Missing? W@tcher Grian AU

Von Hanna7379

12.3K 466 327

When Grians powers act up he is forced into watcher form and can't get out. He has to go into hiding to prote... Mehr

Detective Scar
White Lies


697 26 44
Von Hanna7379

Grian and Cub were standing in front of the end portal. Cub saw Grian's nervous expression, "Your wing ok?" Cub asked. Grian shifted his wing with a small flap, "Yea, I guess all that left to do is jump."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Cub asked. He didn't know what the "capital" even was, but if Grian, the almighty watcher, didn't want to go in, it couldn't be pleasant.

"No, this is something I have to do alone." Grian warned. Cub nodded and felt a wave of relief on the inside.

Grian flexed his wings and jumped. In an instant he was in the endless void dimension. He took it all in for a moment before walking around the big dragon nest.

    Grian always felt guilty about the ender dragon, its soul purpose was just to die. To be a checkpoint for players. He imagined where the dragon used to be. "rip, Betty." he mumbled to himself. Why Betty he hadn't the slightest clue.

     He felt the cold, obsidian, pillars surrounding his last chance to turn back. He turned away from the portal to spawn and instead flew straight into the little portal off to the side.

His mind was spinning, but when he regained consciousness he was no longer at the ended dragons nest. He was now surrounded by chorus fruit. He hated chorus fruit, that's pretty much all Watchers ate and it was disgusting.

He walked around aimlessly until he came across the thing he needed, an end city.

The capital was a very secure place, only Watchers could get in. To make it to the capital all one needed to do was find and end city.

He flew up and landed perfectly on one of the bridges connecting to the main building. He walked into the main area of the end city, the shulkers greeted him upon entry.

Shulkers we're clever, elusive creatures who were aware of a Watchers capabilities. They were cautious, yet polite. Smart creatures indeed.

Grian went to the very center of the building, the very heart of the end city. He raised his hands and with pulse of energy he sent a flaming ball of magic straight to the top of the city.

He looked up to see the portal he had opened up. With a swish of his feathers, he had ascended into the swirly purple transporter.

                                       * * *

     Mumbo wasn't in any real rush to find Scar. He knew he'd see him tonight, at the Hermit meeting. Mumbo then thought about Grian. He obviously couldn't show up, so what would his excuse be?

Mumbo didn't dwell on that thought any longer but instead made his way to his closet and picked out his nicest suit. He had to look presentable.

He carefully laid the suit out on his bed and then opened the door to his bathroom to take a hot shower. He took his shower and put on his nice suit.

      He looked in the mirror. He brushed his hair back with his hand and looked into his own eyes. The shiny, shimmery, emerald green was a nice change from his usual muddy brown.

     Looking in his eyes made him feel good, confident even, a feeling he hadn't felt in a while. He straightened himself up and equipped his elytra. He opened his window and with a single rocket he shot up through the opening and he was on his way to the shopping district.

                                        * * *

      Mumbo started flying over the shopping district trying to spot a hermit, and he found that all the hermits were just gathering in the street.

      "Huh, typically it's just a random building," he said to himself. And with that he swooped down and landed swiftly in front of Xisuma.

     "Hey Mumbo!" X said. Mumbo returned the greeting and then X noticed his eyes. X looked puzzled for a second until the happy child-like smile returned to his lips, "Trying some new contacts?" He said.

      It took Mumbo a second to realize what he was talking about but then he quickly nodded, "mhm!" Before X became occupied with other Hermits asking him questions about what's next for the server.

      Mumbo took that as his opportunity to slip away from X and find Scar. He went over to a table near the curb and inspected the food before picking up one of Scars cookies and taking a nibble.

     Almost as if the cookie summoned him, Scar appeared behind Mumbo and gave him a little scare when he put his arm around him. "Mumbo! How are ya?" Scar said, a sparkle in his eyes.

      "Mumbo, after almost choking on his cookie, replied with, "Oh, Uh Scar! I've been looking for you." Scar pulled his arm away to face him, "You have? We saw each other yesterday."

       "Yes well, I've got you something." Mumbo then started digging in his suit pocket to grab the crystal but before he could give it to Scar, someone had pulled him away to talk to him, Cub.

     Mumbo figured it would be easier if he was with Scar alone. So instead of engaging further, he stepped back into the shadows and tried to lay low for a while.

     "Attention Hermits! Please gather around this makeshift podium and we'll get started." X said standing at a lectern that was suspended on a 2 block tall wooden stage in the middle of the street.

     Slowly, all the hermits started shuffling to the middle of the street where the podium was positioned. They got close enough to where they were touching elbows.

X waited for the noise to die down before he started his speech, "All righty hermits we've got some important subjects to cover today, but first, has anyone seen Grian?"

Whispers and murmers filled the air before Cub raised his hand and spoke softly but confidently, "He was sick so he came to my base. He's under my care so no need to worry."

    "Oh, Ok thanks Cub, Tell him I said get better," X said before carrying on about the meeting. The meeting took about an hour before X finally concluded with, "Thank you hermits for all being so patient today! It really means alot to me."

    With those last words people could be seen zipping off left and right with their rockets in hand. Scar was about to follow their lead, until he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. It was Mumbo.

    "Scar I meant to give you something." Mumbo said turning Scar towards him. Mumbo continued making eye contact as he reached in his pocket and grabbed the crystal, he didn't want Scar running off again.

He held it up to Scar's eye level, forcing his eyes downward. He looked at Scar, he looked like a kid that just saw his new favorite toy, there was a shimmer in his eye. A green sparkle in his already muddy green eyes.

"It's beautiful!" Scar said staring at it in amazement, "Where did you get it?" Scar said reaching out to touch it. Mumbo loosened his grip for Scar to take it, the moment Scar layed finger on the gem, a swirl of Green consumed him.

Mumbo shielded his eyes and blocked his face with his arms for protection. When the smoke had cleared and the magic aura faded he opened his eyes. All that remained was the crystal.

* * *
(Sorry if this is confusing but I forgot about Scars P.O.V... So uhh this is before all the mess with the Crystal)

Scar sat at Grian's side awaiting the plan. "Scar," Cub said finally, "Grian's got to go on a trip to the capital."

     "D.C?" Scar said puzzled. Cub face palmed and Grian took over with the explanation, "No Scar, the Great Watcher city, ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⊣∷ᒷᔑℸ ̣  ᓵ╎ℸ ̣ ||."

     They sat in silence to watch the gears turning in Scars head, "Wait a minute, the Watchers Capital is literally called The Great City?" Scar said unammused.

      Grian gave him a suprised look and arched an eyebrow, "You know Watcher language?" Scar smiled and snickered, "Theres a lot you don't know about me Grian, I've had a past."

     "Getting back on subject," Cub said before Scar had a chance to question Grian on how he knew Watcher language, "Grians going to the capital, we have to cover for him at the meeting."

      Scar raised his hand up, "Isn't the capital a little dangerous?" Grian frowned,"Yes but they forced me a Watcher to help them fight a war, drafted me if you will. I have to see if I can wiggle my way out of this."

     Scar sat back crossing his arms, letting all of those thoughts sink in. Why would they draft Grian, convert him to a Watcher and force him to join a war as a two day old Watcher.

      Scar was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when his watch beeped. He brought his arm to his eyes and the little screen flashed 5:00pm. "Oh shoot! I gotta supply cookies for the meeting tonight." Scar said standing up.

      He went over to where his wizard hat was sitting, on a counter top next to his little pocket book that had a bunch of scribbled spells crossed out from their experimenting on Grian.

He closed the pocket book with the letter strap and shoved it into his coat. He grabbed his hat and with a swish of his hand the hat converted itself to the familiar hard hat the hermit had worn all season. He put it on and on his way out he said, "Good luck Grian!" and with that he had zipped off with a rocket.

After a pit stop at his base to pick up a box of cookies Scar had landed in the middle of the street where he met Pearl, and Doc. Doc was holding a plate of crackers, cheese, and sausages, and Pearl was holding an entire shulker box of swirly purple liquid.

"Hey Scar!" Pearl greeted him cheerfully. Doc just nodded, they were still on rough terms after there little quarrel with the buttercups. "Whats in the box?" Scar said peeking in through the lid.

    "There just potions of instant health." said Pearl grinning as she shut the box just missing Scars fingers,"Figured they'd make good beverages."

    Scar jerked back and petted his hand. Doc went over to the table they'd already set up, the others soon following. They set everything down and sat under a nearby tree as they watched the hermits trickle in.

                                         * * *

      Most of the Hermits had arrived and they were crowding around talking about the upcoming meeting. Scar saw Mumbo getting a cookie and he took that as an oppurtunity to spook him.

      "Mumbo! How are ya?" Scar said noticing Mumbo jump a little. Mumbo said something but before Scar replied he was pulled away by Cub.

     "Ok Scar, Grian went in the portal." Cub said in a loud whisper. "Great, Now what?" Scar said kind of uncomfortable with how close Cub was and how tight a grip he had on Scars shoulders.

      "Now we cover for him, our excuse is he's sick at my base Ok? And theres no need for further investigation." Cub said. "Further investigation," Scar repeated to himself as he scribbled the words onto his hand.

     He clicked his pen and stuck it in his pocket. "Attention Hermits! Please gather round this makeshift podium and we'll get started." X said. Scar was about to walk off before he was stopped by Cub,"Here Scar take this."

      He shoved a little black ear piece in Scars hand. "Whats this for?" Scar replied. Cub gestured for him to put it in his ear and when he did Cub pushed some kind of button.

     "Hello?" Cub said pressing a button on the black ear piece identical to Scars. Suddenly both Scar and Cub heard a reply, "Hello? Cub? This is G," a familiar voice answered.

    "Sweet it works!" Cub said into the ear piece before grabbing Scars arm and bringing him into the crowd of hermits that had gathered. The meeting lasted around an hour before it had concluded and everyone started taking off.

      Scar was about to do the same until Mumbo had given him this beautiful crystal. He reached out to grab it and the next thing he knew, well, the thing he didn't knew. He had no idea where he was.

     When Scar opened his eyes he was in this void like place. The void was like a dingy, emerald green, and the only place that didn't look like a void was what looked like an opening to the server. Like he was seeing through a window.

     Scar quickly pulled out his pocket book and flipped to the pages he was doing his research on crystals on. He studied each Crystal carefully until he found the crystal that resembled the one he had, assumably been sucked into.

       The only diffrence between the crystals was the one in his book was typically purple, and It was a transporter Crystal, usually harmless. This one was a shiny emerald Green. It was almost like this Transporter crystal had been Messed with.

He thought it'd be wise to write down his hypothesis on a blank page. He picked up his pen but before he started writing he smirked, I think my lore can have a break while I'm supposedly trapped.

He took of his hard hat and with a swish it was back to his usual wizard hat. Then he casted a minor spell and had returned to his whole wizard get up.

He whispered something until his eyes kinda glowed and the pen itself floated in the air. His hand did the same and He waved it around as he spoke what he was planning to write.

"I appear to be trapped in what seems the middle of a transport provided by a transport crystal. The crystal had been messed with as it was a shiny emerald green. I believe im stuck in a limbo type deminsion. Not sure how to get out just yet."

Like magic the pen moved to the little pocket book and the words were inked onto the page. When the words were done being written down, both the book and pen were returned safely to Scar.

He tucked them away and saw his single oppurtunity out of there. The one and only window to the outside world. He raised his hands and said something in a foriegn language. His hands started glowing and he pointed them behind him as the blast sent him upwards and towards the window.


Like a bug on a windshield. He smacked straight into it and peeled off the side hitting the transparent floor with a thud. He looked back up at it rubbing his head.

"I doubt that'll work." said a voice out of no where. Scar looked around searching for where the mysterious voice had come from.

     "Hello?" Scar said, trying to get the voice to speak again. The voice replied with, "Hello Scar. We've been expecting you."

    "We? Expecting me?" Scar echoed. Scar then remembered the ear piece he had in his ear. He took it out and hid it in his fist, making sure it was clicked so Cub and Grian could hear it.

"Ahh yes. We knew we'd get ya with green transporter crystal. We knew you couldn't resist." The voice continued, "But we can't give it all the credit, your 'friend' played a big role in it too,"

"Mumbo?" Scar said, ignoring the fact that he was fooled with a measly transporter crystal. "Maybe he's not as good a friend as you thought." The voice answered snickering, waiting for Scar to figure it out.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MUMBO?!" Scar said, his magic swirly around him, making his cloak levitate as if there was wind under him. His eyes glowed green with fire.

"Woah, fiesty aren't you? We didn't do anything to your precious Mumbo." The voice said his name in an especially ominous tone, "He chose us."

* * *

Grian opened his eyes and spun around taking it all in. The memories hit like a truck. Watchers everywhere. It'd be better if he'd lay low, not to be recognized.

He put his cloak hood on and flew up to see the street as a whole. His eyes followed all the way down the street up to the giant tower which was all too familiar, his home.

He took a deep breathe and went forwards, straight to the Academy he had lived at for almost 2 years.......


Word count: 2734 I said Id make this one longer as an apology for taking forever! But its done now and wowww things are getting real! This has been a fun one and happy Thanksgiving!!


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