No Man's Son

By 13ellatuscan

12 1 2

A Twilight Princess One-shot about the beloved Hero of Twilight *Cover art by magore997 More

No Man's Son

12 1 2
By 13ellatuscan

A Twilight Princess One-shot
(Based on The Legend of Zelda)

Snowpeak had been merciless. The bitter cold gradually sapped Link's energy like a greedy vulture. The deep heavy snow made his trek all the more tiring. All he had to keep himself warm was his usual green tunic and a black hooded cloak which was rather thin and worn out. He hugged it close around his body, but the chilling air still seeped into his bones. He watched his raspy breaths as they puffed in front of his face as white clouds.

Though he had not sustained any serious injuries, his whole body was sore from fighting his last battle in the old abandoned mansion. It had been a difficult fight, using all the energy he had to dodge the deadly rain of enormous masses of ice while whirling around a heavy ball and chain at the menacing enemy. He had been knocked over a few times by the blows of ice, but he had gotten back up every time without hesitation.

The magnificent mansion was a labyrinth to explore. Getting to the highest tower and back down again wasn't the easiest route. It was practically a castle in ruins, obstacles and enemies hindering his path. He had used his wit and vigour to bypass those obstacles.

All to get one shard of a mirror. But he had done it. He had completed another part of his long, arduous quest.

The mountain itself was a feat to overcome. Trekking back to Hyrule Field, Link's weary bones froze and shivered in the wind's cruel bite. When he finally returned to the cave from whence he came, Zora's Domain was waiting for him on the other side. He discarded the clock upon emerging out of the cave, knowing he wouldn't need it anymore.

At the bottom of the domain, Epona greeted him with a nudge of her long face. The warmth from her greeting induced the subtlest twist of his lips. He returned it with a single pat on her muzzle then mounted his steed, heading for the exit. He was glad to be out of that ice desert and back into the warmer air.

As he was riding back in a relaxed gallop, Minda's shadowed form emerged from his shadow, breaking the silence with her high-pitched nasal voice.

"Where are you headed now?"

In a low, calm tone, he replied, "Back to Castle Town. I need information on the locations of the other shards."

"Fine," she sighed. "Just don't take too long, dawdling. You've still got a lot to do."

He said nothing in reply but kept his eyes on the road ahead.

By the time he arrived in Castle Town, it was dark. The deep orange hues of the setting sun were not much higher than the horizon. They cast a low amber light across the land, sending it into the hour of twilight.

As Epona's hooves clapped across the wooden drawbridge, the hero felt his eyes start to droop. He strained to keep them open, hoping to not let Midna or anyone notice.

The usually bustling market was still and isolated, most of the townsfolk having retired for the night. The street lamps were lit, their humble glow reflecting on the cobblestone ground. Peace ruled the streets that night. Nothing repelled the tranquillity of the air. Just being present was enough to be tempted to tarry and rest one's bones.

Link dismounted his horse and led her to the stable. There was a worker manning the stable whom Link paid a few rupees to feed and shelter Epona.

He left her, heading back to the cobblestone path where he made a right turn for the dark alley. His leather boots tapping rhythmically against the stone was the only sound that rang as he stepped down the small staircase. He subconsciously stopped at the wooden door of Telma's Bar. The candlelight brimming through the cracks around the closed door seemed to welcome him in before he even opened it. Yet he hesitated.

On the other side of the door, the atmosphere was quite the contrary to the still, dark outdoors. Telma's Bar was full of energy and light. A few Hylian knights sat around the tables, drinking and whining about the recent troubles in Hyrule. Telma attended the bar, serving drinks and wiping wet cups as she conversed confidently with her customers whom she knew so well. Ilia was with her, and she waited on the customers, bringing them the food they ordered with a sweet smile on her pretty face.

A strategically placed, private table stood at the far end of the room. Its inhabitants were quite engrossed in a serious, pensive conversation. They had an old yellowed map spread across the table and they were civilly discussing ideas with animated gestures.

Rusl was standing from his seat, arms outstretched over the map, talking in a controlled tone while the group listened intently.

At his detailed explanation, Auru asked while rubbing his white beard, "And what do you think resides in this hidden grove?"

"I believe there is an ancient temple — one that might house the power that Link is searching for."

"If that's the case, then that area must be investigated."

Ashei took a sip from her cup and placed it down before intercepting, "Link should be back from Snowpeak any day now. When he returns, we should relay this information to him."

A thought came to Rusl, one that saddened his visage. He didn't voice it, however, but took his seat and inquired, "How long has it been since he left?"

"Three days and a half."

Leaning back in his chair, Auru raised a thought. "After the lad came back from Arbiter's Grounds, he didn't seem like himself."

The table went quiet. Everyone's thoughts settled on the old man's truthful words.

Shad had remained quiet for a while, sitting contently in his seat, listening to the conversation while dwelling on his own conspiracies. He finally spoke up at this comment. "Perhaps the o'l boy just needs a day to recuperate. After all, travelling on foot is no easy task... I should know!" He released a rather goofy chuckle, but no one laughed with him.

"Shad," started Ashei, "you do know he has a horse, right?"

His smile dropped. "Oh. Right. Well, I was only kidding." He cleared his throat, adjusting his bow tie out of habit.

"On a more important note, have you found any more information about the rumours of the sky beings?" suggested Rusl.

"Not quite," the young scholar answered. "I'm still troubled in deciphering these ancient texts." He adjusted his round spectacles in the manner of a gentleman.

Before any of them could add, the door swung open with a creak and as they turned their eyes to the guest, a familiar figure met their gazes. The whole bar seemed to fall quiet at the stranger, mostly for his unusual, noble, green garb and gear, but also for his recent reputation around the kingdom. Some were saying he was the hero who was actively opposing the twilight. Others had their doubts based on his youthfulness.

The hero took cautious steps forward, careful not to look anyone in the eye. The customers stirred up once more, resuming their petty conversations and drinks. As he was passing the bar, Telma's chirpy voice called to him.

"Welcome, honey! Can I get you something to eat?"

To which he graced her with a brief eyeball and a soft reply, "No, thanks."

By the way he dragged his feet and tardily blinked, Telma could tell he was worn out. Her brow creased with concern.

As he approached the table, the group greeted him warmly. He gave them the most polite greeting he could muster.

"Link, o'l boy! Good to see you."

"Hey, Shad."

Auru gestured to an empty chair. "Take a seat, lad."

As he did so, Ashei looked him squarely in the eye and interrogated, "How were your travels to Snowpeak? Did you find what you were after?"

"Yes." Then he turned his attention to Rusl. "I need to know if you've found any more clues to the whereabouts of the other shards."

As his mentor watched him, he noticed his face was pale and he had bloodshot eyes accompanied by dark circles underneath. He looked as though he hadn't slept in days which was not far from the truth. He let the thought slide, for now.

"We were just discussing a potential location." Pointing to the map on the table, he continued, "There appears to be a hidden grove in the deepest parts of the Faron Woods, but the map shows that the way is cut off by a ravine. I vouch that there is a hidden passage somewhere. The question is, how do we find it?"

Link studied the map for a few seconds before finally replying, "Faron Woods, huh?" The hero had been there once before while he was in his lupine form. It was where he regained his human form and attained the Master Sword. But his memory of the route was a blur for his canine senses had subconsciously led him there while the dark magic infused by Zant overpowered his right mind.

The young hero pulled out his own map and began marking down the notes that Rusl had made on the other map.

"When I was investigating the area, I came across old ruins that could be the remnants of an ancient temple," explained Rusl. "Such a sacred place would not be so easy to find, however. Which is why I have my bets on the hidden grove charted on the map—"

"—Thanks, Rusl. I'll take it from here," said the lad quite bluntly.

The man simply nodded after a quick pause.

The group fell into another conversation, but Link's ears fell deaf to their words. He kept to himself, studying his map and trying to work out the hidden route. At the back of his mind, he could remember mere fragments of the night he trekked there on four legs. He strained his brain to put the fragments together.

Then suddenly, a soft feminine voice pulled him from his thoughts. "Hi, Link."

His cerulean eyes looked up to his left and met Ilia's. She gave him a sweet smile, holding a mug of warm milk.

"Ilia. I'm sorry, I didn't see you..."

She chuckled softly. "That's okay. Here." She placed the mug in front of him.

"Oh, I—"

"—It's on the house," she winked.

He hugged the mug with one hand, resting his eyes on the steaming beverage. "T-thank you..."

"Don't mention it." Throwing her hands behind her back, she started taking a step back while finishing, "I can see you're quite busy, so I'll leave you to it."

He offered her a quick genuine smile while watching her turn around to attend to other guests. He caught the gaze of Rusl for a mere second before abruptly dropping his eyes back to his map. Even then, he could still feel the burning gaze of his mentor as the group continued to chatter while he silently sipped his milk.

A moment later, Telma approached the table, at first seemingly interested in their conversation, but then she quickly pulled her attention to the silent hero.

"Link, honey, I'll give you a room tonight. Free of charge." She gave him a sassy smile.

The table seemed to quieten down again.

"No. I can't do that."

"Sure you can. After all you've done for Hyrule, I think you deserve to rest for free."

"Thank you, but...I can't stay. I have to be off tonight."

"What?!" exclaimed Shad exaggeratedly. "But you just got here, o'l boy!"

With a sigh and a tired blink, the hero continued. "I don't have time."

With caring eyes and a concerned frown, Rusl admitted, "Link. You look tired.
Hyrule can't depend on a hero who's exhausted." With an urging nod, he added, "Stay the night."

The boy didn't dare to meet eyes with him, instead, he kept them intently focused on the old map sitting on the table. "I said I can't."

"Don't be stubborn, son. You need sleep just as much as everyone else does. You're going to tire yourself to death—"

He snapped his eyes back to the man. "—So? What are you, my father?"

At that, Rusl froze, a shocked expression twisting his features.

Link wasn't one to raise his voice, and he didn't, but his tone implied irritation.

The table fell still and silent for a couple of seconds before Auru cleared his throat. "Ahem...well, I don't know about you folk, but I'm going to order another drink." He stood up, his chair causing a scraping sound across the stone floor.

"Sure, honey. I'll come make it for you," offered Telma.

Next, Ashei stood up, her face as stoic as a stone. "Shad," she called to the dumbfounded scholar still sitting in his chair. He snapped his widened eyes to the young woman. "C'mon," she hinted with a head cock. Taking her hint, he rather clumsily stood from his chair and followed her to the bar.

When the four of them left the blacksmith and hero alone, Link sighed, leaning his elbows on the table and rubbing his temples with his hands.

"Link," started Rusl. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"Yes, something is wrong. Something has been bothering you for a long time, now." Rusl then leaned forward with his arms crossed over the table. "I know you have a heavy burden on your shoulders...but just know that you don't need to bear it alone."

"Yes, I do, Rusl!" snapped Link. "It's my burden to bear. No one can bear it for me."

"Maybe so, but you have to remember that you have people around you who care about you and are here to help."

"It's not that simple..."

"Maybe it is. Maybe you're just too stubborn to admit it to yourself."

"You know nothing of my quest."

"Then tell me!"

"I...It's not something I can just confide." He shook his head bleakly.

Rusl gave a deep sigh and pressed the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Listen, Link... I've looked out for you for years now. I don't expect you to consider me your father...but I do wish you would allow me to be there for you. To listen. To give you advice. To support you as much as I can."

"Rusl..." the lad gave him a stern look. "I'm fine, really. I can take care of myself."

"Fine." The blacksmith impatiently stood up. "I'll be at the bar with the others."

Once he was alone, Link released another sigh and returned to his map. Only a few minutes back into his studying, his head began to spin and his eyes felt heavier. The dull lighting cast on the old parchment seemed to cause his eyes to lose focus. Agitated, he huffed and ripped off his cap, casting it aside and running his fingers through his dark blonde locks. As soon as his eyes fell back on the map, however, they drooped again. He felt his head start to nod closer and closer to the table while he strained to read the map clearly. His brain refused to focus, however, and was giving in to exhaustion and the desperate need for sleep. He had his arms set on the table, the left holding the quill and the other webbed across the map. He tried with all his might to stay awake, but his brain was stronger than his will. Before he knew it, his head was nestled on the side atop the table. His stationed arms encircled his weary head and his back was arched as he sat on the chair, leaning forward. He instantly slipped into a dreamless slumber.

Rusl was sipping his second drink when he instinctively looked over to Link studying at the far end of the room. Except he was no longer sitting up. He was fast asleep, facing their direction with his eyes closed.

A pang of compassion stabbed his chest. Seeing the boy succumbed to his exhaustion just moments after he assured him he was fine brought Rusl a sense of regret and burden. As much as Link denied his mentor's responsibility, Rusl still felt accountable for him. After all, he was still a young seventeen-year-old carrying a heavy duty.

Without a word, he left the conversing group and his unfinished drink, heading toward the sleeping form. At first, the man tried stirring him awake, but he wouldn't budge. He tried again.

"Link," he whispered. "C'mon." He started worrying when he still didn't stir, but once he heard his heavy breathing, he relaxed, letting out a sigh.

Rusl walked back to the bar. "Hey guys," he motioned to Link with his head, pulling their attention to the boy. "Telma, mind if you give him a bed for the night?"

"What kind of a question is that, honey?" she raised an eyebrow. Then with a head cock she confirmed, "Room four is available." Setting her eyes back onto Link, she shook her head in silence.


"You're absolutely welcome."

"Poor o'l boy," chirped Shad. "He's knackered."

"It's about time he fell asleep," admitted Ashei crossing her arms. "I was ready to knock him out over the head myself."

"Let's just hope he agrees to eat something tomorrow," added Auru.

As Rusl walked back to him, he noticed Link's cap was resting on the chair beside him. He grabbed it before picking the boy up in his arms and carrying him upstairs. The small corridor was dim, but Rusl found the fourth door on the right with no trouble. Link remained completely limp, only releasing a small tired moan once after the man had placed him down on the bed.


Rusl was careful not to arouse him while he slowly unclamped the strap holding his sword and shield onto his back. Once he did so, he placed the gear on the floor next to the bed followed by his leather boots, gauntlets, and green cap. He then pulled the blanket over his form and paused to watch his peaceful expression.

He looked rather helpless and vulnerable—something that the hero was not very often.

The man happened to look down at his gear when suddenly, something unusual caught his eye. He leaned down and picked up a single silvery hair from the fabric on the inside of the green cap. Bringing it close to his face, he analysed it. It appeared like the silver, grey fur of a beast of some kind. It seemed to shimmer in the low light like a blade. He recalled the time he saw a wolf with similar fur back in Ordon Village one night, not too long ago. He couldn't help but wonder how this fur could have ended up inside his cap. Or more importantly, what was it from? Was there something he wasn't telling him?

While he rubbed his beard, an unheard sigh emitted Rusl's lips once more, before he turned to leave the room. As the blacksmith was climbing back down the stairs, Ilia's concerned face was staring back at him.

"Rusl, is-is Link all right?" She quaked.

"He's fine," he assured with a forced smile. "He's just really tired."

"Oh. That's good, then."

Walking up to the bar where Telma stood behind, talking with Auru, Rusl took out his sack of rupees and drew out a purple rupee. "Telma—" he started.

When she eyed the rupee she frowned. "—No, honey. There'll be none of that!" She pushed it back.

"Please, just take it."

"Nuh-uh! I said no! As long as Link lodges here, not he or anyone else is gonna pay for it. It's on me, you hear?"

"I can't do that—"

"—Rusl..." she then gave him a grin. "It's fine."

Finally, he agreed, thanking the woman for her kind hospitality.

From the shadows of the dark room, Midna rose to view Link sleeping soundly on his back. She declined her gaze to the sheathed sword and Hylian shield subtly glowing in the slightest bit of moonlight that radiated from the small window. Then she set her eyes back on Link. He was completely knocked out. She listened to his heavy breathing, her face dropping into an irritated frown. After a few seconds, he let out a low moan and rolled over to his side, tugging on the blanket and slipping back into silence.

She let out a long sigh. "You're unbelievable..."

When Link finally woke up, he was lying on his side all snug and warm. The early morning sun had just started to creep inside through his window. For a second he couldn't figure out where he was. He wasn't at home in Ordon, that was for sure. Then he recalled the night before. Telma's Bar.

That's weird. I don't remember going to bed. Must have been half asleep.

After a brief stretch, he pushed the covers off and got out of bed. He found his boots, gauntlets, and gear beside the bed and proceeded to reequip himself.

While he had rested quite well, he still felt drowsy, knowing he could use another few hours of sleep. Regardless, he pushed those feelings aside and made his way downstairs, keeping in mind his critical quest and the urgency of time.

As the moments passed, he recollected the conversations he had with the group, most especially with Rusl. He knew they meant well, but he wished they would just leave him alone to do his part. But deep down he knew he wasn't all right. Unquestionably, he had a weight on his shoulders that he was struggling with. Every day was an ordeal. Every battle took a little more out of him. Every push to stand back up felt heavier. Every new enemy he faced he knew could be his last. All of these factors waned more and more of his joy like the wax of a burning candle.

But he didn't want them to have any part of it. The only person whom he allowed to know every part was Midna—his sole partner through it all.

Rusl and the rest of the resistance members were already settled at their usual table downstairs, discussing the next steps of their operation. Telma was back behind the bar like she never left. Her back was facing the counter as she sliced some cold preserved meat.

Ilia was wiping tables and fixing chairs, getting the place ready for customers in an hour or so.

They were all quite preoccupied when the young hero came down, plunked some rupees onto the counter, and hurried for the exit without a single word or glance.

Telma was too late in turning around. She caught sight of him closing the door and tried calling out. "Oh, honey, wait!" But he was gone. She looked down at the rupees. He had left two red ones and three blue ones.

Rusl and Auru had seen him in a flash because of their position facing the door. The other two followed the men's gazes when they heard the door close.

"Was that Link?" asked Ashei.

"Yes," Auru answered flatly.

"Why, he didn't even say goodbye!" noted Shad excitedly.

"The lad doesn't know what's good for him," the old man added.

Ashei let out a scoff.

Rusl said nothing but stared with pained eyes.

Ilia caught sight of it too, and she knotted her hands together under her chin with a heartbroken, yearning frown.

She worried for him. It was not like him to be this closed off to others.

After Link reunited with Epona at the stable, he was off on the road again. He made a route for Faron Woods, heading south of Hyrule Castle atop his steed. Once they broke into the woods, the boy dismounted his horse to give her a rest and walked alongside her while holding onto her reins with his left hand.

Not a word passed his lips. Not a crinkle of emotion lifted his features. He was lost in the abyss of his own mind. Even when Midna emerged from his shadow, he remained stone-faced, not even glancing her way. She hovered on the left side of the horse, Epona nodding her long face in between the two companions as she trod happily beside her master. The imp watched the Hylian carefully before breaking the silence.

"You know, Link, you could have at least said goodbye. You don't know when you're going to see them again...or if you even will." Link made no indication that he was listening to her, but she continued nonetheless. "That blacksmith really cares about you. He was the one who took you to bed when you fell asleep in the middle of the tavern."

The lad halted in his tracks, his chestnut horse following suit.

"Link?" She flicked her red eye to him, but just as she did, he pulled Epona's head gently toward him so that her muzzle was blocking his face from Midna.

Behind Epona's head, Link tried with all his might to hold back the tears that stung his eyes like needles. His lips quivered and his blue orbs watered regardless of his effort. A single tear managed to roll down the left side of his face which Midna spied when it ran down to his chin. She heard him sniffle and saw him rub his cheek but she was gracious enough to look away, even if it was with a sigh and an eye roll.

"You really ought to be a bit more courteous." Realising her unfeeling words, she countered, "You okay?"

Finally, he found his croaky voice and replied, "I'm fine. Let's go."

During the rest of the trek, Link was tempted to forget his quest and selfishly go back. But he did not succumb to that temptation. He would have to wait until this small part of his mission was complete. But the thought that he might not come out alive plagued him. What if the last thing they remembered of him was his coldness toward them?

Even after he had told Rusl off, the man still showed him the caring kindness of a fatherly figure, yet he had rewarded him with a mere cold shoulder.

The large circular room was magnificent. Marble graced the floor in splendid patterns, its glossy surface reflecting the pure light pouring in from the tall, encircling windows. The walls were embellished with recessions housed by majestic arches. These arches were decorated with elegant engravings of gold, displaying the true craftsmanship of the ancient Hylians. The entire room emanated with so much grandeur and dignity.

But Link did not have the luxury of admiring its beauty. In the midst of that grand room, he faced a deadly enemy whose sole purpose was to snuff out his very life. He stood before a towering darknut—ancient and powerful knights controlled by whoever possessed the most power and authority.

The young hero huffed. His strength and stamina were draining from him. Just like the blood that was draining from his side. Clutching the bleeding wound with his right hand, he tentatively watched the movements of his opponent. He memorised its patterns as it lunged forward with its colossal blade. Link dodged the next few attacks in order to observe, learn, and strategize. Then with a scowl, he lunged forward, rolling around the darknut and popping back up to meet its back. Just as he was a millisecond away from landing a blow, the darknut sensed his intention and spun around as quick as a bolt, countering the lad's shimmering sword with its own. Caught off guard, Link staggered back, the forceful counterattack leaving him dangerously open. At the boy's teeter, the darknut smote him again, sending him flying backward.

He landed a few feet away with a hard thump and a few rolls. Once he came to a stop on his back, he winced and moaned in pain. His shoulder throbbed in a smarting flame. He checked it momentarily and found the same sticky warm liquid oozing from his side. The chainmail had hindered a deeper cut, but it was still quite grave.

He only spared a few seconds, however, and pushed himself back up with all his strength. Sweat drops crawled down his brow. His breaths were loud and laborious. His heart raced like a rapid drum within his heaving chest.

Pushing the pain aside, he boldly faced the opponent again. He kept light on his feet, stepping sideways as a mirror to the darknut. When he glimpsed the large armoured arm moving back for momentum, he reacted. Once again, he ducked and rolled to the back of the knight. Its blade was still coming down when the young hero gracefully rose in a twirl, slicing his sword perfectly across the thread holding the knight's armour together. The heavy metal fell to the marble floor in a loud clank, leaving the darknut unprotected. Its body was muscular yet lean, having inhuman scale-like skin of grey.

Link did not stop there. While it was caught off guard, he delivered an ambush of blows to its tough body, inducing lines of blood and flinches of pain. It tried countering by swinging its sword arm at Link, but the agile lad dodged it with a jump.

The darknut was still recovering when Link came back in and, with a ruthless battle cry, impaled it cleanly through the torso. He waited a second before callously pulling it back out. The knight recoiled at the pain, taking a few staggering steps back. It groaned in a gruelling voice before finally falling to its knees as if it were bowing to the hero in front of it. Then after a pause, it finally collapsed to the ground, motionless.

With the threat finally gone, Link started to give in to his fatigue. Puffing, he crouched down and searched the corpse for something crucial. Finally, he pulled out a big key, analysing its gold surface and red gem sitting in the middle before concealing it in his pouch.

Lethargically and carefully, he trudged over to the edge of the room and sat on the floor with his meek back leaning against the monumental wall. He propped one knee up while clutching onto his side, still releasing heavy raspy breaths. He closed his eyes, hoping to give his body some time to recover before moving on.

"Mid—na," he groaned breathlessly.

His shadowed companion rose at the call, her single red eye peeing out at him with no expression apparent.

"I...huff...don't think I—I can go on for now."

She said nothing, waiting for him to continue.

"I need you to help me...huff...get back to Epona."

Her tone was casual as she responded, "Do you have any potions on you?"

"Oh...huff...yeah. Good idea."

Luckily he did have one bottle of red potion in his pouch. He drank the distasteful liquid with a cringe, wiping the residue from his mouth in a sharp exhale. Though it didn't heal him completely, it definitely gave him enough strength to walk back to his horse on his own.

Considering his current condition, he figured it would be wise to leave the temple for the time being and recuperate while stocking up on potions before returning and continuing his quest.

When Link found himself facing the door of Telma's Bar again, he recalled the last time he was here and how he had given them the cold shoulder. He didn't expect them to welcome him, but he at least wanted to apologise.

He stared at his hand on the doorknob in contemplation before finally turning it.

The Resistance members were sitting down, enjoying a hearty meal together. They chatted casually and occasionally exchanged chuckles. Telma and Ilia sat with them, the tavern being vacant of outside customers at this time.

When the door creaked open, everyone's eyes darted to the source of the sound like magnets. A weary, beat-up young hero emerged, his thick eyebrows twisted into a regretful frown. He took a few weak steps forward, holding onto his smarting side.

Rusl was the first to stand. He hurried over to the lad who tried to get some words in.

"Rusl, I'm—"

But before he could finish his apology, the man's arms had swung around him in a tight embrace. It caught him off guard for a moment, but when his mind registered, tears began to burn in his eyes. He then buried his face in Rusl's broad shoulder, letting out a soft sob. He wrapped his tired arms around his larger build even though they felt like they weighed a ton.

"I was so worried about you, son."

Link couldn't bring himself to reply, so he said nothing.

Rusl finally pulled away, taking in his mangled form. "Dear boy, you look awful."

The hero let out a weak chuckle. "I feel awful, too."

Telma was quick to stand and race over. "Let's get you bandaged up, honey," she urged.

Fortunately, his wounds were not as bad as they appeared, but the dressing and bandaging helped immensely. He took off his sword and shield and even discarded his cap for the time being.

When he finally sat down at the table with them, Telma set a plate full of food in front of him. "If you don't eat it, I'll stuff it down your mouth myself," she joked.

He was surprised at how friendly and warm everyone was to him. They greeted him like normal, with caring, interested eyes. They asked him how his last journey was. He was mostly truthful with them. He told them as much as he could, leaving out the more private details.

Ilia had greeted him with a big warm hug which Shad spied with jealous eyes. "I'm glad you're all right," she said in a pure, calm voice.

He ate with them, talked with them, and even chuckled a few times. He felt like he had a family again, kind of like the one back in Ordon. For a while, he had felt like he finally belonged somewhere. Then everything had changed when the twilight fell upon them.

Rusl was right. These people, although they were not his flesh and blood, they were here for him, and they cared about him unconditionally. He wished he had realised this sooner instead of pushing them away. Sure, there were things he would have to keep secret from them, for instance, his twilight companion or his wolf form, but for the most part, he could open himself up a little more than usual.

No matter how far his quest led him or how long he was gone fighting a battle, he would always have a safe haven to return to.

Rusl knew there was something Link wasn't telling him. He could see it behind those sad eyes, even through the smiles. But he did not push for him to confide completely. However Link felt towards him, Rusl would always think of him as a son. Perhaps there would come a day when the lad would open up fully and see him as more than merely a mentor.

Back on the road, the hero heard Midna's high-pitched voice say in a condescending tone, "Obedient to a fault, but you still have your way, eh? Shall we continue where we left off?"

"Hm. Let's go, Midna."

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[COMPLETE][EDITING] Ace Hernandez, the Mafia King, known as the Devil. Sofia Diaz, known as an angel. The two are arranged to be married, forced by...
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๐—Ÿ๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๐—ณ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ, ๐—น๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐—ธ๐—ถ๐—น๐˜† ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ, ๐—”๐—ป๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜†๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๏ฟฝ...
858K 19.5K 48
In wich a one night stand turns out to be a lot more than that.
43.8M 1.3M 37
"You are mine," He murmured across my skin. He inhaled my scent deeply and kissed the mark he gave me. I shuddered as he lightly nipped it. "Danny, y...