Across Hearts - दिल से दिल त...

By Kiyamusings

292 25 6

We all know opposites attract. So, what happens when a no nonsense, Anvaisha Singhania A girl who loves to m... More

Character Aesthetic
1.Anvaisha Singhania
2.Danish Raichand
3.Pehli conversation
6.Let's fight
7. A step forward
8.Nicknames ka game
9.Knowing Her
10. The Trust
11. To Understand
12. The Beginning
13. The Games
14. Outings and Arguments

5. Cupcake

11 1 0
By Kiyamusings

      "I guess sometimes we all get

Just what we wanted, 

just what we wanted"

Is it possible to like someone even without knowing them, I think I got my answer when I saw Cupcake, I mean Anvaisha walking wearing my T-shirt and looking gorgeous, even though it was ill-fitted on her. I liked it so damn much that I said cupcake instead of her name.

Although I like her name cupcake seems like it was made just for her. I was so lost admiring her that I didn't notice when I bid her goodbye, got home, had dinner, and even finished my assignment. I knew I could multitask but this was something else, I was totally out of it. I just can't seem to get her out of my mind. Her way of talking, how she was kind of embarrassed to take my shirt, how cute she looked when she said "Definitely friends", and she took my goddamn heart when she looked at me with those eyes. I can lose myself in her hazel eyes as a moth loses itself looking at the fire. It felt as if I was drowning in a sea made out of sunshine and her eyes were my lifeboat, keeping me from drowning. I know this all seems poetic but I cannot help but think about her like some long-lost artist who found his muse after searching forests and crossing oceans to get a glimpse of his definition of art.

(Anvisha in Danny's dreams)

I thought of discussing this with my brother, but I think it's best to keep my known feelings to myself because he and Anvaisha were at each other's throats today. I don't know what bothered AD that he was fighting off her just like that. Let it be, let's not give much thought to that dumbass, I feel like he'll come around and like her more than I do. But just as a friend, lol.

Let's just concentrate more on the upcoming match, the assignments, and the exams, each one of them is important to me, especially the match. Now that I know that I am playing against the girl's team captained by Cupcake, I mean Anvaisha, God!!!!!!!!!!

Get a grip Danny will you just call her Anvaisha so that I don't slip up like today and accidentally call her Cupcake? She will think of me as some creep and I will lose her even without getting to know her.

Okay let it go, let's just sleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I drifted off to sleep but a pair of honey-glazed eyes kept appearing in my dreams.

It was a busy week until the match day. We had assignment submissions all week. early morning practices and evening study sessions. God, it gets so tiring sometimes but it's all worth the time and energy. The one thing couldn't do this week was to have a good conversation with Anvaisha or maybe have a small talk with her. But all I got was small hi's and bye's during and after the classes. But hey I kept getting a few glances other than that, like how she uses her thumb to play with the little ring she wears on her index finger or how she frowns a little just before sending the ball directly through the basket ( yeah yeah !!!! I may or may not have seen her practicing for the upcoming match, hiding by the trees near the court before my practice). So okay coming back to the point, I want to talk to her or ask for her number. Although we all are added to the class WhatsApp group, I want to ask her for her number, personally.

After agonizingly brutal five more it was the match day. I think I am going to faint by just looking at her. She looks so damn hot managing her team and here I am briefing them a little and giving a slight bit of motivation to my team. But whatever, I want her to win,I can never see her lose, and coming from someone who always strives for the best and leaves no stone unturned to win,I think I have lost even without playing.

Get a grip, Danny, you cannot lose, YOU.CAN'T.LOSE.

But I think, "Shut up Danny, have you lost your mind or something, is something bothering you, where the hell are you lost" AD said or more like shouted bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, I didn't see you coming" I replied

"How would you when you are ogling the shit out of that poor boy who was just cheering for you, everyone else is practicing and here you are, idiot. Let's go ".I nodded my head and we went towards the court but AD stopped me midway and said

"If we lose this match, I'll kick your balls and halt your generation you lover boy, just concentrate" he threatened me, like threatened me.

No one can threaten me, even if that person is my brother. So I pushed him a little being considerate and slowly growled " First of all, Don't tell me what to do. Secondly do not play to lose and thirdly I am no lover boy. But if I were to be one you don't get to come in between her and me, so get this thing in the head, Samjha " I completed and stormed off.

What the hell is his problem even if he is my brother, no one directly or indirectly can say shit about her, I will not fucking tolerate it.

Damn, I need to cool down. I directly went to the changing room and hit the showers. I need to be in my zone before the match. Whatever Advik's problem is he needs to let go of it otherwise I will make him understand, and it will not be good.

After a good 20 minutes, I turned off the shower, dried myself, and changed into my jersey. Number 11, I don't even remember why I even got this number on my t-shirt but I have always been fascinated with 11:11 and wanted something meaningful and spiritual for myself. Sometimes I think there is even a deeper connection to this number than I think but let's just say it's my belief.

I got dressed and went towards the court everyone was already present and I had to lead my team. I wanted to look at her before the match but I knew that If I did I'd just lose myself in her.

Both the teams gathered and our coaches were just briefing us about the do's and don'ts. After which I had a little pre-game talk with my team.

"Listen, I know it's our first match with the girl's team but don't underestimate them by thinking, oh that's a girl team and shit. They are players and good ones at that, I've watched them play and they have come here to win like us. We have come here to play, fair and square, and we will give our best to win. Got it, boys" .


They all said in unison. We are called to the court. We were playing defense and they were attacking.

Anvaisha and I were called to the center and with that, the ball was thrown. I was just about to take the ball when anvaisha surprisingly jumped to my full height and took the ball away from me. To say I was shocked and amused at the same time would be an understatement but I regained my composure, ran and took the ball, passed it, and shot.BASKET.

Fast forward to the current situation, both teams are standing equally at 15 points with only 5 minutes left to our last quarter. The ball is again thrown but this time I catch It and run towards our basket, dribbling the ball, with some girl running alongside to stop me. I passed the ball to AD and he threw the ball but Cupcake I mean Anvaisha caught it mid-air and made a run towards her basket, but AD was fast and was covering her making it difficult for her. I run and catch up to them, I signal AD to leave her and go towards our basket so I can pass it to him. I easily cover Anvaisha because of my height but she does not give in to my attempts and tries to pass the ball but I won't let her.

She tries to take a shot but as soon as I snatch the ball from her and pass it to AD, she falls because of my abrupt act and is about to injure herself, I hold on to her tightly and there is a round of applause. Oh! I think AD scored a basket and we won. But I think I held my trophy even before winning.

"Are you okay? You are not injured? right?" I ask her but she is holding onto me for dear life and has shut her eyes so tight it looks like they are welded. Come on cupcake give me your eyes, I want to know if you are okay.

As soon as she registers my words, she opens her sunshine eyes and I want to drown in them but we are not a place where I can do that. So after making sure she is fine, I unglue myself from her, I look at her once again to make sure she is truly fine, go to my team and celebrate with them.

I am happy that we won but I am not happy because her team lost and I don't want to see the disappointment in those eyes, that's why I left abruptly and directly went home.

I think AD came home late last night because Mom was scolding him when I was trying to sleep.

The next morning I woke up early and was getting ready when it happened.

AD came into the room limping, with a bandage on his head, his right arm, and his left leg. What the actual fuck happened to him.

"Are you out of your mind, what the fuck happened to you moreover who did this Advik??"

He forwarded his uninjured hand and said "Help me sit, I'll tell you but please promise me first that you will not overreact, okay?."

"I think we are past all this, just tell me what the hell happened".

"You know you were right, I think I like her, she is a fighter Danny?" he said, and man I was getting a bad feeling about this.

"Have you hit your head a little too hard or what? why are you talking in riddles and why are you talking about Anvaisha like that?" I asked him and he just laughed. This asshole is laughing instead of answering me.

"Umm, First no, it was just a slight brush of a bat, secondly I got into a fight and thirdly how did you know I was talking about Anvaisha? You like her , don't you.I knew it . You fucker." again he started laughing.

"Will you just tell me or not?"




"WHAT THE FUCK, is she fine. I am going to her"

"Wait Danish " AD was shouting behind me. But I am way ahead now.I need to get to her and make sure she is fine. How could I not know?

I started my car and was about to leave when AD caught up to me and said

"How will you reach her without her address and /or phone number? Here go"

Please be safe cupcake.

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed reading the fifth chapter of Across hearts.
I am a new writer but I will try my best to at a good pace,with a good heart and with lots of fun ,games and drama.

Meet you soon ,Anvi style.

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