By InkedPrincessJ

16 1 0

Manuel Ortiz, together with his siblings, manages his father's thriving multi-million corporation. Their appr... More


16 1 0
By InkedPrincessJ



Manuel Ortiz was close to walking out of his father’s office. The old man set meaningless meetings, only for him to waste their time. Right now, he was seated in the large conference room with his two younger siblings but his father hasn’t spoken a word yet. Instead, he studied them under the rim of his coffee cup, his dark dangerous eyes shifting from one Ortiz to another.

“Father,” His brother called, half irritated. “Is there a reason why you called us?”

There was a long silence that formed a knot in his throat. His brother, Mateo knew better than to question their father. Their father, Ortiz, CEO of ORTIZ corporation was a force they had learned not to contend with. The man was the toughest man he had ever seen.

His father had a small stature with his brown hair pulled into a low bun. Back when he was little, months after his mother had left without taking a look back, his father smacked him with his cane because he had screamed at a bug instead of killing it. He had to admit, it was a scary-looking bug that had scared his fifteen-year-old mind but the beating on the hand was a little too severe now.

Such anger just because I screamed at a bug. He thought to himself.

“Are you saying I was stupid to call you?” His father said, eyes

His younger sister and last born of the family, Martina gave a nervous chuckle. “Nada de esto, Papa. Mateo was just curio-“

“Father. Call me Father. Papa is what they call a weakling of a father and I am not.” Father placed his cup on the table. “Do you hear me?”

Martina faked a smile. Her loose black curls framed her face. “Si. Papa.”

“I called you children here because I had something important to say.” His father looked at him. “It is because of Manuel.”

“Me?” The shake in his voice was obvious.

Mateo leaned forward. “What about Manuel?” 

“He is my first seed. The one ought to take over this company with the help of you two but I must say, his reputation over the past week has been…distasteful.” Father looked disappointed, and very angry, which wasn’t that far from his usual expression, but the intensity was maddening.

“Father, I don’t understand.” Manuel knew what his Father was talking about. It was the talk of the town. Newspapers, everywhere. It was the talk of the city. Everyone talked about it over breakfast, lunch, and even dinner. Twitter and Instagram had even formed a hashtag for him.

Father shook his head. “You do know what I meant. That nasty breakup with that gold-digging woman, you called a girlfriend. Too much juice for the media. Did you have to be so stupid to let it get out of your control?”

“Papa,” Martina called, attracting everyone's eyes. "I mean Father, he was hurt. I don’t think he even had the time to think about the media. Right, brother?”

Manuel didn’t dare take a look at his sister. Why was she acting like this? Father was seated right here. She knew their father didn't take it easy on him but it was only to toughen him. His father was right. When Emily, his girlfriend—ex broke up with him at a public restaurant when he had proposed, he didn't take it lightly as they got into an argument, right there with him on his knees. In a public place where people didn't waste time with their phones.

“Women don’t have the power to hurt,” Father said to Martina. "It is in the nature of a woman to cheat and hurt. That is no excuse for a man to act that way. He is a man. Not a sissy.”

Martina rolled her eyes. “Is that what you think of your only daughter, Papa?” She really was the only one who could speak to their father that way.

Mateo hissed at his sister’s behavior. He really did want to get out of here very fast. Same as Manuel. “Martina. Father is speaking.”

“I can’t speak for you,” Father replied Martina, who was still locking eyes with Father.

“Hmm.” Was Martina’s only response.


Father looked at him. “Manuel, what do you have to say or is your sister your speaker now?”

He winced but straightened his back. “I apologize for my attitude, sir. I promise to do something about it.”

“You better because my friends are speaking.”

“Si. Father.”

Father picked up his phone, and whispered a gentle you-are-all-dismissed with a wave of his hand, showcasing the metal rings. The Ortiz siblings all went out through the door like rats sprinting out a door.

Mateo playful shoved his sister as they stopped in the long hallway. “Martina. Why do you do that?”

“Do what?” She asked, placing a hand on her hip.

“Step on Papa’s scrawny toes. I wonder how he still hasn’t punished you for talking back. What would he do if it were us, brother?” Mateo asked him.

“Oh, it's because he thinks I am a little girl,” Martina was saying but Manuel could only chuckle. His mind was still filled with memories of that awful night. His dinner date with Emily was a scene for the media to devour. The reason for rejecting his proposal was stupid. The stupidest thing he'd ever heard in his life. His heart was broken but Oh, was his father right. Ladies only want your money.

“Father is only looking out for us,” Manuel said, hoping his siblings believed it.

Martina shared a look with Mateo. They really were the most non-identical twins he’d ever seen.

“Really? Emily hurt you. I always knew something was off with her. I mean, who in their right sense chooses Gucci bags over Louis Vuitton?” Martina asked.

Mateo dropped a hand on his shoulder. “Honestly, I don’t see why you have to support him when you are with us.”

“Perhaps, he is scared of what Papa would do to him if he caught him talking behind his back.” Martina laughed.

Manuel wasn't having it. “Nice one, guys. What I did was stupid. Crying in public like that, knowing very well I am an Ortiz.”

Martina shared another look with her twin. And then at him. “Oh, brother. You are so over in your head. Give yourself a break.”

His phone rang, interrupting his reply. “I have to go now. It is Jose. You guys, go to your offices and get some work done.”

Martina pulled Mateo by the arm. “Duh. Tell Jose I said Hi.”

He watched as the twins walked away, laughing about something. Martina had liked Jose for as long as he could remember but Manuel trusted his friend wasn't going to act on it. It was better that way. Martina's feelings could cost their friendship if Jose reciprocated. He didn't want to lose his friend.

Jose had been his friend since he was six. His friend was a patient young man who was good-humored. Jose was also well-known like Manuel because of his reputable character and his astounding Academy. He had founded an Academy of Art Classes when they had graduated from college, it was the most prominent Academy in Hilton.

Hilton was a very big municipality that was symbolized by several things to several people. To some, a home. It captivated tourists. And for people like Manuel, a business place. It was just like other breathtaking cities that functioned as a pioneer of art and culture.

“Yes, Jose?” He said when he picked up, looking at the back-view of his siblings.

Jose’s voice was hurried, more like he was running or out of breath. “I need to see you. Very Urgent. Would you stop by after work?”

“What is it?”

“You will know when you get here. It is a surprise, Manuel.”

“Okay but can you just tell me—” He was saying but Jose was already off the phone.
He gave a silent hiss. What was that for? Acting like something really important was going on.

If he left now, his dad wouldn't really notice he was gone. Besides, it would be lunch soon and Jose’s Academy isn't far.

As he made his way out of the company, he was greeted by staff littering the company.

The drive to the Academy took minutes. The Academy building was big and blue. It had a sign that said "Art Academy." It stood tall and proud, welcoming students inside. It reminded him of himself back when he was little in college, pursuing a degree that would make Papa proud. Jesus. Father. Not Papa.

Father would have his tongue if he ever called him Papa.

When he entered the reception, Jose’s secretary nodded with a greeting that was the same as "My boss has been expecting you.”

Manuel took the elevator to his friend’s office, hoping Jose had a good reason for rushing him down here.

He opened the door.

Jose’s eyebrow rose when he came in. "What took you so long?”

"I hope you know I can't fly. In case you've forgotten. I'm human like you too.” He took a seat in front of his friend. His friend was looking really good with a bald head and a black suit that made him look mysterious and not like the Jose he knew. "You don't look like it's an emergency.”

Jose's office was huge and seemed more like a kindergarten class because why so many colors on the wall? Manuel’s eyes were tired of bleeding from the complexity of the walls. He should wear glasses next time.

Jose gave a small chuckle, settling into his seat. "Well, I wouldn't really call it an emergency.”


His friend shrugged like it was no problem summoning him that way. "I wanted to see my good old pal again. It's been how many months since we saw each other?

“We saw each other last week.” Manuel’s left eyebrow rose. "Are you okay? Did you know how I dropped everything to come here?"


“Jose, are you for real?”

Jose groaned and released a sigh. “Okay. You caught me. I had a reason but I changed my mind before you reached here..”

"I am here now so you might as well have a rethink.”
"She came here.”
"You want me to say her name?”
He bit his lower lip. “Hell, no. What did she want?”
“She dropped a  letter.”
"And you let her?”
“What was I supposed to do?”
"Uh, I don't know. Tell her to get the hell out of your office?”
“She is my cousin, Manuel. My cousin.”
He grunted. He didn't want Jose talking to Martina for the same reason. He was worried the same thing might happen to them, and he wouldn't know who to support. Jose was Emily's cousin, and he wondered if his friend regretted introducing them. "Can I see it?”
Jose reached into his desk and brought a pink envelope that reminded him of Emily’s favorite pink bracelet. He shook his head. Jeez. She had riddled herself in his mind again.

He tore open the envelope, not minding Jose’s stare.

Dear Manny,

I understand that you're upset. The media messed things up. It was meant to be a private moment between us. I did mention I liked public proposals, but I never expected you to propose. I'm still young and want to explore the world. I didn't think our relationship would last. I just wanted to have fun, and you've shown me the way. I'm truly sorry for everything, but I do love you. However, I'm not ready to marry any man. Marriage feels like a constraint, Manny. It can ruin lives, and I can't do that. Right now, I'm on my way to Paris for my next adventure. Perhaps, one day, you and I will see again.


Your pretty Emily.

Manuel crumpled the letter and tossed it aside, furious at her audacity. Paris? She was going to Paris without him? Going to Paris after ruining his life and living off his money? He knew she was expensive. Hella expensive. He spent a lot on her but what was money in the matters of love? He was really stupid.

The silence between them stretched like a rubber band out of his stretch. Manuel knew Jose knew better than to ask so he wasn't surprised when his friend asked, "Why don't I show you around this place again? I've made a lot of changes since you last toured this place.”

Manuel rolled his eyes. "No, I'm fine here."

"Come on, dude. Take a stroll with me.”

When Jose discovered Hilton City lacked multiple institute for people to pursue their talents, he took it upon himself to build one. As delighted as he was for Jose’s achievement, he wasn't the sort that liked sight-seeing but since that Emily’s ridiculous letter, he needed a break. That letter messed with his head. His pretty Emily was a devil.

“Fine, let's go.”

Walking through the corridors, Jose showed Manuel around the Academy department by department. They first arrived at a department where people were demonstrating and reading from scripts. "This is the Acting class, it is where-

Manuel raised an eyebrow. "Are you for real? I'm not a baby dude.”

"Sorry." The other man gave a nervous chuckle. "I just don't know what to ask you. About Emily. I feel guilty for introducing you two.”
“You shouldn't. You didn't force us, remember?”
"I am sorry, dude. Your father must be giving you a hard time,” Jose said, giving him a pitiful look that sent his stomach churning.
Manuel clenched his fists. “You can only imagine. He said I must fix my reputation and I don't know how.”

"I watched the videos. So many retweets and you are even a meme.”

"Oh God.” Suddenly, he was hating Emily.

“Don’t worry, dude. People will get tired.”

Jose showed him the photography class, the writing class, the stand-up and comedy class, Painting, Music, and many wonderful classes.
He had to admit, that Jose’s Academy rocked. He’d thought having a business company like Father was the only lucrative career but for the first time, he was wrong.
As they stopped in front of a translucent door, Manuel glanced up and pronounced what was inscribed on the placards.' Tango class.

"You have a Tango class?" He quizzed.

"Yes. My newest. I think they are dancing now,  Let's go in, "Jose told him, opening the door.

Manuel walked into the room after Jose. He looked around and heard the slow Tango music playing. Everyone was watching two people dance, a man holding a lady. What caught Manuel's eye was the lady, not the dance. She moved like she was in a trance, following the man's lead.
The lady had dark skin and wore a purple dress that showed tattoos on her back and shoulders. Manuel couldn't quite see what the tattoos were, but they looked interesting. He watched her every move as they danced. The music was slow, and she danced with her eyes closed, looking very experienced. Manuel couldn't help but notice her lips, especially her upper lip, which had a unique shape. He was fascinated by her like never before. They spun around quickly in their dance. As the lady twirled, her eyes met Manuel's, and they seemed filled with desire. She glanced away as the dance ended, and they both took a bow before returning to their seats.

Curious, Manuel asked Jose, "Who is that lady?"
"The one with the tattoos?" Jose clarified, pointing to the lady who was now chatting with a friend.
"Oh, that's just Tatiana."

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