Daddy's Best Friend

By Royhanh

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BLURB After a painful teenage rejection from her crush who happens to be her father's best friend, Sophia is... More

61 Original


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By Royhanh



I eyed Henry across the breakfast table, a glint of excitement in my eyes. "Hey, Henry, what do you think about Kylie and her boyfriend coming over for Thanksgiving?"

He looked up from his newspaper, considering my proposal. "Thanksgiving? Sure, why not? The more, the merrier."

I beamed, thrilled at his agreement. "That's fantastic! They'll love your cooking, and it'll be so much fun."

Henry chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Hold on, Sophia. I was thinking maybe we could take a short trip instead."

My excitement deflated like a balloon losing air. "A trip? But, Henry, Thanksgiving is all about family and friends gathering."

He leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. "True, but what if our little family takes a break from tradition this year? A change of scenery, just the two of us."

I pouted, trying my best to muster a persuasive look. "Henry, please! Kylie and her boyfriend have already made plans. It would be rude to cancel on them now."

He sighed, clearly torn. "Sophia, you know I can't say no when you give me that look."

A mischievous grin spread across my face. "You mean this look?" I batted my eyelashes, leaning in for a quick peck on his cheek.

Henry rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "Fine, you win. Kylie and her boyfriend can still come over for Thanksgiving."

I squealed in delight, giving him a triumphant hug. "You're the best, Henry! They'll be so happy."

He chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "You're lucky I can't resist your charm."

As we finished breakfast, I couldn't help but think about how persuasive a well-timed kiss and a bit of pleading could be. It was a skill I'd honed over time, knowing that Henry had a soft spot for such tactics.

Later that day, I called Kylie with the good news. She was overjoyed and couldn't wait to join us for Thanksgiving. I could practically hear her excitement through the phone.

In the evening, as Henry and I sat on the couch, I couldn't resist teasing him a bit. "Admit it, Henry, my charm is irresistible."

He feigned a sigh, playing along. "You're a force to be reckoned with, Sophia. I can't argue with that."

We shared a laugh, the playfulness easing any lingering tension. It was moments like these that reminded me of the unique dynamic we had – a mix of playful banter, shared laughter, and the occasional negotiation. As we prepared for an unconventional Thanksgiving with Kylie and her boyfriend, I couldn't help but appreciate the flexibility that came with our relationship.


I strolled into the office with Henry, our steps in sync until we reached the corridor where our offices branched off. With a polite smile, I bid him a good morning and headed toward the printing area.

As I stood by the printer, organizing some documents, Jake, my boss, appeared out of nowhere. He leaned casually against the nearby desk, a smug grin on his face.

"Good morning, Sophia," he said, his tone unnervingly smooth.

"Morning, Jake," I replied, trying to keep things professional.

He stepped closer, invading my personal space. "You know, I've been meaning to tell you how stunning you look today."

I raised an eyebrow, maintaining a professional demeanor. "Thank you, Jake, but let's keep it work-related."

He chuckled, seemingly undeterred. "Come on, Sophia, don't be so uptight. We could take this outside the office."

I shot him a stern look. "Jake, I'm not interested. Let's keep things professional here."

Ignoring my clear disinterest, he took another step, attempting to close the gap between us. "You're playing hard to get, huh? I like a challenge."

I sighed, growing frustrated. "Jake, I mean it. This is not appropriate. I won't tolerate any inappropriate behavior in the workplace."

Undeterred, he reached out, attempting to pull me closer. I reacted on instinct, slapping him across the face. The sound echoed through the office, drawing the attention of nearby colleagues.

"Stay away from me, Jake. I won't hesitate to report this if it happens again," I warned, my voice firm.

He rubbed his cheek, a mixture of surprise and anger in his eyes. "You can't just slap me!"

I stood my ground. "Consider it a wake-up call. Respect boundaries, Jake."

His scowl deepened, but he retreated, giving me a disdainful look before disappearing down the corridor. I took a deep breath, trying to shake off the discomfort of the encounter.

I burst into the office, panting and trying to catch my breath. Henry, being his observant self, noticed my distress. "Sophia, what's wrong?" he asked, concern etched across his face.

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share the unsettling encounter I'd just had. But Henry's persistence got the better of me. "It's nothing, really," I said, trying to brush it off.

He furrowed his brows, not buying my attempt at nonchalance. "Sophia, you're not one to run into the office looking like you've just sprinted a marathon. What happened?"

With a sigh, I decided to spill the beans. "Okay, fine. I had an encounter with Jake."

His eyes narrowed, and a low growl escaped his lips. "What did he do?"

I raised my hands defensively. "Henry, please, don't overreact. I can handle it myself."

But he was having none of it. "Sophia, if someone harasses you, I won't just stand by. Tell me what happened."

Reluctantly, I began recounting the whole incident, from Jake's inappropriate comments to his attempt to cross a line that should never be crossed in a professional setting.

Henry's face darkened with each word, and by the time I finished, he looked like a storm ready to unleash its fury. "Where is he?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"Henry, please," I pleaded, grabbing his arm to restrain him. "I've reported it to HR. They are handling it. I don't want any trouble."

He shook off my grip, his anger palpable. "Sophia, this is unacceptable. No one should make you feel unsafe at work."

I sighed, realizing my attempts to pacify him were futile. "I appreciate your concern, Henry. But let HR handle it. I want to resolve this without making a scene."

He sighed, clearly torn between wanting to protect me and respecting my wishes. "Sophia, I can't stand idly by when someone hurts you."

"Henry, trust me. I've got this," I reassured him. "I know how to handle it, and I don't want you getting into trouble."
I was still reeling from the incident with Jake when, to my surprise, Henry stormed into the office like a tornado. His eyes were ablaze with a mixture of anger and concern. "Where is he?" he demanded, not bothering with any pleasantries.

Before I could answer, he must have spotted Jake because he was charging towards him like a bull. "What the hell do you think you're doing, harassing Sophia?" he bellowed.

Jake, for all his cockiness, seemed taken aback. "Hey, man, I was just messing around. No harm done."

Henry's face turned a dangerous shade of red, and before I could blink, his fist connected with Jake's jaw. The office erupted into chaos as people rushed to separate them, forming a human barrier.

"Stop it, Henry!" I yelled, trying to navigate through the crowd. "This isn't helping."

He shot me an apologetic look, but his eyes remained fixed on Jake. "You think this is a joke? Harassing a colleague is a serious offense."

Jake, now nursing his jaw, smirked. "She didn't mind, did you, sweetheart?"

My blood boiled at his audacity, but Henry beat me to it. Another punch landed, and the chaos intensified. "Enough!" I shouted, pushing through the crowd. "Henry, stop! This isn't the solution."

He reluctantly stepped back, his gaze never leaving Jake. "This isn't over," Henry warned.

Jake, with a cocky grin, replied, "Report me all you want. I've got lawyers who would love to handle this."

Henry took a deep breath, his anger still palpable. "You don't know who you're dealing with. I'll make sure the board hears about your charming behavior."

I stepped between them, giving Jake a withering look. "Consider yourself warned, Jake. This won't end well for you."

As the crowd dispersed, whispers and curious glances followed us. Henry's protective rage lingered, and I touched his arm gently. "Let it go, Henry. We'll handle this the right way."

He sighed, a mix of frustration and concern etched on his face. "He can't get away with this."

"He won't," I assured him. "But we need to do it the proper way. Reporting to HR, involving the board – that's how we make sure justice is served."

Henry reluctantly nodded, his jaw still clenched. "I just hate seeing you upset and harassed."

"I know," I said, grateful for his unwavering support. "But let's let the system work for us. We've got truth on our side."

I rushed into the bathroom, desperate for a moment of respite after the chaotic scene with Jake and Henry. As I splashed water on my face, Gwen, one of the interns, barged in, wearing an expression of incredulity mixed with a hint of judgment.

"You know, Sophia, I always wondered how you landed this position. Must be nice to have your father's connections," she said, the words laced with skepticism.

I shot her a sharp look. "This is not the time, Gwen. I'm dealing with enough drama as it is."

She folded her arms, leaning against the sink. "Oh, drama? Like how your boyfriend just had a brawl in the office? That kind of drama?"

My eyes widened. "How do you—"

"Oh, please. It's obvious. Henry fought for you like a knight in shining armor. Daddy's influence got you the job, and now you're cozying up to the boss."

I felt my temper rising. "You don't know anything about my relationship with Henry."

"Sure, sure. I'm just the intern, right? What do I know?" Gwen smirked, clearly enjoying her attempt at cornering me.

I took a deep breath, trying to maintain composure. "Gwen, this is none of your business. Focus on your work and leave my personal life out of it."

She stepped closer, lowering her voice. "You think you can hide it, but it's written all over your face. Daddy's little princess getting cozy with the boss."

I clenched my fists. "Enough, Gwen. You have no right to pry into my life."

"Oh, I have every right. We're colleagues, aren't we? And if you're getting special treatment because of your relationship with Henry, it affects all of us."

I shook my head, exasperated. "You're making baseless assumptions. Henry and I are professionals, and our personal lives have nothing to do with our work."

Gwen chuckled, a mocking tone in her voice. "Sure, keep telling yourself that. But the truth has a way of coming out, Sophia. Just wait and see."

I was done with her insinuations. "You know what, Gwen? You're entitled to your opinions, but keep them to yourself. I won't tolerate anyone spreading rumors or making false accusations about me."

She raised an eyebrow. "What are you going to do? Report me to your boyfriend?"

My patience snapped. "Stay out of my personal life, Gwen. I won't warn you again."

We stood there, locked in a tense silence. The air was thick with unresolved tension as Gwen finally huffed and left the bathroom, leaving me alone to collect myself. As I looked in the mirror, frustration and anger mingled in my gaze. Dealing with workplace drama was one thing, but defending my relationship with Henry was a battle I hadn't anticipated fighting.

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