Against the odds | Reader x M...

By lexi111y

1.7K 36 46

He stared at her with lust in his eyes, his head leaning up against the couch and his side profile turned to... More



73 1 3
By lexi111y


I was sitting in my chair, waiting helplessly for the Professor to come into the room,  I was alone with all the boys, my siblings were sitting in front of me as Mattheo and his friends were sitting on the other side of the room.

I zoned out a bit while I was playing with my hair, I was bored out of my mind.

"Like what you see Santos?" Mattheo yelled across the room, making me snap back into reality, I realised instantly that I had been staring at Mattheo this whole time and I felt my cheeks flare up in embarrassment "fuck off" I replied as I rested my head on the desk that was in front of me.

"Wonder what Adrienne is doing" Felix said out of the blue. "She's with Parkinson probably" I said, I felt my stomach ache, I didn't want Adrienne to change and be like Pansy, after all Pansy has made my life a living hell and I can't be bothered having a Pansy 2.0 as a sister.

My thoughts were interrupted by Snape bursting in the classroom, he looked stressed but I didn't think much of it, I mean he usually looked stressed and old.

"Silence!" Snape exclaimed making everyone shut up, I rolled my eyes as he began to speak "Now, it's come to my conclusion that you all can't work with one another. " he said "which is why I have done groups of three and you all will be cleaning three classroom until they're spotless"

Mattheo raised his hand "without magic Mr Riddle." Snape answered before Mattheo could say anything, I smirked, I mean my kind of magic wasn't forbidden.

"If your classroom isn't spotlessly cleaned you will have detention for the rest of the month, is that" he paused "..clear?"

We nodded helplessly as he spoke up once again "Now, the groups" he said whilst taking out a piece of paper from his pocket "Now, Felix Santos, Zabini and Mr Flint"

"Jackson Santos, Crabbe and Mr Goyle" my eyes widened there were only two left which meant that I was with—

"Mr Riddle and Mr Malfoy you're with Amora Santos" I could see Mattheo and Draco smirking in the distance, for fucks sake.

I raised my hand "yes Misses Santos?" Snape said.

"Professor, you can't possibly think that these groups are fair" I said merciless "I mean I can't be with Riddle and Malfoy it's simply not fair—"

"I've heard enough, nothings changing now get to work!" He exclaimed, I sighed and walked towards Draco and Mattheo, I stood behind them minding my own business as they turned to me "pleasure to be cleaning with you Santos" Mattheo said, smirking devilishly, this was not going to be fun.

Him and Malfoy were chuckling amongst themselves whilst I rolled my eyes "wish I could say the same Riddle" I mumbled "what was that?" He asked, as apparently he did not hear me "nothing" I replied, annoyed by the fact that I had to clean with him and Malfoy.

Malfoy and Riddle began whispering to each other, it annoyed me that I couldn't hear what they were saying but I suspected that they were talking about me since they were starring an awful lot.

I started with a shelf and began to dust it off with this dust thingy, it had gone a few minutes until Draco accidentally spoke loud enough so I could hear "I never thought of that before!" "What?" I asked as I turned around and immediately realised that they had been sitting by the desks this whole time, not doing anything and just watching me clean.

Mattheo's gaze turned to my eyes, I didn't want to think about what they were starting at.

"Nothing darling" Mattheo replied, my cheeks flared up "don't call me that" I replied as I turned around and began cleaning more cauldrons with my powers, it went rather quickly but I got annoyed because I was doing everything by myself. "Whatever darling" I rolled my eyes.

I walked up to their desk that they were sitting by and slammed their table "what the fuck are you doing?!" I exclaimed, I stared into Mattheo's eyes and he smirked, was he enjoying this? "Watching you clean?" Draco replied, Mattheo leaned back on the chair he was sitting on, his arms crossed with his signature smirk plastered on his face, he was still starring at me, it made me nervous.

I snapped back into reality "that's funny, because I thought we were supposed to work together?!" I said, my voice still raised, Mattheo stood up walking around slowly until he finally spoke "it's just much more pleasing watching you clean, darling" "I said don't call me that"

"Oh and what are you going to do about it?" He said, towering over me, he stared down at me and I began to realise that Mattheo was getting really tall, he had never been able to do this before. Draco was smirking behind us as Mattheo's hands were on the wall, almost locking me up with his body. I felt my cheeks get warmer and I froze for a while.

"You can't do anything Santos" he taunted, still starring me down. "Is that so?" "Very much so" his voice was getting deeper, I smiled, not loosing eye contact and I chuckled slowly "Want me to refresh your memory?"


With my powers, I was capable of doing things people couldn't so I "threw" him against the wall making him moan in pain, Draco's eyes widened and he burst out laughing "Why the fuck are you laughing?" I asked as I went up to him, he instantly became silenced and looked down on his lap, visibly afraid. "That's what I thought" I said.

"Fuck" Mattheo wined "oh please it isn't that bad" "want to try?" He retorted and I chuckled "You can clean now" I ignored his question "Aren't you going to help?" He asked as he fixed his hair with his finger tips.

No, it's just much more pleasing watching you two clean" I quoted Mattheo, he rolled his eyes and began cleaning a cauldron with a sponge, Draco was cleaning the desk he had been on and I was sitting on the professors desk, watching them clean the room, smirking.

Mattheo turned to me as I already was staring at him, I knew that he was annoyed so I blew him a kiss .

"Fuck off" he replied as I laughed.

I could actually have some fun with this.

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