Mustang: The Road to Redempti...

By XxFlame_HazedxX

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Sometimes, all it takes is one key moment to turn one's life around. In the case of mercenary Alex Mustang, a... More

Chapter 1: Old Artifact
Chapter 2: Beginnings
Chapter 3: An Unfortunate Circumstance
Chapter 4: Dark Past
Chapter 5: Ransacked
Chapter 6: Infiltration
Chapter 7: The Complex
Chapter 8: Back Home
Chapter 9: Chills
Chapter 10: Uninvited
Chapter 11: The First Clue
Chapter 12: The Second Clue
Chapter 13: Intrusion
Chapter 14: The Last Clue
Chapter 15: Back
Chapter 16: Reunion
Chapter 17: Catching Up
Chapter 18: Introductions
Chapter 19: One Last Talk
Chapter 20: Slow Start
Chapter 21: Climatic Finale
Chapter 22: Back to Work
Chapter 23: Night One
Chapter 24: Chased
Chapter 26: Duel
Chapter 27: Back Together
Chapter 28: Brothers
Chapter 29: Chance Meeting
Chapter 30: A Clue
Chapter 31: Curiosity
Chapter 32: Unintended Consequence
Chapter 33: Bond Broken
Chapter 34: Nearly Out
Chapter 35: Mother or Not
Chapter 36: Sent Back
Chapter 37: Renewal
Chapter 38: Imminent
Chapter 39: Full Circle

Chapter 25: Linked

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By XxFlame_HazedxX

[The Next Day]

Alex stared at a small jar he had sitting on his desk which had the assassin's blood within it.

After he had quickly placed it in there and went to bed, he now was beginning to think on what to do.

Obviously he had to go get it tested to see whose it was however the more Alex thought about it, the of a hassle he'd realize it'd be to go get it tested within Lastation as there'd be a lot of regulations and rules he'd have to abide to.

As he continued to ponder this over, he came to a realization.

He could go get this tested up north at Kamno as he figured they'd be more forgiving up there.

With his mind made up, he got off the bed and put the small jar in his pocket as he left his room and prepared to leave.

The moment he stepped outside however, he noticed that on the floor next door something odd.

As Alex inspected this, he gasped a little.

'This is, a trail of dry blood.' He thought before seeing that it lead right up to the door. 'C-Crap is she in trouble!?'

Alex reached for the doorknob and to his surprise, it was unlocked as he slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Uh, hello? Ms. Akame?" Asked the boy as he received no response.

Alex would continue to follow the trail of blood as he saw it lead up to her room.

Obviously he knew that he couldn't just enter her room however with the situation as it was, he'd hope she'd understand.

Alex opened the door and slowly walked into her room only to see that Akame was not there.

Before he could question this, he listened closely and heard the faint sound of a shower running as he had a sigh of relief.

'Thank god. At least she's okay.' He thought as Alex opted to question the blood trail at another time as he quietly closed her door and apartment door, heading back outside as he got onto his bike and drove up north to Kamno.


After arriving, Alex walked around the area and quickly realized he had absolutely no clue where to go.

He then remembered that back when he was here the first time, he had been introduced to a few people one of which was a doctor.

After remembering their name, he walked around and looked for a hospital as by some miracle he'd end up finding the building and walked in.

Once inside, Alex would give a call to Jackie's main assistant Dekota as Jackie given him both their numbers before he left and told him that if he ever needed anything to give either of them a call.

Soon the call was picked up.


"Hey. This Dekota?"

"Yes. What do you need Alex?"

"I need to know where Marie Weiss is."

"She's at work."

"Okay yeah I know already but where specifically is she?"

"She's with me."

"Still need a location."

"We're in at examination room in the medical hall. Room A25."

"Alright got it. See ya there."

Alex would hang up and walk down, using the map guides to help him out as he'd eventually arrive at the room as he knocked.

"Come in." He heard Dekota say as the boy walked in and sure enough there she was alongside the short, white haired doc.

"Oh its you." Said Weiss as Dekota waved hello. "What brings you here?"

Alex would take out the jar of blood from his pocket and place it on the table.

Weiss just gave him a stare, not really sure on how to react as Alex sighed.

"Long story short, I'm after an assassin and need to uncover their identity. Managed to snag enough of their blood to get it tested, hence why I'm here." He said.

Weiss just sighed and grabbed the jar as she looked over to Dekota.

"You available to help me out?" She asked as Dekota nodded.

"Alright." Said Weiss before turning back to face Alex. "You stay here. This'll take a moment."

Alex nodded and sat on one of the chairs as Dekota and Weiss both left the examination room.

A decent amount of time would pass as Alex would up taking a nap during the wait.

Eventually he felt repeated poking on his face.

"Hey. Wake up already." He heard.

Alex would slowly opened his eyes and saw that Weiss was back in the room.

"Oh. Hey."

"Finally. Anyways, we got a name from the sample."

"Who is it?"

"A girl named Akame Satsuki. Young female with long black hair and red eyes."

When Weiss said that, Alex went quiet in shock.

'The damn neighbor's the assassin!? Shit. That definitely explains the random blood trail leading up to her room.' Thought Alex.

"I asked Dekota to go search all records for any relevant information on her. She'll be back here soon and hand you a file. I gotta go back to my usual duties."

"Right. Thank you Weiss."

"Don't mention it. I'm heading off now. Tot zeins." Said the doctor, waving and telling him goodbye in her native language as she left the room.

Alex would wait once again, this time for Dekota as he sat back down on the chair.

After a slightly longer wait, Alex heard the door open as he saw Dekota walk into the room as she handed him a file with numerous papers in it.

"Here you go. Everything that I'd them relevant and important concerning Akame Satsuki." She said.

Alex nodded and began to read through everything in the papers as they practically had everything about her. Her name, age, date of birth, hometown, etc.

The file stated that she had citizenship in Japan and Germany before now moving to Lastation. It also said that she had recently moved into an apartment near downtown and visited a doctor for a severe cut on her left wrist.

"Damn. This thing is as up to date as it can get." Said Alex who was a little impressed.

As he continued reading, he got to one section that made him go silent.

When he got to the section concerning Akame's family, it stated that her parents were non other than Akari and Akira.

"W-Wait hold on. It says here that her parents are Akari and Akira. That's surely wrong right? I-I mean, those are my parents."

"Alex. All that information is from official databases. The chances of incorrect information are slim to none."

"T-Then that means..................."

"It means this assassin you're after, Akame Satsuki, is your older sister."

Alex was beside himself.

All this time he had a sibling and he never knew about it.

Hell not once did his mom ever mention let alone allude to it.

For some reason, Alex felt bothered by this.

Bothered by the fact that his mom would keep such important information like this private.

His mind went back to all those years he had virtually spent alone after the massacre as he wondered how different things would've gone had he known about and stayed with his long lost sister the whole time.

"Dekota. Mind if I, take this home with me?"

"Go ahead. You did ask for it after all so it's pratically yours."

Alex nodded and thanked Dekota before leaving the hospital as he immediately made his way over to his bike file on hand.

'I need an answer from her. Now.'


Chapter 25: Complete

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