Percy Jackson And The River S...

By MRArcher_writer

144 41 22

Percy Jackson goes on a big adventure away from his usual Camp Half-Blood to the amazing Amazon Rainforest. H... More

An Unusual Re-Quest
Vitória And The River Boy
The Amazon Goddess-Warrior
A Goodbye Letter

The Moon Illusion

26 8 8
By MRArcher_writer

It was night. I couldn't sleep. I kept looking at the window, but it was too dark too see anything. The moon was shining radiantly in the horizon. I could hear Grover's goat snoring. I kinda missed it. It reminded of our adventure across the United States. It reminded of Annabeth. What was she doing now? This mission was so low profile that we couldn't talk whatsoever. I believed she was planning her way out to talk to us.

"Who is she?" Vitória's sweet voice was next to me as she was accommodating herself in the chair beside me.

How could she ever know I was thinking about a woman? Girls have this ability in reading body language so easily it's scary.

"Her name is Annabeth."

"Hush, don't speak so loud. I'm right here. You don't wanna wake Grover up."

"Sorry." I apologized quietly.

"Annabeth, is she your girlfriend?"

"Oh, no. She's just a friend."

"Ah, I'm glad to hear that."

Vitória didn't apologize for her comment. I thought 16 year-old girls aren't as shy as 13 year-old boys.

"She organized my trip."

"Did she? She must be very smart."

"You have no idea. She can come out with a great solution for any situation."

She gave me a 'I am not so amused' smile. Then I realized that this scenario wasn't meant for a conversation about another girl. Wake up, Percy!

"I never saw the moon this big." I changed topics. "Even the color is different, it's almost orange."

"It's called 'The Moon illusion'. Basically it's an optical illusion in which the moon is apparently bigger on the horizon than up in the sky. I have always been fascinated with it. It's so beautiful, so romantic."

She looked straight into my eyes. I felt my face burning. Thank the Gods it was dark.

"Have you ever seen the moon rise on the beach?"

"No, never."

"It's beautiful, the first time I saw it with my friends we thought it was the sun in the twilight. It was so bright that it was magical. Do you want to see it someday?"

"With you?" She was asking me on a date

"No, with the chupacabra! Of course with you, Menino do Rio!"

I couldn't hold it. I started laughing; she kept looking at me, trying to be the adult one. I saw her holding her smile, pressing her lips hard together until she gave up and started laughing along with me.

"Shut up!" We heard Grover complaining.

The moment he shouted, I noticed Vitória was on top of me. I was holding her. I don't know how this happened. My heart was racing, my throat dried out. Her big black eyes staring at me.

"Yes." She said to me answering the same question I was making to myself: Should I kiss her?

Then, we kissed.

We spent the rest of the night talking about our lives. I told her about my adventures last summer, Half Blood Camp, my new demigod friends, my mom and my dad who I only saw once in my life. She told me about her school, taste in music, and about her dead parents. They died three years ago in a bank robbery, something quite common in Fortaleza. The robbers got nervous and shot people at random. She was the only child and she was going to take her father's place when she reached the age of eighteen. I was trying hard not to melt every time she smiled at me.

"Good night, Percy." She kissed me and left.

She returned to her seat, in the back. I was a little surprised.

"You can never trust a teenage boy with a girl if there isn't any adult supervision." She blinked.

I got the message. Crystal clear.

When we arrived at Belém, we met the detective Vitória had hired. His name was Arlindo Lima. Vitória was talking to him while he gave her an envelope.

"Why didn't you tell me, Grover?" I asked him about my feelings. I knew he had the ability to sense I was interested in Vitória.

"Human love is very complicated. It's difficult to read. First love is even worse! Argh! If I told you about it, you would tell me I was crazy, tripping out and even jealous. Now you have to figure it out by yourself. Better this way."

He was right. Grover was a Satyr and it meant he could read and feel human passion if he wanted to, but it was clear goat boy didn't like the ability.

"Arlindo has updated me. Irani is with the Rocha's family. They are rich farmers, but they are involved in many scandals such as exotic animal trafficking."

"Oh, no!"Grover exclaimed. "Oh, guys...

I thought Grover was just being Grover, afraid of every little thing. When I turned, I saw we were surrounded by four men.

"Welcome to Belém!" The older man greeted us. "I presume you are Vitória Gondim .

"Who are you?" I asked bravely while I was looking for Riptide in my pocket. Riptide was a ballpoit pen that changed into a full sword once I pulled its cap. It had a celestial bronze blade, forged by the Cyclops.

"I am Daniel Rocha. I believe you want to go back from whatever suburban house you came from. Let's avoid any confrontations."

"Who said we want confrontation. We want to talk to Irani." I stepped forward.

I knew I didn't have any chance against four men, but I thought if I used my sword, I could scare off the men and make a run for it. Riptide couldn't hurt humans, only mythological creatures.

"Don't make any sudden moves, boy!" Daniel Rocha ordered. "I know who you are and why you're here. Do you think I wouldn't be an important person if I didn't have my own 'detectives'.

How could he know about me? It didn't matter, I was going to take the cap off when I saw his men getting green, their arms becoming tentacles of wood and plant. Some of them had claws, some had leopard faces.

"Wo-woo wood demons!" Grover stuttered.

"Wood demons?" Vitória asked amazed and scared.

"Man-eating tree!" Grover explained better.

"Get them!" I want them alive!" Mr. Rocha raised his arm.

Usually plants don't scare me, but those guys weren't you friendly-vase kind of grass. One of them stretched his forearm and hit the ground near my feet. Craaakk! The impact was so strong the ground shook and I lost balance. The second attack was directly at my face, but I cut his hand with Riptide. The demon cried. Iiiaaaa!

I never heard a sound like that. It was like a door had been torn and smashed together all at once. I turned my face and saw Grover and Vitória fighting against two demons. Grover was trying to reason with them. He was also a forest creature. No good. They still kept advancing on them.

"Nice tree, nice tree. Don't want to hurt your new friends." Grover waved his hand.

"If that's what you call friend, don't invite me to any of your parties." Vitória pointed out.

I was getting really angry. No tree was going to hurt my friends. Not while I had Riptide in my hands. I got up in a flash and marched over the man-eating tree. I slashed two more of his tentacles, but there were too many. He kept pushing me, hitting me. I could defend myself, but I was out of shape. A few months in regular school makes you rusty. I was gasping for air.

"Percy, help us!" I heard Vitória calling out my name. "Please!"

I had an idea. Those goons were made out of wood and leaves. And plants dread fire. Of course! I didn't control fire and we were in the middle of a parking lot, away from any water for me to command. I ran close to Grover and Vitória. I jumped over the tree who was attacking them, I hit his neck, Iiiaaaa! Another weird scream.

"Grover, follow my lead!"

I raised riptide into the air and waved it in circular movement. It didn't produce fire, but it shone so intensely that we had the impression it was bursting red flames.

"Fire, fire!" Grover shouted getting my hint. Vitória did the same as soon as she understood the trick.

I kept waving and slashing Riptide. The 'flames' were increasing and the demon trees got scared and ran way.

"Don't go, fools! The sword is just shinning. Reflecting the sun's rays!" Daniel Rocha spat water out of his mouth.

The tree demons didn't take any chances. When they saw Riptide sparkling red stars like fireworks, they disappeared behind the cars. Mr. Rocha did the same when he was outnumbered.

I checked my friends. They were Ok. I hold Vitória in my arms.

"Please." Grover complained.

"Do you know where Irani is, Vitória?"

She opened the envelope again.

"Yes. She is at Fazenda Delgado. It's a hundred sixteen kilometers from here. According to the map, we'll get there by boat."

"Let's get to a port or a marina, then."

"Already taken care of." She smiled at us.

Our ride was the boat! We were in a cruise in the Amazon River in a luxury mobile hotel. The eco-luxury boat hotel was named Vitória-Régia. Grover told me Vitória-Régia was the name of a splendid water plant in tropical rivers. Legend said a young warrior-girl loved the moon so much she wanted to be with her no matter what. Because of that, she didn't take interest in any of the warriors from her tribe, and chased the moon every night instead. One evening, exhausted and hungry she stopped by a river to drink water and to fish. She saw the moon's reflection on the water. She praised and prayed for it to take her. Instead, she felt ill and fell in the river. Before she drowned, Luna, the moon granted the girl-warrior her last request. She became a river star, better known as Vitória-Régia, Victoria Water Lily.

I wasn't happy. Not by a long shot. I knew what this prophecy meant. Vitória was going to die! Maybe in a few hours from now. I felt sick. I looked at Grover. I never had a sensation like this before. I wanted to torn down this boat to the bottom of the river. I could do this if I willed really hard. The Amazon would be my domain.

"You know you can't." Grover said sadly. "You can't stop her. It's her destiny, even if you hate this."

"Stop reading my emotions, Grover. You don't know anything! Actually, you knew everything! You just told me this story, so I wouldn't be able to back off. Not now, when we are so close to Irani."

We were at the deck appreciating the beautiful sunset, the river was calm and I could see pink dolphins following us. They are called Boto Cor-de-Rosa in Brazil. Grover was looking down at the water.

"I think when I finish my quest for Pan, I'll live here. Away from civilization and deep down the jungle. Maybe I'll become a legend in Brazil with time." He nodded his head. He was talking to himself aloud.

She shall be your salvation and your river star

"Go to Tartarus, Grover!" I cried. "I'm going to tell her about this nonsense!"

"You won't admit it, but you are just like you father."

"I'm not like my father. I care about people!"

"Oh, yeah?! What happened when he fell in love with a mortal? I tell you what: a boy who can't respect a girl's wish!"

I never saw Grover stood up for something he believed in before. I was impressed. Maybe it was because he has been so much these past year. Nevertheless, I was about to punch him in the face when Vitória arrived.

"Percy, we better talk. Come with me, please." She invited me for a walk.

We went to a higher deck. I wasn't letting her go without a fight. It was night already. Her pale skin shone in the dark.


"No, Percy. I have to do this."

"You don't have to. We can save Irani without sacrificing anyone. You're rich, you can afford living in New York."

"Are you asking me to live abroad, with you?"

"No, I am not. I'm asking the chupacabra!"

She hold me. I couldn't believe I was saying that, I was asking her to live in New York with me. Thing is, I really wanted this.

"Percy, it's Ok. I don't need to be saved. I'm not a damsel in distress. I accept this task. It's my destiny."

"To die, because of a person you don't even know?"

"It's not like that, Percy. Since my parents passed away I haven't had a clue what to do with my life. An orphan rich girl with no purpose in life." She was shaking. "And if we help Irani, we'll be taking down Daniel Rocha. People like him are destroying the Rain Forest. Thousands of animals and plant life die every year because of him. Not to mention the people intimidated by his thugs. You saw them! If I can put him down and save lives, so be it."

I couldn't believe my ears. This girl was ready to sacrifice her life to save people she didn't know. I guess that was the true meaning of the word hero.

I saw Grover running up the stairs, in a rush, gesticulating like a mad satyr.

"You, guys, you guys. Sorry to interrupt this romantic moment, but we got trouble, big trouble."

"What big trou...."

The hotel boat tilted to the left about forty degrees. We bent our knees and heard water splashing. The boat stopped.

"It's the Mapinguary!"

"Oh, oh!" Vitória moaned.

"I am not going to like this, aren't I?"

"The Mapinguary is monster who dwells in the jungle." Grover gave me the exposition of current events.

"Mr. Rocha must have sent him after us. But where is he getting this creatures from? He's a mortal. He can't control them!" I questioned his actions.

"It doesn't matter. That thing is coming for us!" Vitória moved my head and I saw a gigantic sloth-type animal roaring and crawling his way to us. People were running and screaming in Portuguese.

"Holly molly!" I never fought a monster that big. It was 4 meters tall and 5 meters long. He had deformed sloth head, long claws, caiman skin, backward feet and a second mouth on its belly. His steps were slow, but impressive. Tan, Tan, Tan!

"Grover, Vitória. Find a way out, a life boat, anything!"

"Best idea of the day."

"Percy, no!" Vitória begged.

"You do your thing, I'll do mine. Go, now!"

Grover pulled Vitória despite her protests. I drew Riptide from my pocket. The fire trick wouldn't fool this creature. Its stomach mouth was drooling and vociferating horrible sounds. I needed to take the fight into the water. On the boat he could kill dozens of innocent hotel guests.

I distracted it as long as I could, I wanted to give my friends time to escape. When the Mapinguary was very close, I jumped into the river.

The river was dark by itself and at night it was peach black. I could count with my hearing and that was it.

I felt the monster entering the water. I was floating waiting for my attacker. I could see him when he was too close. I had to make every stab count.


He passed me on my left. He was assessing the situation, getting to know my moves. Damn, this guy was ready for a fight.

I went deeper. He wasn't a fresh water creature. He was as blind as me, but I could feel his movements. He was too big and created underwater waves. I had to follow them.

Another pass, that was close and I hit him. A strange noise echoed. I didn't know if I hurt him seriously. A few more minutes passed on. It was a game of cat and mouse, the darkness was trying my patience, believe me, to lose sight is a bad experience. I heard the monster's whale sound and I followed it. I got close and I stabbed him in the back. He cried in pain and his backward feet hit me hard. His kick sent me back to the surface as disoriented torpedo.

My chest really hurt, I couldn't have survived this blow if I were out of the water. I heard a motorboat sound. It was Grover and Vitória on one. They were coming for me, I feared the worse.

"No, no. Get back, don't come for me. I'm fine!" They didn't hear me. The motorboat was too loud. From their point of view I could be asking for help.

The monster jumped out of the water as a humpback whale. The Mapinguary was between us. He turned his caiman body back and forth. He was deciding whom he was going to attack. I don't think you need to be a genius to guess what he was going to do.

He went after the boat, duh. I was a good swimmer, but I wouldn't be able to catch them before it was too late. I was swimming like crazy when I felt little bumps in my legs. I thought it was another monster, but it was a school of pink dolphins! Their leader closed in on me and I held his dorsal fin. Now that's speed!

I was near them. Grover was leading the monster to one of the adjacent smaller rivers, away from any ordinary boats or fishermen. I saw him changing places with Vitória. She was in the bow, piloting it. Grover lifted his head as if he was singing in an opera. The jungle was getting thicker and the trees were blocking the little light the moon provided us.

Shadows of all sizes were moving on top of the trees. More shapes were forming riverside. There were hundreds of them. I spotted one of them, it was a monkey. We were going to be attacked by zombie monkeys!

How wrong I was! The monkeys were Grover's furry army. He summoned them and they came to assist us. The monkeys threw fruits, rocks of all sizes, wood, poop; yeah, that's right, and all kind of stuff. What a sight! One little rock couldn't do much, but thousands formed a rain of debris. The poor Mapinguary didn't stand a chance.

The monster cried, roared and smacked down some of the trees with its immense claws, but without exit. The monkeys kept jumping from branch to branch and more poop was over him.

"Yeah, that's serves you right!" I hit the water laughing.

Nobody could hear my cheering because the noise of hundreds of angry monkeys produced was five times louder than a F-14 Tomcat fighter jet breaking the speed of sound.

Eventually the Mapinguary got out of the water and ran into the woods. Grover helped me to embark in the boat. Vitória was impressed I was completely dry, even my clothes. Grover parked near the trees.

Thank you for your help. Go now, have a good night. I thanked my pink dolphin comrades. Grover did the same with the brave monkeys.

"Thanks, Grover. Good move!"

"And now?" Grover asked us

"We're very close. Let's go."

We heard footsteps and guns being loaded at us. It was Mr. Rocha and his goons. They came out of the dark.

"Indeed, let's go. And no funny tricks."

Among them we saw a gorgeous tall dark haired girl. Her chestnut-eyes stared at me. I saw Grover delighted with the girl. She was wearing a white evening dress. The dress had silver lines over her chest and abdomen. Even Vitória gazed at her beauty.

"Irani, You're Ok!" Grover was able to say a complete sentence.

"Hi, Grover, Percy. Sorry for all the problems I've caused." Her voice was bitter sweet.

There was a young man behind her. He was in his 20's, tall and good-looking. He looked like a young version of Mr. Rocha... it is his son. He was holding her shoulders, but he wasn't holding her against her will. Their body language showed they cared for each other.

"Percy, she wasn't kidnapped." Vitória whispered to me.

I didn't react. I didn't understand.

"They have wedding rings in their hands." Vitória hold my hand.

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