Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots AU

By FireCayanong

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Bunch of different stories between Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou More

Baby Izuku
Villain Bakudeku Version 1
Omegaverse Version 1
No Quirks AU Version 1
⚠️Omegaverse Version 2 (18+)⚠️
Villain/Hero Version 1
Omegaverse Version 3
Quirk Accident (Cuddles)
Quirk Accident (Truth)
Reunited in Death
A Mother's Grief
Together in Death
Crime Boss Izuku
Crime Boss Duo
Quirk Accident (Bunnies)
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Chapter 1
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Chapter 2
Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Ending
Villain Bakudeku Version 2
BNHA x WandaVision
Welcome Home
Post-Vigilante Izuku
Age Regression
⚠️Omegaverse Version 4 (18+)⚠️
Villain Bakudeku Version 3/Omegaverse
Christmas Special: Together
Christmas Special: A Christmas Miracle
Time Travel: Phoenix
Time Travel: Number One Dad
⚠️Omega Bakugou: Birthday (18+)⚠️
You're What's Amazing
First Times
⚠️Feral Midoriya (18+)⚠️
De-Aged: For it to Rain Again
Till Death Do Us Part
Thank You
War Documentary
Idol Duo
Mrs. Midoriya?

Omegaverse: Chained

207 7 3
By FireCayanong

When Izuku comes to, he feels he was squashed by Mt. Lady, and then promptly drug behind the bullet train at top speeds. He cracks an eye open and hisses at the bright light assaulting his vision. Based on the acrid smell of antiseptic and the lingering scent of peppermint lip balm and summer fruit, he guess that Recovery Girl is somewhere near.

“Ah Young Midoriya, it seems you’ve regained consciousness” Recovery Girl’s sweet voice chimes from next to him “How are you feeling?” she asks

“Like I broke all my bones” he says honestly, voice hoarse from the screaming he did in the recent match

Recovery Girl looks at him sternly “You did break your bones Midoriya” she scolds, her summer fruit scent taking on a rotten stench as she grows irritated “You did permanent damage this time young man, and I will not stand idle by as you destroy yourself”

Izuku feels properly admonished, he always feels like his mother is scolding him when Recovery Girl gets onto him like this. If he had a tail it would be safely tucked between his legs.

“I’m sorry ma’am, I wanted to win and help Todoroki… but I see now that I have so much more growing to do before I can try any more stunts like that” he concedes, embarrassment coloring his pale cheeks.

“Yes you do, and I won’t be healing you again if you keep acting recklessly like that. You might want to think about that the next time you think you can destroy your body all willy-nilly!” She huffs, making her way to the door.

As she leaves Izuku catches the muttered end of her sentence “-got to go find Toshinori, I oughta give that boy a piece of my mind”, he feels significant fear for what’s in store for All Might when Recovery Girl gets her hands on him. Not his circus, not his monkeys though, so he’ll stay out of that one.

Now that he’s finally alone, he gets a chance to survey the damage for the first time. The new, pink scars marring his hands give him pause, he knows that once he sees the damage… it’s game over. Izuku is planning his funeral now, complete with white lilies and a decorative All Might ice sculpture (it’s not tacky, it’s his funeral, back off!).

Well, he can’t hide out in here for the rest of the festival, besides, he wants to see how his friends and mate have been fairing. Even if said mate might be ready to string him up by his toes once he sees the damage to his body… wait, why was he even thinking of leaving the safety of this room again?

The stiffness and soreness in his arms and legs become apparent when he stands up, thank god for Recovery Girl, otherwise, he’d be laid up in bed for a month after the stunt he pulled. He nearly crawls to the door before he sees the crutch she left for him leaning up against the bedside. He should really send Recovery Girl a muffin basket… or maybe write her a heartfelt thank you note.

It takes a little longer than normal, but he finally makes his way back up to the stands where his classmates are sitting and observing the final few matches of the festival.

Uraraka notices him first “Oh hey Deku! Man, those injuries looked pretty nasty, are you okay to be up and walking?” Her sweet scent of strawberry mochi curls around him comfortingly, it almost makes him want to purr. Luckily he holds that embarrassing urge in.

“Mhm” he nods “Recovery fixed me up the best she could, so I’m fine”, he might be fine, but he’s nowhere near okay if the small, pained grunt he lets out when he makes contact with the stadium seats is anything to go by.

“So” he says, wincing lightly “What did I miss?”

Some of his classmates look at him wearily, most likely wondering if he should even be out of the infirmary at all, but he ignores their questioning gazes.

“Todoroki just won his match against Iida and now it’s Bakugou’s turn against Tokoyami” Kirishima answers excitedly “Oh man they’re both so strong, I’m so pumped to see this match!” he grins wildly, and Izuku can’t help but share in his enthusiasm. Because he knows that Tokoyami is strong, and will undoubtedly be a formidable opponent, but unfortunately for him, the winner of this match is already decided.

“Who do you think will win Midoriya?” Kaminari asks, draping himself over the back of the seat

“Kacchan” Izuku says without hesitation

Kirishima and Kaminari share a look “Well that was a fast decision, I mean I know the dude is strong and everything, but Tokoyami is also stupidly strong… shouldn’t we give him a fighting chance?” Kaminari asks.

“Tokoyami is strong” Izuku starts “But he’s badly matched against Kacchan’s quirk. In this fight, Kacchan is the superior opponent, and he will exploit Tokoyami’s weakness with no remorse”

The other two gulp, but Izuku can’t help but be excited to watch his Kacchan in action doing what he does best.

“MATCH, BEGIN” he hears Present Mic shout from the announcer’s booth, and both opponents are off like lightning. Pretty soon the smoke from Kacchan’s explosions have obscured their view of the ring. But Izuku is positive that once it clears, Kacchan will be the victor.

He’s proven right when he gets a glimpse of that feral grin on the big screen, it makes his heart race in excitement, and his small fangs ache with a desire to claim.

“Bakugou will be moving on” Ms. Midnight announces “The final battle will consist of Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou of Class 1-A”


Izuku knows he has to be quick if he wants to corner him before the final match. He hopes he gets the right waiting room, otherwise, it will make for a really awkward conversation with Todoroki, and he doesn’t know how many more of those he can handle today.

He cracks the door open just in case it turns out to be the wrong room, but he’s met with the comforting scent of campfire smoke and ash, wrapping around him like a hug. He slams the door open and falls into Katsuki’s arms.

“Kacchan” he breathes, content to bask in his presence for the time being

“Izuku” Katsuki says, tone even. Well, that’s it, he’s dead. Goodbye Mom, goodbye All Might, goodbye world-

“What the hell were you thinking!” he growls, and Izuku should really make a run for it, or rather, a hobble for it, but he can’t seem to move from Katsuki’s piercing gaze.

“You’re such an idiot! You can’t be a hero if you completely wreck your body before you even get out of school…” he rubs a hand down his face in irritation “You’re gonna put me in an early grave, you know that?” he says softly, pulling Izuku closer to him by the hips.

Izuku just smiles softly at him “I’m sorry Kacchan but I had to, I hope you can forgive me”, Katsuki just clicks his tongue. Izuku loops his arms around Katsuki’s waist and lays his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat vibrate in his chest.

“You know you’re purring right?” Katsuki says suddenly, and oh, Izuku had not realized that

“Huh” Izuku says, trying to stop it “Normally I’m so in control of my omega side, I wonder…” he ponders aloud

“Nooooo” Katsuki whines, gripping him tighter “I didn’t say I wanted you to stop”

Izuku huffs a laugh “Well I can’t go back out there in this state now can I?” he pulls away to give a pointed look to Katsuki

“I guess not” he concedes “but when we get home tonight I want extra cuddles” Katsuki demands “and make sure you take that stupid scent patch off!” He nips playfully at his neck, where his scent gland and mating bite are covered by a scent patch.

Izuku chuckles “Of course Kacchan, now go kick some ass out there okay?”

It’s almost predatory the way Katsuki grins “Is there any other way I do things?”


Once Izuku is settled back up in the stands waiting for the match to start, he reflects on why he started purring in the waiting room. Normally, in public spaces, he never gives in to his omegan urges. Mostly so people will continue believing he’s a beta, because it’s easier to succeed at UA when no one knows you’re an omega.

It could be because he was injured and his “lack of stamina is causing me to lose control over my urges, oh jeez that could be bad if-”

“Midoriya dude, you’re muttering like crazy” Kirishima interrupts

“Oh” he blushes scarlet, praying that none of his classmates heard what he was muttering about “I’m sorry”

“FINAL MATCH, BEGIN” Present Mic announces from the booth, and Izuku turns with rapt attention to the ring, watching Katsuki’s every move.

Todoroki’s ice and Kacchan’s explosions really are something to marvel at, but there can only be one winner here. Izuku can feel Kacchan’s irritation radiating off him when Todoroki fails to use his fire, he knows that it will feel like a slap in the face to Katsuki. It makes Izuku’s inner omega whine at the anger his mate must be feeling.

In a stunning display of power, Katsuki uses his Howitzer Impact on Todoroki, creating a massive explosion that shrouds the arena with steam and smoke. Izuku can just barely make out Todoroki’s limp body outside of the white lines, and he knows that Kacchan was victorious… but it feels bitter. Because he knows, he knows, that Todoroki didn’t use his full strength, and Kacchan wanted nothing more than a complete victory.

When he sees the face Katsuki makes as Ms. Midnight has to put him to sleep, he can’t help but let out a soft keen. His heart is heavy for his Kacchan, and he hopes that the award ceremony doesn’t hurt his morale too badly.


When all the students file out onto the field for awards, Izuku can’t help but want it to be over already so he and Kacchan can just go home and cuddle. The introductions and speeches seem to drone on forever before they’re finally raising the podiums to show the winners of this year’s sports festival.

What Izuku sees makes his heart drop into his stomach. There’s his Kacchan, in full restraints and a muzzle for all the world to see. When Katsuki’s wild and desperate eyes lock onto Izuku, something inside of him snaps, and suddenly he’s snarling and clawing his way onto the podium.

“What the hell are you doing to him?!” he hisses at the teachers, clawing at the restraints that are restricting Katsuki so tight he can barely get a full breath in.

Izuku struggles with ripping through the restraints because of injured arms, and all he sees is red “If one of you doesn’t get him out of this in the next 5 seconds, so help me I will rip out your organs and make you eat them for breakfast!” he spits threateningly at whichever teacher is closest, tone dripping with pure venom. His distress is so palpable his scent is leaking through his patch, drenching everyone with the stench of rotting apples and wet, muddy earth.

“Of course Young Midoriya” All Might soothes, attempting to calm him down, but it honestly just makes him angrier “You have to let me go around you though, so I can reach the chains okay?” he puts his hands up, to show he’s not a threat, but Izuku snaps his teeth at them anyway when he reaches in to rip the chains out of the cement. He doesn’t care that it’s All Might’s fingers he nearly bit off, he’s too far gone.

Once the satisfying sound of metal chains hitting the ground reaches Izuku’s ears, Katsuki is slumping into his waiting arms, sucking in huge breaths from where the muzzle had previously restricted his airflow.

“It’s okay, you’re okay, I’m here now-” Izuku tries to calm him before his breathing can reach a point where he’s hyperventilating. The only thing his body can think to do in this state is purr, hoping that the vibration will soothe Katsuki. He purrs loudly, you’d think someone was using a chainsaw at the present moment with how loud it was reverberating.

“Izu-ku” Katsuki says quietly, still catching his breath

“I’m here Kacchan, I’m right here” he says frantically, then looking up wildly he snarls “Where is the cart to take him to the infirmary?! He needs to be examined immediately”

The teachers scramble, and within seconds there is a stretcher waiting for Katsuki to be loaded onto. Izuku helps Katsuki stand up, his muttered “I don’t need the damn gurney” reassures Izuku that he’ll be just fine. But still, he can’t seem to get his own instincts back in check.

Somebody, Kirishima maybe, walks over to the stretcher where Katsuki is waiting and goes to lay a hand on his shoulder, most likely to ask him if he’s okay. Izuku snarls, baring his teeth “Get away from him!” he threatens “Or I’ll bite your hand off and shove it so far down your throat that you’ll be able to wave to your asshole”

Kirishima blinks at him and throws his hands up in surrender “Oh my god I’m sorry, please don’t bite my hand off!” he whimpers in fear.

Suddenly, a low humming noise has Izuku snapping his attention to Katsuki. He’s crooning for Izuku, to get him to calm down. But why? He’s not the one who was just tied to a block of cement-

“Izuku” Katsuki rumbles lowly “You’re nearly feral. Calm down baby, I’m okay. You did such a good job taking care of me”

Izuku’s omega purrs at the thought that he was good to his alpha and that he took care of him when he needed it. With Katsuki’s low croons in the back, and the knowledge that he’s safe and secure, the fight drains from Izuku, and his knees buckle from under him. Before his vision goes dark he hears “ONE OF YOU DIPSHITS BETTER CATCH HIM”


The second time Izuku comes to, he’s being held in the arms of his mate, their scents swirling and combining together in the small room. Izuku thinks they smell like a candy apple, but Katsuki thinks they smell like a forest fire… it’s a debate that will never cease.

“You awake nerd?”

Izuku shifts to face Katsuki, to show him that he’s listening

“You really went batshit crazy up there huh nerd?” Katsuki huffs a small laugh and Izuku blushes

“They had you chained like some- some animal! I don’t know what happened but the next thing I knew, I was trying to rip the restraints off myself” Izuku shrugs

“Yeah and you nearly bit All Might’s hand off in the process” Katsuki chuckles

Izuku gasps “I didn’t…” Katsuki nods “Oh my god… I need to apologize”

“No, you don’t” Katsuki says firmly “You were protecting me, and that isn’t anyone’s fault but the fuckers who put me in the restraints in the first place”

“Kacchan… why did they put you in those?” Izuku asks hesitantly

Katsuki looks away, a flicker of shame marring his gorgeous features “Because they thought I wouldn’t be able to handle the way I won” he explains “Don’t get me wrong, I am pissed beyond belief that IcyHot didn’t use his full power on me… it feels like I cheated somehow… but I would’ve accepted the medal like a sane person!”

Izuku raises an eyebrow “Okay fine” Katsuki huffs “I would’ve accepted it and then thrown it away, I don’t need that garbage to remind me that this win wasn’t a total victory…”

Izuku slots his head underneath Katsuki’s chin, aiming to rub his face in the scent gland on his neck but he doesn’t quite make it that far “Kacchan you did amazing” he praises “I know it wasn’t ideal for you, but guess what?”


“It’s only first year, we both have so much time to improve and get better. After that we’ll be unstoppable” Izuku claims “It will become undeniable that you’re the winner, and I’ll stop breaking my bones every time I use my quirk” he finishes sheepishly

Katsuki pinches him “Ow! What was that for?” Izuku nips at the skin on his neck in retaliation, small fangs barely grazing the skin

“That’s for being an idiot, but for being my idiot” He rumbles, rubbing his face in Izuku’s wild hair “Thanks, for, you know” he mumbles

“I’ll always come to your aid Kacchan” Izuku replies “Don’t ever doubt that I won’t rip someone to shreds for you”

Katsuki's laugh is a slightly nervous one “I don’t doubt that one-bit Zuku”, he's seen the kind of shit Izuku was capable of, and he does not want to be in the vicinity.

Izuku chirps in satisfaction, before promptly burying himself in Katsuki’s neck


“Guys, I really don’t think we should be listening outside the door… it’s so unmanly”

“Hush! I’m trying to hear!”

“So Bakugou and Midoriya are together? Wow I didn’t see that one coming”

“You didn’t?! I totally called it, the childhood friends to lovers trope definitely played a role here”

“Also, Izuku is an omega! Are we just ignoring that?”

“You guys didn’t know that? I hear the dude chirping over his All Might collection all the time… he’s not subtle”

Suddenly, the door swings open and several 1-A students topple ungracefully into the room


“Kacchan they’re just curious” Izuku trills, letting his sweet scent of apples and rainy earth encircle him. Immediately his shoulders go slack and he grunts, allowing their classmates to enter.

“Damn… he’s whipped” Kaminari whispers to someone

Katsuki lunges and Izuku sighs. Kaminari brought this upon himself, so he must reap what he sowed. There’s nothing that can be done now.


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