Blood Brothers(Male OC x Slas...

Da MissPsychoBunny

19.2K 635 60

By Bloodshed or by Death we shall never part. One Day I met a group of boys, the next we became brothers. The... Altro

Character List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 đŸ”¥
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

681 23 0
Da MissPsychoBunny

I wake up and stretch out my body, looking around, i was laying on the couch.

I watch as the embers in the Wood Burner die down completely.

This life clearly wasn't for me, living nearly off the grid.

I stand up and stretch, i look towards my door hesitantly, maybe i should say goodbye to them?

They would question me for certain, i decided to leave a note with the house keys on the top, i'm sure they'll visit, i'll even leave the door unlocked for them.

I sigh before grabbing my gloves and scarf and wrapping them around my neck and hands.

I decide to jog to the dock, it'll warm my body and i should still make the next boat.

I walk out the door, closing it before jogging away through the forest, staying off the path Just out of sight of any eyes looking out the windows.

My duffel tapped against my side as my legs moved in a nice rhythm.

I see the boat approaching as i pause on the dock, the front passes by the dock and i wait until the opening before jumping onto it.

So much for them supposedly stopping when they see someone on the dock.

I lean on the railing as we pass the other little islands, never stopping at any of their docks.

I stifle a yawn as i see people warily looking at me, i glare at each of them.

I see us finally approaching the mainland before the boat finally stops.

I immediately jumped off and ran to the road before looking around carefully, i needed a cab or i'd have to walk miles to the airport.

I didn't spot any cabs though.

I start walking along the single road leading towards the small town that housed the small airport, i hear the flapping of a large bird and look under, seeing a large bat high up in the air.

I shake my head and start my jog, i hear wings closer and pause to look up again, seeing the bat flying back up.

How strange.

I continue my jog, turning it into a faster run as i feel my body heat up.

I frown as i hear the sound of wings once more but i choose to ignore it as i wanted to get to the airport.

I feel a wind at my back and decide to duck down just in case, i see a man sized creature fly in front of me before flying up.

The bat.

I stared at it in awe for a second before snapping out of it and continuing on my way, maybe it was some kind of mutated bat mixed with human DNA?

Or the other way around, it didn't seem like it would hurt me or it would have done it in the first two swoops.

I hear it dive and face towards it confused, what was it doing.

I only had another 20 minutes of jogging until I'd reach the airport.

I see it fly low as it gets closer before landing in front of me "um, hello?" I question.

It waves it claws at me and i tilt my head curiously, can it not talk?

"You can't speak?" I ask and it wiggles a claw from side to side "you know people shake or nod their heads, not wiggles their fingers to mean yes or no" it was the creature's turn to tilt its head.

"Well sorry, i gotta go. It was nice meeting you?" I turn away and start my walk again, i hear the slow flap of wings and see the creatures circling above me "sorry, did you need something Mister?" I try to be nice, but my annoyance was edging into my voice.

It lands again and stalks towards me, i end up craning my neck to look up at the creature.

I felt intimidated to be sure but not yet scared, although the smell of this strange creature was definitely both something i would expect from something that flies. It smells of death and more specifically decay.

It stared down at me, extending its wings as i saw the sides of its face lift u, as though it was being defensive or intimidating, it was like the gills of an axolotl.

"What in the hell are you?" I breathe, its wings were fully spread out now, they alone were double the width of my own wing span(length of arms held out).

His wings were beautiful but his claws and sharp teeth made his scary.

I am Creeper.

My eyes dart to his in confusion "was that you?" I ask him.

He nods sharply once, his hat sliding forward, i lift my hand the creature tensed before i lightly pushed the hat back.

"Sorry, it looked like it was gonna slip off your head" i apologise, the creature tiles its head again "can i be completely honest with you?" It nods again sharply "you need a bath" i see its eyes light up in amusement before it turns its head looking down the road.

"I really need to get to the airport, i am to fly to Texas, see you i guess" i wave at him as he stares down the road, he was tense.

I adjust my duffel on my back before starting my jog once more, i hope he doesn't follow me, the amount of attention it would cause it worrying.

I feel a hand grab my duffel and pull up, i scream as i am lifted off the ground and into the air quickly "What the fuck!" I shout before looking at the creature "if you drop me i will haunt you for eternity!" I threaten it, i see its lips pull up.

You are definitely an interesting boy.

I feel him pull me closer before he wraps an arm around my waist, holding in tighter than needed.

I'll take you to Texas, i want to see how you react to the other two.

He suddenly dives and i close my eyes expecting to be dead, to my surprise though when i open my eyes we are gliding quickly again high in the sky.

I see a plane as we pass it.

This guy was terrifyingly fast!

I'm glad he doesn't want to eat me or kill me...yet.

I look down as i see the land change from a flush green to a more dried green and soon we were out of Finland.

"Hey man, i appreciate you trying to help me but i was more than happy to go by plane, at least i could sleep that way!" I shout over the wind whistling past us, he stops flying forward and we just fly in place for a minute before i feel a pressure on the back of my neck "fuck you.." I manage to say before it all goes black.


I groan as I felt warm air whip around me, where was i?

I peel my eyes open and see a farm below me, arms tighten around me as the creature, Creeper dives towards the ground.

He pulls up and softly lands before placing me down as well.

"What?" I ask him confused, he points to the old farmhouse as i slowly approach it, i look back and see him watching me intently.

I see what appears to be red hair in the cornfield beside me and squint, trying to see closer.

"Boo!" A clown jumps out at me and i step back in surprise.

I narrow my eyes before reaching out "boop" i respond as i squeeze its nose.

The clown stares at my hand in shock for a moment.

"So you're allowed to scare the shit out of me but I'm not allowed to respond back?" I tilt my head at the questionable clown.

Suddenly he grins and then laughs maniacally "i like this boy i do" he tells Creeper behind me and it responds by nodding.

"Pennywise where the hell are you, you fuck!" I hear a voice shout by the door of the house and my eyes dart up and meet Stu's "SEBASTIAN!" He screams and runs to me, engulfing me.

I tense up at the contact and pat his back awkwardly.

Then it clicked "you two are the new members in the group chat?" Creeper nods.

"Yippee" pennywise cheers at me and claps, he was very childlike.

"Jesus" i say "thanks for bringing me Creeper" i tell him and he bows slightly, tipping his hat before extending his wings and spiraling up into the air.

"I haven't seen him move much since i met him and here he is bowing to you and all sorts" Stu murmurs grumpily and i chuckle.

I stared up and watched Creeper fly around in the air, i presumed he was hunting for something over the treeline before had started diving.

I shook my head not wanting to know what he was hunting for.

I looked back towards the house and my eyes widened, David stood leaning against the wooden wall.

I hesitantly walk towards the house as i feel my bag being tugged, i look back to see the clown smiling at me innocently.

"I'm Pennywise, The Dancing Clown!" I smile back

"Well nice to meet you Pennywise, may i call you Penny?" He tilts his head mulling it over and he nods.

"Only if i can call you Sebby, Sweets" i nod and laugh lightly agreeing.

He grins and points at my bag, i slide it off my bag and he takes it before disappearing with a pop.

I look around dumbfounded.

"Penny is kind of an entity, he is like a bajillion years old" Stu shrugs, racing inside.

I go to follow him but feel arms wrap around my waist and am pulled back into David's chest "David?" I whisper.

"Don't" he Whispers back as he buries his head in the nook of my neck "you have no idea how painful it's been" he sounded tired.

"For you or me?" I ask him jokingly.

"Fair point" he sighs before turning me to look at him, he caresses my cheek gently "you smell like Creeper" he sighs before pushing me inside.

"I mean he did just fly me here" i tell him and he nods.

"I'll run you a bath" he states as he disappears up the stairs.

I slowly walked through the hallway, now left alone to whoever lurked in this house.

I feel myself being lifted and i yelp as i am flung over a muscular shoulder and carried into a side room "the fuck?" I ask, hitting the broad back, it didn't even phase the man.

"There he is" i hear the asshole jeer.

"Fuck off Chucky Cheese" i sneer at him and he looks shocked.

"He grew a fucking backbone"

"I have always had one Chuckles, otherwise i wouldn't be able to walk dipshit" i hiss as i'm put down on the ground, i look up at the 6 ft 8 man in front of me, recognising his striking blue eyes "hey Michael" i greet him, he stares at me before  reaching for a notepad and pen, he scribbles on it before showing me.

Hey Sebby.

"Damn, you became mute?" I asked him "i liked your voice when you spoke a few times" i sigh and run my fingers through my knotted hair.

I feel Michael lean down towards me and his breath hit my neck "sorry" i hear a deep and rough voice speak quietly before he corrects himself to his full height.

Okay, so not completely mute.

I look around the room at all the familiar faces and sigh "hey guys, its been a while" i see Brahms stand up and rush to me, lifting me up and forcing me to straddle his waist "Brahms, what are you-?"

I am cut off as he smashes his lips against mine and i freeze in shock.

He pulls away and rests his mask back on his face.

He puts me down on my feet and rushes to a mirror by the wall, it slides to the side and he bends down and goes into the exposed hall.

"What?" I asked the group, they were shocked as well.

"Guess he missed you too" Norman shrugs and walks up to me before hugging me, he has grown taller than me now.

"You're all taller than me now" i whine and he ruffles my hair with a chuckle.

"I m-missed you" he controls his stuttering and i smile.

"Seb, come upstairs" David orders and i see him and Marko at the top of the stairs, i walk up to them.

"Penny! Give me back those socks before-" Billy cuts off as he spots me "you're back baby" Billy hugs me quickly before kissing my neck "go bathe, you smell like death".

I chuckle "that's the plan" i motioned to David and he grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the bathroom "D-David?" I ask him.

"Strip and get in" he orders.

"I can bathe alone" i tell him and he glares at me.

"Don't. Test. Me" he warns and i step closer to him.

"You promised not to hurt me if you remember?" I tell him, raising my eyebrow.

I stroke his cheek gently and he closes his eyes.

"Turn around, you can talk to me but i will bathe myself, okay?" I whisper to him.

"Okay" he sighs and relaxes completely "i just need to be near you" i hum and he turns around and closes the door.

I strip off and climb into the hot water, it immediately soothes my aching muscles "i'm in" i tell him and he walks closer to me, stepping back before sitting down with his back facing me, i reach out and stroke his hair and he leans into it.

"David?" I start and he hums "how old are you?" I see him pause, almost as if contemplating his next words.

"I am over 142" he whispers and i tense, i knew he was older than the others but not that old.

"Jesus and i care about an old man" i tease, he turns his head to me then, with a small smile playing on his lips "what?" I ask, blushing as i lean closer to the tubs side, hiding my body self consciously.

"You care about me" he whispers, clearly happily.

I look down at my hands, only just realising what i had said as my blush deepens "I-I mean, I-I c-care a-about e-everyone!" I defensively respond, avoiding his amused gaze.

I see a blur and then suddenly he is in front of me with my face in his hands, his eyes were almost a lapis colour from them darkening.

"You're our baby boy" he whispers before he leans forward and kisses me, my lips immediately moving against his.

He softly bites my lip and i gasp before he slips his tongue in and i let him win dominance.

He pulls away after a few minutes and lets me breathe "ours" he whispers with closed eyes.

2530 words

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