A Day of Sorrow, The Tales of...

By FreeReinVikings

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A day like any other, turned to blood and misery in the blink of an eye. The soul devourers had been withheld... More

A Day of Sorrow, Chapter 1
A Day of Sorrow, Chapter 3

A Day of Sorrow, Chapter 2

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By FreeReinVikings

Carnade Shores

The Republic of Ilasha


June 15, 4182 A.D.

5:32 A.M.

Carnade ran his blade across Afrin's, whipping it forward and striking his chest. Afrin stepped back, grunting and raising his shield. He eyed Carnade as they circled one another. Carnade jolted forward, sidestepping as Afrin swung, sliding across the ground and leg sweeping his son. Afrin's face crashed into the sand, spitting it free as he pushed himself to his feet.

Afrin moved toward Carnade, jabbing his training blade at him. Carnade ducked the weapon and smashed his body into Afrin's shield. He pushed Afrin's shield arm aside and smashed his forehead into his son's face. Afrin stepped back, grabbing his nose as blood dribbled onto the sand.

"This isn't your first time training. Your stance is good yet I still seem to always break through it. What's with that?" Carnade shouted.

"You're stronger than I am. I couldn't force you back from that last attack," Afrin said.

"You're right, I am stronger. You're weak compared to every one around you, which means you need to work twice as hard, if not three times as hard as everyone else. You need to be faster, stronger, and better than all your peers. If you can't defeat me, how do you hope to survive the soul devourers?"

"Ha, a soul devourer would be easier than you. You've killed so many of them."

"My eye is keen. Yours is not. They're quicker than I am, and they're strong, so much stronger than me. Do you think I let their strength stop me? You need to be better," Carnade said.

"But why am I weaker than everyone else? I swear Iris can lift more than I can and she's six. I'm double her age."

Carnade gritted his teeth. Afrin had never asked and nobody had ever brought it up, even if the truth was known among a few. It was something that his son couldn't know, not yet, and so a lie was the only answer.

"It is rare, and I've only heard of it a few times, but sometimes children of The Order, even if they carry the blood, don't bear the strength. It's been thousands of years since our origin and our blood is weakening generation by generation. Soon, the blood will dilute of power completely."

"Why isn't that on record? Why can't my peers know that?" Afrin asked.

"You aren't to say a thing... ever. Even with the blood of The Order, they'll put you with The Legion of Souls if they learn the truth. I've kept you on par with your class, but you need to get ahead of them. We've talked enough. Come at me," Carnade said.

"Yes, sir," Afrin said, taking a step forward. He exhaled a calming breath, watching Carnade, but waiting as to not make any rash moves. He was too slow for recklessness, unlike others with the blood of The Order.

When Afrin saw an opening, he thrusted his blade forward. Carnade met his sword with resistance. He smirked, his son parrying his blade to the side and ducking under his next attack. Blood still stained Afrin's face as he fought with intense concentration.

Every once in a while, Afrin's eyes would dart to the sides as Carnade had taught him, focusing on everything around. His awareness, it was everything, especially for a man born without speed and strength, and if he honed such a skill, no enemy could catch him off guard. It was an ability not even the soldiers of The Order were born with, and if Afrin mastered his perception, he'd surpass all of them. It was the reason Akroth's were so feared in combat, and even though they were born with the skill, it was just as possible for others to learn it.

Afrin gave himself too little credit, but then again, Carnade never relented, focusing entirely on burning away his faults. It was untrue to state that a single peer of his were on par with him. Through his intense training, it wouldn't surprise Carnade if his son could defeat a soldier of The Order.

His son's blade managed to slip through his defense, smashing against his cheek. Carnade took a step back, his eye remaining on Afrin. It was a good hit, drawing on a light trickle of blood.

Afrin lowered his blade, his brows drawing together, the first strike which had ever landed true on Carnade. It was as if he didn't know how to react, his eyes wide, and fear possessing him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Afrin said.

Zoey stepped out from inside, watching from the deck with two red vials in hand. She sat down on the steps of the deck, eyeing them.

Carnade jolted forward, swinging low. Afrin wasn't prepared to block an attack. His back smashed against sand, a weak cry escaping his lips. Without relenting, Carnade stepped onto his son's shield arm and kicked his chest. Afrin pushed his blade toward Carnade but from his position, it was easy to block, striking him in the chest with his sword again.

Time and time again Carnade kicked and struck Afrin with his blade until he was lying without the strength to fight. Zoey gave a slight grimace, but she didn't interfere. Blood wet the sand, cuts and bruises scattered along his son's body, a couple of his bones broken. His condition may have been ugly, but it wasn't the first time that he laid in such agony.

Carnade glanced over to his wife, waving her over. Iris stepped out onto the deck as Zoey stood. Iris was similar to her mother in many ways, with beautiful blonde hair and a face almost identical, but her eyes were his, dark green. Afrin, however, looked nothing like either of them, his hair and eyes a misty grey, similar to exelian steel.

She stared at her brother, a glint of jealousy passing through her gaze.

"Here you go, darling," Zoey said, handing him both vials.

He leaned down next to Afrin, his breaths weak and coming out in wheezes. Carnade removed the top of the vial and emptied it into his mouth. It was warm, sweet, and pleasant as it moved down his throat. The single cut on his cheek mended itself back together, the first time he'd taken a potion after training with his son.

Carnade leaned down and whispered into his son's ear, "you were doing good up until you cowered. Do you think I enjoy leaving you bloodied and broken on the ground. Not once has it filled me with joy, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to do the same to me. I've seen brothers, spouses, and close friends oppose one another. War and conflict will never be easy. Soul devourers won't always be your only enemy. If you hesitate, you die. Do you understand me, son?"

Afrin nodded, mumbling, "yes, sir."

"Good, tomorrow I expect you to strike me again. The day you leave me in the state that you're lying in is the day you'll be ready."

Carnade lowered the vial to Afrin's lips and poured. The red liquid escaped the vial and absorbed its way into Afrin's body. His cuts and bruises healed, his skin returning to its natural color. A few snaps echoed through the backyard, Afrin grunting, as his bones moved back into place.

Carnade stood and held his hand out. His son took it, allowing him to help him to his feet. He took both training swords and placed them back onto the rack. His wife put a hand on his shoulder, glancing down at the blades.

"I'll clean those later. Breakfast is ready, let's go inside," Zoey turned to Afrin. "You did well today. Soon, you'll be a great warrior, better than even your father."

Afrin smiled, "thanks mother. I hope so."

"Why can't I train like Afrin? We both go to school to become soldiers of The Order, but you teach him in the morning every day. I want to fight like him. You started when he was five, and I'm six," Iris said.

His home wasn't nearly as large as all the other constructs in the area. It had four bedrooms, a library, an office, a dining room, a kitchen, and living quarters, everything they needed, but nothing more. The backyard was the largest, the same size as the other yards, but with a smaller house, creating for more room.

"Afrin needs to be a better warrior than you. Life isn't as forgiving for him," Carnade said.

"You'll understand one day, sweetheart," Zoey said.

"Aw, but I want to be a great fighter too," she said.

"Why would you want to be a great fighter," Afrin rubbed the top of her head. "You're a natural healer. You work best in the fire sector. Don't worry too much about fighting and enjoy not being beaten everyday. It's straining in the beginning."

"I can take it. Father doesn't mean anything by it," Iris said.

"Sure, I do. They're all love taps," Carnade smirked, moving into a boxing stance and jumping back and forth, lightly tapping Iris' cheek. She laughed and leapt onto him, pulling him to the ground. She giggled, pinning his arms to the ground. He laid on the living room floor, pretending to succumb to abuse.

Iris began punching his chest, screaming a war cry. A smile tugged at his lips as he watched, her spirit innocent and wondrous. He had the same love for both his children, but he couldn't bear seeing his daughter in pain. Because of that, he ensured that Derosai took charge of overseeing her training with The Order. Of his two children, she was the one that he would lessen the extremity of exercises for.

"Alright, get off of your father," Zoey said, grabbing Iris around the waist and picking her up. "If you keep him too long, he won't be able to eat breakfast with us."

"Where are you going?" Afrin asked, sitting down at the dining table.

It was a simple breakfast; bacon, easy over eggs, toast, hashbrowns, and blood sausage, with a glass of milk.

"Actually, I have to head out early. Gravis asked that I come for breakfast," Carnade said.

"Oh, I was hoping you'd share the meal with us," Zoey said.

Carnade leaned in and kissed her, "it looks delicious Zoe. Save some for me. I shouldn't be gone long anyway. It's been approved."

Her eyes widened and her face lit up, a smile tugging at her lips, "she approved? That's great news."

Carnade grabbed a sausage and took a bite, the taste lingering in his mouth. He gave a half-cocked smile and strode toward the door. Iris watched, digging into her food with glee.

Afrin leapt to his feet, stopping Carnade in his tracks, "if you're going to the councillor's place, I'd like to come. I haven't seen Eleanor in two weeks and I promised I'd visit."

"Aw, isn't that cute," Zoey teased.

Afrin's cheeks flushed red, "mother, it's not like that."

"Sure, sure," she smirked, eyeing him.

"I mean, she's a very beautiful young lady. No one would blame you, son," Carnade said.

"Really, you too? Can I just come," Afrin snapped, red as an apple.

"Not today. I'll need you here when I return home. You'll be seeing her tomorrow. We're all heading up there for dinner," Carnade said.

"You're not going to take Visna?" Zoey asked.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna walk."

Carnade took another bite of his wife's beautifully cooked sausage as he left his home. His yard was green, flowers everywhere, and hedge walls surrounding the edges. Throughout the last few years, Zoey found a passion in enhancing the beauty of their yard, becoming a hobby of hers.

A calming breath escaped Carnade's lips, placing his hands to his waist and glancing around at his home. There were people everywhere, no poor, some living more luxurious lives than others, but no one went without. It was an exquisite city, especially since Gravis was elected. Trade, livelihood, and overall wealth had improved. It was impressive, a city of five million, cared for with such excellence. But then again, it helped that The Order's military and resources were working hand in hand with Riverin, unlike many other cities.

He stepped onto the cobblestone road, every street built with patience and the craftsmanship of masters. The light chill was refreshing and the suns beamed with passion, the start of a perfect morning.

"Where are you going?" a familiar voice asked a couple minutes into his walk, interrupting his thoughts.

Derosai closed the small black gate, a walkway leading up to her oversized house. Even though it was similar size in rooms to his, it was much larger due to her size as a kaval.

Her son, Raxsis, stood on the deck next to his nanny, watching his mother as she left. His hair was dark purple, just as his skin would've been if he was full kaval, but he was half human and so it was of a lighter tone. It was the only thing Carnade knew about Raxsis' father. Derosai was very secretive when it came to her husband. The only proof of her love for him was her marriage binding, one of which always awed him. For never being around for his son, her love remained true. A tattoo of two loong dragons on her right hand, one white and one black, circling one another and devouring each others tail, the words inscribed within their bodies, "from afar, I will love you as the suns love the moon, until the day that we may see one another eternally, as both suns do."

Seeing as it was a Saturday, neither his children or Raxsis were leaving to train as the next generation of soldiers for The Order. Even so, Derosai had decided it was a good day for business.

"I have a breakfast date with Gravis. Something I'd prefer over a meeting with Crow," Carnade said.

"Oh, Crow's not too bad. He likes stealing my vintage wine when he comes, but other than that, there's always a laugh or two."

"You're too nice. You can't trust an Akroth. None of them have earned their power or their rank."

"Well, hopefully it won't matter for too much longer. If this meeting goes as I hope it does, soul devourers will become a memory of the past in a mere decade. The Order and The Defectors will no longer be necessary," Derosai said.

"Keep dreaming," Carnade chuckled. "I hope you're right. You're risking a lot. If The Defectors find out that you're giving The Order these designs instead of them, you'll be marked as a traitor."

"They won't find out. I won't claim to be the creator of the invention. The Order can have that glory. It's not like I care who holds this weapon, it's the-"

"I know, The Order has more influence and land to access your invention to its full capability. I'd prefer The Order to have the weapon over The Defectors anyhow."

"Well, I better not keep Crow waiting." She rubbed the top of his head, "see you later, little man."

"Pfft, little man. You're the only one that can call me that and get away with it," Carnade shouted as she walked away, smirking.

Carnade waved to Raxsis before turning his attention on his destination, strolling down the street. Men and women waved and greeted him as he past, many knowing his face even though it was the second largest city in the world. It was his home, not the one he was born to, but the one that he would die for, just as he would've for Exelia.

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