The Sensei Siblings

By TheGastlyGarden

1.7K 62 17

(Y) and June... Two "siblings" an older alien adopted moth brother, and a younger tomboy sister. Both of them... More

1 - America 2.0
Halloween Special! Part 1

2 - (Y) Adopts AI

245 11 0
By TheGastlyGarden

The first wave of thugs were cleared out in record time thanks to the Siblings.

The four Kivotos girls finally shake off their shock when June and (Y) start looting the unconscious thugs.

June: "These girls can take a beating."

(Y): "Status conditions work well. It takes a bit longer than normal but it still affects them."

June: "So stronger CC."

(Y): "Yep. How many grenades do you have?"

June: "Seven. Think that would be enough for the tank?"

(Y): "I can target the weak points directly if you cover me."

June: "Easy enough. Got any extra ammo?"

(Y): "Plenty for you. For me? Not much but I'll manage."

The duo starts exchanging their loot as Yuuka walks up to them.

Yuuka: "That was dangerous! One stray bullet and you're both dead!"

June: "For me yes, for him, no."

(Y): "This place is pretty high tech I'm sure we can find a way to protect you."

June: "UberCharged Junebug!"

(Y):  "I still remember you're reaction to being kicked because you were too good."

June: "They ran at me like headless chickens and didn't expect me to gun them down?! That's a skill issue, not a me issue."

The duo laugh much to Yuuka's confusion.

Chinatsu: "Mr. (Y), how did you manage to grow an extra pair of arms? Not to mention your speed and flexibility are unnatural."

(Y): "Don't worry about it."

June: "He's just the goat. Not our problem you cannot perceive my brother's sexiness."

(Y): "June you gotta stop with the flirting if you call me your brother... That's just weird."

June: "Not my fault you're hot, caring, and the best guy out there!"

(Y): "It's your fault for finding me attractive, though."

June: "SHUT UP!"

Rin: "You two are very capable."

(Y): "Don't say that to anyone."

Yuuka: "What? Why? Isn't it good for people to know not to mess with you?"

June: "That's boring!"

Hasumi: "Excuse me?"

(Y): "It's more fun to be in the action. Plus being underestimated means it's easier for an opponent to slip up and to capitalize on that slip up."

June: "I just like bashing heads in."

(Y): "This reminds me of how we both play spy."

June: "Your playstyle is boring! You use cloak and dagger!"

(Y): "Okay, dead ringer."

Chinatsu: "What does that even mean?"

(Y): "It means she plays aggressively and I play passively. Aka, she is a brawler I'm an assassin."

The 4 girls continue to look at (Y) confused which causes the man to sigh.

(Y): "Don't worry about it... Let's just keep moving..."

June: "If we can't play Team Fortress 2 here I will commit several war crimes..."

(Y): "You better bet your ass ill get us to play TF2!"

June: "Okay. I'm happy to lose my first and play TF2."

(Y): "... I'm walking forward now."

(Y) instead of walking takes off at supersonic speeds to get away from the horny TomBoy leaving all the girls in the dust and screams of pain from the direction he went.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y) sleeping with a bunch of Chibi dogs.

The girls caught up with (Y) quickly. June was surprised when Hasumi and Chinatsu started using "Magic" but other than that the 5 of them reunited with the one male... Who was covered in blood and cleaning off his Stingers on his 3rd and 4th arm with a cloth he stole from a damaged banner.

Chinatsu: "(Y)-Sensei! Are you okay?! You're covered in blood!"

(Y): "Don't worry, it's not my blood. I may have unintentionally injured the thugs more than intended."

After cleaning off his stingers, they retracted back into his arm as the second set joined back up with his first set of arms.

Hasumi: "You have a fascinating set of abilities (Y)-Sensei. Does June-Sensei have any abilities?"

June: "Nope. Just know how to fight."

(Y): "How far till we reach the checkpoint?"

Yuuka: "Just up ahead!"

June: "Dope!"

Before.the group could rushed back into battle Rin came into contact.

Rin: "I think I finally figured out who's responsible for this riot. Her name is Wakamo. She's the fugitive that escaped the Corrections Bureau after being suspended from the Allied Hyakkiyako Academy. She's a repeat offender, so I'd advise you don't let your guard down."

June looked over to (Y) and he nodded.

(Y): "You girls focus on making sure June doesn't get hit. Be ready for anything..."

The group continued to walk, this time their guard at an all-time high.

(Y) was in front his eyes darting from place to place, even the smallest breeze was noticed by the man.

Suddenly a shot rang out as a bullet headed towards (Y).

Yuuka: "(Y)-Sensei!"

(Y)'s arms immediately split apart as his Stingers shot out of all 4 arms, deflecting the bullet into the concrete in front of him.

Multiple Thugs rushed out from the alleyways as a young woman with a mask appeared in front of the group.

Yuuka: "That's the mastermind! Wakamo!"

(Y): "Deal with the cannon fodder and protect my sister! I got this!"

Before anyone could speak (Y) disappeared from view, a gust of wind following as he appeared right in front of his enemy. In an instant his stingers pierced the girl's chest and arms, using the speed he wrapped his legs around the girl's neck and flipped her onto the ground, knocking the wind out of her lungs.

(Y) goes in for a stab to get face only to have one of the flash bangs he looted to be shot and explode letting the girl escape as (Y) tries to get his barrings.

A growl escaped (Y)'s lips when he regained his sight and hearing.

Chinastsu was already beside him trying to get him stable.

Chinastsu: "Are you okay (Y)-Sensei?!"

(Y): "I'm fine... Just glad it wasn't the grenades. She's a quick thinker I'll give her that. Being able to spot the exposed flash and use it while having the air knocked out of her lungs takes skill."

June quickly rushes towards (Y) before looking over his body in a panic, before sighing and hugging her brother.

June: "I know you can tank these but it still worries me..."

(Y): "I'm fine. We should be at the home stretch now so be prepared."

The group quickly rushed forward finding themselves in an opening. More thugs shot at them only to be quickly gunned down by June, Yuuka, Hasumi, and Suzumi.

Before the group could get ready to move again a tank pulled up on the group.

Yuuka: "It's the Crusader tank!"

June: "Yo, Hasumi! You said you have a super pricing shot right?! Use that to hit the tank! (Y) get ready!"

Hasumi: "Right!"

(Y) rushes forward while pulling four pins out of four grenades. Hasumi's shot pierced through the side of the tank as (Y) shoves a grenade into the barrel, between both treads and into the cockpit before rushing out of range as all four grenades go off causing the tank to combust into a deadly inferno.

June grinned as she hugged her brother.

With a smile adorning (Y)'s face he ruffled her hair and moved on with the group of four, arriving at their destination.

Yuuka: "Finally!"

Hasumi: "Indeed."

Rin: "We've successfully reclaimed the Schale club room. I'll be arriving shortly. Let's meet in the basement of the building."

June and (Y) look at the building with huge grins before June rushes inside. (Y) sighs with a smile before turning toward his escorts.

(Y): "Thank you for the help."

Yuuka laughs, a bit embarrassed by the fact that she didn't really do much.

Hasumi: "We didn't really do much Sensei. It was you and June who cleared out most of the thugs."

(Y): "Still thank you. Please come in and rest... And make sure June doesn't do something stupid... I doubt she'll go straight to the basement."

(Y) walks into the building and passes June who was currently exploring the different rooms on the first floor. (Y) chuckles as he walks down to the basement. Only to stop when he hears a voice.

Wakamo: "That guy was really tough... My arm hurts... What am I even supposed to destroy? There's nothing here..."

(Y) walked towards the girl quietly his singers out and venom dripping from them. He didn't want to cause a ruckus down here since the basement seemed important... So the best thing to do was take her out quickly.

Sadly luck wasn't on his side as the girl turned around and spotted him...

(Y): "God damn fox curiosity... So, what are you going down here? I'm pretty sure you're arm will be stiff for the next week."

Wakamo just looks at him.

Wakamo: "I... Uh... Well..."

(Y) feel the tension being replaced with an awkward air. Causing him to deadpan slightly while still on guard.


(Y) blinks as the girl vanishes from sight.

(Y): "... Was that one of those falling flute things?"

(Y)'s blades retract as he looks around trying to figure out where she ran off too.

June: "I'm going, I'm going!"

Rin: "I get that you're excited but please... Sorry to keep you waiting, (Y)-Sensei. I'm here now... You look confused are you alright?"

(Y): "... I forgot my morning coffee and now my mind is playing tricks on me... How did you get here so fast?"

Rin: "Plot. Well, here is what the General Student Council president left behind."

Rin moves towards the desk.

June: "Are we just going to skip over the plot thing or...?"

Rin: "Thankfully, there isn't a scratch on it."

Rin walks up to (Y) and June with a Tablet held forward.

Rin: "Please. Take it."

June: "An IPad?"

Rin: "It's a tablet. This is what the Student Council president left for you. The Shittim Chest."

June:"Pffft- Kinky~"

Rin and (Y) look at June disappointed.

(Y): "June... While the name is a bit unfortunate you don't need to call it out."

Rin: "Anyways, while this may seem like a normal tablet, it's origins are a mystery. It's manufacturer, OS, system structure, and components are completely unknown. The General Student Council president left the... Tablet... To you. She said that you'll be able to take control of the tower with it. None of the other members know how to activate it. Perhaps you, (Y)-Sensei, can figure it out... But if not..."

June: "But if not?"

Rin: "My job here is done. I shall let you take the lead. I'll step away so as not to interfere."

Rin starts to walk up the stairs.

(Y): "Hey, Rin!"

Rin stops before looking towards (Y). (Y) looked at her with a small smile.

(Y): "Thank you, for helping us out. Don't worry I know what to do."

Rin blushes a bit before a small smile graces her lips.

Rin: "I'm counting on you, (Y)-Sensei."

(Y) looks over to June who was pouting, and hands her the tablet.

June: "Huh?"

(Y): "I need you to hold it. I don't want to break it when I enter it."

June: "Oh!"

(Y) then breathes in as his moth attena appear from his head and start to vibrate.

He then activates the tablet as he's plunged into the system.

Tablet: "Please enter the system password..."

(Y): "We thirst for the seven wailings, we bare the koan of Jericho."

Tablet: "Password accepted. Welcome to the Shittim chest, (Y)-Sensei. Converting to operating system ARONA for biological authentication and generation of verification certificate."

(Y) cringes slightly at "Biological Authentication" before his vision shifts to a beautiful sight.

On top of a flat plane of water that reflected the blue sky site a destroyed classroom, desks piled out and reached towards the clouds telling a story of longing. In one of the few desks in the classroom sat a young girl...

Her teal blue hair framed her sleeping face. (Y) almost immediately felt a connection to the child...

He knew that she wasn't real... That she was made not born...

That she was like him.

Her soft snores were the only sound in this place... He could feel the loneliness from just standing here.

???: "*Nom* Castella cake... Banana milk... Goes better than strawberry milk..."

(Y) walks towards the girl's desk and squats down beside it.

???: "Heehee... There's so much left..."

Despite not wanting to wake the girl up, (Y) knows that he has to get things done. So he gently pokes her cheek.

???: "Not now... I still have more to eat..."

(Y) continues to poke the girl's cheek again smiling while turning into his true form.

???: "Mmm... But..."

With another poke (Y) hears the girl giggle causing his heart to melt.

The girl starts to groggily get up. Drool running down her chin. (Y) who towers over the girl stays crouched down as he cleans her chin with the sleeve of his hoodie.

???: *Yawning* "What's going... On?"

The girl notices (Y) cleaning her face with a soft smile, causing her to jump slightly.

???: "Huh? Uh... Huh? Wha...?! S-Sensei?!"

(Y) nods while cleaning the girl's face.

???: "If you're here, does that mean you're (Y)-Sensei?!"

(Y): "Yes it does. Stay still... I'm almost done clearing off all your drool."

(Y) squishing the girl's cheeks as she blushes, embarrassed about what's happening.

(Y): "There you go. Yes, I'm (Y) I'm one of the two teachers at Schale. And you are?"

Arona: "What? So I'm right? What time is it?! Wait. Calm down... Umm, so... Oh, that's right! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Arona! I'm the system manager that lives inside the Shittim Chest. I serve as its main OS. Think of me as your trusty secretary, Sensei!"

(Y) smiles as he stands up. Causing Arona to finally notice (Y)'s appearance.

Arona: "Woe! You're so fluffy Sensei! And you have four arms and wings! Can you fly?!"

(Y) chuckles.

(Y): "Yes I can. But this is a secret between us and the other Sensei, okay."

(Y) puts a finger up to his mouth.

Arona: "Two Sensei's?!"

(Y): "Yep. My sister is currently holding the tablet, so I can enter."

Arona: "But you're body should stay outside?"

(Y): "I used my own powers to enter."

Arona: "I'm so glad to meet such a cool Sensei! I've been waiting a long time!"

(Y) frowned slightly.

(Y): "It must have been lonely...'

Arona: "A little... Anyways, let's complete your biological authentication. Um... This is a little embarrassing, but it's all part of the protocol. Would you mind crouching down a bit?"

(Y) complies and comes face-to-face with Arona. Arona holds up her index finger and smiles.

Arona: "Okay. Now, place your fingertip against mine."

(Y)'s finger touches Arona's as she smiles.

Arona: "Heehee. It's kinda like we're making a promise to something, isn't it?"

(Y): "Yeah, it is. Hmmm, what should we promise to each other?"

Arona: "Wait you want to actually make a promise?!"

(Y): "Why not? Between one synthetic being to another!"

Arona: "You're like me?"

(Y): "Made and not born? Yep!"

Arona smiles as (Y) smiles.

Arona: "Then how about we have each other's backs!"

(Y): "I like that promise."

Arona: "All done!"

(Y): "The face you're making says otherwise."

Arona: "Hey it worked! I don't need those features anyways! My eyes do the trick just fine! You don't seem convinced..."

Arona looks at (Y) before she starts tearing up causing him to panic.

(Y) scoops the girl up in a hug.

(Y): "Hey, hey, hey! I was just kidding... You don't need any cool features to be cool! You're already super cool, Arona!"

Arona sobs while in (Y)'s embrace as he calms her down.

After some time Arona stops crying and (Y) catches her up on the current issues.

Arona: "Got it. A lot has been going on, hasn't it? The General Student Council president went missing, and there's no way to control the tower in Kivotos now..."

(Y): "Do you know anything about this Student Council president, by the way?"

Arona: "I have lots of data on Kivotos, but I know very little about the president. I wish I could be more helpful... Um, but I think I can help with the Sanctum Tower problem, at least!"

(Y): "Thank you, Arona."

Arona: "No problem! Let me just restore the access permissions to Sanctum Tower! Just a minute!"

Outside of the Tablet June watched the two interact with a loving smile. Only being pulled out when the power went on.

Back inside the tablet.

Arona: "All done! We've successfully regained Sanctum Tower, Sensei! It's now under my control! That means that all of Kivotos is in the palm of your hands!"

(Y): "That's a lot of pressure... Transfer control over to Rin."

Arona: "I can transfer control of Sanctum Tower to the General Student Council with your approval."

(Y): "Make sure to leave a back door just in case."

Arona: "Got it! Control has now been transferred to the General Student Council!"

(Y) smiles at Arona.

(Y): "Okay. Now that the important stuff is over. Let's go explore the tower! Take my hand."

Arona: "Huh?"

Before Arona could comprehend what was happening her vision faded into the now lit-up basement of Schale HQ holding hands with (Y) in his human form.

June looks at the two with a smile as Rin walks down the stairs.

Rin: "Control of Sanctum Tower was just confirmed. This will allow us to manage the city as well as we could before the president's disappearance. Well done, (Y)-Sensei. I want to thank you on behalf of the entire General Student Council for preventing Kivotos from falling into utter chaos."

(Y): "Well... Me and June will be living here now... I don't want our home to be a warzone."

Rin: "Fair. Don't worry about the suspended student and thugs. They will be tracked down and punished. My duty was only to see that you received the Shittim Chest... But it seems you found something in said tablet?"

(Y): "This is Arona. The OS in the Shittim Chest... I just simply brought her to us."

Rin: "You truly are special, (Y)-Sensei."

Rin smiles as she walks away.

(Y) smiles before looking down at Arona who looks up at (Y) with tears in her eyes.

Arona tackles (Y) into a hug.

Arona: "Th-thank you..."

(Y) simply hugs back sits down next to (Y) and leans her head onto his shoulder

June: "I wonder what weird adventures we will get in?"

(Y): "Whatever it is I'm sure it will be fun... after all what can stop us?"

(Y) leans his head on June's as they three enjoy each other's company. Looking forward to the new adventures to be had.

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