Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots AU

By FireCayanong

12K 247 30

Bunch of different stories between Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou More

Baby Izuku
Villain Bakudeku Version 1
Omegaverse Version 1
No Quirks AU Version 1
⚠️Omegaverse Version 2 (18+)⚠️
Villain/Hero Version 1
Omegaverse Version 3
Quirk Accident (Cuddles)
Quirk Accident (Truth)
Reunited in Death
A Mother's Grief
Together in Death
Crime Boss Izuku
Crime Boss Duo
Quirk Accident (Bunnies)
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Chapter 1
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Chapter 2
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Ending
Villain Bakudeku Version 2
BNHA x WandaVision
Welcome Home
Post-Vigilante Izuku
Age Regression
⚠️Omegaverse Version 4 (18+)⚠️
Villain Bakudeku Version 3/Omegaverse
Christmas Special: Together
Christmas Special: A Christmas Miracle
Time Travel: Phoenix
Time Travel: Number One Dad
⚠️Omega Bakugou: Birthday (18+)⚠️
You're What's Amazing
First Times
⚠️Feral Midoriya (18+)⚠️
De-Aged: For it to Rain Again
Till Death Do Us Part
Thank You
Omegaverse: Chained
War Documentary
Mrs. Midoriya?

Idol Duo

116 5 0
By FireCayanong

Izuku took a deep breath.

"You ready?" A familiar voice asked.

Izuku looked up at his partner, who was wearing black pants and a trench coat with orange lining on them, the total opposite of his white pants and trench coat with green lining. They were so good together.

"Always." He told him.Katsuki smiled back at him "Let's go then!

"Their manager nodded at them "Ready to go." He told to his communicator.

The platform they were standing on started to move. Going up, they took a deep breath. Looking at each other's eyes, they smiled.

They turned around, back to back.

The platform stopped and they were in the middle of the stage. Cheers got louder and louder.

Izuku inhaled, opened his mouth to start to sing.


"Good job!" Some staff member said to them.

Izuku bowed slightly "Good job!" He smiled.

"Our Wonder Duo is always awesome!" Another staff member exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah," Katsuki groaned "Let us go, we are tired as fuck." He pulled Izuku with him to their changing room.

"Kacchan!" Izuku gasped "Language!" He scolded, getting dragged by his partner.

Staff members laughed behind them "Do your best guys!" They shouted to them.

"Thank you!" Izuku waved at them, smiling.

When they got to their room, Katsuki locked the door behind them.

They stood there for a while then they both huffed out a tired and relieved sigh.

"This was a long fucking day." Izuku huffed, dropping face first to the couch.

"Indeed it was. Especially when you are trying to pretend as a person you are not." Katsuki sighed, sitting next to his tired boyfriend.

"And even after the fucking show everyone is on our asses like crazy!" Izuku shouted, his voice muffled from the couch.

"They just want to congratulate us, I guess." Katsuki hummed, laying his head to the back of the couch.

"Yeah, I know but I'm the one who needs to talk and talk and fucking talk!" Izuku huffed, getting up.

"Well, you are the one who somehow made them think that you are sunshine incarnate when you hate people." Katsuki commented.

"Well, you are the one who made them think you are an asshole when you are the sunshine, Kacchan! You are totally a different person!" He countered back.

"Come to think of it, how did it come to this?" Katsuki hummed, thinking.

Izuku pondered a bit "We actually wasn't hiding it, but you get pissy in public and I smile when I get nervous." He said "And I guess it is... Pressure." He finished. Looking at his partner.

"Hmmm," Katsuki closed his eyes. "Yeah, pressure might be right. They probably assumed it because of our attitude in public."

"And when they thought that," Izuku started.

"We couldn't deny it." Katsuki finished.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a while.

"Anyways," Katsuki said standing up "How about we go for a dessert?" He smiled.

Izuku chuckled, "Oh, mister Sweet tooth!" He exclaimed looking at him "I don't eat sweets!"

"I know that! I meant that diner we love! They have things for your spicy ass!" Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Alright, it is a good idea, I guess." Izuku said standing.

Katsuki wrapped an arm around his waist, kissing his cheek "We should change tho."

"Yeah, we should." Izuku agreed, leaning in.

"We should really..." Katsuki trailed off, pulling Izuku for a kiss.

The kiss was soft and sweet. There was no rush, they just basked in each other's warmth. They pulled back for a breath. Smiling to each other.

"We should really change tho." Katsuki told him, looking at his emerald eyes.

Izuku huffed, pulling back "Yes, yes." He said.


"We got really fucking popular aren't we?" Izuku said, taking a bite from his super spicy nuggets.

"Well, duh." Katsuki huffed, eating his strawberry cake "We just got out of a concert for a thousand people, Izuku.

"Well, yeah. They are the newly popular Idol Duo. They are all around the internet and TV. Tonight's concert tickets were sold out in seconds, so yeah, they are popular.

"I know but they are staring! Didn't we camouflage enough?" He whisper-yelled.

"Guess not? I thought it would be enough." He sighed, taking another bite.

The camouflage you ask? It was hats, sunglasses and black clothes.

Izuku huffed "I just want a fucking peace of mind."

"I know, baby. But they hadn't approached yet." Katsuki reasoned, "Just eat and enjoy, alright?" He smiled.

Izuku groaned but nodded. Smiling back.

"Want a bite?" Katsuki asked, gesturing to the strawberry cake.

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, sure."

Katsuki took a piece with his fork "Say Ah~" he said, bringing the fork to Izuku's mouth.

Izuku looked at him, blushing "Ah~" taking a bite.

"Good?" Katsuki asked, smiling."Not bad." Izuku commented, hiding his blush with his hand.

After they ate, they decided to go back to their home.

They walked side by side and their hands brushed a few times. Katsuki reached and held Izuku's hand.

"Is it okay to hold hands?" Izuku asked, cautious.

"I guess not but I couldn't care less." He huffed.

Izuku chuckled "Yeah, I don't give a fuck either."

"That's my baby." Katsuki smiled.


When they got home, they showered and cuddled on their couch.

"They are really so talented!" Katsuki exclaimed.

Izuku hummed, looking at the TV screen which was featuring a 7 member idol group's comeback stage "They really are good." He agreed.

They sat there for a while until Izuku's phone started to ring. He picked up to see caller ID.

"Who is it?" Katsuki asked.

"Manager." Izuku said, answering the call.

"Hello?" Izuku asked.

"Midobro! Did you guys saw the photos?" He asked. That made Izuku confused "No? What happened Kiri?" He asked. "Look at the link I sent you." Kirishima said. "Alright?" Izuku said, putting the call on speaker, tapping the link.

When the page opened they both gasped. There was a photo of them in that café they went to the early hours that day. Katsuki was giving Izuku a piece of his strawberry cake, photo to photo.

"I want you guys to calm down." Kirishima said to them more calmly this time.

"What the fuck?!" Izuku shouted.

Kirishima huffed "The situation is not as bad as you guys think. Things are a little complicated." He said.

Izuku looked at Katsuki, who had been silent since the start of the call. He reached out to hold his hand.

"I called you because I got scared you guys might be freaking out." Kirishima started "But there is nothing to worry about. You guys didn't really hide anything from the start anyway and we have people we can trust about the tabloids.

"They both let out a sigh at that, relaxing just a little.

"We just need to stay low a little. Until we can decipher what people think, and we will go with a plan." Kirishima said.

"You sure?" Katsuki asked, "I mean we really don't care, but it would be bad for the company wouldn't it?"

"Well, yeah. But you know Nedzu. He is a madman. He can literally take down a company. And Aizawa? He is no better than him." He chuckled "They would handle this. Don't worry. Just stay low for a couple of days. No social media, no outing. Stay at home. If you need anything, call me."

"Yeah, alright. We will stay low." Izuku told him.

Kirishima hummed "Don't worry Bakubro! Everything is gonna be alright!" Then he hung up.

"Kacchan? Are you okay?" Izuku asked, squeezing his hand.

"Yeah, just... surprised." He said softly, still looking at the phone screen.

"It's okay, Kacchan. Kiri told you not to worry, right? Everything's gonna be alright."

"I guess, yeah..." Katsuki said, looking up at him, smiling a little.

Izuku placed his hand on his cheek, caressing "If they say anything bad about you, I will fucking kill them." Izuku said, voice stern.

Katsuki chuckled "I'm sure you will." Putting his hand on to Izuku's, kissing his palm. Izuku smiled, leaning in, kissing his nose.

Katsuki blushed, "I love you." He promised.

Izuku smiled at him, looking at his crimson eyes "I love you too." He said back.

Katsuki smiled back at him, they locked eyes. Katsuki closed the gap between them, kissing him more passionately this time. Izuku made a surprised sound but reciprocated the kiss. Izuku leaned to him crawling to his lap, straddling his hips.

He hummed contently. Licking Katsuki's bottom lip, asking for permission. Katsuki's blush darkened but he opened for him. They kissed more, their tongues fighting for dominance.

They pulled back for breath, panting.

"Wanna have a little fun?" Izuku breathed.

Katsuki smiled, ears are red "Yeah, wanna touch you." He told him.

Izuku leaned to his ear, "Want you inside of me." He whispered.

Katsuki shuddered "Saying things like that... So pretty." He panted.

Izuku giggled, getting up from his lap, "Come on then." He gestured to the bedroom with his head.

Katsuki looked up at him, mesmerized from his beauty. He held his waist, pulling him closer, between his legs.  "Wanna be with you." He put his head to his stomach.

Izuku smiled "I wanna be with you too." Looking down at him, putting his head to the spiky head "Always."


The days they spent in the apartment without going out was kinda amusing to say the least.

It felt like a little vacation to them. It has been a while since they spent days doing nothing but just relaxing.

They spent time together, cooked, binge watched some series, made love (obviously) and they just existed together.

After the mundane and enjoyable days, Kirishima told them to come to the office.

When they got there, Kirishima immediately pulled them to a private room.

"Now," he started, holding an electronic notepad "Nedzu and Aizawa almost took care of everything about the situation." He told them calmly.

"But...?" Katsuki asked.

Kirishima huffed "But you guys are the ones who need to handle the fans." He answered.

"How the fuck we are gonna handle them?" Izuku growled.

"Calm down please," Kirishima sighed, he really isn't getting paid enough for this "We have plans for it. I called you guys here to discuss these." He said.

They both shared a look and nodded to Kirishima "Alright." They told him.

Kirishima smiled, "Then shall we?"


After a slightly tiring discussion (meaning: Izuku yelling at Kirishima and Katsuki trying to calm him down.) they headed for their photoshoot due that day.

When they got there some people gave them odd looks. Making them angry and devastated at the same time.

But the professional they are, they pulled their Idol faces really quickly.

"Good afternoon!" Izuku chirped to the staff members. Katsuki was wearing his scowl beside him, glaring at them.

Staff members nodded flabbergasted "G-Good afternoon!" They stuttered.

Izuku continued to smile at them while walking past them, and Katsuki gave a small nod to them.

While they walked to their changing room, everyone kept looking at them. Which was, well, unnerving to say the least.

"Hey," their shooter greeted them "How are you guys today? You are ready to shoot I hope?" He smiled, something hidden under his eyes.

"Of course, sir." Izuku bowed slightly, "We will do our best." He reassured him.

The man gave a small hum "I'm counting on you guys." He said, a little threatening.

"Don't you fucking worry about it. We are the best." Katsuki growled, bowing, but Izuku assumed it was sarcastic.

The man smiled, the smile not reaching his eyes though, nodding as he turned, walking away.

When they got to their changing room, Izuku groaned "If one more person gives us weird looks I'm really gonna explode!"

"Don't." Katsuki warned "They are just assholes. We need to do like we always do and show them what we have got!"

Izuku smiled at him "Yeah!" He exclaimed.

A knock heard from the door "Get ready in 5." Kirishima informed.

"Alright!" They both yelled.


Photoshoot moved smoothly, until the last shoot, that is.

"Now!" He smiled, "I want you guys to do something more intimate."

"Excuse me?" Kirishima asked, surprised.

"I want you guys to do some intimate shoots." He said, simply "Since we already know what you are." He said, glaring.

Katsuki clenched his jaw "What the fuck?" He growled "What we are, you are saying?"

"Oh, please." Shooter rolled his eyes. "Everyone saw the news, even how much your company tried their best to hide them."

"Well," Izuku started, squeezing his fist at his sides. "We certainly won't tolerate this kind of rudeness." He said, smiling.

Kirishima stepped in "I demand an apology." He cleared his throat "We are doing a job here. We don't need unnecessary things like this." He said, glaring down at the man.

"I certainly won't." He countered, crossing his arms on his chest.

When Izuku opened his mouth to counter back, Kirishima cut him off "Then the business is off." He said, smiling "You can't use other shoots either. And our company doesn't need you to get popular either." He said, gesturing to the idols to follow him to the exit "Good evening."

"Is it really okay, Kiri?" Izuku asked him.

"Yeah," he said, grabbing their things. "The president doesn't like them anyway. He just agreed to shoot because it would be a good opportunity but..." Turning to them "They can't say things like that to you guys, and you will be popular in either way." He said, smiling.

They both teared up "Kiri..." Izuku leaped forward, pulling him to a hug "You are the best!"

Katsuki smiled at them, coming to join them for the hug "Yeah." He said, blushing.

"Oi, oi," Kirishima laughed "I'm very touched guys but we need to go." He said.

They pulled back "Yeah, we should."

When they got out of the building, they were surrounded by reporters.

"Oh my fuckin-" Izuku cursed.

"Good evening. Midoriya-San the news about your relationship, is that true?" A reporter woman asked.

Izuku switched to his idol smile "I don't know what you are talking about." He answered calmly.

"Bakugou-San, is Midoriya-san your boyfriend?" Another man asked.

"Fuck off." Katsuki growled, irritated.

Reporters gaped at them, Kirishima stepped in "We are in a rush, sorry." He opened his arms, pushing them back.

"That fucker called them, isn't he?" Katsuki whispered.

"I suppose." Izuku answered, forcing a smile to the reporters.

Another reporter woman pushed a microphone to their face "Are you guys in a relationship? Please answer!" She demanded.

"I don't have anything to say to that, lady." Izuku said, trying to smile.

"Well, if you aren't you can say that obviously." She rolled her eyes, pushing the microphone "Are you fags or not?" She asked not so kindly.

Izuku's jaw clenched.

"What the fuck?!" Katsuki yelled.

"That's not a very kind thing to ask, don't you think?" Kirishima asked, glaring at the woman.

"We need to know, don't we? Since you guys are gonna be popular and all." She stated simply.

"Why don't we listen to your dating life too, lady?" Izuku asked her.

"Excuse me?" She squeaked.

"You heard me, you are asking and asking about our relationship. We should also listen to you, aren't we?" Izuku looked at her unimpressed.

"Well, I'm the normal one!" She shouted "You two are disgusting people!"

Izuku rushed forward "God help me, so that I don't kill you right fucking now!" He yelled.

Katsuki wrapped an arm around his chest, stopping him.

"We need to go, thank you very much." Kirishima said, pushing their way to the car.

"Answer us!" Another man tried to block their way.

"That's right!" Izuku snapped "We are in a fucking relationship and I love my partner, so very much!" He sneered "So go fuck yourself!"

Katsuki's eyes were wide at that, when his expression softened a blush spread on his cheeks.

"Thank you very much!" Kirishima pushed them inside the car.

"Oh my god, Izuku." Katsuki whispered, hiding his face under his hands.

Izuku huffed "They fucking pushed me to do it!"

"Uh, it is not bad I guess?" Kirishima commented "Just there is more work to do..." He starting the car.

"It made me happy, anyways." Katsuki said, smiling.

"Oh, shut up..." Izuku said, blushing.

Katsuki wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close.

Izuku relaxed to his side, putting his face to his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Thank you." Katsuki whispered to his ear "I love you too.

"That made Izuku smile, indeed.


After that day things happened quite... Chaotic.

Their fans are surprisingly supportive of them about it all.

And the news talked more about Izuku's temper and Katsuki's red face instead of their relationship. They were kinda sure that it was Nedzu's doing.

However the out come made them even more popular and their real personalities  was quite welcome too.

They were happy and in love, so it is what matters the most, isn't it.


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