrassment, her drunken thoughts telling on her sober mind.

"Elle!" you gushed.

"What!" she laughed. "I'm just kidding Y/N...come on..."

"Oh, don't you worry that pretty little head, darlin'. She isn't going anywhere, not on my watch." Jake interjected.

"Too soon, huh? Whatever we're all back together and happy now... " she mumbles.

"Yeah, yeah...Where's Sam?" you asked, looking behind you.

"I don't know. Him and Danny went to go find a bathroom, but that was like twenty minutes ago. They are probably.... Doing something they aren't supposed to be. Actually... I better go find them. Be right back!" she said, bounding off into the distance.

"I think we've got four more samples to try...You think you're gonna make it? You're looking awfully floaty..." he smiles.

"Yeah, I can make it." you said, staring down at the ground in front of you as your mind wandered with thoughts of you and Jake and where your relationship really stood. The thoughts sobering you up quickly.

You approached the picnic table where the remaining champagnes sat, ready to be poured into the shining flutes. You sat down and watched as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a deep orange hue across the sky. The rest of your group stumbled in, the alcohol racing through their systems in a noticeable way, indicated by the pink tint on their cheeks and the smiles plastered across their faces.

"Having fun Y/N? I heard champagne is your favorite." Josh winks.

You nod your head, embarrassed that that fact has become an inside joke. "Yeah, this is really nice."

You notice Jake's brow furrow slightly as he sips his first glass, sitting down next to you with his hand on your knee. He waits until Sam starts a new conversation before looking over at you, "What's wrong baby, you seem...sad, suddenly. I thought you were feeling good, having fun?"

You place your hand over his in reassurance, "No, no! I am. This is amazing. Once in a lifetime experience. I'm fine, I promise." you smile, hoping he will believe you.

But you should have known better.

"Come take a walk with me..." he asks, standing and extending his hand to you.

You toss back the rest of your glass, abandoning the others as you took his hand in yours, letting him pull you to stand as he led the two of you into the greenery of the vineyard.

He dropped your hand and placed his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close into the creamy linen of his suit coat. You breathed in deeply the smell of him, and the smell of the grape leaves all around you, letting it overwhelm your senses until you were completely consumed by it.

"What's going on baby? Why the sudden sad face?" he asks, guiding the two of you slowly down the dirt paths.

"Nothing. It's stupid Jake. I swear..." you answer, trying to shake the thoughts from your head.

"Well how about you tell me, and I'll tell you if it's stupid." he asks.

You stop, turning to face him as he grabs your hands in his, "Just tell me babe... It's just me."

"Nothing, I was just... Elle made a comment about everyone being 'back together and happy' and it just made me... I don't know...Sad, I guess?" you stammer.

"Why did that make you sad?" he asks, cocking a brow at you.

You look up at him, meeting his eyes, "Well...because...Are...we back together?"

He tries to hide the smile pulling across his lips, "I don't know Y/N...Are we?"

"Well, that night in Bra–"

"In Brazil." he finishes.

"Yeah, you...well, we...I kinda just were going to ask me again after I said all that. But you didn't." you admit.

His hand travels up your arm, his fingers gently caressing your skin as they make their way to your face, gripping your cheek as he lets out a small laugh through his parted lips.

"Do you want me to ask you?" he questions.

"Well..." you pause, "Now that I think about it... I don't think you ever really asked me to begin with...I think we just kind of...knew we belonged to each other."

Another laugh falls from his lips, and a true genuine smile spreads across his face. He leans over, plucking something from the vine behind you, "Y/N..."

"See, I told you it was stupid. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry, just forget I said anything. I mean obviously we are together, right? We aren't twelve. I don't need you to ask me to be your girlfriend... God I need to grow up, that's what I need to do. Let's go back, I'm sure they are wondering where we are..." you stammer, trying to turn the two of you to walk back towards the group.

"Y/N..." he says again.

You glance at him nervously, biting your lip as you wait to hear what he is going to say.

His thumb comes up and pulls your lip from between your teeth, letting his hand slide down to grab yours, placing a small yellow flower in your hand. "I know it's not a daisy..." he pauses. "But I think the same rules still apply..."

Your cheeks flush pink at his sentiment, as you twirl the small yellow flower between your fingers.

"Y/N, my love..." he stops, smiling as he continues, "My girl, my little dipper...Will you please do me the honor of being my girlfriend? My partner? The love of my life? The person I fall asleep with and wake up to every morning? The person I want to travel the world with and share my life with? The girl I will do any and everything for, as long as I am on this Earth?"

Your heart clenched in your chest hearing the words leave his lips, finally knowing he wanted the same things as you did. You bashfully nodded your head, "Yes, of course."

He leans in, placing a quick kiss on your lips before pulling away, "Good, then it's settled."

You nod, "Should we go finish our champagne?" you ask.

"Yes, we should, but I need to go to the bathroom, I'll meet you back over there, okay?" he asks.

"Okay. Hey Jake?"

"Yep?" he answers, turning to look over his shoulder.

"She loves you." You say twisting the flower between your fingers.

He walks back over to meet you, grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him, before pressing his lips to yours in a long, drawn out kiss, "He loves you too."

Jake rejoins you a few minutes later as Josh is uncorking a new bottle of champagne. At this point everyone is getting close to their limits, laughing, giggling and dancing around in the twinkling patio lights overhead. The sun is down, leaving the sky a deep navy blue before fading to black.

Sam grabs your hand twirling you around to the jazz music playing loudly from his phone on the picnic table, the smell of the vineyard swirling through your nose as he dips you down towards the ground. His smile is happy, genuine, like there's no place he would rather be than here with Elle, and his brothers and his best friend. Maybe Elle was right, maybe everyone is finally happy again.

"Mind if I butt in..." Jake interjects, with a hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Nope, she's all yours."

And you were, in every sense of the word. His, completely.

"Hello gorgeous, I see this champagne is treating you well." he says, bringing you in close to dance with him. The twinkling of the lights overhead, and the beauty of the vineyard around you as you dance with your love, puts into perspective just how lucky you are that this is your life.

You rest your head on his chest as he kisses your head, "Thanks for bringing me here Jake. I don't ever want to leave this moment."

"Tell me..." he says, spinning you out then pulling you back in. "Why this moment?"

"Everything just feels... good. Perfect even. I've never been happier with you than I am now. I'm here in this beautiful country with my best friends and the love of my life... We had the best day at this gorgeous estate...I don't know. I just...I feel lucky that this is how my life turned out."

"Our life..." he says, "And it can always be like this...if you want that."

"You mean dancing under the stars in France?" you say playfully.

"That... and anything else you want." he answers, quietly.

"I know what I want right now..."

"And what's that, love..." he growls into your ear.

"I can't wait anymore Jake..."

He checks his phone and puts it back in his pocket, before turning to catch everyone's attention, "See you all in the morning!" he says, lifting his fingers to everyone, and putting his arm around your shoulder.

"I didn't mean immediately!" you giggle as he walks you back to your room.

He looks over at you, sending you a smug grin as he unlocks the door to your room. As he twists the knob on the door, he pauses, looking at you. "Hey. I love you, Y/N."

Before you can respond he pushes the door open, and stands to the side, your breath completely taken away at the sight in front of you. Nearly every surface of the room was covered in white wax candles, glowing with a perfect orange flickering flame. There had to be a hundred, covering nearly every available surface; the room only lit by their perfect burning light as the shadows danced across the walls.

" did..." you pause, stepping into the room. "When..."

"It turned out better than I expected..." he says, closing the door behind him. "Thought maybe we could try out that big tub...just...enjoy each other tonight." he says, ushering you to the bathroom, to find the claw foot tub filled with hot bubbly water, and a bottle of chilled wine waiting for you. Steam rose from the surface of the water, sending a shiver or anticipation down your spine.

Candles filled the bathroom counters, and the open window sill, letting the fresh french air fill the bathroom with a cool breeze.

"Jake, you did all of this?" you ask, completely stunned.

"Sort of. I asked someone to do it for me..."

You spun to face him, grabbing his face in your hands and connecting your lips to his in a rapid succession of kisses. His mustache tickled your lips deliciously, and suddenly you couldn't imagine him without it.

"It's so dreamy and beautiful and...romantic..."

"Well, it's a special occasion." he smiles.

"What's that?"

"Well, I was just kind of thinking...Next time I ask you a big question it will know... the one..." he says nervously.

"Oh, you think so?" you ask.

"I do. If...that's what you want." he answers.

"Jake...I slide into this tub with you and not get out until we are cold and pruney." you giggle, still feeling the bubbles in your system.

He moves the hair from your neck, letting his lips ghost over your skin, "You're gonna need a lot less of this..." he says, running his hand down the front of your dress.

Your fingers move to unbutton his shirt, letting it fall to the floor as he attaches his lips to your throat. His skin is perfectly warm and tan in the candle light, as the flames dance in his dark eyes. His fingers find the zipper on the side of your dress, dragging it down as his eyes lock on yours. He kicks his boots and pants off, as your dress flutters to the ground at your feet.

His finger hooks into the side of your thong, pulling it down until it falls naturally, you following his lead as you push his boxers down his legs. He grabs your hand, helping you climb into the deep tub, bubbles licking at your shoulders.

You relax into the warm lavender scented water, taking a relaxing breath as the water soothes your muscles. You turn your head to the side, watching Jake uncork the wine and pour each of you a glass. He lifts a glass to you, before stepping towards the tub, and joining you in the sea of bubbles.

You let him slide in behind you, and you hear him groan the same relaxing sound you felt just a minute ago. He wraps his free arm around your waist and pulls you back to rest on his chest, fully relaxing with your weight on him.

"Fuck I love Europe." he breathes, his chest jumping a bit as he laughs.

"This is the best surprise Jake. I love you so much. I wish I could tell you how much, but it would never be enough." you answer.

"Mmm, I love when you say that. Say it again..." he coaxes.

"I love you...More than I could ever say. Glad I can officially say that you're mine again."

"I was never not yours, Y/N. I think we all knew that." he says, sipping from his wine glass as the bubbly water drips from his hand.

His left hand still laid flat against your stomach, his fingertips rubbing small circles in your skin underneath the water. You rolled your head against his chest, closing your eyes and breathing in deeply the smell of his cologne still lingering on his skin.

His hand begins to travel your skin a little more, rubbing up and down your hips, lightly massaging his fingers into your muscles. You groan a little at the delicious feeling, arching into his touch.

"Feel good, baby?" he breathes.

"Mmmhm..." you groan.

His hand slides up your stomach, coming up to cup your chest, rolling your nipple between his fingers, eliciting a hiss from your lips.

"Shit, I love how responsive you are to me." he growls into your neck.

You can feel him hardening against your ass, growing progressively, the more he touches you. You run your nails slowly up and down against his thigh, earning you your own hiss from him.

He sets his empty wine glass on the window sill, before bringing his other hand under the dissipating bubbles to meet your hip. His hand snakes down between your legs that are resting against the right side of the tub, "Open for me, love." he whispers.

You slowly part your legs as his hand finds its place at your center. His other hand is still latched onto your tits, gently massaging the supple flesh as his fingers begin to work beneath you.

The pads of his fingers gently brush over your clit, sending a jolt of electricity through you. It had been too long since you felt his touch like this and you were aching for more.

"Eaaaaasy baby, I'll get you there. Just let me feel you on my fingers. My favorite thing to feel." he urges.

You're practically shaking with anticipation as his middle and ring fingers dip into your wetness, making quick tight circles around your clit. You can feel yourself pressing up into him, begging for more, as his left hand works to hold you tightly against his chest.

"Shit, Jake..." you pant.

"I know, just feel it baby..." he says, letting his fingers slide into you. The feeling has you gasping for air as you toss your head back onto his shoulder.

"So fuckin' gorgeous when I'm inside you." he says, working his fingers in and out of you center.

"Jake..." you gasp.

"Yes, darling?" he says, an air of cockyness in his tone.

"Please, I need more..."

"Anything you want..." he says, adding another finger and curling them into you.

"Oh godddd..." you whine.

"Mmm...loving making you sing for me..." he growls, continuing to hit that spot inside of you.

"Your fingers Jake, oh my god..." your voice lilting.

"Let me have it my love, show me you missed this." he demands.

"I'm almost there...I'm almo–"

"Tell me you've thought about having me like I've thought about having you..." he continues.

"I have! I swear! I need you Jake, please!" you beg.

"Give me this one, let go..." he says, pressing his palm into your clit.

"Shiiiiit!" you cry out, letting your release take hold of you, clenching around his fingers as water laps over the edge of the tub. Your hands grip into his thighs as his hips buck forward in his own anticipation.

Your chest heaves as you come down from your high, feeling him pull his fingers from you and turning to spin your hips in the water.

"I can't wait Y/N, I have to have you..." he pleads.

You push him to lean back into the tub, rising to your knees and turning to face him. Wind blows into the bathroom window, the fragrant smell wafting through the air and chilling your skin. Your nipples harden at the sensation, and you watch as Jake seems to be completely mesmerized by you in this moment.

You crawl towards him and position yourself over top of him, resting your hands on the edge of the tub as he guides your hips. The tips of his hair are wet on his chest, and a sheen of sweat has settled at this hairline as he looks up at you straddling him, waiting to have his way with you.

"You're sure you feel okay enough...for this?" he pants, eyes searching yours for any shred of hesitation.

"I feel perfect Jake. I've never wanted you more than I do right now." you say, lowering yourself onto him until you're fully seated. You toss your head back in relief, letting the tips of your hair brush the cooling water. His hands slide from your hips to your ass, gently pulling on your cheeks as he thrusts himself gently into you.

"Goddamnit, Y/N..." he breathes, his voice shaky.

You bring one of your hands to rest on his chest as you raise yourself up before dropping back down onto him. His eyes glance down to the water, trying to catch a glimpse of the two of you together like this, but his eyes shoot back up to yours, watching your blown out, lust filled eyes, peer right into his soul.

He swallows heavily as you begin to gyrate your hips, making sure to take your time with him. You slide your hand up his face, brushing your thumb over his lips parting them, as you slide your thumb into his mouth. He wraps his lips around your digit, letting his tongue glide over your skin. You feel his dick twitch inside of you, and his eyes roll to the back of his head as you continue to move your hips.

"You look so fuckin' sexy when you let me take care of you..." you whisper.

You pull your thumb from his mouth as he sits up in the water, wrapping his arms around your torso, and pulling you into his chest. He nuzzles his face into your damp neck and bites a tender kiss into your skin.

"Tonight was supposed to be me taking care of you..." he growls into your neck.

You use your arms to push up off of him again, letting yourself fall back down onto him, sending him deeper than he previously was.

"Fuck, Y/N..." he whines, the water splashing over the edge of the white porcelain tub.

You repeat the same movement over and over, working both of you closer and closer to your release, all while never breaking eye contact with each other.

"Yes...Yes is the answer to your question." you pant, feeling your core start to tighten.

"Fuck me, fuck... you feel so good..." he pants, "What question..."

"You said...our life could always be like this... if I wanted that. Everything... with you." you repeat, dropping down onto him again.

"Oh fuck babe, I'm–I'm there... I..." he pleads, holding your chin with his hand. "Fuck..." he winces, holding back his orgasm the best he can.

"You want that? You want this with me?" he pants through a furrowed brow.

"Yes...I want it. I want all of it...Want to be yours...completely." you breathe, clenching around him tighter.

He runs his teeth across your neck, sucking a dark pink mark into your collarbone before gently biting your skin, sending you plummeting into your release, as he snaps his hips up into you. "You are mine. You have never not been mine, Y/N."

"Fuck! I'm there Jake, cum with me... Cum inside of me...make me yours... please..." you beg, desperate to feel completely and wholly consumed by him.

His hips snap into you one more time, the sound of your collective ecstasy ringing through the small bathroom so loudly you're sure it should have blown out all of the candles. Water is sloshing over the edge of the tub as he pulls you tightly into him, a whimper leaving his chest as he comes down from his bliss.

You can feel him, inside of you, the physical manifestation of his love and trust for you. His never ending quest for your happiness and comfort. You tilt his chin to you and press your lips to his and a final kiss that cements every word you just told him. His hands weave into your hair as his tongue brushes your lip, meeting the sweetest, most tender version of Jake you've come to know yet, as you pull away and look into his eyes.

"I love you Y/N. I know I've told you a thousand times, but I'll never stop."

You lift yourself off of him, twisting back into his chest as the water grew cold around the two of you, "I love you too Jake, and I meant what I said." you pause, "I want everything with you."

"Then everything you will have."

Dressed in your favorite silky pajamas with your hair twisted up into a towel, you lounged on the perfectly made bed, watching as Jake dug around in his suitcase for his glasses.

"You're sure you saw them in here?" he asks, from across the room, his wet hair hanging over his shoulders.

"Yeah! You had them in Italy a few days ago...You fell asleep reading your book. I put them in the case." you offer, looking up over your phone.

He rustles around for a few more minutes, before letting out a breath, "Ah ha!" he yelps, holding them in the air. "Bastards...Always hiding from me."

You smile and shake your head, as he crawls into bed, book in hand, letting out a sigh as his head hits the plush feather pillows.

"God it feels good to relax like this." he breathes.

"Yeah, and you don't have a show for like, three days...what are you going to do with all that freedom?" you ask playfully.

"You, hopefully." he says, sending you a wink.

You smack him with your book and roll onto your side as he furiously types on his phone.

"Everything okay?" you ask.

"Yes, just doing some very important work tasks." he smiles deviously out of the corner of his mouth.

"Oh...such as..." you say, feeding into his game.

"Trying to figure out which bathroom I am putting our new clawfoot tub into." he giggles.

"Is that right?" You snicker.

"That is right. Might just have you like that every day from now on." He says locking his phone and rolling to face you.

You shake your hair from the towel and toss it to the floor as he pulls you into his chest. "We're going to have the best life together, Y/N. I swear. I want to give you the world."

You press a gentle kiss right beneath his ear as you whisper softly against his skin, "I already have it. Right here."




There she is, my new beautiful girl...Miss Sophia. Fuck, she's hot. God damn. Jake, you must have been a fucking idiot to give this up for Y/N. Maybe she was shit in bed, was a bitch. Never kept the house clean. Either way.

Let's just...*swipe right*. Perfect.

Matter of time could she resist my devilish green eyes?

I bet Jake is reeling. I bet Jake is pissed. I bet Jake is terrified. I bet Jake feels like he can't protect her...

Hahahaha. Because he can't. Weak. Stupid. He's only as strong as his hoard of pretty boys that he runs with.

God, the feeling of Y/N helpless in my hands still feels like it was yesterday. Her powerless eyes begging me to let her go, let her loose, let her run. But she loves the chase. The thrill. I know she does...

Click, click, type...

Gotta admit, the knife across her stomach was a bit harsh, but she needed reminding. She and her dumbass boyfriend both. She can't get away with it that easy. Now she will never forget what she took from me.

Oh, the memory.

'Let me go Andy! Fuck you! I never loved you!' Yeah, right. Okay, Y/N.

Disappearing for a while was the perfect idea, And-o. I will be gone for so long they will think I gave up. But I won't. I'll never give up. Not till I get what's mine.

Click, click, type...


Wow, Sophia. That was quick.

Calm down, sweetcheeks. There's enough of me to go around. Now, let's see what you're all about...

You: Hey there

Sophia: Hey!

You: My name's Jackson

You: Just wanna preface that you're absolutely gorgeous

Sophia: I'm Sophia :) and thanks, you're very handsome yourself

You: Ah, making me blush

You: How was your day?

Sophia: Not bad, just getting off of a long day of work. How about you

You: Same, actually

You: What do you do?

Sophia: I work for a firm who specializes in styling wardrobes for photo shoots

You: That's actually really cool

Sophia: It's not bad. I'm pretty passionate about it. And what do you do?


You: I'm actually a sous chef downtown right now, but I'm working my way up, the head chef is retiring soon and I want to move to his position. Potentially buy the restaurant when all is said and done. It's always been my dream to own a very successful restaurant, and this place already has been established for years.

Good enough.

Sophia: Oh, that's awesome. I bet you love it. I've always liked to cook too, but I suck at it lol

You: Now how could a pretty girl like you suck at anything?

Blah, blah, blah... flirty introductions are so fucking boring. Take it slow...we have time...

Click, click, type...

Let's just continue the chit chat. She will see the charm soon.

You: Anyways, I'm about to go to bed. I'm gonna give you my number, and wouldn't be mad if you texted me sometime 😌

You: You seem really cool, a lot more down to earth than most of the people I've met on here

Sophia: Hmm. I will think about it 😉 goodnight Jackson

You: Think really really hard. Goodnight Sophia

Won't be long now...

Click, click, type...

Unknown number

10:17pm: I thought long and hard about it...

Wow, she really is interested...


10:18pm: I knew it wouldn't take you long


10:19pm: Ok rude🤣


10:20pm: Just kidding

10:22pm: Hey I know this sounds really forward, but there is a blackberry jam festival over in Franklin tomorrow and I'm dying to go pick up some new flavors for this dish I'm perfecting

10:22pm: Would you wanna help be my taste tester?

God, the way kids find hookups these days is disgusting. Whatever happened to true genuine connections?


10:25pm: 🤔 I might go for that. I could meet you there?

Dumb, dumb girl.


10:27pm: Perfect. I'll be there at 11. I'll text you

She sure fell right into that one, didn't she?


Is that her? Fuck, she's even hotter in person. That hourglass shape...god I can not wait to get up in that...


11:08am: Good morning. I'm standing over by the bathrooms, I have a red hat on


11:10am: I see you!

Here she comes, sauntering those hips in that sundress...

"Hey! Jackson?"

"That's what they call me. How are you Sophia?"

Go in for a side hug, do it...

"I'm good, wow you're a lot taller than I thought you'd be!"

"Really? You pictured me short?"

Like your dumb ex boyfriend?

"Yeah, for some reason I did!"

"Well, I pictured you hot, but, I've been deceived. You're absolutely stunning. Your photos are amazing but, really. You're very pretty, Sophia."


"Wow, thank you so much Jackson. You're making me blush now."

"Let's go taste some fruit jams, huh?"

Walk with me, gorgeous. Let me get a good look at you. Smell your hair as you pass by, graze your hand as we walk. Charm you while I speak. Make you laugh. Make you swoon. Make you want to fuck me.

If this is going to work, I have to get you right where I want you...and best believe I will. You'll be eating from the palm of my hand, sweetheart.

"Oh my god, that was the most disgusting jelly I've ever tasted in my life."

You really are cute when you talk. It's amusing.

"Jam, Sophia. Jam."

"Ah, whatever. Same thing."


"Noooo, see. Jelly is made from fruit juice. Jam is made from actual fruit that's mushed up. Huge difference, talk to the hand."

Flirt, flirt, flirt. Girls love to be picked on.

"Oh my god, excuse me mister sous chef."

"Hey don't hate the player, hate the game. I'm very proud of my area of expertise."

Smile, touch, eye contact.

"Well, I'd like to learn more about it. And more about you."

Forward, are we, love? You're doing wonderful.

"I'd love to show you..."

"I'll hold you to that, then. So which first?"

"What do you mean?"

Is she...?

"Are you gonna teach me more about your area of expertise first, or more about you?"

Fuck. Yes. Lean in, And-o. Lick your lips. Move that piece of hair blown onto her face...

"Which would you rather, hm?"

"I think...I'd like to learn more about you first..."

Jesus Christ, this girl is only a few inches from my face right now, in broad daylight, lips coated in blackberries. I could take you right here, right now, babydoll.

I've only known you for less than 24 hours, and you're already acting like you want to fuck. Dream come motherfucking true. Jake let her go why, again?

But I have to make this work, I need you to stick around, sweetheart.

"Ya know, I don't normally kiss on the first date, but you're making my heart beat really fast right now..."

And she actually is. This chick is hot. She will be such an easy fuckin score.

"Then listen to it."

Can't argue with that. Keep it simple, And-o. Kiss her slow. Nice and easy, simple and sweet. However the fuck that works. Woo her, make her heart beat fast too.

Damn, she does taste good, though.

Don't give me those 'fuck me' eyes, Soph. Because I will.

"Well. How was that for a taste test?" She thinks she's cute.

"Pretty fuckin helpful, actually. Thank you. Can I, try it again?"

Come here, girl.

Shiiiiit. Delicious. And her tongue, already? She really might let me hit tonight.

"Yep, just as I thought. Perfection."

Maybe not, but. She'll do.

"Ha, well maybe if you take me on a second date, I can teach you more about me."

"If the second date is anything like the first then we're in for a hell of a good time." you reply, grabbing her hand. She laces her fingers with yours as you continue to walk through the crowd of people.

Oh sweet, innocent Sophia. How could you be so naive? You've made this far too easy.

You let out a satisfied sigh, looking over at her completely unknowing that she is the final piece of the puzzle, and you smirk feeling the familiar burn of revenge hot in your chest.

The plans I have for us... the plans I have for us...






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