Sonic X: A New Friend

By AnimeGirl334

12.4K 406 246

What if Dr. Eggman created a female ultimate lifeform? Meet Maria the hedgehog the most powerful and beautifu... More

Maria the hedgehog reborn
Chaos Control Freaks
Sonic and Maria to the rescue
Missile Wrist Rampage
Cracking Knuckles
Techno Teacher
Party Hardy
Satellite Swindle
The Last Resort
Unfair Ball
Fly Spy
Beating Eggman Part 1
Beating Eggman Part 2
Thats What Friends Are For
Skirmish in the Sky
Depths of Danger
The Adventures of Knuckles, Maria and Hawk
The Dam Scam
Sonic's Scream Test
Cruise Blues
Fast Friends
Little Chao Lost
Emerald Anniversary
How to catch two hedgehogs
A Dastardly Deed
Countdown to Chaos
Pure Chaos
A Chaotic Day
A Robot Rebels
Heads up, Tails
Revenge of the Robot
Flood Fight
Project Shadow
Shadow Knows
Sonic and Maria's Big Break
Shadow World
Robotnik's Revenge
Showdown in Space
Defective Detectives
Sunblock Solution
Eggman for President
A Date to Forget
Mean Machines
Sewer Search
Prize Fights
A Wild Win
Map of Mayhem
The Volcanic Venture
The Beginning of the End
Running Out of Time
Friends 'til the End
A New Start
A Cosmic Call
Cosmic Crisis
An Enemy in Need
A Chilling Discovery
Desperately Seeking Sonic and Maria
Galactic Gumshoes
Trick Sand

Chaos Emerald Chaos

265 12 7
By AnimeGirl334

"So this "Chaos Control" created a warp in time and space, and that's how you guys ended up here. Hmmm, I think I understand that much, but I still don't understand these "Chaos Emeralds" you guys are talking about,"said Chris. "You've never heard of the Chaos Emeralds? Boy, you really do have a lot to learn, don't ya?,"asked Tails.

"Each Chaos Emeralds is filled with a magical power. So you could imagine what would happen if you found all seven of 'em,"said Amy.

"But no-one has ever found all seven emeralds and now it's highly improbable that anyone ever will find them,"asked Chuck. "Why is that?,"asked Cream. "Well, you see Cream, every one of the precious Chaos Emeralds has disappeared,"Chuck said. "That doesn't mean they're gone for good,"said Sonic. "Huh?,"They asked. "Anytime the seven Chaos Emeralds come together in one place, they scatter and disappear all over again!,"said Maria. "Then that means they're still out there someplace,"said Chris. "That's right!,"said Sonic.

"Only we don't have any way of knowing where. If they're on planet, that's good, but if they're still on the planet we came from, we may never get home,"said Tails. "Listen, if the emeralds ARE somewhere on this planet, and if we can find some way to locate them all, maybe we'll be able to reverse that time warp. You guys will be back on your home planet before you know it! Right, Sonic and Maria?,"asked Chris. "Yeah! No worries,"said Sonic and Maria.

*The scene shifts to a construction yard, revealing the green Chaos Emerald partially buried in the dirt*

"And, where are they?,"asked President. "It seems the two hedgehogs and their friends are staying with a family in Station Square, and our agents have traced Eggman to an island somewhere in the Southern Sea,"said Director of Central Intelligence. "Well, get going! I want them captured!,"said President. "With all due respect, it might be best to keep them under surveillance so we can observe their behavior,"said Director of Central Intelligence. "Grr, that's all well and good, but you'd better pay special attention to that dangerous Eggman character,"said President. "We've already sent out a reconnaissance team, Mr. President. We'll be sure to report back any suspicious activities,"said Director of Central Intelligence. "Any word on the animals?,"asked President. "We've had our operatives watching them too, sir, and we're dispatching an underground agent to get information on the boy. If there's any unusual activity, we'll know about it,"said Director of Central Intelligence.

*The scene changes to Chris's class in elementary school*

"Hey kid, 50 cents for your sandwich,"said Kid 1. "I bet those little hedgehogs things are so fast, they're never gonna get them!,"said Danny. "I bet you're right. Chris, you think they'll ever catch those hedgehogs?,"asked Frances. "Huh? Err... I don't know,"said Chris. "Children, may I have your attention? I'd like to make a brief announcement to you all. Your teacher, Ms. Westerly, will be taking a leave of absence. Therefore, she will be not with you for the remainder of the semester. *Chris, Danny and Frances gasp* Please say hello to Mr. Stewart, who will be your substitute,"said School Principal. "Hello, children,"said Mr. Stewart. "Hello, Mr. Stewart!,"said Kids. "He looks nice, doesn't he Chris?,"asked Frances.

*School bell rings. Kids begin to head for home*

"Danny, c'mon hurry up,"said Chris. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute!,"said Danny. "Christopher Thorndyke. The principal told me your name, and I was wondering if you were the same Christopher Thorndyke whose father is the CEO of the Starship Software company, Nelson Thorndyke, and whose mother is the famous flim actress, Lindsey Fair,"said Mr. Stewart. "Yeah, that's me,"said Chris. "Well, I must say, Christopher it's a privilege to meet the son of such distinguished parents,"said Mr. Stewart. "Thanks, that's very nice of you to say,"said Chris. "Good meeting you, Christopher,"said Mr. Stewart. "Good to meet you too,"said Chris. "By the way, this might sound strange, but do you have a favorite animal?,"asked Mr. Stewart. "Uh... well... um... hedgehogs, I guess,"said Chris. "Ah...,"Mr. Stewart said. "Is that weird?,"Chris asked. "No, not at all!,"Hs said. "Hey, Chris!,"Danny. "Huh?,"asked Chris. "Sorry, let's go!,"Danny said. "It was nice nice talking to ya, Mr. Stewart. See ya!,"said Chris.

*The scene touches on a construction yard, where an excavation hits the green Chaos Emerald*

"Hey! What's happening?! Help! Somebody help me! I'm losing control! *The excavator moves uncontrollably around the construction worksite* Ahh! I can't stop this thing!,"yelled Construction Worker 1. "Hey, are you all right?!,"asked Construction Worker 2. "I... don't know. All of a sudden, the thing has a mind of its own,"said Construction Worker 1.

*The excavator moves again*

"Hey Chris, what was Mr. Stewart talking to you about in the hall?,"asked Danny. "Uh, he asked me what my favorite animal was,"Chris answered. "An unusual gemstone was discovered today at a department store construction site. Eye-witnesses at the site report that construction machinery seemed to malfunction whenever it came within close contact of this strange jewel. The stone does appear to be radiating an invisible, highly-charged energy. Now, some of you watching at home, may be experiencing some static. This is a direct result of the gem's magnetic power *Cream and Cheese fall asleep during the report only to be awoken up by the sight of the Emerald's picture* This is an artist's rendering,"said Scarlet.

*Cream gasps*

"We've gotta tell Sonic and Maria! Hurry!,"said Cream. "Pretty good nap. I needed that,"said Sonic. "Looking at the garden was really nice and wonderful,"said Maria. "Sonic, Maria, you two won't believe it,"said Cream. "What's up?,"asked Sonic. "What's the matter Cream?,"asked Maria. "They've found one! They've found one!,"yelled Cream. "Authorities are conducting a through investigation of the surrounding area to determine the possible source of the gem. SSTV will continue to keep you posted with further updates. This is Scarlet Garcia reporting live from the site for SSTV news,"said Scarlet. "*laughs* Well, what do you know?! A Chaos Emerald right under my nose!,"said Dr. Eggman. "Doctor,"said Decoe. "Yes, Decoe?,"asked Dr. Eggman. "Your cards,"said Decoe. "Hmm, let's see. Ah, which one? Hmm, I can't choose. *Doctor Eggman places the pack of cards into the Selection Machine and pulls the handle down* Beacon! Ah HA HA!,"said Dr. Eggman.

*Beacon prepares to take off into the skies while Dr. Eggman flies side-by-side with it on his Egg Modile*

"Enemy aircraft spotted!,"said Reconnaissance man. "Roger,"said Radio man. "Once I get my hands on that Chaos Emerald, I'll create an even more powerful robot, and getting rid of those pesky blue and yellow hedgehogs will be a breeze! *laughs*,"said Dr. Eggman.

*The scene changes to the Thorndyke Mansion's garage*

"Be careful! Don't get hurt, Tails!,"said Cream. "Don't worry, Cream. We'll be okay!,"said Tails. "I hope Sonic and Maria knows where they're going, if they get lost, we won't know where to look for them,"said Amy. "Don't worry about Sonic and Maria, if anyone can find the Chaos Emeralds, they can,"said Tails. "Good luck, and be sure to keep your eyes out for Sonic and Maria. I certainly hope they find that Emerald,"said Chuck.

*In the streets of Station Square, Sonic and Maria jumps from a gap between buildings to another before running on the streets*

"The place is around here somewhere. Bet we can see it easier with a bird's eye-view! I'll just chill out up here and wait for Tails and Amy,"said Sonic. "Same here and I'll use my clairvoyance power to find that chaos emerald *She use clairvoyance to find the Chaos Emerald* Swet I found it,"Maria. "Hmm? Well, I do believe that someone is following me. *laughs* This could be fun! What do you say, Beacon? Let's sink the vinks *Beacon tricks the missiles into following it and manages to avoid just before touching the water* How do you like them apples? You foolish flyboys though you could pull one over on the good doctor, didn't you?! Well, I guess the bad doctor proved you wrong!,"said Dr. Eggman.

*The scene changes to Chris's class*

"Questions, anyone? Mmm, alright now you try it,"said Mr. Stewart. "Huh? Ah!,"yelled Chris. "What are you looking at, Chris?,"asked Frances. "Er... um... 'scuse me, Mr. Stewart, I'll be right back. I gotta do something,"said Chris. "Chris!,"said Danny. "Keep working, class. I need to step away from a moment. Study quietly on your own,"said Mr. Stewart. "*huffs and puffs* I've just gotta find that emerald! Just got to!,"said Chris.

*Mr. Stewart follows Chris in his car*

"It's about time! You'd think theh can fly that thing a little faster,"said Sonic. "Hey Sonic, Maria, it's over there!,"yelled Amy. "Chaos Emerald, here we come!,"said Maria. "Wow pretty freaky, huh?,"asked News reporter. "Yeah, you said it! First, those weird hedgehogs comes out of nowhere, now this magnetic emerald! Hey!,"yelled Cameraman. "Oh!,"said Scarlet. "What's the matter?!,"asked News reporter. "Look, up there!,"said Cameraman. "What's that?,"asked Scarlet. "Woah, hey, it looks like that Dr. Eggman guy!,"said Cameraman.

*The crowd gasps as Doctor Eggman flies closer. Meanwhile Sonic and Maria dashes towards the emerald's direction. The crowd turns to flee*

"What's going on here?! So, Dr. Eggman thinks he can nab that Chaos Emerald before us!,"said Sonic. "Oh we will show him!,"said Maria. "Heh, we're closing in! It's those blasted hedgehogs! Change of plans, we'll come back to our little treasure later on. First, we'll get rid of that meddling Sonic and Maria!,"said Dr. Eggman.

*Beacon repeatedly rams into Sonic and Maria while Dr. Eggman laughs in amusement*

"Quick, Amy!,"yelled Tails. "Look, Sonic, Maria, the rings. I'll throw it to you two! Catch!,"said Amy.

*Sonic and Maria attempts to catch the rings but misses*

"Not good...,"said Tails. "Oh no! We're too far away! Hey, what if we try to get closer?,"asked Amy. "It won't be easy, but I can try!,"said Tails. "All right, let's do it!,"Amy said. "*laughs* Now that our speedy little friends is out of the way, let's get back to our original plan, shall we? *laughs as he comes to land. Eggman jumps off his Egg Modile and begins to dig through the dirt to find the Chaos Emerald only to have Chris snatch it at the last second* UGGH! GIVE THAT BACK TO ME!,"yelled Dr. Eggman. "I can't believe it. I found the Chaos Emerald! *Eggman pokes him and slaps Chris' palm, snatching the Emerald in the process* Hey, that's mine!,"yelled Chris. "Sorry. Not anymore. Besides, my dear boy, you'd hardly know what to do with such a thing! *laughs*,"said Dr. Eggman. "But I found it first!,"Chris protest. "Buzz off, kid!,"Dr. Eggman said. "But it's mine!,"said Chris "let go of me, you pipsqueak!,"yelled Dr. Eggman. "Give me that! *Dr. Eggman and Chris fight before the doctor proceeds to take off into the skies* Ahhhhh!,"yelled Chris

*Beacon is shown repeatedly ramming into Sonic and Maria*

"HEY! Knock it off!,"yelled Sonic and Maria. "Sonic! Maria!,"yelled Amy.

*Amy passes Sonic and Maria two rings to which they uses its power to spin and slice right through the Beacon, destroying it*

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!,"yelled Chris. "It's Chris!,"yelled Sonic. "Oh no!,"yelled Maria. "We're coming, Chris,"said Amy. "Chris, hold on!,"said Tails.

*Dr. Eggman looks at the Chaos Emerald in his hand and laughs while Chris tries to climb aboard the Egg Modile. Eggman notices and tries to tilt the vehicle to throw him off but Chris hangs on. Another attempt results in Chris grabbing onto Eggman's moustache*

"I won't let go! Give me back that emerald!,"yelled Chris. "You grubby, little beast, let go of my moustache!,"yelled Dr. Eggman. "*falls* Ahhhhh!,"Chris screams. "That caterwauling brat certainly was a handful! ARRGH! My emerald!,"Dr. Eggman yelled.

*Chris continues free-falling*

"I'll save him! *Mr. Stewart tries to speed up to Chris only watch Sonic and Maria speed from behind and save Chris* Well, it's good to know those two is looking out for kid. Speaking of looking out for the kids, I'd better get back to school,"said Mr. Stewart.

*Mr. Stewart drive back to the school. The scene switches to the Thorndyke Mansion's attic*

"Now that we have one, we just need six more!,"said Cream. "That's right, Cream,"said Amy. "I'm not certain we should keep it here. After all, it might have an effect on my equipment,"said Chuck. "No problem, if anything goes wrong with them. I'll fix them for ya!,"said Tails. "Alright, it's a deal!,"Chuck said. "Okay, grandpa!,"Tails said. "Um, Sonic, Maria, I'm sorry...,"said Chris. "What are you sorry for?,"asked Sonic. "Well, for.... for losing-,"Chris said. "Got it back, didn't ya? That's all that matters! We think you did a great job!,"said Maria. "Uh, I... I did?,"asked Chris. "You sure did, Chris. Just be a little more careful next time, huh? *laughs*,"said Chuck. "Thanks,"Chris said.

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